fix templates to comply with CoreDSL2
This commit is contained in:
@ -1 +1 @@
Subproject commit 89763fcb973838a634e48ee05dca28782807b344
Subproject commit 37b66a36d40c499bfb3348b9a5e077b70445260e
@ -7,8 +7,8 @@ Core TGF_B provides RV32I {
unsigned XLEN=32;
unsigned PCLEN=32;
// definitions for the architecture wrapper
unsigned MISA_VAL=0b01000000000000000000000100000000;
unsigned MISA_VAL = 0b01000000000000000000000100000000;
unsigned PGSIZE = 0x1000; //1 << 12;
unsigned PGMASK = 0xfff; //PGSIZE-1
@ -19,8 +19,8 @@ Core TGF_C provides RV32I, RV32M, RV32IC {
unsigned XLEN=32;
unsigned PCLEN=32;
// definitions for the architecture wrapper
unsigned MISA_VAL=0b01000000000000000001000100000100;
unsigned MISA_VAL = 0b01000000000000000001000100000100;
unsigned PGSIZE = 0x1000; //1 << 12;
unsigned PGMASK = 0xfff; //PGSIZE-1
@ -30,6 +30,8 @@
import com.minres.coredsl.util.BigIntegerWithRadix
def nativeTypeSize(int size){
if(size<=8) return 8; else if(size<=16) return 16; else if(size<=32) return 32; else return 64;
@ -54,6 +56,12 @@ def byteSize(int size){
if(size<=64) return 64;
return 128;
def getCString(def val){
if(val instanceof BigIntegerWithRadix)
return ((BigIntegerWithRadix)val).toCString()
return val.toString()
#ifndef _${}_H_
#define _${}_H_
@ -78,7 +86,7 @@ template <> struct traits<${}> {
static constexpr std::array<const char*, ${registers.size}> reg_aliases{
{"${registers.collect{it.alias}.join('", "')}"}};
enum constants {${constants.collect{c ->"="+c.value}.join(', ')}};
enum constants {${constants.collect{c ->"="+getCString(c.value)}.join(', ')}};
constexpr static unsigned FP_REGS_SIZE = ${constants.find {'FLEN'}?.value?:0};
@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ template <> struct traits<tgf_b> {
static constexpr std::array<const char*, 35> reg_aliases{
{"X0", "X1", "X2", "X3", "X4", "X5", "X6", "X7", "X8", "X9", "X10", "X11", "X12", "X13", "X14", "X15", "X16", "X17", "X18", "X19", "X20", "X21", "X22", "X23", "X24", "X25", "X26", "X27", "X28", "X29", "X30", "X31", "PC", "NEXT_PC", "PRIV"}};
enum constants {XLEN=32, PCLEN=32, MISA_VAL=0b1000000000000000000000100000000, PGSIZE=0x1000, PGMASK=0xfff, CSR_SIZE=4096, fence=0, fencei=1, fencevmal=2, fencevmau=3};
enum constants {XLEN=32, PCLEN=32, MISA_VAL=0b1000000000000000000000100000000, PGSIZE=0x1000, PGMASK=0b111111111111, CSR_SIZE=4096, fence=0, fencei=1, fencevmal=2, fencevmau=3};
constexpr static unsigned FP_REGS_SIZE = 0;
@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ template <> struct traits<tgf_c> {
static constexpr std::array<const char*, 35> reg_aliases{
{"X0", "X1", "X2", "X3", "X4", "X5", "X6", "X7", "X8", "X9", "X10", "X11", "X12", "X13", "X14", "X15", "X16", "X17", "X18", "X19", "X20", "X21", "X22", "X23", "X24", "X25", "X26", "X27", "X28", "X29", "X30", "X31", "PC", "NEXT_PC", "PRIV"}};
enum constants {XLEN=32, PCLEN=32, MISA_VAL=0b1000000000000000001000100000100, PGSIZE=0x1000, PGMASK=0xfff, CSR_SIZE=4096, fence=0, fencei=1, fencevmal=2, fencevmau=3, MUL_LEN=64};
enum constants {XLEN=32, PCLEN=32, MISA_VAL=0b1000000000000000001000100000100, PGSIZE=0x1000, PGMASK=0b111111111111, CSR_SIZE=4096, fence=0, fencei=1, fencevmal=2, fencevmau=3, MUL_LEN=64};
constexpr static unsigned FP_REGS_SIZE = 0;
@ -180,17 +180,17 @@ private:
const std::array<InstructionDesriptor, 52> instr_descr = {{
/* entries are: size, valid value, valid mask, function ptr */
/* instruction LUI */
{32, 0b00000000000000000000000000110111, 0b00000000000000000000000001111111, &this_class::__lui},
{32, 0b0000000000000000000000000110111, 0b0000000000000000000000000111111, &this_class::__lui},
/* instruction AUIPC */
{32, 0b00000000000000000000000000010111, 0b00000000000000000000000001111111, &this_class::__auipc},
{32, 0b000000000000000000000000010111, 0b000000000000000000000000011111, &this_class::__auipc},
/* instruction JAL */
{32, 0b00000000000000000000000001101111, 0b00000000000000000000000001111111, &this_class::__jal},
/* instruction JALR */
{32, 0b00000000000000000000000001100111, 0b00000000000000000111000001111111, &this_class::__jalr},
{32, 0b000000000000000000000001100111, 0b000000000000000001000001111111, &this_class::__jalr},
/* instruction BEQ */
{32, 0b00000000000000000000000001100011, 0b00000000000000000111000001111111, &this_class::__beq},
{32, 0b000000000000000000000001100011, 0b000000000000000001000001111111, &this_class::__beq},
/* instruction BNE */
{32, 0b00000000000000000001000001100011, 0b00000000000000000111000001111111, &this_class::__bne},
{32, 0b000000000000000001000001100011, 0b000000000000000001000001111111, &this_class::__bne},
/* instruction BLT */
{32, 0b00000000000000000100000001100011, 0b00000000000000000111000001111111, &this_class::__blt},
/* instruction BGE */
@ -200,83 +200,83 @@ private:
/* instruction BGEU */
{32, 0b00000000000000000111000001100011, 0b00000000000000000111000001111111, &this_class::__bgeu},
/* instruction LB */
{32, 0b00000000000000000000000000000011, 0b00000000000000000111000001111111, &this_class::__lb},
{32, 0b0000000000000000000000011, 0b0000000000000000010000011, &this_class::__lb},
/* instruction LH */
{32, 0b00000000000000000001000000000011, 0b00000000000000000111000001111111, &this_class::__lh},
{32, 0b0000000000000000010000011, 0b0000000000000000010000011, &this_class::__lh},
/* instruction LW */
{32, 0b00000000000000000010000000000011, 0b00000000000000000111000001111111, &this_class::__lw},
{32, 0b00000000000000000100000011, 0b00000000000000000110000011, &this_class::__lw},
/* instruction LBU */
{32, 0b00000000000000000100000000000011, 0b00000000000000000111000001111111, &this_class::__lbu},
{32, 0b000000000000000001000000011, 0b000000000000000001110000011, &this_class::__lbu},
/* instruction LHU */
{32, 0b00000000000000000101000000000011, 0b00000000000000000111000001111111, &this_class::__lhu},
{32, 0b000000000000000001010000011, 0b000000000000000001110000011, &this_class::__lhu},
/* instruction SB */
{32, 0b00000000000000000000000000100011, 0b00000000000000000111000001111111, &this_class::__sb},
{32, 0b00000000000000000000000100011, 0b00000000000000000100000111111, &this_class::__sb},
/* instruction SH */
{32, 0b00000000000000000001000000100011, 0b00000000000000000111000001111111, &this_class::__sh},
{32, 0b00000000000000000100000100011, 0b00000000000000000100000111111, &this_class::__sh},
/* instruction SW */
{32, 0b00000000000000000010000000100011, 0b00000000000000000111000001111111, &this_class::__sw},
{32, 0b000000000000000001000000100011, 0b000000000000000001100000111111, &this_class::__sw},
/* instruction ADDI */
{32, 0b00000000000000000000000000010011, 0b00000000000000000111000001111111, &this_class::__addi},
{32, 0b0000000000000000000000010011, 0b0000000000000000010000011111, &this_class::__addi},
/* instruction SLTI */
{32, 0b00000000000000000010000000010011, 0b00000000000000000111000001111111, &this_class::__slti},
{32, 0b00000000000000000100000010011, 0b00000000000000000110000011111, &this_class::__slti},
/* instruction SLTIU */
{32, 0b00000000000000000011000000010011, 0b00000000000000000111000001111111, &this_class::__sltiu},
{32, 0b00000000000000000110000010011, 0b00000000000000000110000011111, &this_class::__sltiu},
/* instruction XORI */
{32, 0b00000000000000000100000000010011, 0b00000000000000000111000001111111, &this_class::__xori},
{32, 0b000000000000000001000000010011, 0b000000000000000001110000011111, &this_class::__xori},
/* instruction ORI */
{32, 0b00000000000000000110000000010011, 0b00000000000000000111000001111111, &this_class::__ori},
{32, 0b000000000000000001100000010011, 0b000000000000000001110000011111, &this_class::__ori},
/* instruction ANDI */
{32, 0b00000000000000000111000000010011, 0b00000000000000000111000001111111, &this_class::__andi},
{32, 0b000000000000000001110000010011, 0b000000000000000001110000011111, &this_class::__andi},
/* instruction SLLI */
{32, 0b00000000000000000001000000010011, 0b11111110000000000111000001111111, &this_class::__slli},
{32, 0b0000000000010000010011, 0b1000000000010000011111, &this_class::__slli},
/* instruction SRLI */
{32, 0b00000000000000000101000000010011, 0b11111110000000000111000001111111, &this_class::__srli},
{32, 0b000000000001010000010011, 0b100000000001110000011111, &this_class::__srli},
/* instruction SRAI */
{32, 0b01000000000000000101000000010011, 0b11111110000000000111000001111111, &this_class::__srai},
{32, 0b10000000000000001010000010011, 0b11111100000000001110000011111, &this_class::__srai},
/* instruction ADD */
{32, 0b00000000000000000000000000110011, 0b11111110000000000111000001111111, &this_class::__add},
{32, 0b00000000000000000110011, 0b10000000000100000111111, &this_class::__add},
/* instruction SUB */
{32, 0b01000000000000000000000000110011, 0b11111110000000000111000001111111, &this_class::__sub},
{32, 0b1000000000000000000000110011, 0b1111110000000000100000111111, &this_class::__sub},
/* instruction SLL */
{32, 0b00000000000000000001000000110011, 0b11111110000000000111000001111111, &this_class::__sll},
{32, 0b00000000000100000110011, 0b10000000000100000111111, &this_class::__sll},
/* instruction SLT */
{32, 0b00000000000000000010000000110011, 0b11111110000000000111000001111111, &this_class::__slt},
{32, 0b000000000001000000110011, 0b100000000001100000111111, &this_class::__slt},
/* instruction SLTU */
{32, 0b00000000000000000011000000110011, 0b11111110000000000111000001111111, &this_class::__sltu},
{32, 0b000000000001100000110011, 0b100000000001100000111111, &this_class::__sltu},
/* instruction XOR */
{32, 0b00000000000000000100000000110011, 0b11111110000000000111000001111111, &this_class::__xor},
{32, 0b0000000000010000000110011, 0b1000000000011100000111111, &this_class::__xor},
/* instruction SRL */
{32, 0b00000000000000000101000000110011, 0b11111110000000000111000001111111, &this_class::__srl},
{32, 0b0000000000010100000110011, 0b1000000000011100000111111, &this_class::__srl},
/* instruction SRA */
{32, 0b01000000000000000101000000110011, 0b11111110000000000111000001111111, &this_class::__sra},
{32, 0b100000000000000010100000110011, 0b111111000000000011100000111111, &this_class::__sra},
/* instruction OR */
{32, 0b00000000000000000110000000110011, 0b11111110000000000111000001111111, &this_class::__or},
{32, 0b0000000000011000000110011, 0b1000000000011100000111111, &this_class::__or},
/* instruction AND */
{32, 0b00000000000000000111000000110011, 0b11111110000000000111000001111111, &this_class::__and},
{32, 0b0000000000011100000110011, 0b1000000000011100000111111, &this_class::__and},
/* instruction FENCE */
{32, 0b00000000000000000000000000001111, 0b11110000000000000111000001111111, &this_class::__fence},
{32, 0b000000000000000000001111, 0b100000000000001000001111, &this_class::__fence},
/* instruction FENCE_I */
{32, 0b00000000000000000001000000001111, 0b00000000000000000111000001111111, &this_class::__fence_i},
{32, 0b000000000000000001000001111, 0b000000000000000001000001111, &this_class::__fence_i},
/* instruction ECALL */
{32, 0b00000000000000000000000001110011, 0b11111111111111111111111111111111, &this_class::__ecall},
{32, 0b00001110011, 0b11111111111, &this_class::__ecall},
/* instruction EBREAK */
{32, 0b00000000000100000000000001110011, 0b11111111111111111111111111111111, &this_class::__ebreak},
{32, 0b10001110011, 0b11111111111, &this_class::__ebreak},
/* instruction URET */
{32, 0b00000000001000000000000001110011, 0b11111111111111111111111111111111, &this_class::__uret},
{32, 0b0100001110011, 0b1111111111111, &this_class::__uret},
/* instruction SRET */
{32, 0b00010000001000000000000001110011, 0b11111111111111111111111111111111, &this_class::__sret},
{32, 0b1000100001110011, 0b1111111111111111, &this_class::__sret},
/* instruction MRET */
{32, 0b00110000001000000000000001110011, 0b11111111111111111111111111111111, &this_class::__mret},
{32, 0b11000100001110011, 0b11111111111111111, &this_class::__mret},
/* instruction WFI */
{32, 0b00010000010100000000000001110011, 0b11111111111111111111111111111111, &this_class::__wfi},
{32, 0b10001010001110011, 0b11111111111111111, &this_class::__wfi},
/* instruction SFENCE_VMA */
{32, 0b00010010000000000000000001110011, 0b11111110000000000111111111111111, &this_class::__sfence_vma},
{32, 0b10010000000000001110011, 0b11110000000000111111111, &this_class::__sfence_vma},
/* instruction CSRRW */
{32, 0b00000000000000000001000001110011, 0b00000000000000000111000001111111, &this_class::__csrrw},
{32, 0b000000000000000001000001110011, 0b000000000000000001000001111111, &this_class::__csrrw},
/* instruction CSRRS */
{32, 0b00000000000000000010000001110011, 0b00000000000000000111000001111111, &this_class::__csrrs},
{32, 0b0000000000000000010000001110011, 0b0000000000000000011000001111111, &this_class::__csrrs},
/* instruction CSRRC */
{32, 0b00000000000000000011000001110011, 0b00000000000000000111000001111111, &this_class::__csrrc},
{32, 0b0000000000000000011000001110011, 0b0000000000000000011000001111111, &this_class::__csrrc},
/* instruction CSRRWI */
{32, 0b00000000000000000101000001110011, 0b00000000000000000111000001111111, &this_class::__csrrwi},
/* instruction CSRRSI */
@ -291,7 +291,7 @@ private:
// pre execution stuff
this->do_sync(PRE_SYNC, 0);
uint8_t rd = ((bit_sub<7,5>(instr)));
int32_t imm = signextend<int32_t,32>((bit_sub<12,20>(instr) << 12));
uint32_t imm = ((bit_sub<12,20>(instr) << 12));
/* generate console output when executing the command */
auto mnemonic = fmt::format(
@ -306,7 +306,7 @@ private:
uint32_t* NEXT_PC = reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(this->regs_base_ptr+arch::traits<ARCH>::reg_byte_offsets[arch::traits<ARCH>::NEXT_PC]);
*NEXT_PC = *PC + 4;
// execute instruction
if(rd != 0) *(X+rd) = imm;
if(rd != 0) *(X+rd) = (int32_t)imm;
// post execution stuff
if(this->sync_exec && POST_SYNC) this->do_sync(POST_SYNC, 0);
auto& trap_state = super::template get_reg<uint32_t>(arch::traits<ARCH>::TRAP_STATE);
@ -323,7 +323,7 @@ private:
// pre execution stuff
this->do_sync(PRE_SYNC, 1);
uint8_t rd = ((bit_sub<7,5>(instr)));
int32_t imm = signextend<int32_t,32>((bit_sub<12,20>(instr) << 12));
uint32_t imm = ((bit_sub<12,20>(instr) << 12));
/* generate console output when executing the command */
auto mnemonic = fmt::format(
@ -338,7 +338,7 @@ private:
uint32_t* NEXT_PC = reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(this->regs_base_ptr+arch::traits<ARCH>::reg_byte_offsets[arch::traits<ARCH>::NEXT_PC]);
*NEXT_PC = *PC + 4;
// execute instruction
if(rd != 0) *(X+rd) = *PC + imm;
if(rd != 0) *(X+rd) = *PC + (int32_t)imm;
// post execution stuff
if(this->sync_exec && POST_SYNC) this->do_sync(POST_SYNC, 1);
auto& trap_state = super::template get_reg<uint32_t>(arch::traits<ARCH>::TRAP_STATE);
@ -355,7 +355,7 @@ private:
// pre execution stuff
this->do_sync(PRE_SYNC, 2);
uint8_t rd = ((bit_sub<7,5>(instr)));
int32_t imm = signextend<int32_t,21>((bit_sub<12,8>(instr) << 12) | (bit_sub<20,1>(instr) << 11) | (bit_sub<21,10>(instr) << 1) | (bit_sub<31,1>(instr) << 20));
uint32_t imm = ((bit_sub<12,8>(instr) << 12) | (bit_sub<20,1>(instr) << 11) | (bit_sub<21,10>(instr) << 1) | (bit_sub<31,1>(instr) << 20));
/* generate console output when executing the command */
auto mnemonic = fmt::format(
@ -372,7 +372,7 @@ private:
// execute instruction
if(rd != 0) *(X+rd) = *PC + 4;
pc_assign(*NEXT_PC) = *PC + imm;
pc_assign(*NEXT_PC) = *PC + (int32_t)imm;
// post execution stuff
if(this->sync_exec && POST_SYNC) this->do_sync(POST_SYNC, 2);
@ -391,7 +391,7 @@ private:
this->do_sync(PRE_SYNC, 3);
uint8_t rd = ((bit_sub<7,5>(instr)));
uint8_t rs1 = ((bit_sub<15,5>(instr)));
int16_t imm = signextend<int16_t,12>((bit_sub<20,12>(instr)));
uint16_t imm = ((bit_sub<20,12>(instr)));
/* generate console output when executing the command */
auto mnemonic = fmt::format(
@ -407,10 +407,10 @@ private:
*NEXT_PC = *PC + 4;
// execute instruction
int32_t new_pc = *(X+rs1) + imm;
int32_t new_pc = *(X+rs1) + (int16_t)imm;
int32_t align = new_pc & 0x2;
if(align != 0) {
raise(0, 0);
(0, 0);
else {
if(rd != 0) *(X+rd) = *PC + 4;
@ -432,7 +432,7 @@ private:
compile_ret_t __beq(virt_addr_t& pc, code_word_t instr){
// pre execution stuff
this->do_sync(PRE_SYNC, 4);
int16_t imm = signextend<int16_t,13>((bit_sub<7,1>(instr) << 11) | (bit_sub<8,4>(instr) << 1) | (bit_sub<25,6>(instr) << 5) | (bit_sub<31,1>(instr) << 12));
uint16_t imm = ((bit_sub<7,1>(instr) << 11) | (bit_sub<8,4>(instr) << 1) | (bit_sub<25,6>(instr) << 5) | (bit_sub<31,1>(instr) << 12));
uint8_t rs1 = ((bit_sub<15,5>(instr)));
uint8_t rs2 = ((bit_sub<20,5>(instr)));
@ -449,7 +449,7 @@ private:
uint32_t* NEXT_PC = reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(this->regs_base_ptr+arch::traits<ARCH>::reg_byte_offsets[arch::traits<ARCH>::NEXT_PC]);
*NEXT_PC = *PC + 4;
// execute instruction
if(*(X+rs1) == *(X+rs2)) pc_assign(*NEXT_PC) = *PC + imm;
if(*(X+rs1) == *(X+rs2)) pc_assign(*NEXT_PC) = *PC + (int16_t)imm;
// post execution stuff
if(this->sync_exec && POST_SYNC) this->do_sync(POST_SYNC, 4);
auto& trap_state = super::template get_reg<uint32_t>(arch::traits<ARCH>::TRAP_STATE);
@ -465,7 +465,7 @@ private:
compile_ret_t __bne(virt_addr_t& pc, code_word_t instr){
// pre execution stuff
this->do_sync(PRE_SYNC, 5);
int16_t imm = signextend<int16_t,13>((bit_sub<7,1>(instr) << 11) | (bit_sub<8,4>(instr) << 1) | (bit_sub<25,6>(instr) << 5) | (bit_sub<31,1>(instr) << 12));
uint16_t imm = ((bit_sub<7,1>(instr) << 11) | (bit_sub<8,4>(instr) << 1) | (bit_sub<25,6>(instr) << 5) | (bit_sub<31,1>(instr) << 12));
uint8_t rs1 = ((bit_sub<15,5>(instr)));
uint8_t rs2 = ((bit_sub<20,5>(instr)));
@ -482,7 +482,7 @@ private:
uint32_t* NEXT_PC = reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(this->regs_base_ptr+arch::traits<ARCH>::reg_byte_offsets[arch::traits<ARCH>::NEXT_PC]);
*NEXT_PC = *PC + 4;
// execute instruction
if(*(X+rs1) != *(X+rs2)) pc_assign(*NEXT_PC) = *PC + imm;
if(*(X+rs1) != *(X+rs2)) pc_assign(*NEXT_PC) = *PC + (int16_t)imm;
// post execution stuff
if(this->sync_exec && POST_SYNC) this->do_sync(POST_SYNC, 5);
auto& trap_state = super::template get_reg<uint32_t>(arch::traits<ARCH>::TRAP_STATE);
@ -498,7 +498,7 @@ private:
compile_ret_t __blt(virt_addr_t& pc, code_word_t instr){
// pre execution stuff
this->do_sync(PRE_SYNC, 6);
int16_t imm = signextend<int16_t,13>((bit_sub<7,1>(instr) << 11) | (bit_sub<8,4>(instr) << 1) | (bit_sub<25,6>(instr) << 5) | (bit_sub<31,1>(instr) << 12));
uint16_t imm = ((bit_sub<7,1>(instr) << 11) | (bit_sub<8,4>(instr) << 1) | (bit_sub<25,6>(instr) << 5) | (bit_sub<31,1>(instr) << 12));
uint8_t rs1 = ((bit_sub<15,5>(instr)));
uint8_t rs2 = ((bit_sub<20,5>(instr)));
@ -515,7 +515,7 @@ private:
uint32_t* NEXT_PC = reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(this->regs_base_ptr+arch::traits<ARCH>::reg_byte_offsets[arch::traits<ARCH>::NEXT_PC]);
*NEXT_PC = *PC + 4;
// execute instruction
if(*(X+rs1) < *(X+rs2)) pc_assign(*NEXT_PC) = *PC + imm;
if(*(X+rs1) < *(X+rs2)) pc_assign(*NEXT_PC) = *PC + (int16_t)imm;
// post execution stuff
if(this->sync_exec && POST_SYNC) this->do_sync(POST_SYNC, 6);
auto& trap_state = super::template get_reg<uint32_t>(arch::traits<ARCH>::TRAP_STATE);
@ -531,7 +531,7 @@ private:
compile_ret_t __bge(virt_addr_t& pc, code_word_t instr){
// pre execution stuff
this->do_sync(PRE_SYNC, 7);
int16_t imm = signextend<int16_t,13>((bit_sub<7,1>(instr) << 11) | (bit_sub<8,4>(instr) << 1) | (bit_sub<25,6>(instr) << 5) | (bit_sub<31,1>(instr) << 12));
uint16_t imm = ((bit_sub<7,1>(instr) << 11) | (bit_sub<8,4>(instr) << 1) | (bit_sub<25,6>(instr) << 5) | (bit_sub<31,1>(instr) << 12));
uint8_t rs1 = ((bit_sub<15,5>(instr)));
uint8_t rs2 = ((bit_sub<20,5>(instr)));
@ -548,7 +548,7 @@ private:
uint32_t* NEXT_PC = reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(this->regs_base_ptr+arch::traits<ARCH>::reg_byte_offsets[arch::traits<ARCH>::NEXT_PC]);
*NEXT_PC = *PC + 4;
// execute instruction
if(*(X+rs1) >= *(X+rs2)) pc_assign(*NEXT_PC) = *PC + imm;
if(*(X+rs1) >= *(X+rs2)) pc_assign(*NEXT_PC) = *PC + (int16_t)imm;
// post execution stuff
if(this->sync_exec && POST_SYNC) this->do_sync(POST_SYNC, 7);
auto& trap_state = super::template get_reg<uint32_t>(arch::traits<ARCH>::TRAP_STATE);
@ -564,7 +564,7 @@ private:
compile_ret_t __bltu(virt_addr_t& pc, code_word_t instr){
// pre execution stuff
this->do_sync(PRE_SYNC, 8);
int16_t imm = signextend<int16_t,13>((bit_sub<7,1>(instr) << 11) | (bit_sub<8,4>(instr) << 1) | (bit_sub<25,6>(instr) << 5) | (bit_sub<31,1>(instr) << 12));
uint16_t imm = ((bit_sub<7,1>(instr) << 11) | (bit_sub<8,4>(instr) << 1) | (bit_sub<25,6>(instr) << 5) | (bit_sub<31,1>(instr) << 12));
uint8_t rs1 = ((bit_sub<15,5>(instr)));
uint8_t rs2 = ((bit_sub<20,5>(instr)));
@ -581,7 +581,7 @@ private:
uint32_t* NEXT_PC = reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(this->regs_base_ptr+arch::traits<ARCH>::reg_byte_offsets[arch::traits<ARCH>::NEXT_PC]);
*NEXT_PC = *PC + 4;
// execute instruction
if(*(X+rs1) < *(X+rs2)) pc_assign(*NEXT_PC) = *PC + imm;
if(*(X+rs1) < *(X+rs2)) pc_assign(*NEXT_PC) = *PC + (int16_t)imm;
// post execution stuff
if(this->sync_exec && POST_SYNC) this->do_sync(POST_SYNC, 8);
auto& trap_state = super::template get_reg<uint32_t>(arch::traits<ARCH>::TRAP_STATE);
@ -597,7 +597,7 @@ private:
compile_ret_t __bgeu(virt_addr_t& pc, code_word_t instr){
// pre execution stuff
this->do_sync(PRE_SYNC, 9);
int16_t imm = signextend<int16_t,13>((bit_sub<7,1>(instr) << 11) | (bit_sub<8,4>(instr) << 1) | (bit_sub<25,6>(instr) << 5) | (bit_sub<31,1>(instr) << 12));
uint16_t imm = ((bit_sub<7,1>(instr) << 11) | (bit_sub<8,4>(instr) << 1) | (bit_sub<25,6>(instr) << 5) | (bit_sub<31,1>(instr) << 12));
uint8_t rs1 = ((bit_sub<15,5>(instr)));
uint8_t rs2 = ((bit_sub<20,5>(instr)));
@ -614,7 +614,7 @@ private:
uint32_t* NEXT_PC = reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(this->regs_base_ptr+arch::traits<ARCH>::reg_byte_offsets[arch::traits<ARCH>::NEXT_PC]);
*NEXT_PC = *PC + 4;
// execute instruction
if(*(X+rs1) >= *(X+rs2)) pc_assign(*NEXT_PC) = *PC + imm;
if(*(X+rs1) >= *(X+rs2)) pc_assign(*NEXT_PC) = *PC + (int16_t)imm;
// post execution stuff
if(this->sync_exec && POST_SYNC) this->do_sync(POST_SYNC, 9);
auto& trap_state = super::template get_reg<uint32_t>(arch::traits<ARCH>::TRAP_STATE);
@ -632,7 +632,7 @@ private:
this->do_sync(PRE_SYNC, 10);
uint8_t rd = ((bit_sub<7,5>(instr)));
uint8_t rs1 = ((bit_sub<15,5>(instr)));
int16_t imm = signextend<int16_t,12>((bit_sub<20,12>(instr)));
uint16_t imm = ((bit_sub<20,12>(instr)));
/* generate console output when executing the command */
auto mnemonic = fmt::format(
@ -647,7 +647,7 @@ private:
uint32_t* NEXT_PC = reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(this->regs_base_ptr+arch::traits<ARCH>::reg_byte_offsets[arch::traits<ARCH>::NEXT_PC]);
*NEXT_PC = *PC + 4;
// execute instruction
if(rd != 0) *(X+rd) = readSpace1(traits::MEM, *(X+rs1) + imm);
if(rd != 0) *(X+rd) = readSpace1(traits::MEM, *(X+rs1) + (int16_t)imm);
// post execution stuff
if(this->sync_exec && POST_SYNC) this->do_sync(POST_SYNC, 10);
auto& trap_state = super::template get_reg<uint32_t>(arch::traits<ARCH>::TRAP_STATE);
@ -665,7 +665,7 @@ private:
this->do_sync(PRE_SYNC, 11);
uint8_t rd = ((bit_sub<7,5>(instr)));
uint8_t rs1 = ((bit_sub<15,5>(instr)));
int16_t imm = signextend<int16_t,12>((bit_sub<20,12>(instr)));
uint16_t imm = ((bit_sub<20,12>(instr)));
/* generate console output when executing the command */
auto mnemonic = fmt::format(
@ -680,7 +680,7 @@ private:
uint32_t* NEXT_PC = reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(this->regs_base_ptr+arch::traits<ARCH>::reg_byte_offsets[arch::traits<ARCH>::NEXT_PC]);
*NEXT_PC = *PC + 4;
// execute instruction
if(rd != 0) *(X+rd) = (int16_t)readSpace2(traits::MEM, *(X+rs1) + imm);
if(rd != 0) *(X+rd) = (int16_t)readSpace2(traits::MEM, *(X+rs1) + (int16_t)imm);
// post execution stuff
if(this->sync_exec && POST_SYNC) this->do_sync(POST_SYNC, 11);
auto& trap_state = super::template get_reg<uint32_t>(arch::traits<ARCH>::TRAP_STATE);
@ -698,7 +698,7 @@ private:
this->do_sync(PRE_SYNC, 12);
uint8_t rd = ((bit_sub<7,5>(instr)));
uint8_t rs1 = ((bit_sub<15,5>(instr)));
int16_t imm = signextend<int16_t,12>((bit_sub<20,12>(instr)));
uint16_t imm = ((bit_sub<20,12>(instr)));
/* generate console output when executing the command */
auto mnemonic = fmt::format(
@ -713,7 +713,7 @@ private:
uint32_t* NEXT_PC = reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(this->regs_base_ptr+arch::traits<ARCH>::reg_byte_offsets[arch::traits<ARCH>::NEXT_PC]);
*NEXT_PC = *PC + 4;
// execute instruction
if(rd != 0) *(X+rd) = (uint32_t)readSpace4(traits::MEM, *(X+rs1) + imm);
if(rd != 0) *(X+rd) = (uint32_t)readSpace4(traits::MEM, *(X+rs1) + (int16_t)imm);
// post execution stuff
if(this->sync_exec && POST_SYNC) this->do_sync(POST_SYNC, 12);
auto& trap_state = super::template get_reg<uint32_t>(arch::traits<ARCH>::TRAP_STATE);
@ -731,7 +731,7 @@ private:
this->do_sync(PRE_SYNC, 13);
uint8_t rd = ((bit_sub<7,5>(instr)));
uint8_t rs1 = ((bit_sub<15,5>(instr)));
int16_t imm = signextend<int16_t,12>((bit_sub<20,12>(instr)));
uint16_t imm = ((bit_sub<20,12>(instr)));
/* generate console output when executing the command */
auto mnemonic = fmt::format(
@ -746,7 +746,7 @@ private:
uint32_t* NEXT_PC = reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(this->regs_base_ptr+arch::traits<ARCH>::reg_byte_offsets[arch::traits<ARCH>::NEXT_PC]);
*NEXT_PC = *PC + 4;
// execute instruction
if(rd != 0) *(X+rd) = (uint8_t)readSpace1(traits::MEM, *(X+rs1) + imm);
if(rd != 0) *(X+rd) = (uint8_t)readSpace1(traits::MEM, *(X+rs1) + (int16_t)imm);
// post execution stuff
if(this->sync_exec && POST_SYNC) this->do_sync(POST_SYNC, 13);
auto& trap_state = super::template get_reg<uint32_t>(arch::traits<ARCH>::TRAP_STATE);
@ -764,7 +764,7 @@ private:
this->do_sync(PRE_SYNC, 14);
uint8_t rd = ((bit_sub<7,5>(instr)));
uint8_t rs1 = ((bit_sub<15,5>(instr)));
int16_t imm = signextend<int16_t,12>((bit_sub<20,12>(instr)));
uint16_t imm = ((bit_sub<20,12>(instr)));
/* generate console output when executing the command */
auto mnemonic = fmt::format(
@ -779,7 +779,7 @@ private:
uint32_t* NEXT_PC = reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(this->regs_base_ptr+arch::traits<ARCH>::reg_byte_offsets[arch::traits<ARCH>::NEXT_PC]);
*NEXT_PC = *PC + 4;
// execute instruction
if(rd != 0) *(X+rd) = (uint16_t)readSpace2(traits::MEM, *(X+rs1) + imm);
if(rd != 0) *(X+rd) = (uint16_t)readSpace2(traits::MEM, *(X+rs1) + (int16_t)imm);
// post execution stuff
if(this->sync_exec && POST_SYNC) this->do_sync(POST_SYNC, 14);
auto& trap_state = super::template get_reg<uint32_t>(arch::traits<ARCH>::TRAP_STATE);
@ -795,7 +795,7 @@ private:
compile_ret_t __sb(virt_addr_t& pc, code_word_t instr){
// pre execution stuff
this->do_sync(PRE_SYNC, 15);
int16_t imm = signextend<int16_t,12>((bit_sub<7,5>(instr)) | (bit_sub<25,7>(instr) << 5));
uint16_t imm = ((bit_sub<7,5>(instr)) | (bit_sub<25,7>(instr) << 5));
uint8_t rs1 = ((bit_sub<15,5>(instr)));
uint8_t rs2 = ((bit_sub<20,5>(instr)));
@ -812,7 +812,7 @@ private:
uint32_t* NEXT_PC = reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(this->regs_base_ptr+arch::traits<ARCH>::reg_byte_offsets[arch::traits<ARCH>::NEXT_PC]);
*NEXT_PC = *PC + 4;
// execute instruction
writeSpace1(traits::MEM, *(X+rs1) + imm, (int8_t)*(X+rs2));
writeSpace1(traits::MEM, *(X+rs1) + (int16_t)imm, (int8_t)*(X+rs2));
// post execution stuff
if(this->sync_exec && POST_SYNC) this->do_sync(POST_SYNC, 15);
auto& trap_state = super::template get_reg<uint32_t>(arch::traits<ARCH>::TRAP_STATE);
@ -828,7 +828,7 @@ private:
compile_ret_t __sh(virt_addr_t& pc, code_word_t instr){
// pre execution stuff
this->do_sync(PRE_SYNC, 16);
int16_t imm = signextend<int16_t,12>((bit_sub<7,5>(instr)) | (bit_sub<25,7>(instr) << 5));
uint16_t imm = ((bit_sub<7,5>(instr)) | (bit_sub<25,7>(instr) << 5));
uint8_t rs1 = ((bit_sub<15,5>(instr)));
uint8_t rs2 = ((bit_sub<20,5>(instr)));
@ -845,7 +845,7 @@ private:
uint32_t* NEXT_PC = reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(this->regs_base_ptr+arch::traits<ARCH>::reg_byte_offsets[arch::traits<ARCH>::NEXT_PC]);
*NEXT_PC = *PC + 4;
// execute instruction
writeSpace2(traits::MEM, *(X+rs1) + imm, (int16_t)*(X+rs2));
writeSpace2(traits::MEM, *(X+rs1) + (int16_t)imm, (int16_t)*(X+rs2));
// post execution stuff
if(this->sync_exec && POST_SYNC) this->do_sync(POST_SYNC, 16);
auto& trap_state = super::template get_reg<uint32_t>(arch::traits<ARCH>::TRAP_STATE);
@ -861,7 +861,7 @@ private:
compile_ret_t __sw(virt_addr_t& pc, code_word_t instr){
// pre execution stuff
this->do_sync(PRE_SYNC, 17);
int16_t imm = signextend<int16_t,12>((bit_sub<7,5>(instr)) | (bit_sub<25,7>(instr) << 5));
uint16_t imm = ((bit_sub<7,5>(instr)) | (bit_sub<25,7>(instr) << 5));
uint8_t rs1 = ((bit_sub<15,5>(instr)));
uint8_t rs2 = ((bit_sub<20,5>(instr)));
@ -878,7 +878,7 @@ private:
uint32_t* NEXT_PC = reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(this->regs_base_ptr+arch::traits<ARCH>::reg_byte_offsets[arch::traits<ARCH>::NEXT_PC]);
*NEXT_PC = *PC + 4;
// execute instruction
writeSpace4(traits::MEM, *(X+rs1) + imm, *(X+rs2));
writeSpace4(traits::MEM, *(X+rs1) + (int16_t)imm, *(X+rs2));
// post execution stuff
if(this->sync_exec && POST_SYNC) this->do_sync(POST_SYNC, 17);
auto& trap_state = super::template get_reg<uint32_t>(arch::traits<ARCH>::TRAP_STATE);
@ -896,7 +896,7 @@ private:
this->do_sync(PRE_SYNC, 18);
uint8_t rd = ((bit_sub<7,5>(instr)));
uint8_t rs1 = ((bit_sub<15,5>(instr)));
int16_t imm = signextend<int16_t,12>((bit_sub<20,12>(instr)));
uint16_t imm = ((bit_sub<20,12>(instr)));
/* generate console output when executing the command */
auto mnemonic = fmt::format(
@ -911,7 +911,7 @@ private:
uint32_t* NEXT_PC = reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(this->regs_base_ptr+arch::traits<ARCH>::reg_byte_offsets[arch::traits<ARCH>::NEXT_PC]);
*NEXT_PC = *PC + 4;
// execute instruction
if(rd != 0) *(X+rd) = *(X+rs1) + imm;
if(rd != 0) *(X+rd) = *(X+rs1) + (int16_t)imm;
// post execution stuff
if(this->sync_exec && POST_SYNC) this->do_sync(POST_SYNC, 18);
auto& trap_state = super::template get_reg<uint32_t>(arch::traits<ARCH>::TRAP_STATE);
@ -929,7 +929,7 @@ private:
this->do_sync(PRE_SYNC, 19);
uint8_t rd = ((bit_sub<7,5>(instr)));
uint8_t rs1 = ((bit_sub<15,5>(instr)));
int16_t imm = signextend<int16_t,12>((bit_sub<20,12>(instr)));
uint16_t imm = ((bit_sub<20,12>(instr)));
/* generate console output when executing the command */
auto mnemonic = fmt::format(
@ -944,7 +944,7 @@ private:
uint32_t* NEXT_PC = reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(this->regs_base_ptr+arch::traits<ARCH>::reg_byte_offsets[arch::traits<ARCH>::NEXT_PC]);
*NEXT_PC = *PC + 4;
// execute instruction
if(rd != 0) *(X+rd) = *(X+rs1) < imm? 1 : 0;
if(rd != 0) *(X+rd) = (int32_t)*(X+rs1) < (int16_t)imm? 1 : 0;
// post execution stuff
if(this->sync_exec && POST_SYNC) this->do_sync(POST_SYNC, 19);
auto& trap_state = super::template get_reg<uint32_t>(arch::traits<ARCH>::TRAP_STATE);
@ -962,7 +962,7 @@ private:
this->do_sync(PRE_SYNC, 20);
uint8_t rd = ((bit_sub<7,5>(instr)));
uint8_t rs1 = ((bit_sub<15,5>(instr)));
int16_t imm = signextend<int16_t,12>((bit_sub<20,12>(instr)));
uint16_t imm = ((bit_sub<20,12>(instr)));
/* generate console output when executing the command */
auto mnemonic = fmt::format(
@ -977,7 +977,7 @@ private:
uint32_t* NEXT_PC = reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(this->regs_base_ptr+arch::traits<ARCH>::reg_byte_offsets[arch::traits<ARCH>::NEXT_PC]);
*NEXT_PC = *PC + 4;
// execute instruction
if(rd != 0) *(X+rd) = (uint8_t)*(X+rs1) < (uint8_t)(int32_t)imm? 1 : 0;
if(rd != 0) *(X+rd) = *(X+rs1) < imm? 1 : 0;
// post execution stuff
if(this->sync_exec && POST_SYNC) this->do_sync(POST_SYNC, 20);
auto& trap_state = super::template get_reg<uint32_t>(arch::traits<ARCH>::TRAP_STATE);
@ -995,7 +995,7 @@ private:
this->do_sync(PRE_SYNC, 21);
uint8_t rd = ((bit_sub<7,5>(instr)));
uint8_t rs1 = ((bit_sub<15,5>(instr)));
int16_t imm = signextend<int16_t,12>((bit_sub<20,12>(instr)));
uint16_t imm = ((bit_sub<20,12>(instr)));
/* generate console output when executing the command */
auto mnemonic = fmt::format(
@ -1010,7 +1010,7 @@ private:
uint32_t* NEXT_PC = reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(this->regs_base_ptr+arch::traits<ARCH>::reg_byte_offsets[arch::traits<ARCH>::NEXT_PC]);
*NEXT_PC = *PC + 4;
// execute instruction
if(rd != 0) *(X+rd) = *(X+rs1) ^ imm;
if(rd != 0) *(X+rd) = *(X+rs1) ^ (int16_t)imm;
// post execution stuff
if(this->sync_exec && POST_SYNC) this->do_sync(POST_SYNC, 21);
auto& trap_state = super::template get_reg<uint32_t>(arch::traits<ARCH>::TRAP_STATE);
@ -1028,7 +1028,7 @@ private:
this->do_sync(PRE_SYNC, 22);
uint8_t rd = ((bit_sub<7,5>(instr)));
uint8_t rs1 = ((bit_sub<15,5>(instr)));
int16_t imm = signextend<int16_t,12>((bit_sub<20,12>(instr)));
uint16_t imm = ((bit_sub<20,12>(instr)));
/* generate console output when executing the command */
auto mnemonic = fmt::format(
@ -1043,7 +1043,7 @@ private:
uint32_t* NEXT_PC = reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(this->regs_base_ptr+arch::traits<ARCH>::reg_byte_offsets[arch::traits<ARCH>::NEXT_PC]);
*NEXT_PC = *PC + 4;
// execute instruction
if(rd != 0) *(X+rd) = *(X+rs1) | imm;
if(rd != 0) *(X+rd) = *(X+rs1) | (int16_t)imm;
// post execution stuff
if(this->sync_exec && POST_SYNC) this->do_sync(POST_SYNC, 22);
auto& trap_state = super::template get_reg<uint32_t>(arch::traits<ARCH>::TRAP_STATE);
@ -1061,7 +1061,7 @@ private:
this->do_sync(PRE_SYNC, 23);
uint8_t rd = ((bit_sub<7,5>(instr)));
uint8_t rs1 = ((bit_sub<15,5>(instr)));
int16_t imm = signextend<int16_t,12>((bit_sub<20,12>(instr)));
uint16_t imm = ((bit_sub<20,12>(instr)));
/* generate console output when executing the command */
auto mnemonic = fmt::format(
@ -1076,7 +1076,7 @@ private:
uint32_t* NEXT_PC = reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(this->regs_base_ptr+arch::traits<ARCH>::reg_byte_offsets[arch::traits<ARCH>::NEXT_PC]);
*NEXT_PC = *PC + 4;
// execute instruction
if(rd != 0) *(X+rd) = *(X+rs1) & imm;
if(rd != 0) *(X+rd) = *(X+rs1) & (int16_t)imm;
// post execution stuff
if(this->sync_exec && POST_SYNC) this->do_sync(POST_SYNC, 23);
auto& trap_state = super::template get_reg<uint32_t>(arch::traits<ARCH>::TRAP_STATE);
@ -1110,7 +1110,7 @@ private:
*NEXT_PC = *PC + 4;
// execute instruction
if(shamt > 31) {
raise(0, 0);
(0, 0);
else {
if(rd != 0) *(X+rd) = *(X+rs1) << shamt;
@ -1148,7 +1148,7 @@ private:
*NEXT_PC = *PC + 4;
// execute instruction
if(shamt > 31) {
raise(0, 0);
(0, 0);
else {
if(rd != 0) *(X+rd) = ((uint8_t)*(X+rs1)) >> shamt;
@ -1186,7 +1186,7 @@ private:
*NEXT_PC = *PC + 4;
// execute instruction
if(shamt > 31) {
raise(0, 0);
(0, 0);
else {
if(rd != 0) *(X+rd) = *(X+rs1) >> shamt;
@ -1614,7 +1614,7 @@ private:
uint32_t* NEXT_PC = reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(this->regs_base_ptr+arch::traits<ARCH>::reg_byte_offsets[arch::traits<ARCH>::NEXT_PC]);
*NEXT_PC = *PC + 4;
// execute instruction
raise(0, 11);
(0, 11);
// post execution stuff
if(this->sync_exec && POST_SYNC) this->do_sync(POST_SYNC, 39);
auto& trap_state = super::template get_reg<uint32_t>(arch::traits<ARCH>::TRAP_STATE);
@ -1641,7 +1641,7 @@ private:
uint32_t* NEXT_PC = reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(this->regs_base_ptr+arch::traits<ARCH>::reg_byte_offsets[arch::traits<ARCH>::NEXT_PC]);
*NEXT_PC = *PC + 4;
// execute instruction
raise(0, 3);
(0, 3);
// post execution stuff
if(this->sync_exec && POST_SYNC) this->do_sync(POST_SYNC, 40);
auto& trap_state = super::template get_reg<uint32_t>(arch::traits<ARCH>::TRAP_STATE);
@ -1668,7 +1668,7 @@ private:
uint32_t* NEXT_PC = reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(this->regs_base_ptr+arch::traits<ARCH>::reg_byte_offsets[arch::traits<ARCH>::NEXT_PC]);
*NEXT_PC = *PC + 4;
// execute instruction
// post execution stuff
if(this->sync_exec && POST_SYNC) this->do_sync(POST_SYNC, 41);
auto& trap_state = super::template get_reg<uint32_t>(arch::traits<ARCH>::TRAP_STATE);
@ -1695,7 +1695,7 @@ private:
uint32_t* NEXT_PC = reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(this->regs_base_ptr+arch::traits<ARCH>::reg_byte_offsets[arch::traits<ARCH>::NEXT_PC]);
*NEXT_PC = *PC + 4;
// execute instruction
// post execution stuff
if(this->sync_exec && POST_SYNC) this->do_sync(POST_SYNC, 42);
auto& trap_state = super::template get_reg<uint32_t>(arch::traits<ARCH>::TRAP_STATE);
@ -1722,7 +1722,7 @@ private:
uint32_t* NEXT_PC = reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(this->regs_base_ptr+arch::traits<ARCH>::reg_byte_offsets[arch::traits<ARCH>::NEXT_PC]);
*NEXT_PC = *PC + 4;
// execute instruction
// post execution stuff
if(this->sync_exec && POST_SYNC) this->do_sync(POST_SYNC, 43);
auto& trap_state = super::template get_reg<uint32_t>(arch::traits<ARCH>::TRAP_STATE);
@ -1749,7 +1749,7 @@ private:
uint32_t* NEXT_PC = reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(this->regs_base_ptr+arch::traits<ARCH>::reg_byte_offsets[arch::traits<ARCH>::NEXT_PC]);
*NEXT_PC = *PC + 4;
// execute instruction
// post execution stuff
if(this->sync_exec && POST_SYNC) this->do_sync(POST_SYNC, 44);
auto& trap_state = super::template get_reg<uint32_t>(arch::traits<ARCH>::TRAP_STATE);
@ -180,17 +180,17 @@ private:
const std::array<InstructionDesriptor, 88> instr_descr = {{
/* entries are: size, valid value, valid mask, function ptr */
/* instruction LUI */
{32, 0b00000000000000000000000000110111, 0b00000000000000000000000001111111, &this_class::__lui},
{32, 0b0000000000000000000000000110111, 0b0000000000000000000000000111111, &this_class::__lui},
/* instruction AUIPC */
{32, 0b00000000000000000000000000010111, 0b00000000000000000000000001111111, &this_class::__auipc},
{32, 0b000000000000000000000000010111, 0b000000000000000000000000011111, &this_class::__auipc},
/* instruction JAL */
{32, 0b00000000000000000000000001101111, 0b00000000000000000000000001111111, &this_class::__jal},
/* instruction JALR */
{32, 0b00000000000000000000000001100111, 0b00000000000000000111000001111111, &this_class::__jalr},
{32, 0b000000000000000000000001100111, 0b000000000000000001000001111111, &this_class::__jalr},
/* instruction BEQ */
{32, 0b00000000000000000000000001100011, 0b00000000000000000111000001111111, &this_class::__beq},
{32, 0b000000000000000000000001100011, 0b000000000000000001000001111111, &this_class::__beq},
/* instruction BNE */
{32, 0b00000000000000000001000001100011, 0b00000000000000000111000001111111, &this_class::__bne},
{32, 0b000000000000000001000001100011, 0b000000000000000001000001111111, &this_class::__bne},
/* instruction BLT */
{32, 0b00000000000000000100000001100011, 0b00000000000000000111000001111111, &this_class::__blt},
/* instruction BGE */
@ -200,83 +200,83 @@ private:
/* instruction BGEU */
{32, 0b00000000000000000111000001100011, 0b00000000000000000111000001111111, &this_class::__bgeu},
/* instruction LB */
{32, 0b00000000000000000000000000000011, 0b00000000000000000111000001111111, &this_class::__lb},
{32, 0b0000000000000000000000011, 0b0000000000000000010000011, &this_class::__lb},
/* instruction LH */
{32, 0b00000000000000000001000000000011, 0b00000000000000000111000001111111, &this_class::__lh},
{32, 0b0000000000000000010000011, 0b0000000000000000010000011, &this_class::__lh},
/* instruction LW */
{32, 0b00000000000000000010000000000011, 0b00000000000000000111000001111111, &this_class::__lw},
{32, 0b00000000000000000100000011, 0b00000000000000000110000011, &this_class::__lw},
/* instruction LBU */
{32, 0b00000000000000000100000000000011, 0b00000000000000000111000001111111, &this_class::__lbu},
{32, 0b000000000000000001000000011, 0b000000000000000001110000011, &this_class::__lbu},
/* instruction LHU */
{32, 0b00000000000000000101000000000011, 0b00000000000000000111000001111111, &this_class::__lhu},
{32, 0b000000000000000001010000011, 0b000000000000000001110000011, &this_class::__lhu},
/* instruction SB */
{32, 0b00000000000000000000000000100011, 0b00000000000000000111000001111111, &this_class::__sb},
{32, 0b00000000000000000000000100011, 0b00000000000000000100000111111, &this_class::__sb},
/* instruction SH */
{32, 0b00000000000000000001000000100011, 0b00000000000000000111000001111111, &this_class::__sh},
{32, 0b00000000000000000100000100011, 0b00000000000000000100000111111, &this_class::__sh},
/* instruction SW */
{32, 0b00000000000000000010000000100011, 0b00000000000000000111000001111111, &this_class::__sw},
{32, 0b000000000000000001000000100011, 0b000000000000000001100000111111, &this_class::__sw},
/* instruction ADDI */
{32, 0b00000000000000000000000000010011, 0b00000000000000000111000001111111, &this_class::__addi},
{32, 0b0000000000000000000000010011, 0b0000000000000000010000011111, &this_class::__addi},
/* instruction SLTI */
{32, 0b00000000000000000010000000010011, 0b00000000000000000111000001111111, &this_class::__slti},
{32, 0b00000000000000000100000010011, 0b00000000000000000110000011111, &this_class::__slti},
/* instruction SLTIU */
{32, 0b00000000000000000011000000010011, 0b00000000000000000111000001111111, &this_class::__sltiu},
{32, 0b00000000000000000110000010011, 0b00000000000000000110000011111, &this_class::__sltiu},
/* instruction XORI */
{32, 0b00000000000000000100000000010011, 0b00000000000000000111000001111111, &this_class::__xori},
{32, 0b000000000000000001000000010011, 0b000000000000000001110000011111, &this_class::__xori},
/* instruction ORI */
{32, 0b00000000000000000110000000010011, 0b00000000000000000111000001111111, &this_class::__ori},
{32, 0b000000000000000001100000010011, 0b000000000000000001110000011111, &this_class::__ori},
/* instruction ANDI */
{32, 0b00000000000000000111000000010011, 0b00000000000000000111000001111111, &this_class::__andi},
{32, 0b000000000000000001110000010011, 0b000000000000000001110000011111, &this_class::__andi},
/* instruction SLLI */
{32, 0b00000000000000000001000000010011, 0b11111110000000000111000001111111, &this_class::__slli},
{32, 0b0000000000010000010011, 0b1000000000010000011111, &this_class::__slli},
/* instruction SRLI */
{32, 0b00000000000000000101000000010011, 0b11111110000000000111000001111111, &this_class::__srli},
{32, 0b000000000001010000010011, 0b100000000001110000011111, &this_class::__srli},
/* instruction SRAI */
{32, 0b01000000000000000101000000010011, 0b11111110000000000111000001111111, &this_class::__srai},
{32, 0b10000000000000001010000010011, 0b11111100000000001110000011111, &this_class::__srai},
/* instruction ADD */
{32, 0b00000000000000000000000000110011, 0b11111110000000000111000001111111, &this_class::__add},
{32, 0b00000000000000000110011, 0b10000000000100000111111, &this_class::__add},
/* instruction SUB */
{32, 0b01000000000000000000000000110011, 0b11111110000000000111000001111111, &this_class::__sub},
{32, 0b1000000000000000000000110011, 0b1111110000000000100000111111, &this_class::__sub},
/* instruction SLL */
{32, 0b00000000000000000001000000110011, 0b11111110000000000111000001111111, &this_class::__sll},
{32, 0b00000000000100000110011, 0b10000000000100000111111, &this_class::__sll},
/* instruction SLT */
{32, 0b00000000000000000010000000110011, 0b11111110000000000111000001111111, &this_class::__slt},
{32, 0b000000000001000000110011, 0b100000000001100000111111, &this_class::__slt},
/* instruction SLTU */
{32, 0b00000000000000000011000000110011, 0b11111110000000000111000001111111, &this_class::__sltu},
{32, 0b000000000001100000110011, 0b100000000001100000111111, &this_class::__sltu},
/* instruction XOR */
{32, 0b00000000000000000100000000110011, 0b11111110000000000111000001111111, &this_class::__xor},
{32, 0b0000000000010000000110011, 0b1000000000011100000111111, &this_class::__xor},
/* instruction SRL */
{32, 0b00000000000000000101000000110011, 0b11111110000000000111000001111111, &this_class::__srl},
{32, 0b0000000000010100000110011, 0b1000000000011100000111111, &this_class::__srl},
/* instruction SRA */
{32, 0b01000000000000000101000000110011, 0b11111110000000000111000001111111, &this_class::__sra},
{32, 0b100000000000000010100000110011, 0b111111000000000011100000111111, &this_class::__sra},
/* instruction OR */
{32, 0b00000000000000000110000000110011, 0b11111110000000000111000001111111, &this_class::__or},
{32, 0b0000000000011000000110011, 0b1000000000011100000111111, &this_class::__or},
/* instruction AND */
{32, 0b00000000000000000111000000110011, 0b11111110000000000111000001111111, &this_class::__and},
{32, 0b0000000000011100000110011, 0b1000000000011100000111111, &this_class::__and},
/* instruction FENCE */
{32, 0b00000000000000000000000000001111, 0b11110000000000000111000001111111, &this_class::__fence},
{32, 0b000000000000000000001111, 0b100000000000001000001111, &this_class::__fence},
/* instruction FENCE_I */
{32, 0b00000000000000000001000000001111, 0b00000000000000000111000001111111, &this_class::__fence_i},
{32, 0b000000000000000001000001111, 0b000000000000000001000001111, &this_class::__fence_i},
/* instruction ECALL */
{32, 0b00000000000000000000000001110011, 0b11111111111111111111111111111111, &this_class::__ecall},
{32, 0b00001110011, 0b11111111111, &this_class::__ecall},
/* instruction EBREAK */
{32, 0b00000000000100000000000001110011, 0b11111111111111111111111111111111, &this_class::__ebreak},
{32, 0b10001110011, 0b11111111111, &this_class::__ebreak},
/* instruction URET */
{32, 0b00000000001000000000000001110011, 0b11111111111111111111111111111111, &this_class::__uret},
{32, 0b0100001110011, 0b1111111111111, &this_class::__uret},
/* instruction SRET */
{32, 0b00010000001000000000000001110011, 0b11111111111111111111111111111111, &this_class::__sret},
{32, 0b1000100001110011, 0b1111111111111111, &this_class::__sret},
/* instruction MRET */
{32, 0b00110000001000000000000001110011, 0b11111111111111111111111111111111, &this_class::__mret},
{32, 0b11000100001110011, 0b11111111111111111, &this_class::__mret},
/* instruction WFI */
{32, 0b00010000010100000000000001110011, 0b11111111111111111111111111111111, &this_class::__wfi},
{32, 0b10001010001110011, 0b11111111111111111, &this_class::__wfi},
/* instruction SFENCE_VMA */
{32, 0b00010010000000000000000001110011, 0b11111110000000000111111111111111, &this_class::__sfence_vma},
{32, 0b10010000000000001110011, 0b11110000000000111111111, &this_class::__sfence_vma},
/* instruction CSRRW */
{32, 0b00000000000000000001000001110011, 0b00000000000000000111000001111111, &this_class::__csrrw},
{32, 0b000000000000000001000001110011, 0b000000000000000001000001111111, &this_class::__csrrw},
/* instruction CSRRS */
{32, 0b00000000000000000010000001110011, 0b00000000000000000111000001111111, &this_class::__csrrs},
{32, 0b0000000000000000010000001110011, 0b0000000000000000011000001111111, &this_class::__csrrs},
/* instruction CSRRC */
{32, 0b00000000000000000011000001110011, 0b00000000000000000111000001111111, &this_class::__csrrc},
{32, 0b0000000000000000011000001110011, 0b0000000000000000011000001111111, &this_class::__csrrc},
/* instruction CSRRWI */
{32, 0b00000000000000000101000001110011, 0b00000000000000000111000001111111, &this_class::__csrrwi},
/* instruction CSRRSI */
@ -284,77 +284,77 @@ private:
/* instruction CSRRCI */
{32, 0b00000000000000000111000001110011, 0b00000000000000000111000001111111, &this_class::__csrrci},
/* instruction MUL */
{32, 0b00000010000000000000000000110011, 0b11111110000000000111000001111111, &this_class::__mul},
{32, 0b10000000000000000110011, 0b10000000000100000111111, &this_class::__mul},
/* instruction MULH */
{32, 0b00000010000000000001000000110011, 0b11111110000000000111000001111111, &this_class::__mulh},
{32, 0b10000000000100000110011, 0b10000000000100000111111, &this_class::__mulh},
/* instruction MULHSU */
{32, 0b00000010000000000010000000110011, 0b11111110000000000111000001111111, &this_class::__mulhsu},
{32, 0b100000000001000000110011, 0b100000000001100000111111, &this_class::__mulhsu},
/* instruction MULHU */
{32, 0b00000010000000000011000000110011, 0b11111110000000000111000001111111, &this_class::__mulhu},
{32, 0b100000000001100000110011, 0b100000000001100000111111, &this_class::__mulhu},
/* instruction DIV */
{32, 0b00000010000000000100000000110011, 0b11111110000000000111000001111111, &this_class::__div},
{32, 0b1000000000010000000110011, 0b1000000000011100000111111, &this_class::__div},
/* instruction DIVU */
{32, 0b00000010000000000101000000110011, 0b11111110000000000111000001111111, &this_class::__divu},
{32, 0b1000000000010100000110011, 0b1000000000011100000111111, &this_class::__divu},
/* instruction REM */
{32, 0b00000010000000000110000000110011, 0b11111110000000000111000001111111, &this_class::__rem},
{32, 0b1000000000011000000110011, 0b1000000000011100000111111, &this_class::__rem},
/* instruction REMU */
{32, 0b00000010000000000111000000110011, 0b11111110000000000111000001111111, &this_class::__remu},
{32, 0b1000000000011100000110011, 0b1000000000011100000111111, &this_class::__remu},
/* instruction CADDI4SPN */
{16, 0b0000000000000000, 0b1110000000000011, &this_class::__caddi4spn},
{16, 0b0000000000000, 0b1000000000001, &this_class::__caddi4spn},
/* instruction CLW */
{16, 0b0100000000000000, 0b1110000000000011, &this_class::__clw},
{16, 0b10000000000000, 0b11000000000001, &this_class::__clw},
/* instruction CSW */
{16, 0b1100000000000000, 0b1110000000000011, &this_class::__csw},
{16, 0b110000000000000, 0b111000000000001, &this_class::__csw},
/* instruction CADDI */
{16, 0b0000000000000001, 0b1110000000000011, &this_class::__caddi},
{16, 0b0000000000001, 0b1000000000001, &this_class::__caddi},
/* instruction CNOP */
{16, 0b0000000000000001, 0b1111111111111111, &this_class::__cnop},
{16, 0b00001, 0b11111, &this_class::__cnop},
/* instruction CJAL */
{16, 0b0010000000000001, 0b1110000000000011, &this_class::__cjal},
{16, 0b1000000000001, 0b1000000000001, &this_class::__cjal},
/* instruction CLI */
{16, 0b0100000000000001, 0b1110000000000011, &this_class::__cli},
{16, 0b10000000000001, 0b11000000000001, &this_class::__cli},
/* instruction CLUI */
{16, 0b0110000000000001, 0b1110000000000011, &this_class::__clui},
{16, 0b11000000000001, 0b11000000000001, &this_class::__clui},
/* instruction CADDI16SP */
{16, 0b0110000100000001, 0b1110111110000011, &this_class::__caddi16sp},
{16, 0b11010000001, 0b11011000001, &this_class::__caddi16sp},
/* instruction CSRLI */
{16, 0b1000000000000001, 0b1111110000000011, &this_class::__csrli},
{16, 0b10000000000001, 0b11111000000001, &this_class::__csrli},
/* instruction CSRAI */
{16, 0b1000010000000001, 0b1111110000000011, &this_class::__csrai},
{16, 0b10001000000001, 0b11111000000001, &this_class::__csrai},
/* instruction CANDI */
{16, 0b1000100000000001, 0b1110110000000011, &this_class::__candi},
{16, 0b100010000000001, 0b111011000000001, &this_class::__candi},
/* instruction CSUB */
{16, 0b1000110000000001, 0b1111110001100011, &this_class::__csub},
{16, 0b10001100000001, 0b11111100010001, &this_class::__csub},
/* instruction CXOR */
{16, 0b1000110000100001, 0b1111110001100011, &this_class::__cxor},
{16, 0b10001100010001, 0b11111100010001, &this_class::__cxor},
/* instruction COR */
{16, 0b1000110001000001, 0b1111110001100011, &this_class::__cor},
{16, 0b100011000100001, 0b111111000110001, &this_class::__cor},
/* instruction CAND */
{16, 0b1000110001100001, 0b1111110001100011, &this_class::__cand},
{16, 0b100011000110001, 0b111111000110001, &this_class::__cand},
/* instruction CJ */
{16, 0b1010000000000001, 0b1110000000000011, &this_class::__cj},
{16, 0b101000000000001, 0b111000000000001, &this_class::__cj},
/* instruction CBEQZ */
{16, 0b1100000000000001, 0b1110000000000011, &this_class::__cbeqz},
{16, 0b110000000000001, 0b111000000000001, &this_class::__cbeqz},
/* instruction CBNEZ */
{16, 0b1110000000000001, 0b1110000000000011, &this_class::__cbnez},
{16, 0b111000000000001, 0b111000000000001, &this_class::__cbnez},
/* instruction CSLLI */
{16, 0b0000000000000010, 0b1111000000000011, &this_class::__cslli},
{16, 0b00000000000010, 0b11000000000011, &this_class::__cslli},
/* instruction CLWSP */
{16, 0b0100000000000010, 0b1110000000000011, &this_class::__clwsp},
{16, 0b100000000000010, 0b110000000000011, &this_class::__clwsp},
/* instruction CMV */
{16, 0b1000000000000010, 0b1111000000000011, &this_class::__cmv},
/* instruction CJR */
{16, 0b1000000000000010, 0b1111000001111111, &this_class::__cjr},
{16, 0b100000000010, 0b111100000111, &this_class::__cjr},
/* instruction CADD */
{16, 0b1001000000000010, 0b1111000000000011, &this_class::__cadd},
/* instruction CJALR */
{16, 0b1001000000000010, 0b1111000001111111, &this_class::__cjalr},
{16, 0b100100000010, 0b111100000111, &this_class::__cjalr},
/* instruction CEBREAK */
{16, 0b1001000000000010, 0b1111111111111111, &this_class::__cebreak},
{16, 0b10010010, 0b11111111, &this_class::__cebreak},
/* instruction CSWSP */
{16, 0b1100000000000010, 0b1110000000000011, &this_class::__cswsp},
/* instruction DII */
{16, 0b0000000000000000, 0b1111111111111111, &this_class::__dii},
{16, 0b00000, 0b11111, &this_class::__dii},
/* instruction definitions */
@ -363,7 +363,7 @@ private:
// pre execution stuff
this->do_sync(PRE_SYNC, 0);
uint8_t rd = ((bit_sub<7,5>(instr)));
int32_t imm = signextend<int32_t,32>((bit_sub<12,20>(instr) << 12));
uint32_t imm = ((bit_sub<12,20>(instr) << 12));
/* generate console output when executing the command */
auto mnemonic = fmt::format(
@ -378,7 +378,7 @@ private:
uint32_t* NEXT_PC = reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(this->regs_base_ptr+arch::traits<ARCH>::reg_byte_offsets[arch::traits<ARCH>::NEXT_PC]);
*NEXT_PC = *PC + 4;
// execute instruction
if(rd != 0) *(X+rd) = imm;
if(rd != 0) *(X+rd) = (int32_t)imm;
// post execution stuff
if(this->sync_exec && POST_SYNC) this->do_sync(POST_SYNC, 0);
auto& trap_state = super::template get_reg<uint32_t>(arch::traits<ARCH>::TRAP_STATE);
@ -395,7 +395,7 @@ private:
// pre execution stuff
this->do_sync(PRE_SYNC, 1);
uint8_t rd = ((bit_sub<7,5>(instr)));
int32_t imm = signextend<int32_t,32>((bit_sub<12,20>(instr) << 12));
uint32_t imm = ((bit_sub<12,20>(instr) << 12));
/* generate console output when executing the command */
auto mnemonic = fmt::format(
@ -410,7 +410,7 @@ private:
uint32_t* NEXT_PC = reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(this->regs_base_ptr+arch::traits<ARCH>::reg_byte_offsets[arch::traits<ARCH>::NEXT_PC]);
*NEXT_PC = *PC + 4;
// execute instruction
if(rd != 0) *(X+rd) = *PC + imm;
if(rd != 0) *(X+rd) = *PC + (int32_t)imm;
// post execution stuff
if(this->sync_exec && POST_SYNC) this->do_sync(POST_SYNC, 1);
auto& trap_state = super::template get_reg<uint32_t>(arch::traits<ARCH>::TRAP_STATE);
@ -427,7 +427,7 @@ private:
// pre execution stuff
this->do_sync(PRE_SYNC, 2);
uint8_t rd = ((bit_sub<7,5>(instr)));
int32_t imm = signextend<int32_t,21>((bit_sub<12,8>(instr) << 12) | (bit_sub<20,1>(instr) << 11) | (bit_sub<21,10>(instr) << 1) | (bit_sub<31,1>(instr) << 20));
uint32_t imm = ((bit_sub<12,8>(instr) << 12) | (bit_sub<20,1>(instr) << 11) | (bit_sub<21,10>(instr) << 1) | (bit_sub<31,1>(instr) << 20));
/* generate console output when executing the command */
auto mnemonic = fmt::format(
@ -444,7 +444,7 @@ private:
// execute instruction
if(rd != 0) *(X+rd) = *PC + 4;
pc_assign(*NEXT_PC) = *PC + imm;
pc_assign(*NEXT_PC) = *PC + (int32_t)imm;
// post execution stuff
if(this->sync_exec && POST_SYNC) this->do_sync(POST_SYNC, 2);
@ -463,7 +463,7 @@ private:
this->do_sync(PRE_SYNC, 3);
uint8_t rd = ((bit_sub<7,5>(instr)));
uint8_t rs1 = ((bit_sub<15,5>(instr)));
int16_t imm = signextend<int16_t,12>((bit_sub<20,12>(instr)));
uint16_t imm = ((bit_sub<20,12>(instr)));
/* generate console output when executing the command */
auto mnemonic = fmt::format(
@ -479,7 +479,7 @@ private:
*NEXT_PC = *PC + 4;
// execute instruction
int32_t new_pc = *(X+rs1) + imm;
int32_t new_pc = *(X+rs1) + (int16_t)imm;
if(rd != 0) *(X+rd) = *PC + 4;
pc_assign(*NEXT_PC) = new_pc & ~ 0x1;
@ -498,7 +498,7 @@ private:
compile_ret_t __beq(virt_addr_t& pc, code_word_t instr){
// pre execution stuff
this->do_sync(PRE_SYNC, 4);
int16_t imm = signextend<int16_t,13>((bit_sub<7,1>(instr) << 11) | (bit_sub<8,4>(instr) << 1) | (bit_sub<25,6>(instr) << 5) | (bit_sub<31,1>(instr) << 12));
uint16_t imm = ((bit_sub<7,1>(instr) << 11) | (bit_sub<8,4>(instr) << 1) | (bit_sub<25,6>(instr) << 5) | (bit_sub<31,1>(instr) << 12));
uint8_t rs1 = ((bit_sub<15,5>(instr)));
uint8_t rs2 = ((bit_sub<20,5>(instr)));
@ -515,7 +515,7 @@ private:
uint32_t* NEXT_PC = reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(this->regs_base_ptr+arch::traits<ARCH>::reg_byte_offsets[arch::traits<ARCH>::NEXT_PC]);
*NEXT_PC = *PC + 4;
// execute instruction
if(*(X+rs1) == *(X+rs2)) pc_assign(*NEXT_PC) = *PC + imm;
if(*(X+rs1) == *(X+rs2)) pc_assign(*NEXT_PC) = *PC + (int16_t)imm;
// post execution stuff
if(this->sync_exec && POST_SYNC) this->do_sync(POST_SYNC, 4);
auto& trap_state = super::template get_reg<uint32_t>(arch::traits<ARCH>::TRAP_STATE);
@ -531,7 +531,7 @@ private:
compile_ret_t __bne(virt_addr_t& pc, code_word_t instr){
// pre execution stuff
this->do_sync(PRE_SYNC, 5);
int16_t imm = signextend<int16_t,13>((bit_sub<7,1>(instr) << 11) | (bit_sub<8,4>(instr) << 1) | (bit_sub<25,6>(instr) << 5) | (bit_sub<31,1>(instr) << 12));
uint16_t imm = ((bit_sub<7,1>(instr) << 11) | (bit_sub<8,4>(instr) << 1) | (bit_sub<25,6>(instr) << 5) | (bit_sub<31,1>(instr) << 12));
uint8_t rs1 = ((bit_sub<15,5>(instr)));
uint8_t rs2 = ((bit_sub<20,5>(instr)));
@ -548,7 +548,7 @@ private:
uint32_t* NEXT_PC = reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(this->regs_base_ptr+arch::traits<ARCH>::reg_byte_offsets[arch::traits<ARCH>::NEXT_PC]);
*NEXT_PC = *PC + 4;
// execute instruction
if(*(X+rs1) != *(X+rs2)) pc_assign(*NEXT_PC) = *PC + imm;
if(*(X+rs1) != *(X+rs2)) pc_assign(*NEXT_PC) = *PC + (int16_t)imm;
// post execution stuff
if(this->sync_exec && POST_SYNC) this->do_sync(POST_SYNC, 5);
auto& trap_state = super::template get_reg<uint32_t>(arch::traits<ARCH>::TRAP_STATE);
@ -564,7 +564,7 @@ private:
compile_ret_t __blt(virt_addr_t& pc, code_word_t instr){
// pre execution stuff
this->do_sync(PRE_SYNC, 6);
int16_t imm = signextend<int16_t,13>((bit_sub<7,1>(instr) << 11) | (bit_sub<8,4>(instr) << 1) | (bit_sub<25,6>(instr) << 5) | (bit_sub<31,1>(instr) << 12));
uint16_t imm = ((bit_sub<7,1>(instr) << 11) | (bit_sub<8,4>(instr) << 1) | (bit_sub<25,6>(instr) << 5) | (bit_sub<31,1>(instr) << 12));
uint8_t rs1 = ((bit_sub<15,5>(instr)));
uint8_t rs2 = ((bit_sub<20,5>(instr)));
@ -581,7 +581,7 @@ private:
uint32_t* NEXT_PC = reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(this->regs_base_ptr+arch::traits<ARCH>::reg_byte_offsets[arch::traits<ARCH>::NEXT_PC]);
*NEXT_PC = *PC + 4;
// execute instruction
if(*(X+rs1) < *(X+rs2)) pc_assign(*NEXT_PC) = *PC + imm;
if(*(X+rs1) < *(X+rs2)) pc_assign(*NEXT_PC) = *PC + (int16_t)imm;
// post execution stuff
if(this->sync_exec && POST_SYNC) this->do_sync(POST_SYNC, 6);
auto& trap_state = super::template get_reg<uint32_t>(arch::traits<ARCH>::TRAP_STATE);
@ -597,7 +597,7 @@ private:
compile_ret_t __bge(virt_addr_t& pc, code_word_t instr){
// pre execution stuff
this->do_sync(PRE_SYNC, 7);
int16_t imm = signextend<int16_t,13>((bit_sub<7,1>(instr) << 11) | (bit_sub<8,4>(instr) << 1) | (bit_sub<25,6>(instr) << 5) | (bit_sub<31,1>(instr) << 12));
uint16_t imm = ((bit_sub<7,1>(instr) << 11) | (bit_sub<8,4>(instr) << 1) | (bit_sub<25,6>(instr) << 5) | (bit_sub<31,1>(instr) << 12));
uint8_t rs1 = ((bit_sub<15,5>(instr)));
uint8_t rs2 = ((bit_sub<20,5>(instr)));
@ -614,7 +614,7 @@ private:
uint32_t* NEXT_PC = reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(this->regs_base_ptr+arch::traits<ARCH>::reg_byte_offsets[arch::traits<ARCH>::NEXT_PC]);
*NEXT_PC = *PC + 4;
// execute instruction
if(*(X+rs1) >= *(X+rs2)) pc_assign(*NEXT_PC) = *PC + imm;
if(*(X+rs1) >= *(X+rs2)) pc_assign(*NEXT_PC) = *PC + (int16_t)imm;
// post execution stuff
if(this->sync_exec && POST_SYNC) this->do_sync(POST_SYNC, 7);
auto& trap_state = super::template get_reg<uint32_t>(arch::traits<ARCH>::TRAP_STATE);
@ -630,7 +630,7 @@ private:
compile_ret_t __bltu(virt_addr_t& pc, code_word_t instr){
// pre execution stuff
this->do_sync(PRE_SYNC, 8);
int16_t imm = signextend<int16_t,13>((bit_sub<7,1>(instr) << 11) | (bit_sub<8,4>(instr) << 1) | (bit_sub<25,6>(instr) << 5) | (bit_sub<31,1>(instr) << 12));
uint16_t imm = ((bit_sub<7,1>(instr) << 11) | (bit_sub<8,4>(instr) << 1) | (bit_sub<25,6>(instr) << 5) | (bit_sub<31,1>(instr) << 12));
uint8_t rs1 = ((bit_sub<15,5>(instr)));
uint8_t rs2 = ((bit_sub<20,5>(instr)));
@ -647,7 +647,7 @@ private:
uint32_t* NEXT_PC = reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(this->regs_base_ptr+arch::traits<ARCH>::reg_byte_offsets[arch::traits<ARCH>::NEXT_PC]);
*NEXT_PC = *PC + 4;
// execute instruction
if(*(X+rs1) < *(X+rs2)) pc_assign(*NEXT_PC) = *PC + imm;
if(*(X+rs1) < *(X+rs2)) pc_assign(*NEXT_PC) = *PC + (int16_t)imm;
// post execution stuff
if(this->sync_exec && POST_SYNC) this->do_sync(POST_SYNC, 8);
auto& trap_state = super::template get_reg<uint32_t>(arch::traits<ARCH>::TRAP_STATE);
@ -663,7 +663,7 @@ private:
compile_ret_t __bgeu(virt_addr_t& pc, code_word_t instr){
// pre execution stuff
this->do_sync(PRE_SYNC, 9);
int16_t imm = signextend<int16_t,13>((bit_sub<7,1>(instr) << 11) | (bit_sub<8,4>(instr) << 1) | (bit_sub<25,6>(instr) << 5) | (bit_sub<31,1>(instr) << 12));
uint16_t imm = ((bit_sub<7,1>(instr) << 11) | (bit_sub<8,4>(instr) << 1) | (bit_sub<25,6>(instr) << 5) | (bit_sub<31,1>(instr) << 12));
uint8_t rs1 = ((bit_sub<15,5>(instr)));
uint8_t rs2 = ((bit_sub<20,5>(instr)));
@ -680,7 +680,7 @@ private:
uint32_t* NEXT_PC = reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(this->regs_base_ptr+arch::traits<ARCH>::reg_byte_offsets[arch::traits<ARCH>::NEXT_PC]);
*NEXT_PC = *PC + 4;
// execute instruction
if(*(X+rs1) >= *(X+rs2)) pc_assign(*NEXT_PC) = *PC + imm;
if(*(X+rs1) >= *(X+rs2)) pc_assign(*NEXT_PC) = *PC + (int16_t)imm;
// post execution stuff
if(this->sync_exec && POST_SYNC) this->do_sync(POST_SYNC, 9);
auto& trap_state = super::template get_reg<uint32_t>(arch::traits<ARCH>::TRAP_STATE);
@ -698,7 +698,7 @@ private:
this->do_sync(PRE_SYNC, 10);
uint8_t rd = ((bit_sub<7,5>(instr)));
uint8_t rs1 = ((bit_sub<15,5>(instr)));
int16_t imm = signextend<int16_t,12>((bit_sub<20,12>(instr)));
uint16_t imm = ((bit_sub<20,12>(instr)));
/* generate console output when executing the command */
auto mnemonic = fmt::format(
@ -713,7 +713,7 @@ private:
uint32_t* NEXT_PC = reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(this->regs_base_ptr+arch::traits<ARCH>::reg_byte_offsets[arch::traits<ARCH>::NEXT_PC]);
*NEXT_PC = *PC + 4;
// execute instruction
if(rd != 0) *(X+rd) = readSpace1(traits::MEM, *(X+rs1) + imm);
if(rd != 0) *(X+rd) = readSpace1(traits::MEM, *(X+rs1) + (int16_t)imm);
// post execution stuff
if(this->sync_exec && POST_SYNC) this->do_sync(POST_SYNC, 10);
auto& trap_state = super::template get_reg<uint32_t>(arch::traits<ARCH>::TRAP_STATE);
@ -731,7 +731,7 @@ private:
this->do_sync(PRE_SYNC, 11);
uint8_t rd = ((bit_sub<7,5>(instr)));
uint8_t rs1 = ((bit_sub<15,5>(instr)));
int16_t imm = signextend<int16_t,12>((bit_sub<20,12>(instr)));
uint16_t imm = ((bit_sub<20,12>(instr)));
/* generate console output when executing the command */
auto mnemonic = fmt::format(
@ -746,7 +746,7 @@ private:
uint32_t* NEXT_PC = reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(this->regs_base_ptr+arch::traits<ARCH>::reg_byte_offsets[arch::traits<ARCH>::NEXT_PC]);
*NEXT_PC = *PC + 4;
// execute instruction
if(rd != 0) *(X+rd) = (int16_t)readSpace2(traits::MEM, *(X+rs1) + imm);
if(rd != 0) *(X+rd) = (int16_t)readSpace2(traits::MEM, *(X+rs1) + (int16_t)imm);
// post execution stuff
if(this->sync_exec && POST_SYNC) this->do_sync(POST_SYNC, 11);
auto& trap_state = super::template get_reg<uint32_t>(arch::traits<ARCH>::TRAP_STATE);
@ -764,7 +764,7 @@ private:
this->do_sync(PRE_SYNC, 12);
uint8_t rd = ((bit_sub<7,5>(instr)));
uint8_t rs1 = ((bit_sub<15,5>(instr)));
int16_t imm = signextend<int16_t,12>((bit_sub<20,12>(instr)));
uint16_t imm = ((bit_sub<20,12>(instr)));
/* generate console output when executing the command */
auto mnemonic = fmt::format(
@ -779,7 +779,7 @@ private:
uint32_t* NEXT_PC = reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(this->regs_base_ptr+arch::traits<ARCH>::reg_byte_offsets[arch::traits<ARCH>::NEXT_PC]);
*NEXT_PC = *PC + 4;
// execute instruction
if(rd != 0) *(X+rd) = (uint32_t)readSpace4(traits::MEM, *(X+rs1) + imm);
if(rd != 0) *(X+rd) = (uint32_t)readSpace4(traits::MEM, *(X+rs1) + (int16_t)imm);
// post execution stuff
if(this->sync_exec && POST_SYNC) this->do_sync(POST_SYNC, 12);
auto& trap_state = super::template get_reg<uint32_t>(arch::traits<ARCH>::TRAP_STATE);
@ -797,7 +797,7 @@ private:
this->do_sync(PRE_SYNC, 13);
uint8_t rd = ((bit_sub<7,5>(instr)));
uint8_t rs1 = ((bit_sub<15,5>(instr)));
int16_t imm = signextend<int16_t,12>((bit_sub<20,12>(instr)));
uint16_t imm = ((bit_sub<20,12>(instr)));
/* generate console output when executing the command */
auto mnemonic = fmt::format(
@ -812,7 +812,7 @@ private:
uint32_t* NEXT_PC = reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(this->regs_base_ptr+arch::traits<ARCH>::reg_byte_offsets[arch::traits<ARCH>::NEXT_PC]);
*NEXT_PC = *PC + 4;
// execute instruction
if(rd != 0) *(X+rd) = (uint8_t)readSpace1(traits::MEM, *(X+rs1) + imm);
if(rd != 0) *(X+rd) = (uint8_t)readSpace1(traits::MEM, *(X+rs1) + (int16_t)imm);
// post execution stuff
if(this->sync_exec && POST_SYNC) this->do_sync(POST_SYNC, 13);
auto& trap_state = super::template get_reg<uint32_t>(arch::traits<ARCH>::TRAP_STATE);
@ -830,7 +830,7 @@ private:
this->do_sync(PRE_SYNC, 14);
uint8_t rd = ((bit_sub<7,5>(instr)));
uint8_t rs1 = ((bit_sub<15,5>(instr)));
int16_t imm = signextend<int16_t,12>((bit_sub<20,12>(instr)));
uint16_t imm = ((bit_sub<20,12>(instr)));
/* generate console output when executing the command */
auto mnemonic = fmt::format(
@ -845,7 +845,7 @@ private:
uint32_t* NEXT_PC = reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(this->regs_base_ptr+arch::traits<ARCH>::reg_byte_offsets[arch::traits<ARCH>::NEXT_PC]);
*NEXT_PC = *PC + 4;
// execute instruction
if(rd != 0) *(X+rd) = (uint16_t)readSpace2(traits::MEM, *(X+rs1) + imm);
if(rd != 0) *(X+rd) = (uint16_t)readSpace2(traits::MEM, *(X+rs1) + (int16_t)imm);
// post execution stuff
if(this->sync_exec && POST_SYNC) this->do_sync(POST_SYNC, 14);
auto& trap_state = super::template get_reg<uint32_t>(arch::traits<ARCH>::TRAP_STATE);
@ -861,7 +861,7 @@ private:
compile_ret_t __sb(virt_addr_t& pc, code_word_t instr){
// pre execution stuff
this->do_sync(PRE_SYNC, 15);
int16_t imm = signextend<int16_t,12>((bit_sub<7,5>(instr)) | (bit_sub<25,7>(instr) << 5));
uint16_t imm = ((bit_sub<7,5>(instr)) | (bit_sub<25,7>(instr) << 5));
uint8_t rs1 = ((bit_sub<15,5>(instr)));
uint8_t rs2 = ((bit_sub<20,5>(instr)));
@ -878,7 +878,7 @@ private:
uint32_t* NEXT_PC = reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(this->regs_base_ptr+arch::traits<ARCH>::reg_byte_offsets[arch::traits<ARCH>::NEXT_PC]);
*NEXT_PC = *PC + 4;
// execute instruction
writeSpace1(traits::MEM, *(X+rs1) + imm, (int8_t)*(X+rs2));
writeSpace1(traits::MEM, *(X+rs1) + (int16_t)imm, (int8_t)*(X+rs2));
// post execution stuff
if(this->sync_exec && POST_SYNC) this->do_sync(POST_SYNC, 15);
auto& trap_state = super::template get_reg<uint32_t>(arch::traits<ARCH>::TRAP_STATE);
@ -894,7 +894,7 @@ private:
compile_ret_t __sh(virt_addr_t& pc, code_word_t instr){
// pre execution stuff
this->do_sync(PRE_SYNC, 16);
int16_t imm = signextend<int16_t,12>((bit_sub<7,5>(instr)) | (bit_sub<25,7>(instr) << 5));
uint16_t imm = ((bit_sub<7,5>(instr)) | (bit_sub<25,7>(instr) << 5));
uint8_t rs1 = ((bit_sub<15,5>(instr)));
uint8_t rs2 = ((bit_sub<20,5>(instr)));
@ -911,7 +911,7 @@ private:
uint32_t* NEXT_PC = reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(this->regs_base_ptr+arch::traits<ARCH>::reg_byte_offsets[arch::traits<ARCH>::NEXT_PC]);
*NEXT_PC = *PC + 4;
// execute instruction
writeSpace2(traits::MEM, *(X+rs1) + imm, (int16_t)*(X+rs2));
writeSpace2(traits::MEM, *(X+rs1) + (int16_t)imm, (int16_t)*(X+rs2));
// post execution stuff
if(this->sync_exec && POST_SYNC) this->do_sync(POST_SYNC, 16);
auto& trap_state = super::template get_reg<uint32_t>(arch::traits<ARCH>::TRAP_STATE);
@ -927,7 +927,7 @@ private:
compile_ret_t __sw(virt_addr_t& pc, code_word_t instr){
// pre execution stuff
this->do_sync(PRE_SYNC, 17);
int16_t imm = signextend<int16_t,12>((bit_sub<7,5>(instr)) | (bit_sub<25,7>(instr) << 5));
uint16_t imm = ((bit_sub<7,5>(instr)) | (bit_sub<25,7>(instr) << 5));
uint8_t rs1 = ((bit_sub<15,5>(instr)));
uint8_t rs2 = ((bit_sub<20,5>(instr)));
@ -944,7 +944,7 @@ private:
uint32_t* NEXT_PC = reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(this->regs_base_ptr+arch::traits<ARCH>::reg_byte_offsets[arch::traits<ARCH>::NEXT_PC]);
*NEXT_PC = *PC + 4;
// execute instruction
writeSpace4(traits::MEM, *(X+rs1) + imm, *(X+rs2));
writeSpace4(traits::MEM, *(X+rs1) + (int16_t)imm, *(X+rs2));
// post execution stuff
if(this->sync_exec && POST_SYNC) this->do_sync(POST_SYNC, 17);
auto& trap_state = super::template get_reg<uint32_t>(arch::traits<ARCH>::TRAP_STATE);
@ -962,7 +962,7 @@ private:
this->do_sync(PRE_SYNC, 18);
uint8_t rd = ((bit_sub<7,5>(instr)));
uint8_t rs1 = ((bit_sub<15,5>(instr)));
int16_t imm = signextend<int16_t,12>((bit_sub<20,12>(instr)));
uint16_t imm = ((bit_sub<20,12>(instr)));
/* generate console output when executing the command */
auto mnemonic = fmt::format(
@ -977,7 +977,7 @@ private:
uint32_t* NEXT_PC = reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(this->regs_base_ptr+arch::traits<ARCH>::reg_byte_offsets[arch::traits<ARCH>::NEXT_PC]);
*NEXT_PC = *PC + 4;
// execute instruction
if(rd != 0) *(X+rd) = *(X+rs1) + imm;
if(rd != 0) *(X+rd) = *(X+rs1) + (int16_t)imm;
// post execution stuff
if(this->sync_exec && POST_SYNC) this->do_sync(POST_SYNC, 18);
auto& trap_state = super::template get_reg<uint32_t>(arch::traits<ARCH>::TRAP_STATE);
@ -995,7 +995,7 @@ private:
this->do_sync(PRE_SYNC, 19);
uint8_t rd = ((bit_sub<7,5>(instr)));
uint8_t rs1 = ((bit_sub<15,5>(instr)));
int16_t imm = signextend<int16_t,12>((bit_sub<20,12>(instr)));
uint16_t imm = ((bit_sub<20,12>(instr)));
/* generate console output when executing the command */
auto mnemonic = fmt::format(
@ -1010,7 +1010,7 @@ private:
uint32_t* NEXT_PC = reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(this->regs_base_ptr+arch::traits<ARCH>::reg_byte_offsets[arch::traits<ARCH>::NEXT_PC]);
*NEXT_PC = *PC + 4;
// execute instruction
if(rd != 0) *(X+rd) = *(X+rs1) < imm? 1 : 0;
if(rd != 0) *(X+rd) = (int32_t)*(X+rs1) < (int16_t)imm? 1 : 0;
// post execution stuff
if(this->sync_exec && POST_SYNC) this->do_sync(POST_SYNC, 19);
auto& trap_state = super::template get_reg<uint32_t>(arch::traits<ARCH>::TRAP_STATE);
@ -1028,7 +1028,7 @@ private:
this->do_sync(PRE_SYNC, 20);
uint8_t rd = ((bit_sub<7,5>(instr)));
uint8_t rs1 = ((bit_sub<15,5>(instr)));
int16_t imm = signextend<int16_t,12>((bit_sub<20,12>(instr)));
uint16_t imm = ((bit_sub<20,12>(instr)));
/* generate console output when executing the command */
auto mnemonic = fmt::format(
@ -1043,7 +1043,7 @@ private:
uint32_t* NEXT_PC = reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(this->regs_base_ptr+arch::traits<ARCH>::reg_byte_offsets[arch::traits<ARCH>::NEXT_PC]);
*NEXT_PC = *PC + 4;
// execute instruction
if(rd != 0) *(X+rd) = (uint8_t)*(X+rs1) < (uint8_t)(int32_t)imm? 1 : 0;
if(rd != 0) *(X+rd) = *(X+rs1) < imm? 1 : 0;
// post execution stuff
if(this->sync_exec && POST_SYNC) this->do_sync(POST_SYNC, 20);
auto& trap_state = super::template get_reg<uint32_t>(arch::traits<ARCH>::TRAP_STATE);
@ -1061,7 +1061,7 @@ private:
this->do_sync(PRE_SYNC, 21);
uint8_t rd = ((bit_sub<7,5>(instr)));
uint8_t rs1 = ((bit_sub<15,5>(instr)));
int16_t imm = signextend<int16_t,12>((bit_sub<20,12>(instr)));
uint16_t imm = ((bit_sub<20,12>(instr)));
/* generate console output when executing the command */
auto mnemonic = fmt::format(
@ -1076,7 +1076,7 @@ private:
uint32_t* NEXT_PC = reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(this->regs_base_ptr+arch::traits<ARCH>::reg_byte_offsets[arch::traits<ARCH>::NEXT_PC]);
*NEXT_PC = *PC + 4;
// execute instruction
if(rd != 0) *(X+rd) = *(X+rs1) ^ imm;
if(rd != 0) *(X+rd) = *(X+rs1) ^ (int16_t)imm;
// post execution stuff
if(this->sync_exec && POST_SYNC) this->do_sync(POST_SYNC, 21);
auto& trap_state = super::template get_reg<uint32_t>(arch::traits<ARCH>::TRAP_STATE);
@ -1094,7 +1094,7 @@ private:
this->do_sync(PRE_SYNC, 22);
uint8_t rd = ((bit_sub<7,5>(instr)));
uint8_t rs1 = ((bit_sub<15,5>(instr)));
int16_t imm = signextend<int16_t,12>((bit_sub<20,12>(instr)));
uint16_t imm = ((bit_sub<20,12>(instr)));
/* generate console output when executing the command */
auto mnemonic = fmt::format(
@ -1109,7 +1109,7 @@ private:
uint32_t* NEXT_PC = reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(this->regs_base_ptr+arch::traits<ARCH>::reg_byte_offsets[arch::traits<ARCH>::NEXT_PC]);
*NEXT_PC = *PC + 4;
// execute instruction
if(rd != 0) *(X+rd) = *(X+rs1) | imm;
if(rd != 0) *(X+rd) = *(X+rs1) | (int16_t)imm;
// post execution stuff
if(this->sync_exec && POST_SYNC) this->do_sync(POST_SYNC, 22);
auto& trap_state = super::template get_reg<uint32_t>(arch::traits<ARCH>::TRAP_STATE);
@ -1127,7 +1127,7 @@ private:
this->do_sync(PRE_SYNC, 23);
uint8_t rd = ((bit_sub<7,5>(instr)));
uint8_t rs1 = ((bit_sub<15,5>(instr)));
int16_t imm = signextend<int16_t,12>((bit_sub<20,12>(instr)));
uint16_t imm = ((bit_sub<20,12>(instr)));
/* generate console output when executing the command */
auto mnemonic = fmt::format(
@ -1142,7 +1142,7 @@ private:
uint32_t* NEXT_PC = reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(this->regs_base_ptr+arch::traits<ARCH>::reg_byte_offsets[arch::traits<ARCH>::NEXT_PC]);
*NEXT_PC = *PC + 4;
// execute instruction
if(rd != 0) *(X+rd) = *(X+rs1) & imm;
if(rd != 0) *(X+rd) = *(X+rs1) & (int16_t)imm;
// post execution stuff
if(this->sync_exec && POST_SYNC) this->do_sync(POST_SYNC, 23);
auto& trap_state = super::template get_reg<uint32_t>(arch::traits<ARCH>::TRAP_STATE);
@ -1176,7 +1176,7 @@ private:
*NEXT_PC = *PC + 4;
// execute instruction
if(shamt > 31) {
raise(0, 0);
(0, 0);
else {
if(rd != 0) *(X+rd) = *(X+rs1) << shamt;
@ -1214,7 +1214,7 @@ private:
*NEXT_PC = *PC + 4;
// execute instruction
if(shamt > 31) {
raise(0, 0);
(0, 0);
else {
if(rd != 0) *(X+rd) = ((uint8_t)*(X+rs1)) >> shamt;
@ -1252,7 +1252,7 @@ private:
*NEXT_PC = *PC + 4;
// execute instruction
if(shamt > 31) {
raise(0, 0);
(0, 0);
else {
if(rd != 0) *(X+rd) = *(X+rs1) >> shamt;
@ -1680,7 +1680,7 @@ private:
uint32_t* NEXT_PC = reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(this->regs_base_ptr+arch::traits<ARCH>::reg_byte_offsets[arch::traits<ARCH>::NEXT_PC]);
*NEXT_PC = *PC + 4;
// execute instruction
raise(0, 11);
(0, 11);
// post execution stuff
if(this->sync_exec && POST_SYNC) this->do_sync(POST_SYNC, 39);
auto& trap_state = super::template get_reg<uint32_t>(arch::traits<ARCH>::TRAP_STATE);
@ -1707,7 +1707,7 @@ private:
uint32_t* NEXT_PC = reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(this->regs_base_ptr+arch::traits<ARCH>::reg_byte_offsets[arch::traits<ARCH>::NEXT_PC]);
*NEXT_PC = *PC + 4;
// execute instruction
raise(0, 3);
(0, 3);
// post execution stuff
if(this->sync_exec && POST_SYNC) this->do_sync(POST_SYNC, 40);
auto& trap_state = super::template get_reg<uint32_t>(arch::traits<ARCH>::TRAP_STATE);
@ -1734,7 +1734,7 @@ private:
uint32_t* NEXT_PC = reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(this->regs_base_ptr+arch::traits<ARCH>::reg_byte_offsets[arch::traits<ARCH>::NEXT_PC]);
*NEXT_PC = *PC + 4;
// execute instruction
// post execution stuff
if(this->sync_exec && POST_SYNC) this->do_sync(POST_SYNC, 41);
auto& trap_state = super::template get_reg<uint32_t>(arch::traits<ARCH>::TRAP_STATE);
@ -1761,7 +1761,7 @@ private:
uint32_t* NEXT_PC = reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(this->regs_base_ptr+arch::traits<ARCH>::reg_byte_offsets[arch::traits<ARCH>::NEXT_PC]);
*NEXT_PC = *PC + 4;
// execute instruction
// post execution stuff
if(this->sync_exec && POST_SYNC) this->do_sync(POST_SYNC, 42);
auto& trap_state = super::template get_reg<uint32_t>(arch::traits<ARCH>::TRAP_STATE);
@ -1788,7 +1788,7 @@ private:
uint32_t* NEXT_PC = reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(this->regs_base_ptr+arch::traits<ARCH>::reg_byte_offsets[arch::traits<ARCH>::NEXT_PC]);
*NEXT_PC = *PC + 4;
// execute instruction
// post execution stuff
if(this->sync_exec && POST_SYNC) this->do_sync(POST_SYNC, 43);
auto& trap_state = super::template get_reg<uint32_t>(arch::traits<ARCH>::TRAP_STATE);
@ -1815,7 +1815,7 @@ private:
uint32_t* NEXT_PC = reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(this->regs_base_ptr+arch::traits<ARCH>::reg_byte_offsets[arch::traits<ARCH>::NEXT_PC]);
*NEXT_PC = *PC + 4;
// execute instruction
// post execution stuff
if(this->sync_exec && POST_SYNC) this->do_sync(POST_SYNC, 44);
auto& trap_state = super::template get_reg<uint32_t>(arch::traits<ARCH>::TRAP_STATE);
@ -2424,7 +2424,7 @@ private:
*NEXT_PC = *PC + 2;
// execute instruction
if(imm == 0) raise(0, 2);
if(imm == 0) (0, 2);
*(X+(rd + 8)) = *(X+2) + imm;
// post execution stuff
@ -2514,7 +2514,7 @@ private:
compile_ret_t __caddi(virt_addr_t& pc, code_word_t instr){
// pre execution stuff
this->do_sync(PRE_SYNC, 63);
int8_t imm = signextend<int8_t,6>((bit_sub<2,5>(instr)) | (bit_sub<12,1>(instr) << 5));
uint8_t imm = ((bit_sub<2,5>(instr)) | (bit_sub<12,1>(instr) << 5));
uint8_t rs1 = ((bit_sub<7,5>(instr)));
/* generate console output when executing the command */
@ -2530,7 +2530,7 @@ private:
uint32_t* NEXT_PC = reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(this->regs_base_ptr+arch::traits<ARCH>::reg_byte_offsets[arch::traits<ARCH>::NEXT_PC]);
*NEXT_PC = *PC + 2;
// execute instruction
*(X+rs1) = (int8_t)*(X+rs1) + imm;
*(X+rs1) = *(X+rs1) + (int8_t)imm;
// post execution stuff
if(this->sync_exec && POST_SYNC) this->do_sync(POST_SYNC, 63);
auto& trap_state = super::template get_reg<uint32_t>(arch::traits<ARCH>::TRAP_STATE);
@ -2574,7 +2574,7 @@ private:
compile_ret_t __cjal(virt_addr_t& pc, code_word_t instr){
// pre execution stuff
this->do_sync(PRE_SYNC, 65);
int16_t imm = signextend<int16_t,12>((bit_sub<2,1>(instr) << 5) | (bit_sub<3,3>(instr) << 1) | (bit_sub<6,1>(instr) << 7) | (bit_sub<7,1>(instr) << 6) | (bit_sub<8,1>(instr) << 10) | (bit_sub<9,2>(instr) << 8) | (bit_sub<11,1>(instr) << 4) | (bit_sub<12,1>(instr) << 11));
uint16_t imm = ((bit_sub<2,1>(instr) << 5) | (bit_sub<3,3>(instr) << 1) | (bit_sub<6,1>(instr) << 7) | (bit_sub<7,1>(instr) << 6) | (bit_sub<8,1>(instr) << 10) | (bit_sub<9,2>(instr) << 8) | (bit_sub<11,1>(instr) << 4) | (bit_sub<12,1>(instr) << 11));
/* generate console output when executing the command */
auto mnemonic = fmt::format(
@ -2591,7 +2591,7 @@ private:
// execute instruction
*(X+1) = *PC + 2;
pc_assign(*NEXT_PC) = (int8_t)*PC + imm;
pc_assign(*NEXT_PC) = (int8_t)*PC + (int16_t)imm;
// post execution stuff
if(this->sync_exec && POST_SYNC) this->do_sync(POST_SYNC, 65);
@ -2608,7 +2608,7 @@ private:
compile_ret_t __cli(virt_addr_t& pc, code_word_t instr){
// pre execution stuff
this->do_sync(PRE_SYNC, 66);
int8_t imm = signextend<int8_t,6>((bit_sub<2,5>(instr)) | (bit_sub<12,1>(instr) << 5));
uint8_t imm = ((bit_sub<2,5>(instr)) | (bit_sub<12,1>(instr) << 5));
uint8_t rd = ((bit_sub<7,5>(instr)));
/* generate console output when executing the command */
@ -2625,8 +2625,8 @@ private:
*NEXT_PC = *PC + 2;
// execute instruction
if(rd == 0) raise(0, 2);
*(X+rd) = imm;
if(rd == 0) (0, 2);
*(X+rd) = (int8_t)imm;
// post execution stuff
if(this->sync_exec && POST_SYNC) this->do_sync(POST_SYNC, 66);
@ -2643,7 +2643,7 @@ private:
compile_ret_t __clui(virt_addr_t& pc, code_word_t instr){
// pre execution stuff
this->do_sync(PRE_SYNC, 67);
int32_t imm = signextend<int32_t,18>((bit_sub<2,5>(instr) << 12) | (bit_sub<12,1>(instr) << 17));
uint32_t imm = ((bit_sub<2,5>(instr) << 12) | (bit_sub<12,1>(instr) << 17));
uint8_t rd = ((bit_sub<7,5>(instr)));
/* generate console output when executing the command */
@ -2660,9 +2660,9 @@ private:
*NEXT_PC = *PC + 2;
// execute instruction
if(rd == 0) raise(0, 2);
if(imm == 0) raise(0, 2);
*(X+rd) = imm;
if(rd == 0) (0, 2);
if(imm == 0) (0, 2);
*(X+rd) = (int32_t)imm;
// post execution stuff
if(this->sync_exec && POST_SYNC) this->do_sync(POST_SYNC, 67);
@ -2679,7 +2679,7 @@ private:
compile_ret_t __caddi16sp(virt_addr_t& pc, code_word_t instr){
// pre execution stuff
this->do_sync(PRE_SYNC, 68);
int16_t imm = signextend<int16_t,10>((bit_sub<2,1>(instr) << 5) | (bit_sub<3,2>(instr) << 7) | (bit_sub<5,1>(instr) << 6) | (bit_sub<6,1>(instr) << 4) | (bit_sub<12,1>(instr) << 9));
uint16_t imm = ((bit_sub<2,1>(instr) << 5) | (bit_sub<3,2>(instr) << 7) | (bit_sub<5,1>(instr) << 6) | (bit_sub<6,1>(instr) << 4) | (bit_sub<12,1>(instr) << 9));
/* generate console output when executing the command */
auto mnemonic = fmt::format(
@ -2694,7 +2694,7 @@ private:
uint32_t* NEXT_PC = reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(this->regs_base_ptr+arch::traits<ARCH>::reg_byte_offsets[arch::traits<ARCH>::NEXT_PC]);
*NEXT_PC = *PC + 2;
// execute instruction
*(X+2) = (int8_t)*(X+2) + imm;
*(X+2) = *(X+2) + (int16_t)imm;
// post execution stuff
if(this->sync_exec && POST_SYNC) this->do_sync(POST_SYNC, 68);
auto& trap_state = super::template get_reg<uint32_t>(arch::traits<ARCH>::TRAP_STATE);
@ -2780,7 +2780,7 @@ private:
compile_ret_t __candi(virt_addr_t& pc, code_word_t instr){
// pre execution stuff
this->do_sync(PRE_SYNC, 71);
int8_t imm = signextend<int8_t,6>((bit_sub<2,5>(instr)) | (bit_sub<12,1>(instr) << 5));
uint8_t imm = ((bit_sub<2,5>(instr)) | (bit_sub<12,1>(instr) << 5));
uint8_t rs1 = ((bit_sub<7,3>(instr)));
/* generate console output when executing the command */
@ -2798,7 +2798,7 @@ private:
// execute instruction
uint8_t rs1_idx = rs1 + 8;
*(X+rs1_idx) = *(X+rs1_idx) & imm;
*(X+rs1_idx) = *(X+rs1_idx) & (int8_t)imm;
// post execution stuff
if(this->sync_exec && POST_SYNC) this->do_sync(POST_SYNC, 71);
@ -2955,7 +2955,7 @@ private:
compile_ret_t __cj(virt_addr_t& pc, code_word_t instr){
// pre execution stuff
this->do_sync(PRE_SYNC, 76);
int16_t imm = signextend<int16_t,12>((bit_sub<2,1>(instr) << 5) | (bit_sub<3,3>(instr) << 1) | (bit_sub<6,1>(instr) << 7) | (bit_sub<7,1>(instr) << 6) | (bit_sub<8,1>(instr) << 10) | (bit_sub<9,2>(instr) << 8) | (bit_sub<11,1>(instr) << 4) | (bit_sub<12,1>(instr) << 11));
uint16_t imm = ((bit_sub<2,1>(instr) << 5) | (bit_sub<3,3>(instr) << 1) | (bit_sub<6,1>(instr) << 7) | (bit_sub<7,1>(instr) << 6) | (bit_sub<8,1>(instr) << 10) | (bit_sub<9,2>(instr) << 8) | (bit_sub<11,1>(instr) << 4) | (bit_sub<12,1>(instr) << 11));
/* generate console output when executing the command */
auto mnemonic = fmt::format(
@ -2970,7 +2970,7 @@ private:
uint32_t* NEXT_PC = reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(this->regs_base_ptr+arch::traits<ARCH>::reg_byte_offsets[arch::traits<ARCH>::NEXT_PC]);
*NEXT_PC = *PC + 2;
// execute instruction
pc_assign(*NEXT_PC) = (int8_t)*PC + imm;
pc_assign(*NEXT_PC) = *PC + (int16_t)imm;
// post execution stuff
if(this->sync_exec && POST_SYNC) this->do_sync(POST_SYNC, 76);
auto& trap_state = super::template get_reg<uint32_t>(arch::traits<ARCH>::TRAP_STATE);
@ -2986,7 +2986,7 @@ private:
compile_ret_t __cbeqz(virt_addr_t& pc, code_word_t instr){
// pre execution stuff
this->do_sync(PRE_SYNC, 77);
int16_t imm = signextend<int16_t,9>((bit_sub<2,1>(instr) << 5) | (bit_sub<3,2>(instr) << 1) | (bit_sub<5,2>(instr) << 6) | (bit_sub<10,2>(instr) << 3) | (bit_sub<12,1>(instr) << 8));
uint16_t imm = ((bit_sub<2,1>(instr) << 5) | (bit_sub<3,2>(instr) << 1) | (bit_sub<5,2>(instr) << 6) | (bit_sub<10,2>(instr) << 3) | (bit_sub<12,1>(instr) << 8));
uint8_t rs1 = ((bit_sub<7,3>(instr)));
/* generate console output when executing the command */
@ -3002,7 +3002,7 @@ private:
uint32_t* NEXT_PC = reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(this->regs_base_ptr+arch::traits<ARCH>::reg_byte_offsets[arch::traits<ARCH>::NEXT_PC]);
*NEXT_PC = *PC + 2;
// execute instruction
if(*(X+(rs1 + 8)) == 0) pc_assign(*NEXT_PC) = *PC + imm;
if(*(X+(rs1 + 8)) == 0) pc_assign(*NEXT_PC) = *PC + (int16_t)imm;
// post execution stuff
if(this->sync_exec && POST_SYNC) this->do_sync(POST_SYNC, 77);
auto& trap_state = super::template get_reg<uint32_t>(arch::traits<ARCH>::TRAP_STATE);
@ -3018,7 +3018,7 @@ private:
compile_ret_t __cbnez(virt_addr_t& pc, code_word_t instr){
// pre execution stuff
this->do_sync(PRE_SYNC, 78);
int16_t imm = signextend<int16_t,9>((bit_sub<2,1>(instr) << 5) | (bit_sub<3,2>(instr) << 1) | (bit_sub<5,2>(instr) << 6) | (bit_sub<10,2>(instr) << 3) | (bit_sub<12,1>(instr) << 8));
uint16_t imm = ((bit_sub<2,1>(instr) << 5) | (bit_sub<3,2>(instr) << 1) | (bit_sub<5,2>(instr) << 6) | (bit_sub<10,2>(instr) << 3) | (bit_sub<12,1>(instr) << 8));
uint8_t rs1 = ((bit_sub<7,3>(instr)));
/* generate console output when executing the command */
@ -3034,7 +3034,7 @@ private:
uint32_t* NEXT_PC = reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(this->regs_base_ptr+arch::traits<ARCH>::reg_byte_offsets[arch::traits<ARCH>::NEXT_PC]);
*NEXT_PC = *PC + 2;
// execute instruction
if(*(X+(rs1 + 8)) != 0) pc_assign(*NEXT_PC) = *PC + imm;
if(*(X+(rs1 + 8)) != 0) pc_assign(*NEXT_PC) = *PC + (int16_t)imm;
// post execution stuff
if(this->sync_exec && POST_SYNC) this->do_sync(POST_SYNC, 78);
auto& trap_state = super::template get_reg<uint32_t>(arch::traits<ARCH>::TRAP_STATE);
@ -3067,7 +3067,7 @@ private:
*NEXT_PC = *PC + 2;
// execute instruction
if(rs1 == 0) raise(0, 2);
if(rs1 == 0) (0, 2);
*(X+rs1) = *(X+rs1) << shamt;
// post execution stuff
@ -3260,7 +3260,7 @@ private:
uint32_t* NEXT_PC = reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(this->regs_base_ptr+arch::traits<ARCH>::reg_byte_offsets[arch::traits<ARCH>::NEXT_PC]);
*NEXT_PC = *PC + 2;
// execute instruction
raise(0, 3);
(0, 3);
// post execution stuff
if(this->sync_exec && POST_SYNC) this->do_sync(POST_SYNC, 85);
auto& trap_state = super::template get_reg<uint32_t>(arch::traits<ARCH>::TRAP_STATE);
@ -3322,7 +3322,7 @@ private:
uint32_t* NEXT_PC = reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(this->regs_base_ptr+arch::traits<ARCH>::reg_byte_offsets[arch::traits<ARCH>::NEXT_PC]);
*NEXT_PC = *PC + 2;
// execute instruction
raise(0, 2);
(0, 2);
// post execution stuff
if(this->sync_exec && POST_SYNC) this->do_sync(POST_SYNC, 87);
auto& trap_state = super::template get_reg<uint32_t>(arch::traits<ARCH>::TRAP_STATE);
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