
4319 lines
216 KiB

// Copyright (C) 2017, MINRES Technologies GmbH
// All rights reserved.
// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
// modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
// 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
// this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
// 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
// this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
// and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
// 3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its contributors
// may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software
// without specific prior written permission.
// Contributors:
// eyck@minres.com - initial API and implementation
#include <cstring>
#include <iss/debugger/gdb_session.h>
#include <iss/iss.h>
#include <memory>
#include <util/logging.h>
#include "iss/arch/rv32imac.h"
#include "iss/debugger/server.h"
#include "iss/vm_base.h"
#include "iss/arch/riscv_hart_msu_vp.h"
#include <boost/format.hpp>
namespace iss {
namespace rv32imac {
using namespace iss::arch;
using namespace llvm;
using namespace iss::debugger;
template <typename ARCH> struct vm_impl;
template <typename ARCH> struct target_adapter : public target_adapter_base {
target_adapter(server_if *srv, vm_impl<ARCH> *vm) : target_adapter_base(srv), vm(vm) {}
/*============== Thread Control ===============================*/
/* Set generic thread */
status set_gen_thread(rp_thread_ref &thread) override;
/* Set control thread */
status set_ctrl_thread(rp_thread_ref &thread) override;
/* Get thread status */
status is_thread_alive(rp_thread_ref &thread, bool &alive) override;
/*============= Register Access ================================*/
/* Read all registers. buf is 4-byte aligned and it is in
target byte order. If register is not available
corresponding bytes in avail_buf are 0, otherwise
avail buf is 1 */
status read_registers(std::vector<uint8_t> &data, std::vector<uint8_t> &avail) override;
/* Write all registers. buf is 4-byte aligned and it is in target
byte order */
status write_registers(const std::vector<uint8_t> &data) override;
/* Read one register. buf is 4-byte aligned and it is in
target byte order. If register is not available
corresponding bytes in avail_buf are 0, otherwise
avail buf is 1 */
status read_single_register(unsigned int reg_no, std::vector<uint8_t> &buf,
std::vector<uint8_t> &avail_buf) override;
/* Write one register. buf is 4-byte aligned and it is in target byte
order */
status write_single_register(unsigned int reg_no, const std::vector<uint8_t> &buf) override;
/*=================== Memory Access =====================*/
/* Read memory, buf is 4-bytes aligned and it is in target
byte order */
status read_mem(uint64_t addr, std::vector<uint8_t> &buf) override;
/* Write memory, buf is 4-bytes aligned and it is in target
byte order */
status write_mem(uint64_t addr, const std::vector<uint8_t> &buf) override;
status process_query(unsigned int &mask, const rp_thread_ref &arg, rp_thread_info &info) override;
status thread_list_query(int first, const rp_thread_ref &arg, std::vector<rp_thread_ref> &result, size_t max_num,
size_t &num, bool &done) override;
status current_thread_query(rp_thread_ref &thread) override;
status offsets_query(uint64_t &text, uint64_t &data, uint64_t &bss) override;
status crc_query(uint64_t addr, size_t len, uint32_t &val) override;
status raw_query(std::string in_buf, std::string &out_buf) override;
status threadinfo_query(int first, std::string &out_buf) override;
status threadextrainfo_query(const rp_thread_ref &thread, std::string &out_buf) override;
status packetsize_query(std::string &out_buf) override;
status add_break(int type, uint64_t addr, unsigned int length) override;
status remove_break(int type, uint64_t addr, unsigned int length) override;
status resume_from_addr(bool step, int sig, uint64_t addr) override;
static inline constexpr addr_t map_addr(const addr_t &i) { return i; }
vm_impl<ARCH> *vm;
rp_thread_ref thread_idx;
template <typename ARCH> struct vm_impl : public vm::vm_base<ARCH> {
using super = typename vm::vm_base<ARCH>;
using virt_addr_t = typename super::virt_addr_t;
using phys_addr_t = typename super::phys_addr_t;
using code_word_t = typename super::code_word_t;
using addr_t = typename super::addr_t;
vm_impl(ARCH &core, bool dump = false);
void enableDebug(bool enable) { super::sync_exec = super::ALL_SYNC; }
target_adapter_if *accquire_target_adapter(server_if *srv) {
debugger_if::dbg_enabled = true;
if (vm::vm_base<ARCH>::tgt_adapter == nullptr)
vm::vm_base<ARCH>::tgt_adapter = new target_adapter<ARCH>(srv, this);
return vm::vm_base<ARCH>::tgt_adapter;
template <typename T> inline llvm::ConstantInt *size(T type) {
return llvm::ConstantInt::get(getContext(), llvm::APInt(32, type->getType()->getScalarSizeInBits()));
inline llvm::Value *gen_choose(llvm::Value *cond, llvm::Value *trueVal, llvm::Value *falseVal,
unsigned size) const {
return this->gen_cond_assign(cond, this->gen_ext(trueVal, size), this->gen_ext(falseVal, size));
std::tuple<vm::continuation_e, llvm::BasicBlock *> gen_single_inst_behavior(virt_addr_t &, unsigned int &,
llvm::BasicBlock *) override;
void gen_leave_behavior(llvm::BasicBlock *leave_blk) override;
void gen_raise_trap(uint16_t trap_id, uint16_t cause);
void gen_leave_trap(unsigned lvl);
void gen_wait(unsigned type);
void gen_trap_behavior(llvm::BasicBlock *) override;
void gen_trap_check(llvm::BasicBlock *bb);
inline void gen_set_pc(virt_addr_t pc, unsigned reg_num) {
llvm::Value *next_pc_v = this->builder->CreateSExtOrTrunc(this->gen_const(traits<ARCH>::XLEN, pc.val),
this->builder->CreateStore(next_pc_v, get_reg_ptr(reg_num), true);
inline llvm::Value *get_reg_ptr(unsigned i) {
void *ptr = this->core.get_regs_base_ptr() + traits<ARCH>::reg_byte_offset(i);
llvm::PointerType *ptrType = nullptr;
switch (traits<ARCH>::reg_bit_width(i) >> 3) {
case 8:
ptrType = llvm::Type::getInt64PtrTy(this->mod->getContext());
case 4:
ptrType = llvm::Type::getInt32PtrTy(this->mod->getContext());
case 2:
ptrType = llvm::Type::getInt16PtrTy(this->mod->getContext());
case 1:
ptrType = llvm::Type::getInt8PtrTy(this->mod->getContext());
throw std::runtime_error("unsupported access with");
return llvm::ConstantExpr::getIntToPtr(
llvm::APInt(8 /*bits*/ * sizeof(uint8_t *), reinterpret_cast<uint64_t>(ptr))),
inline llvm::Value *gen_reg_load(unsigned i, unsigned level = 0) {
// if(level){
return this->builder->CreateLoad(get_reg_ptr(i), false);
// } else {
// if(!this->loaded_regs[i])
// this->loaded_regs[i]=this->builder->CreateLoad(get_reg_ptr(i),
// false);
// return this->loaded_regs[i];
// }
inline void gen_set_pc(virt_addr_t pc) {
llvm::Value *pc_l = this->builder->CreateSExt(this->gen_const(traits<ARCH>::caddr_bit_width, (unsigned)pc),
super::gen_set_reg(traits<ARCH>::PC, pc_l);
// some compile time constants
enum { MASK16 = 0b1111110001100011, MASK32 = 0b11111111111100000111000001111111 };
enum { EXTR_MASK16 = MASK16 >> 2, EXTR_MASK32 = MASK32 >> 2 };
enum { LUT_SIZE = 1 << bit_count(EXTR_MASK32), LUT_SIZE_C = 1 << bit_count(EXTR_MASK16) };
using this_class = vm_impl<ARCH>;
using compile_func = std::tuple<vm::continuation_e, llvm::BasicBlock *> (this_class::*)(virt_addr_t &pc,
code_word_t instr,
llvm::BasicBlock *bb);
compile_func lut[LUT_SIZE];
std::array<compile_func, LUT_SIZE_C> lut_00, lut_01, lut_10;
std::array<compile_func, LUT_SIZE> lut_11;
compile_func *qlut[4]; // = {lut_00, lut_01, lut_10, lut_11};
const uint32_t lutmasks[4] = {EXTR_MASK16, EXTR_MASK16, EXTR_MASK16, EXTR_MASK32};
void expand_bit_mask(int pos, uint32_t mask, uint32_t value, uint32_t valid, uint32_t idx, compile_func lut[],
compile_func f) {
if (pos < 0) {
lut[idx] = f;
} else {
auto bitmask = 1UL << pos;
if ((mask & bitmask) == 0) {
expand_bit_mask(pos - 1, mask, value, valid, idx, lut, f);
} else {
if ((valid & bitmask) == 0) {
expand_bit_mask(pos - 1, mask, value, valid, (idx << 1), lut, f);
expand_bit_mask(pos - 1, mask, value, valid, (idx << 1) + 1, lut, f);
} else {
auto new_val = idx << 1;
if ((value & bitmask) != 0) new_val++;
expand_bit_mask(pos - 1, mask, value, valid, new_val, lut, f);
inline uint32_t extract_fields(uint32_t val) { return extract_fields(29, val >> 2, lutmasks[val & 0x3], 0); }
uint32_t extract_fields(int pos, uint32_t val, uint32_t mask, uint32_t lut_val) {
if (pos >= 0) {
auto bitmask = 1UL << pos;
if ((mask & bitmask) == 0) {
lut_val = extract_fields(pos - 1, val, mask, lut_val);
} else {
auto new_val = lut_val << 1;
if ((val & bitmask) != 0) new_val++;
lut_val = extract_fields(pos - 1, val, mask, new_val);
return lut_val;
* start opcode definitions
struct InstructionDesriptor {
size_t length;
uint32_t value;
uint32_t mask;
compile_func op;
/* start generated code */
const InstructionDesriptor instr_descr[99] = {
/* entries are: valid value, valid mask, function ptr */
/* instruction LUI */
{32, 0b00000000000000000000000000110111, 0b00000000000000000000000001111111, &this_class::__lui},
/* instruction AUIPC */
{32, 0b00000000000000000000000000010111, 0b00000000000000000000000001111111, &this_class::__auipc},
/* instruction JAL */
{32, 0b00000000000000000000000001101111, 0b00000000000000000000000001111111, &this_class::__jal},
/* instruction JALR */
{32, 0b00000000000000000000000001100111, 0b00000000000000000111000001111111, &this_class::__jalr},
/* instruction BEQ */
{32, 0b00000000000000000000000001100011, 0b00000000000000000111000001111111, &this_class::__beq},
/* instruction BNE */
{32, 0b00000000000000000001000001100011, 0b00000000000000000111000001111111, &this_class::__bne},
/* instruction BLT */
{32, 0b00000000000000000100000001100011, 0b00000000000000000111000001111111, &this_class::__blt},
/* instruction BGE */
{32, 0b00000000000000000101000001100011, 0b00000000000000000111000001111111, &this_class::__bge},
/* instruction BLTU */
{32, 0b00000000000000000110000001100011, 0b00000000000000000111000001111111, &this_class::__bltu},
/* instruction BGEU */
{32, 0b00000000000000000111000001100011, 0b00000000000000000111000001111111, &this_class::__bgeu},
/* instruction LB */
{32, 0b00000000000000000000000000000011, 0b00000000000000000111000001111111, &this_class::__lb},
/* instruction LH */
{32, 0b00000000000000000001000000000011, 0b00000000000000000111000001111111, &this_class::__lh},
/* instruction LW */
{32, 0b00000000000000000010000000000011, 0b00000000000000000111000001111111, &this_class::__lw},
/* instruction LBU */
{32, 0b00000000000000000100000000000011, 0b00000000000000000111000001111111, &this_class::__lbu},
/* instruction LHU */
{32, 0b00000000000000000101000000000011, 0b00000000000000000111000001111111, &this_class::__lhu},
/* instruction SB */
{32, 0b00000000000000000000000000100011, 0b00000000000000000111000001111111, &this_class::__sb},
/* instruction SH */
{32, 0b00000000000000000001000000100011, 0b00000000000000000111000001111111, &this_class::__sh},
/* instruction SW */
{32, 0b00000000000000000010000000100011, 0b00000000000000000111000001111111, &this_class::__sw},
/* instruction ADDI */
{32, 0b00000000000000000000000000010011, 0b00000000000000000111000001111111, &this_class::__addi},
/* instruction SLTI */
{32, 0b00000000000000000010000000010011, 0b00000000000000000111000001111111, &this_class::__slti},
/* instruction SLTIU */
{32, 0b00000000000000000011000000010011, 0b00000000000000000111000001111111, &this_class::__sltiu},
/* instruction XORI */
{32, 0b00000000000000000100000000010011, 0b00000000000000000111000001111111, &this_class::__xori},
/* instruction ORI */
{32, 0b00000000000000000110000000010011, 0b00000000000000000111000001111111, &this_class::__ori},
/* instruction ANDI */
{32, 0b00000000000000000111000000010011, 0b00000000000000000111000001111111, &this_class::__andi},
/* instruction SLLI */
{32, 0b00000000000000000001000000010011, 0b11111110000000000111000001111111, &this_class::__slli},
/* instruction SRLI */
{32, 0b00000000000000000101000000010011, 0b11111110000000000111000001111111, &this_class::__srli},
/* instruction SRAI */
{32, 0b01000000000000000101000000010011, 0b11111110000000000111000001111111, &this_class::__srai},
/* instruction ADD */
{32, 0b00000000000000000000000000110011, 0b11111110000000000111000001111111, &this_class::__add},
/* instruction SUB */
{32, 0b01000000000000000000000000110011, 0b11111110000000000111000001111111, &this_class::__sub},
/* instruction SLL */
{32, 0b00000000000000000001000000110011, 0b11111110000000000111000001111111, &this_class::__sll},
/* instruction SLT */
{32, 0b00000000000000000010000000110011, 0b11111110000000000111000001111111, &this_class::__slt},
/* instruction SLTU */
{32, 0b00000000000000000011000000110011, 0b11111110000000000111000001111111, &this_class::__sltu},
/* instruction XOR */
{32, 0b00000000000000000100000000110011, 0b11111110000000000111000001111111, &this_class::__xor},
/* instruction SRL */
{32, 0b00000000000000000101000000110011, 0b11111110000000000111000001111111, &this_class::__srl},
/* instruction SRA */
{32, 0b01000000000000000101000000110011, 0b11111110000000000111000001111111, &this_class::__sra},
/* instruction OR */
{32, 0b00000000000000000110000000110011, 0b11111110000000000111000001111111, &this_class::__or},
/* instruction AND */
{32, 0b00000000000000000111000000110011, 0b11111110000000000111000001111111, &this_class::__and},
/* instruction FENCE */
{32, 0b00000000000000000000000000001111, 0b11110000000000000111000001111111, &this_class::__fence},
/* instruction FENCE_I */
{32, 0b00000000000000000001000000001111, 0b00000000000000000111000001111111, &this_class::__fence_i},
/* instruction ECALL */
{32, 0b00000000000000000000000001110011, 0b11111111111111111111111111111111, &this_class::__ecall},
/* instruction EBREAK */
{32, 0b00000000000100000000000001110011, 0b11111111111111111111111111111111, &this_class::__ebreak},
/* instruction URET */
{32, 0b00000000001000000000000001110011, 0b11111111111111111111111111111111, &this_class::__uret},
/* instruction SRET */
{32, 0b00010000001000000000000001110011, 0b11111111111111111111111111111111, &this_class::__sret},
/* instruction MRET */
{32, 0b00110000001000000000000001110011, 0b11111111111111111111111111111111, &this_class::__mret},
/* instruction WFI */
{32, 0b00010000010100000000000001110011, 0b11111111111111111111111111111111, &this_class::__wfi},
/* instruction SFENCE.VMA */
{32, 0b00010010000000000000000001110011, 0b11111110000000000111111111111111, &this_class::__sfence_vma},
/* instruction CSRRW */
{32, 0b00000000000000000001000001110011, 0b00000000000000000111000001111111, &this_class::__csrrw},
/* instruction CSRRS */
{32, 0b00000000000000000010000001110011, 0b00000000000000000111000001111111, &this_class::__csrrs},
/* instruction CSRRC */
{32, 0b00000000000000000011000001110011, 0b00000000000000000111000001111111, &this_class::__csrrc},
/* instruction CSRRWI */
{32, 0b00000000000000000101000001110011, 0b00000000000000000111000001111111, &this_class::__csrrwi},
/* instruction CSRRSI */
{32, 0b00000000000000000110000001110011, 0b00000000000000000111000001111111, &this_class::__csrrsi},
/* instruction CSRRCI */
{32, 0b00000000000000000111000001110011, 0b00000000000000000111000001111111, &this_class::__csrrci},
/* instruction MUL */
{32, 0b00000010000000000000000000110011, 0b11111110000000000111000001111111, &this_class::__mul},
/* instruction MULH */
{32, 0b00000010000000000001000000110011, 0b11111110000000000111000001111111, &this_class::__mulh},
/* instruction MULHSU */
{32, 0b00000010000000000010000000110011, 0b11111110000000000111000001111111, &this_class::__mulhsu},
/* instruction MULHU */
{32, 0b00000010000000000011000000110011, 0b11111110000000000111000001111111, &this_class::__mulhu},
/* instruction DIV */
{32, 0b00000010000000000100000000110011, 0b11111110000000000111000001111111, &this_class::__div},
/* instruction DIVU */
{32, 0b00000010000000000101000000110011, 0b11111110000000000111000001111111, &this_class::__divu},
/* instruction REM */
{32, 0b00000010000000000110000000110011, 0b11111110000000000111000001111111, &this_class::__rem},
/* instruction REMU */
{32, 0b00000010000000000111000000110011, 0b11111110000000000111000001111111, &this_class::__remu},
/* instruction LR.W */
{32, 0b00010000000000000010000000101111, 0b11111001111100000111000001111111, &this_class::__lr_w},
/* instruction SC.W */
{32, 0b00011000000000000010000000101111, 0b11111000000000000111000001111111, &this_class::__sc_w},
/* instruction AMOSWAP.W */
{32, 0b00001000000000000010000000101111, 0b11111000000000000111000001111111, &this_class::__amoswap_w},
/* instruction AMOADD.W */
{32, 0b00000000000000000010000000101111, 0b11111000000000000111000001111111, &this_class::__amoadd_w},
/* instruction AMOXOR.W */
{32, 0b00100000000000000010000000101111, 0b11111000000000000111000001111111, &this_class::__amoxor_w},
/* instruction AMOAND.W */
{32, 0b01100000000000000010000000101111, 0b11111000000000000111000001111111, &this_class::__amoand_w},
/* instruction AMOOR.W */
{32, 0b01000000000000000010000000101111, 0b11111000000000000111000001111111, &this_class::__amoor_w},
/* instruction AMOMIN.W */
{32, 0b10000000000000000010000000101111, 0b11111000000000000111000001111111, &this_class::__amomin_w},
/* instruction AMOMAX.W */
{32, 0b10100000000000000010000000101111, 0b11111000000000000111000001111111, &this_class::__amomax_w},
/* instruction AMOMINU.W */
{32, 0b11000000000000000010000000101111, 0b11111000000000000111000001111111, &this_class::__amominu_w},
/* instruction AMOMAXU.W */
{32, 0b11100000000000000010000000101111, 0b11111000000000000111000001111111, &this_class::__amomaxu_w},
/* instruction C.ADDI4SPN */
{16, 0b0000000000000000, 0b1110000000000011, &this_class::__c_addi4spn},
/* instruction C.LW */
{16, 0b0100000000000000, 0b1110000000000011, &this_class::__c_lw},
/* instruction C.SW */
{16, 0b1100000000000000, 0b1110000000000011, &this_class::__c_sw},
/* instruction C.NOP */
{16, 0b0000000000000001, 0b1111111111111111, &this_class::__c_nop},
/* instruction C.ADDI */
{16, 0b0000000000000001, 0b1110000000000011, &this_class::__c_addi},
/* instruction C.JAL */
{16, 0b0010000000000001, 0b1110000000000011, &this_class::__c_jal},
/* instruction C.LI */
{16, 0b0100000000000001, 0b1110000000000011, &this_class::__c_li},
/* instruction C.LUI */
{16, 0b0110000000000001, 0b1110000000000011, &this_class::__c_lui},
/* instruction C.ADDI16SP */
{16, 0b0110000100000001, 0b1110111110000011, &this_class::__c_addi16sp},
/* instruction C.SRLI */
{16, 0b1000000000000001, 0b1110110000000011, &this_class::__c_srli},
/* instruction C.SRAI */
{16, 0b1000010000000001, 0b1110110000000011, &this_class::__c_srai},
/* instruction C.ANDI */
{16, 0b1000100000000001, 0b1110110000000011, &this_class::__c_andi},
/* instruction C.SUB */
{16, 0b1000110000000001, 0b1111110001100011, &this_class::__c_sub},
/* instruction C.XOR */
{16, 0b1000110000100001, 0b1111110001100011, &this_class::__c_xor},
/* instruction C.OR */
{16, 0b1000110001000001, 0b1111110001100011, &this_class::__c_or},
/* instruction C.AND */
{16, 0b1000110001100001, 0b1111110001100011, &this_class::__c_and},
/* instruction C.J */
{16, 0b1010000000000001, 0b1110000000000011, &this_class::__c_j},
/* instruction C.BEQZ */
{16, 0b1100000000000001, 0b1110000000000011, &this_class::__c_beqz},
/* instruction C.BNEZ */
{16, 0b1110000000000001, 0b1110000000000011, &this_class::__c_bnez},
/* instruction C.SLLI */
{16, 0b0000000000000010, 0b1110000000000011, &this_class::__c_slli},
/* instruction C.LQSP */
{16, 0b0010000000000010, 0b1110000000000011, &this_class::__c_lqsp},
/* instruction C.LWSP */
{16, 0b0100000000000010, 0b1110000000000011, &this_class::__c_lwsp},
/* instruction C.MV */
{16, 0b1000000000000010, 0b1111000000000011, &this_class::__c_mv},
/* instruction C.JR */
{16, 0b1000000000000010, 0b1111000001111111, &this_class::__c_jr},
/* instruction C.EBREAK */
{16, 0b1001000000000010, 0b1111111111111111, &this_class::__c_ebreak},
/* instruction C.ADD */
{16, 0b1001000000000010, 0b1111000000000011, &this_class::__c_add},
/* instruction C.JALR */
{16, 0b1001000000000010, 0b1111000001111111, &this_class::__c_jalr},
/* instruction C.SWSP */
{16, 0b1100000000000010, 0b1110000000000011, &this_class::__c_swsp},
// instruction LUI
std::tuple<vm::continuation_e, llvm::BasicBlock *> __lui(virt_addr_t &pc, code_word_t instr, llvm::BasicBlock *bb) {
uint8_t fld_rd_val = 0 | (bit_sub<7, 5>(instr));
int32_t fld_imm_val = 0 | (signed_bit_sub<12, 20>(instr) << 12);
if (this->disass_enabled) {
/* generate console output when executing the command */
boost::format ins_fmter("LUI x%1$d, 0x%2$05x");
ins_fmter % (uint64_t)fld_rd_val % (int64_t)fld_imm_val;
boost::format fmter("0x%1$016x\t\t%2$-40s\t\t");
fmter % pc.val % ins_fmter.str();
std::vector<llvm::Value *> args{this->core_ptr, this->builder->CreateGlobalStringPtr(fmter.str())};
this->builder->CreateCall(this->mod->getFunction("print_disass"), args);
pc = pc + 4;
if (fld_rd_val != 0) {
Value *X_rd_val = this->gen_const(32U, fld_imm_val);
this->builder->CreateStore(X_rd_val, get_reg_ptr(fld_rd_val), false);
this->gen_set_pc(pc, traits<ARCH>::NEXT_PC);
this->gen_sync(iss::POST_SYNC); /* call post-sync if needed */
bb = llvm::BasicBlock::Create(this->mod->getContext(), "entry", this->func,
this->leave_blk); /* create next BasicBlock in chain */
return std::make_tuple(vm::CONT, bb);
// instruction AUIPC
std::tuple<vm::continuation_e, llvm::BasicBlock *> __auipc(virt_addr_t &pc, code_word_t instr,
llvm::BasicBlock *bb) {
uint8_t fld_rd_val = 0 | (bit_sub<7, 5>(instr));
int32_t fld_imm_val = 0 | (signed_bit_sub<12, 20>(instr) << 12);
if (this->disass_enabled) {
/* generate console output when executing the command */
boost::format ins_fmter("AUIPC x%1%, 0x%2$08x");
ins_fmter % (uint64_t)fld_rd_val % (int64_t)fld_imm_val;
boost::format fmter("0x%1$016x\t\t%2$-40s\t\t");
fmter % pc.val % ins_fmter.str();
std::vector<llvm::Value *> args{this->core_ptr, this->builder->CreateGlobalStringPtr(fmter.str())};
this->builder->CreateCall(this->mod->getFunction("print_disass"), args);
pc = pc + 4;
if (fld_rd_val != 0) {
Value *X_rd_val =
this->builder->CreateAdd(this->gen_reg_load(traits<ARCH>::PC, 0), this->gen_const(32U, fld_imm_val));
this->builder->CreateStore(X_rd_val, get_reg_ptr(fld_rd_val), false);
this->gen_set_pc(pc, traits<ARCH>::NEXT_PC);
this->gen_sync(iss::POST_SYNC); /* call post-sync if needed */
bb = llvm::BasicBlock::Create(this->mod->getContext(), "entry", this->func,
this->leave_blk); /* create next BasicBlock in chain */
return std::make_tuple(vm::CONT, bb);
// instruction JAL
std::tuple<vm::continuation_e, llvm::BasicBlock *> __jal(virt_addr_t &pc, code_word_t instr, llvm::BasicBlock *bb) {
uint8_t fld_rd_val = 0 | (bit_sub<7, 5>(instr));
int32_t fld_imm_val = 0 | (bit_sub<12, 8>(instr) << 12) | (bit_sub<20, 1>(instr) << 11) |
(bit_sub<21, 10>(instr) << 1) | (signed_bit_sub<31, 1>(instr) << 20);
if (this->disass_enabled) {
/* generate console output when executing the command */
boost::format ins_fmter("JAL x%1$d, 0x%2$x");
ins_fmter % (uint64_t)fld_rd_val % (int64_t)fld_imm_val;
boost::format fmter("0x%1$016x\t\t%2$-40s\t\t");
fmter % pc.val % ins_fmter.str();
std::vector<llvm::Value *> args{this->core_ptr, this->builder->CreateGlobalStringPtr(fmter.str())};
this->builder->CreateCall(this->mod->getFunction("print_disass"), args);
pc = pc + 4;
if (fld_rd_val != 0) {
Value *X_rd_val =
this->builder->CreateAdd(this->gen_reg_load(traits<ARCH>::PC, 0), this->gen_const(32U, 4));
this->builder->CreateStore(X_rd_val, get_reg_ptr(fld_rd_val), false);
Value *PC_val =
this->builder->CreateAdd(this->gen_reg_load(traits<ARCH>::PC, 0), this->gen_const(32U, fld_imm_val));
this->builder->CreateStore(PC_val, get_reg_ptr(traits<ARCH>::NEXT_PC), false);
this->gen_sync(iss::POST_SYNC); /* call post-sync if needed */
return std::make_tuple(iss::vm::BRANCH, nullptr);
// instruction JALR
std::tuple<vm::continuation_e, llvm::BasicBlock *> __jalr(virt_addr_t &pc, code_word_t instr,
llvm::BasicBlock *bb) {
uint8_t fld_rd_val = 0 | (bit_sub<7, 5>(instr));
uint8_t fld_rs1_val = 0 | (bit_sub<15, 5>(instr));
int16_t fld_imm_val = 0 | (signed_bit_sub<20, 12>(instr));
if (this->disass_enabled) {
/* generate console output when executing the command */
boost::format ins_fmter("JALR x%1$d, x%2$d, 0x%3$x");
ins_fmter % (uint64_t)fld_rd_val % (uint64_t)fld_rs1_val % (int64_t)fld_imm_val;
boost::format fmter("0x%1$016x\t\t%2$-40s\t\t");
fmter % pc.val % ins_fmter.str();
std::vector<llvm::Value *> args{this->core_ptr, this->builder->CreateGlobalStringPtr(fmter.str())};
this->builder->CreateCall(this->mod->getFunction("print_disass"), args);
pc = pc + 4;
if (fld_rd_val != 0) {
Value *X_rd_val =
this->builder->CreateAdd(this->gen_reg_load(traits<ARCH>::PC, 0), this->gen_const(32U, 4));
this->builder->CreateStore(X_rd_val, get_reg_ptr(fld_rd_val), false);
Value *ret_val =
this->builder->CreateAdd(this->gen_reg_load(fld_rs1_val, 0), this->gen_const(32U, fld_imm_val));
Value *PC_val = this->builder->CreateAnd(ret_val, this->builder->CreateNot(this->gen_const(32U, 1)));
this->builder->CreateStore(PC_val, get_reg_ptr(traits<ARCH>::NEXT_PC), false);
this->gen_sync(iss::POST_SYNC); /* call post-sync if needed */
return std::make_tuple(iss::vm::BRANCH, nullptr);
// instruction BEQ
std::tuple<vm::continuation_e, llvm::BasicBlock *> __beq(virt_addr_t &pc, code_word_t instr, llvm::BasicBlock *bb) {
int16_t fld_imm_val = 0 | (bit_sub<7, 1>(instr) << 11) | (bit_sub<8, 4>(instr) << 1) |
(bit_sub<25, 6>(instr) << 5) | (signed_bit_sub<31, 1>(instr) << 12);
uint8_t fld_rs1_val = 0 | (bit_sub<15, 5>(instr));
uint8_t fld_rs2_val = 0 | (bit_sub<20, 5>(instr));
if (this->disass_enabled) {
/* generate console output when executing the command */
boost::format ins_fmter("BEQ x%1$d, x%2$d, 0x%3$x");
ins_fmter % (uint64_t)fld_rs1_val % (uint64_t)fld_rs2_val % (int64_t)fld_imm_val;
boost::format fmter("0x%1$016x\t\t%2$-40s\t\t");
fmter % pc.val % ins_fmter.str();
std::vector<llvm::Value *> args{this->core_ptr, this->builder->CreateGlobalStringPtr(fmter.str())};
this->builder->CreateCall(this->mod->getFunction("print_disass"), args);
pc = pc + 4;
Value *PC_val = this->gen_choose(
this->builder->CreateICmp(ICmpInst::ICMP_EQ, this->gen_reg_load(fld_rs1_val, 0),
this->gen_reg_load(fld_rs2_val, 0)),
this->builder->CreateAdd(this->gen_reg_load(traits<ARCH>::PC, 0), this->gen_const(32U, fld_imm_val)),
this->builder->CreateAdd(this->gen_reg_load(traits<ARCH>::PC, 0), this->gen_const(32U, 4)), 32);
this->builder->CreateStore(PC_val, get_reg_ptr(traits<ARCH>::NEXT_PC), false);
this->gen_sync(iss::POST_SYNC); /* call post-sync if needed */
return std::make_tuple(iss::vm::BRANCH, nullptr);
// instruction BNE
std::tuple<vm::continuation_e, llvm::BasicBlock *> __bne(virt_addr_t &pc, code_word_t instr, llvm::BasicBlock *bb) {
int16_t fld_imm_val = 0 | (bit_sub<7, 1>(instr) << 11) | (bit_sub<8, 4>(instr) << 1) |
(bit_sub<25, 6>(instr) << 5) | (signed_bit_sub<31, 1>(instr) << 12);
uint8_t fld_rs1_val = 0 | (bit_sub<15, 5>(instr));
uint8_t fld_rs2_val = 0 | (bit_sub<20, 5>(instr));
if (this->disass_enabled) {
/* generate console output when executing the command */
boost::format ins_fmter("BNE x%1$d, x%2$d, 0x%3$x");
ins_fmter % (uint64_t)fld_rs1_val % (uint64_t)fld_rs2_val % (int64_t)fld_imm_val;
boost::format fmter("0x%1$016x\t\t%2$-40s\t\t");
fmter % pc.val % ins_fmter.str();
std::vector<llvm::Value *> args{this->core_ptr, this->builder->CreateGlobalStringPtr(fmter.str())};
this->builder->CreateCall(this->mod->getFunction("print_disass"), args);
pc = pc + 4;
Value *PC_val = this->gen_choose(
this->builder->CreateICmp(ICmpInst::ICMP_NE, this->gen_reg_load(fld_rs1_val, 0),
this->gen_reg_load(fld_rs2_val, 0)),
this->builder->CreateAdd(this->gen_reg_load(traits<ARCH>::PC, 0), this->gen_const(32U, fld_imm_val)),
this->builder->CreateAdd(this->gen_reg_load(traits<ARCH>::PC, 0), this->gen_const(32U, 4)), 32);
this->builder->CreateStore(PC_val, get_reg_ptr(traits<ARCH>::NEXT_PC), false);
this->gen_sync(iss::POST_SYNC); /* call post-sync if needed */
return std::make_tuple(iss::vm::BRANCH, nullptr);
// instruction BLT
std::tuple<vm::continuation_e, llvm::BasicBlock *> __blt(virt_addr_t &pc, code_word_t instr, llvm::BasicBlock *bb) {
int16_t fld_imm_val = 0 | (bit_sub<7, 1>(instr) << 11) | (bit_sub<8, 4>(instr) << 1) |
(bit_sub<25, 6>(instr) << 5) | (signed_bit_sub<31, 1>(instr) << 12);
uint8_t fld_rs1_val = 0 | (bit_sub<15, 5>(instr));
uint8_t fld_rs2_val = 0 | (bit_sub<20, 5>(instr));
if (this->disass_enabled) {
/* generate console output when executing the command */
boost::format ins_fmter("BLT x%1$d, x%2$d, 0x%3$x");
ins_fmter % (uint64_t)fld_rs1_val % (uint64_t)fld_rs2_val % (int64_t)fld_imm_val;
boost::format fmter("0x%1$016x\t\t%2$-40s\t\t");
fmter % pc.val % ins_fmter.str();
std::vector<llvm::Value *> args{this->core_ptr, this->builder->CreateGlobalStringPtr(fmter.str())};
this->builder->CreateCall(this->mod->getFunction("print_disass"), args);
pc = pc + 4;
Value *PC_val = this->gen_choose(
this->builder->CreateICmp(ICmpInst::ICMP_SLT, this->gen_ext(this->gen_reg_load(fld_rs1_val, 0), 32, true),
this->gen_ext(this->gen_reg_load(fld_rs2_val, 0), 32, true)),
this->builder->CreateAdd(this->gen_reg_load(traits<ARCH>::PC, 0), this->gen_const(32U, fld_imm_val)),
this->builder->CreateAdd(this->gen_reg_load(traits<ARCH>::PC, 0), this->gen_const(32U, 4)), 32);
this->builder->CreateStore(PC_val, get_reg_ptr(traits<ARCH>::NEXT_PC), false);
this->gen_sync(iss::POST_SYNC); /* call post-sync if needed */
return std::make_tuple(iss::vm::BRANCH, nullptr);
// instruction BGE
std::tuple<vm::continuation_e, llvm::BasicBlock *> __bge(virt_addr_t &pc, code_word_t instr, llvm::BasicBlock *bb) {
int16_t fld_imm_val = 0 | (bit_sub<7, 1>(instr) << 11) | (bit_sub<8, 4>(instr) << 1) |
(bit_sub<25, 6>(instr) << 5) | (signed_bit_sub<31, 1>(instr) << 12);
uint8_t fld_rs1_val = 0 | (bit_sub<15, 5>(instr));
uint8_t fld_rs2_val = 0 | (bit_sub<20, 5>(instr));
if (this->disass_enabled) {
/* generate console output when executing the command */
boost::format ins_fmter("BGE x%1$d, x%2$d, 0x%3$x");
ins_fmter % (uint64_t)fld_rs1_val % (uint64_t)fld_rs2_val % (int64_t)fld_imm_val;
boost::format fmter("0x%1$016x\t\t%2$-40s\t\t");
fmter % pc.val % ins_fmter.str();
std::vector<llvm::Value *> args{this->core_ptr, this->builder->CreateGlobalStringPtr(fmter.str())};
this->builder->CreateCall(this->mod->getFunction("print_disass"), args);
pc = pc + 4;
Value *PC_val = this->gen_choose(
this->builder->CreateICmp(ICmpInst::ICMP_SGE, this->gen_ext(this->gen_reg_load(fld_rs1_val, 0), 32, true),
this->gen_ext(this->gen_reg_load(fld_rs2_val, 0), 32, true)),
this->builder->CreateAdd(this->gen_reg_load(traits<ARCH>::PC, 0), this->gen_const(32U, fld_imm_val)),
this->builder->CreateAdd(this->gen_reg_load(traits<ARCH>::PC, 0), this->gen_const(32U, 4)), 32);
this->builder->CreateStore(PC_val, get_reg_ptr(traits<ARCH>::NEXT_PC), false);
this->gen_sync(iss::POST_SYNC); /* call post-sync if needed */
return std::make_tuple(iss::vm::BRANCH, nullptr);
// instruction BLTU
std::tuple<vm::continuation_e, llvm::BasicBlock *> __bltu(virt_addr_t &pc, code_word_t instr,
llvm::BasicBlock *bb) {
int16_t fld_imm_val = 0 | (bit_sub<7, 1>(instr) << 11) | (bit_sub<8, 4>(instr) << 1) |
(bit_sub<25, 6>(instr) << 5) | (signed_bit_sub<31, 1>(instr) << 12);
uint8_t fld_rs1_val = 0 | (bit_sub<15, 5>(instr));
uint8_t fld_rs2_val = 0 | (bit_sub<20, 5>(instr));
if (this->disass_enabled) {
/* generate console output when executing the command */
boost::format ins_fmter("BLTU x%1$d, x%2$d, 0x%3$x");
ins_fmter % (uint64_t)fld_rs1_val % (uint64_t)fld_rs2_val % (int64_t)fld_imm_val;
boost::format fmter("0x%1$016x\t\t%2$-40s\t\t");
fmter % pc.val % ins_fmter.str();
std::vector<llvm::Value *> args{this->core_ptr, this->builder->CreateGlobalStringPtr(fmter.str())};
this->builder->CreateCall(this->mod->getFunction("print_disass"), args);
pc = pc + 4;
Value *PC_val = this->gen_choose(
this->builder->CreateICmp(ICmpInst::ICMP_ULT, this->gen_reg_load(fld_rs1_val, 0),
this->gen_reg_load(fld_rs2_val, 0)),
this->builder->CreateAdd(this->gen_reg_load(traits<ARCH>::PC, 0), this->gen_const(32U, fld_imm_val)),
this->builder->CreateAdd(this->gen_reg_load(traits<ARCH>::PC, 0), this->gen_const(32U, 4)), 32);
this->builder->CreateStore(PC_val, get_reg_ptr(traits<ARCH>::NEXT_PC), false);
this->gen_sync(iss::POST_SYNC); /* call post-sync if needed */
return std::make_tuple(iss::vm::BRANCH, nullptr);
// instruction BGEU
std::tuple<vm::continuation_e, llvm::BasicBlock *> __bgeu(virt_addr_t &pc, code_word_t instr,
llvm::BasicBlock *bb) {
int16_t fld_imm_val = 0 | (bit_sub<7, 1>(instr) << 11) | (bit_sub<8, 4>(instr) << 1) |
(bit_sub<25, 6>(instr) << 5) | (signed_bit_sub<31, 1>(instr) << 12);
uint8_t fld_rs1_val = 0 | (bit_sub<15, 5>(instr));
uint8_t fld_rs2_val = 0 | (bit_sub<20, 5>(instr));
if (this->disass_enabled) {
/* generate console output when executing the command */
boost::format ins_fmter("BGEU x%1$d, x%2$d, 0x%3$x");
ins_fmter % (uint64_t)fld_rs1_val % (uint64_t)fld_rs2_val % (int64_t)fld_imm_val;
boost::format fmter("0x%1$016x\t\t%2$-40s\t\t");
fmter % pc.val % ins_fmter.str();
std::vector<llvm::Value *> args{this->core_ptr, this->builder->CreateGlobalStringPtr(fmter.str())};
this->builder->CreateCall(this->mod->getFunction("print_disass"), args);
pc = pc + 4;
Value *PC_val = this->gen_choose(
this->builder->CreateICmp(ICmpInst::ICMP_UGE, this->gen_reg_load(fld_rs1_val, 0),
this->gen_reg_load(fld_rs2_val, 0)),
this->builder->CreateAdd(this->gen_reg_load(traits<ARCH>::PC, 0), this->gen_const(32U, fld_imm_val)),
this->builder->CreateAdd(this->gen_reg_load(traits<ARCH>::PC, 0), this->gen_const(32U, 4)), 32);
this->builder->CreateStore(PC_val, get_reg_ptr(traits<ARCH>::NEXT_PC), false);
this->gen_sync(iss::POST_SYNC); /* call post-sync if needed */
return std::make_tuple(iss::vm::BRANCH, nullptr);
// instruction LB
std::tuple<vm::continuation_e, llvm::BasicBlock *> __lb(virt_addr_t &pc, code_word_t instr, llvm::BasicBlock *bb) {
uint8_t fld_rd_val = 0 | (bit_sub<7, 5>(instr));
uint8_t fld_rs1_val = 0 | (bit_sub<15, 5>(instr));
int16_t fld_imm_val = 0 | (signed_bit_sub<20, 12>(instr));
if (this->disass_enabled) {
/* generate console output when executing the command */
boost::format ins_fmter("LB x%1$d, %2%(x%3$d)");
ins_fmter % (uint64_t)fld_rd_val % (int64_t)fld_imm_val % (uint64_t)fld_rs1_val;
boost::format fmter("0x%1$016x\t\t%2$-40s\t\t");
fmter % pc.val % ins_fmter.str();
std::vector<llvm::Value *> args{this->core_ptr, this->builder->CreateGlobalStringPtr(fmter.str())};
this->builder->CreateCall(this->mod->getFunction("print_disass"), args);
pc = pc + 4;
Value *offs_val =
this->builder->CreateAdd(this->gen_reg_load(fld_rs1_val, 0), this->gen_const(32U, fld_imm_val));
if (fld_rd_val != 0) {
Value *X_rd_val = this->gen_ext(this->gen_read_mem(traits<ARCH>::MEM, offs_val, 8 / 8), 32, true);
this->builder->CreateStore(X_rd_val, get_reg_ptr(fld_rd_val), false);
this->gen_set_pc(pc, traits<ARCH>::NEXT_PC);
this->gen_sync(iss::POST_SYNC); /* call post-sync if needed */
bb = llvm::BasicBlock::Create(this->mod->getContext(), "entry", this->func,
this->leave_blk); /* create next BasicBlock in chain */
return std::make_tuple(vm::CONT, bb);
// instruction LH
std::tuple<vm::continuation_e, llvm::BasicBlock *> __lh(virt_addr_t &pc, code_word_t instr, llvm::BasicBlock *bb) {
uint8_t fld_rd_val = 0 | (bit_sub<7, 5>(instr));
uint8_t fld_rs1_val = 0 | (bit_sub<15, 5>(instr));
int16_t fld_imm_val = 0 | (signed_bit_sub<20, 12>(instr));
if (this->disass_enabled) {
/* generate console output when executing the command */
boost::format ins_fmter("LH x%1$d, %2%(x%3$d)");
ins_fmter % (uint64_t)fld_rd_val % (int64_t)fld_imm_val % (uint64_t)fld_rs1_val;
boost::format fmter("0x%1$016x\t\t%2$-40s\t\t");
fmter % pc.val % ins_fmter.str();
std::vector<llvm::Value *> args{this->core_ptr, this->builder->CreateGlobalStringPtr(fmter.str())};
this->builder->CreateCall(this->mod->getFunction("print_disass"), args);
pc = pc + 4;
Value *offs_val =
this->builder->CreateAdd(this->gen_reg_load(fld_rs1_val, 0), this->gen_const(32U, fld_imm_val));
if (fld_rd_val != 0) {
Value *X_rd_val = this->gen_ext(this->gen_read_mem(traits<ARCH>::MEM, offs_val, 16 / 8), 32, true);
this->builder->CreateStore(X_rd_val, get_reg_ptr(fld_rd_val), false);
this->gen_set_pc(pc, traits<ARCH>::NEXT_PC);
this->gen_sync(iss::POST_SYNC); /* call post-sync if needed */
bb = llvm::BasicBlock::Create(this->mod->getContext(), "entry", this->func,
this->leave_blk); /* create next BasicBlock in chain */
return std::make_tuple(vm::CONT, bb);
// instruction LW
std::tuple<vm::continuation_e, llvm::BasicBlock *> __lw(virt_addr_t &pc, code_word_t instr, llvm::BasicBlock *bb) {
uint8_t fld_rd_val = 0 | (bit_sub<7, 5>(instr));
uint8_t fld_rs1_val = 0 | (bit_sub<15, 5>(instr));
int16_t fld_imm_val = 0 | (signed_bit_sub<20, 12>(instr));
if (this->disass_enabled) {
/* generate console output when executing the command */
boost::format ins_fmter("LW x%1$d, %2%(x%3$d)");
ins_fmter % (uint64_t)fld_rd_val % (int64_t)fld_imm_val % (uint64_t)fld_rs1_val;
boost::format fmter("0x%1$016x\t\t%2$-40s\t\t");
fmter % pc.val % ins_fmter.str();
std::vector<llvm::Value *> args{this->core_ptr, this->builder->CreateGlobalStringPtr(fmter.str())};
this->builder->CreateCall(this->mod->getFunction("print_disass"), args);
pc = pc + 4;
Value *offs_val =
this->builder->CreateAdd(this->gen_reg_load(fld_rs1_val, 0), this->gen_const(32U, fld_imm_val));
if (fld_rd_val != 0) {
Value *X_rd_val = this->gen_ext(this->gen_read_mem(traits<ARCH>::MEM, offs_val, 32 / 8), 32, true);
this->builder->CreateStore(X_rd_val, get_reg_ptr(fld_rd_val), false);
this->gen_set_pc(pc, traits<ARCH>::NEXT_PC);
this->gen_sync(iss::POST_SYNC); /* call post-sync if needed */
bb = llvm::BasicBlock::Create(this->mod->getContext(), "entry", this->func,
this->leave_blk); /* create next BasicBlock in chain */
return std::make_tuple(vm::CONT, bb);
// instruction LBU
std::tuple<vm::continuation_e, llvm::BasicBlock *> __lbu(virt_addr_t &pc, code_word_t instr, llvm::BasicBlock *bb) {
uint8_t fld_rd_val = 0 | (bit_sub<7, 5>(instr));
uint8_t fld_rs1_val = 0 | (bit_sub<15, 5>(instr));
int16_t fld_imm_val = 0 | (signed_bit_sub<20, 12>(instr));
if (this->disass_enabled) {
/* generate console output when executing the command */
boost::format ins_fmter("LBU x%1$d, %2%(x%3$d)");
ins_fmter % (uint64_t)fld_rd_val % (int64_t)fld_imm_val % (uint64_t)fld_rs1_val;
boost::format fmter("0x%1$016x\t\t%2$-40s\t\t");
fmter % pc.val % ins_fmter.str();
std::vector<llvm::Value *> args{this->core_ptr, this->builder->CreateGlobalStringPtr(fmter.str())};
this->builder->CreateCall(this->mod->getFunction("print_disass"), args);
pc = pc + 4;
Value *offs_val =
this->builder->CreateAdd(this->gen_reg_load(fld_rs1_val, 0), this->gen_const(32U, fld_imm_val));
if (fld_rd_val != 0) {
Value *X_rd_val = this->gen_ext(this->gen_read_mem(traits<ARCH>::MEM, offs_val, 8 / 8), 32, false);
this->builder->CreateStore(X_rd_val, get_reg_ptr(fld_rd_val), false);
this->gen_set_pc(pc, traits<ARCH>::NEXT_PC);
this->gen_sync(iss::POST_SYNC); /* call post-sync if needed */
bb = llvm::BasicBlock::Create(this->mod->getContext(), "entry", this->func,
this->leave_blk); /* create next BasicBlock in chain */
return std::make_tuple(vm::CONT, bb);
// instruction LHU
std::tuple<vm::continuation_e, llvm::BasicBlock *> __lhu(virt_addr_t &pc, code_word_t instr, llvm::BasicBlock *bb) {
uint8_t fld_rd_val = 0 | (bit_sub<7, 5>(instr));
uint8_t fld_rs1_val = 0 | (bit_sub<15, 5>(instr));
int16_t fld_imm_val = 0 | (signed_bit_sub<20, 12>(instr));
if (this->disass_enabled) {
/* generate console output when executing the command */
boost::format ins_fmter("LHU x%1$d, %2%(x%3$d)");
ins_fmter % (uint64_t)fld_rd_val % (int64_t)fld_imm_val % (uint64_t)fld_rs1_val;
boost::format fmter("0x%1$016x\t\t%2$-40s\t\t");
fmter % pc.val % ins_fmter.str();
std::vector<llvm::Value *> args{this->core_ptr, this->builder->CreateGlobalStringPtr(fmter.str())};
this->builder->CreateCall(this->mod->getFunction("print_disass"), args);
pc = pc + 4;
Value *offs_val =
this->builder->CreateAdd(this->gen_reg_load(fld_rs1_val, 0), this->gen_const(32U, fld_imm_val));
if (fld_rd_val != 0) {
Value *X_rd_val = this->gen_ext(this->gen_read_mem(traits<ARCH>::MEM, offs_val, 16 / 8), 32, false);
this->builder->CreateStore(X_rd_val, get_reg_ptr(fld_rd_val), false);
this->gen_set_pc(pc, traits<ARCH>::NEXT_PC);
this->gen_sync(iss::POST_SYNC); /* call post-sync if needed */
bb = llvm::BasicBlock::Create(this->mod->getContext(), "entry", this->func,
this->leave_blk); /* create next BasicBlock in chain */
return std::make_tuple(vm::CONT, bb);
// instruction SB
std::tuple<vm::continuation_e, llvm::BasicBlock *> __sb(virt_addr_t &pc, code_word_t instr, llvm::BasicBlock *bb) {
int16_t fld_imm_val = 0 | (bit_sub<7, 5>(instr)) | (signed_bit_sub<25, 7>(instr) << 5);
uint8_t fld_rs1_val = 0 | (bit_sub<15, 5>(instr));
uint8_t fld_rs2_val = 0 | (bit_sub<20, 5>(instr));
if (this->disass_enabled) {
/* generate console output when executing the command */
boost::format ins_fmter("SB x%1$d, %2%(x%3$d)");
ins_fmter % (uint64_t)fld_rs2_val % (int64_t)fld_imm_val % (uint64_t)fld_rs1_val;
boost::format fmter("0x%1$016x\t\t%2$-40s\t\t");
fmter % pc.val % ins_fmter.str();
std::vector<llvm::Value *> args{this->core_ptr, this->builder->CreateGlobalStringPtr(fmter.str())};
this->builder->CreateCall(this->mod->getFunction("print_disass"), args);
pc = pc + 4;
Value *offs_val =
this->builder->CreateAdd(this->gen_reg_load(fld_rs1_val, 0), this->gen_const(32U, fld_imm_val));
Value *MEM_offs_val = this->gen_reg_load(fld_rs2_val, 0);
this->gen_write_mem(traits<ARCH>::MEM, offs_val,
this->builder->CreateZExtOrTrunc(MEM_offs_val, this->get_type(8)));
this->gen_set_pc(pc, traits<ARCH>::NEXT_PC);
this->gen_sync(iss::POST_SYNC); /* call post-sync if needed */
bb = llvm::BasicBlock::Create(this->mod->getContext(), "entry", this->func,
this->leave_blk); /* create next BasicBlock in chain */
return std::make_tuple(vm::CONT, bb);
// instruction SH
std::tuple<vm::continuation_e, llvm::BasicBlock *> __sh(virt_addr_t &pc, code_word_t instr, llvm::BasicBlock *bb) {
int16_t fld_imm_val = 0 | (bit_sub<7, 5>(instr)) | (signed_bit_sub<25, 7>(instr) << 5);
uint8_t fld_rs1_val = 0 | (bit_sub<15, 5>(instr));
uint8_t fld_rs2_val = 0 | (bit_sub<20, 5>(instr));
if (this->disass_enabled) {
/* generate console output when executing the command */
boost::format ins_fmter("SH x%1$d, %2%(x%3$d)");
ins_fmter % (uint64_t)fld_rs2_val % (int64_t)fld_imm_val % (uint64_t)fld_rs1_val;
boost::format fmter("0x%1$016x\t\t%2$-40s\t\t");
fmter % pc.val % ins_fmter.str();
std::vector<llvm::Value *> args{this->core_ptr, this->builder->CreateGlobalStringPtr(fmter.str())};
this->builder->CreateCall(this->mod->getFunction("print_disass"), args);
pc = pc + 4;
Value *offs_val =
this->builder->CreateAdd(this->gen_reg_load(fld_rs1_val, 0), this->gen_const(32U, fld_imm_val));
Value *MEM_offs_val = this->gen_reg_load(fld_rs2_val, 0);
this->gen_write_mem(traits<ARCH>::MEM, offs_val,
this->builder->CreateZExtOrTrunc(MEM_offs_val, this->get_type(16)));
this->gen_set_pc(pc, traits<ARCH>::NEXT_PC);
this->gen_sync(iss::POST_SYNC); /* call post-sync if needed */
bb = llvm::BasicBlock::Create(this->mod->getContext(), "entry", this->func,
this->leave_blk); /* create next BasicBlock in chain */
return std::make_tuple(vm::CONT, bb);
// instruction SW
std::tuple<vm::continuation_e, llvm::BasicBlock *> __sw(virt_addr_t &pc, code_word_t instr, llvm::BasicBlock *bb) {
int16_t fld_imm_val = 0 | (bit_sub<7, 5>(instr)) | (signed_bit_sub<25, 7>(instr) << 5);
uint8_t fld_rs1_val = 0 | (bit_sub<15, 5>(instr));
uint8_t fld_rs2_val = 0 | (bit_sub<20, 5>(instr));
if (this->disass_enabled) {
/* generate console output when executing the command */
boost::format ins_fmter("SW x%1$d, %2%(x%3$d)");
ins_fmter % (uint64_t)fld_rs2_val % (int64_t)fld_imm_val % (uint64_t)fld_rs1_val;
boost::format fmter("0x%1$016x\t\t%2$-40s\t\t");
fmter % pc.val % ins_fmter.str();
std::vector<llvm::Value *> args{this->core_ptr, this->builder->CreateGlobalStringPtr(fmter.str())};
this->builder->CreateCall(this->mod->getFunction("print_disass"), args);
pc = pc + 4;
Value *offs_val =
this->builder->CreateAdd(this->gen_reg_load(fld_rs1_val, 0), this->gen_const(32U, fld_imm_val));
Value *MEM_offs_val = this->gen_reg_load(fld_rs2_val, 0);
this->gen_write_mem(traits<ARCH>::MEM, offs_val,
this->builder->CreateZExtOrTrunc(MEM_offs_val, this->get_type(32)));
this->gen_set_pc(pc, traits<ARCH>::NEXT_PC);
this->gen_sync(iss::POST_SYNC); /* call post-sync if needed */
bb = llvm::BasicBlock::Create(this->mod->getContext(), "entry", this->func,
this->leave_blk); /* create next BasicBlock in chain */
return std::make_tuple(vm::CONT, bb);
// instruction ADDI
std::tuple<vm::continuation_e, llvm::BasicBlock *> __addi(virt_addr_t &pc, code_word_t instr,
llvm::BasicBlock *bb) {
uint8_t fld_rd_val = 0 | (bit_sub<7, 5>(instr));
uint8_t fld_rs1_val = 0 | (bit_sub<15, 5>(instr));
int16_t fld_imm_val = 0 | (signed_bit_sub<20, 12>(instr));
if (this->disass_enabled) {
/* generate console output when executing the command */
boost::format ins_fmter("ADDI x%1$d, x%2$d, %3%");
ins_fmter % (uint64_t)fld_rd_val % (uint64_t)fld_rs1_val % (int64_t)fld_imm_val;
boost::format fmter("0x%1$016x\t\t%2$-40s\t\t");
fmter % pc.val % ins_fmter.str();
std::vector<llvm::Value *> args{this->core_ptr, this->builder->CreateGlobalStringPtr(fmter.str())};
this->builder->CreateCall(this->mod->getFunction("print_disass"), args);
pc = pc + 4;
if (fld_rd_val != 0) {
Value *X_rd_val =
this->builder->CreateAdd(this->gen_reg_load(fld_rs1_val, 0), this->gen_const(32U, fld_imm_val));
this->builder->CreateStore(X_rd_val, get_reg_ptr(fld_rd_val), false);
this->gen_set_pc(pc, traits<ARCH>::NEXT_PC);
this->gen_sync(iss::POST_SYNC); /* call post-sync if needed */
bb = llvm::BasicBlock::Create(this->mod->getContext(), "entry", this->func,
this->leave_blk); /* create next BasicBlock in chain */
return std::make_tuple(vm::CONT, bb);
// instruction SLTI
std::tuple<vm::continuation_e, llvm::BasicBlock *> __slti(virt_addr_t &pc, code_word_t instr,
llvm::BasicBlock *bb) {
uint8_t fld_rd_val = 0 | (bit_sub<7, 5>(instr));
uint8_t fld_rs1_val = 0 | (bit_sub<15, 5>(instr));
int16_t fld_imm_val = 0 | (signed_bit_sub<20, 12>(instr));
if (this->disass_enabled) {
/* generate console output when executing the command */
boost::format ins_fmter("SLTI x%1$d, x%2$d, %3%");
ins_fmter % (uint64_t)fld_rd_val % (uint64_t)fld_rs1_val % (int64_t)fld_imm_val;
boost::format fmter("0x%1$016x\t\t%2$-40s\t\t");
fmter % pc.val % ins_fmter.str();
std::vector<llvm::Value *> args{this->core_ptr, this->builder->CreateGlobalStringPtr(fmter.str())};
this->builder->CreateCall(this->mod->getFunction("print_disass"), args);
pc = pc + 4;
if (fld_rd_val != 0) {
Value *X_rd_val =
this->gen_ext(this->gen_reg_load(fld_rs1_val, 0), 32, true),
this->gen_ext(this->gen_const(32U, fld_imm_val), 32, true)),
this->gen_const(32U, 1), this->gen_const(32U, 0), 32);
this->builder->CreateStore(X_rd_val, get_reg_ptr(fld_rd_val), false);
this->gen_set_pc(pc, traits<ARCH>::NEXT_PC);
this->gen_sync(iss::POST_SYNC); /* call post-sync if needed */
bb = llvm::BasicBlock::Create(this->mod->getContext(), "entry", this->func,
this->leave_blk); /* create next BasicBlock in chain */
return std::make_tuple(vm::CONT, bb);
// instruction SLTIU
std::tuple<vm::continuation_e, llvm::BasicBlock *> __sltiu(virt_addr_t &pc, code_word_t instr,
llvm::BasicBlock *bb) {
uint8_t fld_rd_val = 0 | (bit_sub<7, 5>(instr));
uint8_t fld_rs1_val = 0 | (bit_sub<15, 5>(instr));
int16_t fld_imm_val = 0 | (signed_bit_sub<20, 12>(instr));
if (this->disass_enabled) {
/* generate console output when executing the command */
boost::format ins_fmter("SLTIU x%1$d, x%2$d, %3%");
ins_fmter % (uint64_t)fld_rd_val % (uint64_t)fld_rs1_val % (int64_t)fld_imm_val;
boost::format fmter("0x%1$016x\t\t%2$-40s\t\t");
fmter % pc.val % ins_fmter.str();
std::vector<llvm::Value *> args{this->core_ptr, this->builder->CreateGlobalStringPtr(fmter.str())};
this->builder->CreateCall(this->mod->getFunction("print_disass"), args);
pc = pc + 4;
int32_t full_imm_val = fld_imm_val;
if (fld_rd_val != 0) {
Value *X_rd_val =
this->gen_ext(this->gen_reg_load(fld_rs1_val, 0), 32, false),
this->gen_ext(full_imm_val, 32, false)),
this->gen_const(32U, 1), this->gen_const(32U, 0), 32);
this->builder->CreateStore(X_rd_val, get_reg_ptr(fld_rd_val), false);
this->gen_set_pc(pc, traits<ARCH>::NEXT_PC);
this->gen_sync(iss::POST_SYNC); /* call post-sync if needed */
bb = llvm::BasicBlock::Create(this->mod->getContext(), "entry", this->func,
this->leave_blk); /* create next BasicBlock in chain */
return std::make_tuple(vm::CONT, bb);
// instruction XORI
std::tuple<vm::continuation_e, llvm::BasicBlock *> __xori(virt_addr_t &pc, code_word_t instr,
llvm::BasicBlock *bb) {
uint8_t fld_rd_val = 0 | (bit_sub<7, 5>(instr));
uint8_t fld_rs1_val = 0 | (bit_sub<15, 5>(instr));
int16_t fld_imm_val = 0 | (signed_bit_sub<20, 12>(instr));
if (this->disass_enabled) {
/* generate console output when executing the command */
boost::format ins_fmter("XORI x%1$d, x%2$d, %3%");
ins_fmter % (uint64_t)fld_rd_val % (uint64_t)fld_rs1_val % (int64_t)fld_imm_val;
boost::format fmter("0x%1$016x\t\t%2$-40s\t\t");
fmter % pc.val % ins_fmter.str();
std::vector<llvm::Value *> args{this->core_ptr, this->builder->CreateGlobalStringPtr(fmter.str())};
this->builder->CreateCall(this->mod->getFunction("print_disass"), args);
pc = pc + 4;
if (fld_rd_val != 0) {
Value *X_rd_val =
this->builder->CreateXor(this->gen_reg_load(fld_rs1_val, 0), this->gen_const(32U, fld_imm_val));
this->builder->CreateStore(X_rd_val, get_reg_ptr(fld_rd_val), false);
this->gen_set_pc(pc, traits<ARCH>::NEXT_PC);
this->gen_sync(iss::POST_SYNC); /* call post-sync if needed */
bb = llvm::BasicBlock::Create(this->mod->getContext(), "entry", this->func,
this->leave_blk); /* create next BasicBlock in chain */
return std::make_tuple(vm::CONT, bb);
// instruction ORI
std::tuple<vm::continuation_e, llvm::BasicBlock *> __ori(virt_addr_t &pc, code_word_t instr, llvm::BasicBlock *bb) {
uint8_t fld_rd_val = 0 | (bit_sub<7, 5>(instr));
uint8_t fld_rs1_val = 0 | (bit_sub<15, 5>(instr));
int16_t fld_imm_val = 0 | (signed_bit_sub<20, 12>(instr));
if (this->disass_enabled) {
/* generate console output when executing the command */
boost::format ins_fmter("ORI x%1$d, x%2$d, %3%");
ins_fmter % (uint64_t)fld_rd_val % (uint64_t)fld_rs1_val % (int64_t)fld_imm_val;
boost::format fmter("0x%1$016x\t\t%2$-40s\t\t");
fmter % pc.val % ins_fmter.str();
std::vector<llvm::Value *> args{this->core_ptr, this->builder->CreateGlobalStringPtr(fmter.str())};
this->builder->CreateCall(this->mod->getFunction("print_disass"), args);
pc = pc + 4;
if (fld_rd_val != 0) {
Value *X_rd_val =
this->builder->CreateOr(this->gen_reg_load(fld_rs1_val, 0), this->gen_const(32U, fld_imm_val));
this->builder->CreateStore(X_rd_val, get_reg_ptr(fld_rd_val), false);
this->gen_set_pc(pc, traits<ARCH>::NEXT_PC);
this->gen_sync(iss::POST_SYNC); /* call post-sync if needed */
bb = llvm::BasicBlock::Create(this->mod->getContext(), "entry", this->func,
this->leave_blk); /* create next BasicBlock in chain */
return std::make_tuple(vm::CONT, bb);
// instruction ANDI
std::tuple<vm::continuation_e, llvm::BasicBlock *> __andi(virt_addr_t &pc, code_word_t instr,
llvm::BasicBlock *bb) {
uint8_t fld_rd_val = 0 | (bit_sub<7, 5>(instr));
uint8_t fld_rs1_val = 0 | (bit_sub<15, 5>(instr));
int16_t fld_imm_val = 0 | (signed_bit_sub<20, 12>(instr));
if (this->disass_enabled) {
/* generate console output when executing the command */
boost::format ins_fmter("ANDI x%1$d, x%2$d, %3%");
ins_fmter % (uint64_t)fld_rd_val % (uint64_t)fld_rs1_val % (int64_t)fld_imm_val;
boost::format fmter("0x%1$016x\t\t%2$-40s\t\t");
fmter % pc.val % ins_fmter.str();
std::vector<llvm::Value *> args{this->core_ptr, this->builder->CreateGlobalStringPtr(fmter.str())};
this->builder->CreateCall(this->mod->getFunction("print_disass"), args);
pc = pc + 4;
if (fld_rd_val != 0) {
Value *X_rd_val =
this->builder->CreateAnd(this->gen_reg_load(fld_rs1_val, 0), this->gen_const(32U, fld_imm_val));
this->builder->CreateStore(X_rd_val, get_reg_ptr(fld_rd_val), false);
this->gen_set_pc(pc, traits<ARCH>::NEXT_PC);
this->gen_sync(iss::POST_SYNC); /* call post-sync if needed */
bb = llvm::BasicBlock::Create(this->mod->getContext(), "entry", this->func,
this->leave_blk); /* create next BasicBlock in chain */
return std::make_tuple(vm::CONT, bb);
// instruction SLLI
std::tuple<vm::continuation_e, llvm::BasicBlock *> __slli(virt_addr_t &pc, code_word_t instr,
llvm::BasicBlock *bb) {
uint8_t fld_rd_val = 0 | (bit_sub<7, 5>(instr));
uint8_t fld_rs1_val = 0 | (bit_sub<15, 5>(instr));
uint8_t fld_shamt_val = 0 | (bit_sub<20, 5>(instr));
if (this->disass_enabled) {
/* generate console output when executing the command */
boost::format ins_fmter("SLLI x%1$d, x%2$d, %3%");
ins_fmter % (uint64_t)fld_rd_val % (uint64_t)fld_rs1_val % (uint64_t)fld_shamt_val;
boost::format fmter("0x%1$016x\t\t%2$-40s\t\t");
fmter % pc.val % ins_fmter.str();
std::vector<llvm::Value *> args{this->core_ptr, this->builder->CreateGlobalStringPtr(fmter.str())};
this->builder->CreateCall(this->mod->getFunction("print_disass"), args);
pc = pc + 4;
if (fld_rd_val != 0) {
Value *X_rd_val =
this->builder->CreateShl(this->gen_reg_load(fld_rs1_val, 0), this->gen_const(32U, fld_shamt_val));
this->builder->CreateStore(X_rd_val, get_reg_ptr(fld_rd_val), false);
this->gen_set_pc(pc, traits<ARCH>::NEXT_PC);
this->gen_sync(iss::POST_SYNC); /* call post-sync if needed */
bb = llvm::BasicBlock::Create(this->mod->getContext(), "entry", this->func,
this->leave_blk); /* create next BasicBlock in chain */
return std::make_tuple(vm::CONT, bb);
// instruction SRLI
std::tuple<vm::continuation_e, llvm::BasicBlock *> __srli(virt_addr_t &pc, code_word_t instr,
llvm::BasicBlock *bb) {
uint8_t fld_rd_val = 0 | (bit_sub<7, 5>(instr));
uint8_t fld_rs1_val = 0 | (bit_sub<15, 5>(instr));
uint8_t fld_shamt_val = 0 | (bit_sub<20, 5>(instr));
if (this->disass_enabled) {
/* generate console output when executing the command */
boost::format ins_fmter("SRLI x%1$d, x%2$d, %3%");
ins_fmter % (uint64_t)fld_rd_val % (uint64_t)fld_rs1_val % (uint64_t)fld_shamt_val;
boost::format fmter("0x%1$016x\t\t%2$-40s\t\t");
fmter % pc.val % ins_fmter.str();
std::vector<llvm::Value *> args{this->core_ptr, this->builder->CreateGlobalStringPtr(fmter.str())};
this->builder->CreateCall(this->mod->getFunction("print_disass"), args);
pc = pc + 4;
if (fld_rd_val != 0) {
Value *X_rd_val =
this->builder->CreateLShr(this->gen_reg_load(fld_rs1_val, 0), this->gen_const(32U, fld_shamt_val));
this->builder->CreateStore(X_rd_val, get_reg_ptr(fld_rd_val), false);
this->gen_set_pc(pc, traits<ARCH>::NEXT_PC);
this->gen_sync(iss::POST_SYNC); /* call post-sync if needed */
bb = llvm::BasicBlock::Create(this->mod->getContext(), "entry", this->func,
this->leave_blk); /* create next BasicBlock in chain */
return std::make_tuple(vm::CONT, bb);
// instruction SRAI
std::tuple<vm::continuation_e, llvm::BasicBlock *> __srai(virt_addr_t &pc, code_word_t instr,
llvm::BasicBlock *bb) {
uint8_t fld_rd_val = 0 | (bit_sub<7, 5>(instr));
uint8_t fld_rs1_val = 0 | (bit_sub<15, 5>(instr));
uint8_t fld_shamt_val = 0 | (bit_sub<20, 5>(instr));
if (this->disass_enabled) {
/* generate console output when executing the command */
boost::format ins_fmter("SRAI x%1$d, x%2$d, %3%");
ins_fmter % (uint64_t)fld_rd_val % (uint64_t)fld_rs1_val % (uint64_t)fld_shamt_val;
boost::format fmter("0x%1$016x\t\t%2$-40s\t\t");
fmter % pc.val % ins_fmter.str();
std::vector<llvm::Value *> args{this->core_ptr, this->builder->CreateGlobalStringPtr(fmter.str())};
this->builder->CreateCall(this->mod->getFunction("print_disass"), args);
pc = pc + 4;
if (fld_rd_val != 0) {
Value *X_rd_val =
this->builder->CreateAShr(this->gen_reg_load(fld_rs1_val, 0), this->gen_const(32U, fld_shamt_val));
this->builder->CreateStore(X_rd_val, get_reg_ptr(fld_rd_val), false);
this->gen_set_pc(pc, traits<ARCH>::NEXT_PC);
this->gen_sync(iss::POST_SYNC); /* call post-sync if needed */
bb = llvm::BasicBlock::Create(this->mod->getContext(), "entry", this->func,
this->leave_blk); /* create next BasicBlock in chain */
return std::make_tuple(vm::CONT, bb);
// instruction ADD
std::tuple<vm::continuation_e, llvm::BasicBlock *> __add(virt_addr_t &pc, code_word_t instr, llvm::BasicBlock *bb) {
uint8_t fld_rd_val = 0 | (bit_sub<7, 5>(instr));
uint8_t fld_rs1_val = 0 | (bit_sub<15, 5>(instr));
uint8_t fld_rs2_val = 0 | (bit_sub<20, 5>(instr));
if (this->disass_enabled) {
/* generate console output when executing the command */
boost::format ins_fmter("ADD x%1$d, x%2$d, x%3$d");
ins_fmter % (uint64_t)fld_rd_val % (uint64_t)fld_rs1_val % (uint64_t)fld_rs2_val;
boost::format fmter("0x%1$016x\t\t%2$-40s\t\t");
fmter % pc.val % ins_fmter.str();
std::vector<llvm::Value *> args{this->core_ptr, this->builder->CreateGlobalStringPtr(fmter.str())};
this->builder->CreateCall(this->mod->getFunction("print_disass"), args);
pc = pc + 4;
if (fld_rd_val != 0) {
Value *X_rd_val =
this->builder->CreateAdd(this->gen_reg_load(fld_rs1_val, 0), this->gen_reg_load(fld_rs2_val, 0));
this->builder->CreateStore(X_rd_val, get_reg_ptr(fld_rd_val), false);
this->gen_set_pc(pc, traits<ARCH>::NEXT_PC);
this->gen_sync(iss::POST_SYNC); /* call post-sync if needed */
bb = llvm::BasicBlock::Create(this->mod->getContext(), "entry", this->func,
this->leave_blk); /* create next BasicBlock in chain */
return std::make_tuple(vm::CONT, bb);
// instruction SUB
std::tuple<vm::continuation_e, llvm::BasicBlock *> __sub(virt_addr_t &pc, code_word_t instr, llvm::BasicBlock *bb) {
uint8_t fld_rd_val = 0 | (bit_sub<7, 5>(instr));
uint8_t fld_rs1_val = 0 | (bit_sub<15, 5>(instr));
uint8_t fld_rs2_val = 0 | (bit_sub<20, 5>(instr));
if (this->disass_enabled) {
/* generate console output when executing the command */
boost::format ins_fmter("SUB x%1$d, x%2$d, x%3$d");
ins_fmter % (uint64_t)fld_rd_val % (uint64_t)fld_rs1_val % (uint64_t)fld_rs2_val;
boost::format fmter("0x%1$016x\t\t%2$-40s\t\t");
fmter % pc.val % ins_fmter.str();
std::vector<llvm::Value *> args{this->core_ptr, this->builder->CreateGlobalStringPtr(fmter.str())};
this->builder->CreateCall(this->mod->getFunction("print_disass"), args);
pc = pc + 4;
if (fld_rd_val != 0) {
Value *X_rd_val =
this->builder->CreateSub(this->gen_reg_load(fld_rs1_val, 0), this->gen_reg_load(fld_rs2_val, 0));
this->builder->CreateStore(X_rd_val, get_reg_ptr(fld_rd_val), false);
this->gen_set_pc(pc, traits<ARCH>::NEXT_PC);
this->gen_sync(iss::POST_SYNC); /* call post-sync if needed */
bb = llvm::BasicBlock::Create(this->mod->getContext(), "entry", this->func,
this->leave_blk); /* create next BasicBlock in chain */
return std::make_tuple(vm::CONT, bb);
// instruction SLL
std::tuple<vm::continuation_e, llvm::BasicBlock *> __sll(virt_addr_t &pc, code_word_t instr, llvm::BasicBlock *bb) {
uint8_t fld_rd_val = 0 | (bit_sub<7, 5>(instr));
uint8_t fld_rs1_val = 0 | (bit_sub<15, 5>(instr));
uint8_t fld_rs2_val = 0 | (bit_sub<20, 5>(instr));
if (this->disass_enabled) {
/* generate console output when executing the command */
boost::format ins_fmter("SLL x%1$d, x%2$d, x%3$d");
ins_fmter % (uint64_t)fld_rd_val % (uint64_t)fld_rs1_val % (uint64_t)fld_rs2_val;
boost::format fmter("0x%1$016x\t\t%2$-40s\t\t");
fmter % pc.val % ins_fmter.str();
std::vector<llvm::Value *> args{this->core_ptr, this->builder->CreateGlobalStringPtr(fmter.str())};
this->builder->CreateCall(this->mod->getFunction("print_disass"), args);
pc = pc + 4;
if (fld_rd_val != 0) {
Value *X_rd_val = this->builder->CreateShl(
this->gen_reg_load(fld_rs1_val, 0), this->builder->CreateAnd(this->gen_reg_load(fld_rs2_val, 0), 31));
this->builder->CreateStore(X_rd_val, get_reg_ptr(fld_rd_val), false);
this->gen_set_pc(pc, traits<ARCH>::NEXT_PC);
this->gen_sync(iss::POST_SYNC); /* call post-sync if needed */
bb = llvm::BasicBlock::Create(this->mod->getContext(), "entry", this->func,
this->leave_blk); /* create next BasicBlock in chain */
return std::make_tuple(vm::CONT, bb);
// instruction SLT
std::tuple<vm::continuation_e, llvm::BasicBlock *> __slt(virt_addr_t &pc, code_word_t instr, llvm::BasicBlock *bb) {
uint8_t fld_rd_val = 0 | (bit_sub<7, 5>(instr));
uint8_t fld_rs1_val = 0 | (bit_sub<15, 5>(instr));
uint8_t fld_rs2_val = 0 | (bit_sub<20, 5>(instr));
if (this->disass_enabled) {
/* generate console output when executing the command */
boost::format ins_fmter("SLT x%1$d, x%2$d, x%3$d");
ins_fmter % (uint64_t)fld_rd_val % (uint64_t)fld_rs1_val % (uint64_t)fld_rs2_val;
boost::format fmter("0x%1$016x\t\t%2$-40s\t\t");
fmter % pc.val % ins_fmter.str();
std::vector<llvm::Value *> args{this->core_ptr, this->builder->CreateGlobalStringPtr(fmter.str())};
this->builder->CreateCall(this->mod->getFunction("print_disass"), args);
pc = pc + 4;
if (fld_rd_val != 0) {
Value *X_rd_val =
this->gen_ext(this->gen_reg_load(fld_rs1_val, 0), 32, true),
this->gen_ext(this->gen_reg_load(fld_rs2_val, 0), 32, true)),
this->gen_const(32U, 1), this->gen_const(32U, 0), 32);
this->builder->CreateStore(X_rd_val, get_reg_ptr(fld_rd_val), false);
this->gen_set_pc(pc, traits<ARCH>::NEXT_PC);
this->gen_sync(iss::POST_SYNC); /* call post-sync if needed */
bb = llvm::BasicBlock::Create(this->mod->getContext(), "entry", this->func,
this->leave_blk); /* create next BasicBlock in chain */
return std::make_tuple(vm::CONT, bb);
// instruction SLTU
std::tuple<vm::continuation_e, llvm::BasicBlock *> __sltu(virt_addr_t &pc, code_word_t instr,
llvm::BasicBlock *bb) {
uint8_t fld_rd_val = 0 | (bit_sub<7, 5>(instr));
uint8_t fld_rs1_val = 0 | (bit_sub<15, 5>(instr));
uint8_t fld_rs2_val = 0 | (bit_sub<20, 5>(instr));
if (this->disass_enabled) {
/* generate console output when executing the command */
boost::format ins_fmter("SLTU x%1$d, x%2$d, x%3$d");
ins_fmter % (uint64_t)fld_rd_val % (uint64_t)fld_rs1_val % (uint64_t)fld_rs2_val;
boost::format fmter("0x%1$016x\t\t%2$-40s\t\t");
fmter % pc.val % ins_fmter.str();
std::vector<llvm::Value *> args{this->core_ptr, this->builder->CreateGlobalStringPtr(fmter.str())};
this->builder->CreateCall(this->mod->getFunction("print_disass"), args);
pc = pc + 4;
if (fld_rd_val != 0) {
Value *X_rd_val =
ICmpInst::ICMP_ULT, this->gen_ext(this->gen_reg_load(fld_rs1_val, 0), 32, false),
this->gen_ext(this->gen_reg_load(fld_rs2_val, 0), 32, false)),
this->gen_const(32U, 1), this->gen_const(32U, 0), 32);
this->builder->CreateStore(X_rd_val, get_reg_ptr(fld_rd_val), false);
this->gen_set_pc(pc, traits<ARCH>::NEXT_PC);
this->gen_sync(iss::POST_SYNC); /* call post-sync if needed */
bb = llvm::BasicBlock::Create(this->mod->getContext(), "entry", this->func,
this->leave_blk); /* create next BasicBlock in chain */
return std::make_tuple(vm::CONT, bb);
// instruction XOR
std::tuple<vm::continuation_e, llvm::BasicBlock *> __xor(virt_addr_t &pc, code_word_t instr, llvm::BasicBlock *bb) {
uint8_t fld_rd_val = 0 | (bit_sub<7, 5>(instr));
uint8_t fld_rs1_val = 0 | (bit_sub<15, 5>(instr));
uint8_t fld_rs2_val = 0 | (bit_sub<20, 5>(instr));
if (this->disass_enabled) {
/* generate console output when executing the command */
boost::format ins_fmter("XOR x%1$d, x%2$d, x%3$d");
ins_fmter % (uint64_t)fld_rd_val % (uint64_t)fld_rs1_val % (uint64_t)fld_rs2_val;
boost::format fmter("0x%1$016x\t\t%2$-40s\t\t");
fmter % pc.val % ins_fmter.str();
std::vector<llvm::Value *> args{this->core_ptr, this->builder->CreateGlobalStringPtr(fmter.str())};
this->builder->CreateCall(this->mod->getFunction("print_disass"), args);
pc = pc + 4;
if (fld_rd_val != 0) {
Value *X_rd_val =
this->builder->CreateXor(this->gen_reg_load(fld_rs1_val, 0), this->gen_reg_load(fld_rs2_val, 0));
this->builder->CreateStore(X_rd_val, get_reg_ptr(fld_rd_val), false);
this->gen_set_pc(pc, traits<ARCH>::NEXT_PC);
this->gen_sync(iss::POST_SYNC); /* call post-sync if needed */
bb = llvm::BasicBlock::Create(this->mod->getContext(), "entry", this->func,
this->leave_blk); /* create next BasicBlock in chain */
return std::make_tuple(vm::CONT, bb);
// instruction SRL
std::tuple<vm::continuation_e, llvm::BasicBlock *> __srl(virt_addr_t &pc, code_word_t instr, llvm::BasicBlock *bb) {
uint8_t fld_rd_val = 0 | (bit_sub<7, 5>(instr));
uint8_t fld_rs1_val = 0 | (bit_sub<15, 5>(instr));
uint8_t fld_rs2_val = 0 | (bit_sub<20, 5>(instr));
if (this->disass_enabled) {
/* generate console output when executing the command */
boost::format ins_fmter("SRL x%1$d, x%2$d, x%3$d");
ins_fmter % (uint64_t)fld_rd_val % (uint64_t)fld_rs1_val % (uint64_t)fld_rs2_val;
boost::format fmter("0x%1$016x\t\t%2$-40s\t\t");
fmter % pc.val % ins_fmter.str();
std::vector<llvm::Value *> args{this->core_ptr, this->builder->CreateGlobalStringPtr(fmter.str())};
this->builder->CreateCall(this->mod->getFunction("print_disass"), args);
pc = pc + 4;
if (fld_rd_val != 0) {
Value *X_rd_val = this->builder->CreateLShr(
this->gen_reg_load(fld_rs1_val, 0), this->builder->CreateAnd(this->gen_reg_load(fld_rs2_val, 0), 31));
this->builder->CreateStore(X_rd_val, get_reg_ptr(fld_rd_val), false);
this->gen_set_pc(pc, traits<ARCH>::NEXT_PC);
this->gen_sync(iss::POST_SYNC); /* call post-sync if needed */
bb = llvm::BasicBlock::Create(this->mod->getContext(), "entry", this->func,
this->leave_blk); /* create next BasicBlock in chain */
return std::make_tuple(vm::CONT, bb);
// instruction SRA
std::tuple<vm::continuation_e, llvm::BasicBlock *> __sra(virt_addr_t &pc, code_word_t instr, llvm::BasicBlock *bb) {
uint8_t fld_rd_val = 0 | (bit_sub<7, 5>(instr));
uint8_t fld_rs1_val = 0 | (bit_sub<15, 5>(instr));
uint8_t fld_rs2_val = 0 | (bit_sub<20, 5>(instr));
if (this->disass_enabled) {
/* generate console output when executing the command */
boost::format ins_fmter("SRA x%1$d, x%2$d, x%3$d");
ins_fmter % (uint64_t)fld_rd_val % (uint64_t)fld_rs1_val % (uint64_t)fld_rs2_val;
boost::format fmter("0x%1$016x\t\t%2$-40s\t\t");
fmter % pc.val % ins_fmter.str();
std::vector<llvm::Value *> args{this->core_ptr, this->builder->CreateGlobalStringPtr(fmter.str())};
this->builder->CreateCall(this->mod->getFunction("print_disass"), args);
pc = pc + 4;
if (fld_rd_val != 0) {
Value *X_rd_val = this->builder->CreateAShr(
this->gen_reg_load(fld_rs1_val, 0), this->builder->CreateAnd(this->gen_reg_load(fld_rs2_val, 0), 31));
this->builder->CreateStore(X_rd_val, get_reg_ptr(fld_rd_val), false);
this->gen_set_pc(pc, traits<ARCH>::NEXT_PC);
this->gen_sync(iss::POST_SYNC); /* call post-sync if needed */
bb = llvm::BasicBlock::Create(this->mod->getContext(), "entry", this->func,
this->leave_blk); /* create next BasicBlock in chain */
return std::make_tuple(vm::CONT, bb);
// instruction OR
std::tuple<vm::continuation_e, llvm::BasicBlock *> __or(virt_addr_t &pc, code_word_t instr, llvm::BasicBlock *bb) {
uint8_t fld_rd_val = 0 | (bit_sub<7, 5>(instr));
uint8_t fld_rs1_val = 0 | (bit_sub<15, 5>(instr));
uint8_t fld_rs2_val = 0 | (bit_sub<20, 5>(instr));
if (this->disass_enabled) {
/* generate console output when executing the command */
boost::format ins_fmter("OR x%1$d, x%2$d, x%3$d");
ins_fmter % (uint64_t)fld_rd_val % (uint64_t)fld_rs1_val % (uint64_t)fld_rs2_val;
boost::format fmter("0x%1$016x\t\t%2$-40s\t\t");
fmter % pc.val % ins_fmter.str();
std::vector<llvm::Value *> args{this->core_ptr, this->builder->CreateGlobalStringPtr(fmter.str())};
this->builder->CreateCall(this->mod->getFunction("print_disass"), args);
pc = pc + 4;
if (fld_rd_val != 0) {
Value *X_rd_val =
this->builder->CreateOr(this->gen_reg_load(fld_rs1_val, 0), this->gen_reg_load(fld_rs2_val, 0));
this->builder->CreateStore(X_rd_val, get_reg_ptr(fld_rd_val), false);
this->gen_set_pc(pc, traits<ARCH>::NEXT_PC);
this->gen_sync(iss::POST_SYNC); /* call post-sync if needed */
bb = llvm::BasicBlock::Create(this->mod->getContext(), "entry", this->func,
this->leave_blk); /* create next BasicBlock in chain */
return std::make_tuple(vm::CONT, bb);
// instruction AND
std::tuple<vm::continuation_e, llvm::BasicBlock *> __and(virt_addr_t &pc, code_word_t instr, llvm::BasicBlock *bb) {
uint8_t fld_rd_val = 0 | (bit_sub<7, 5>(instr));
uint8_t fld_rs1_val = 0 | (bit_sub<15, 5>(instr));
uint8_t fld_rs2_val = 0 | (bit_sub<20, 5>(instr));
if (this->disass_enabled) {
/* generate console output when executing the command */
boost::format ins_fmter("AND x%1$d, x%2$d, x%3$d");
ins_fmter % (uint64_t)fld_rd_val % (uint64_t)fld_rs1_val % (uint64_t)fld_rs2_val;
boost::format fmter("0x%1$016x\t\t%2$-40s\t\t");
fmter % pc.val % ins_fmter.str();
std::vector<llvm::Value *> args{this->core_ptr, this->builder->CreateGlobalStringPtr(fmter.str())};
this->builder->CreateCall(this->mod->getFunction("print_disass"), args);
pc = pc + 4;
if (fld_rd_val != 0) {
Value *X_rd_val =
this->builder->CreateAnd(this->gen_reg_load(fld_rs1_val, 0), this->gen_reg_load(fld_rs2_val, 0));
this->builder->CreateStore(X_rd_val, get_reg_ptr(fld_rd_val), false);
this->gen_set_pc(pc, traits<ARCH>::NEXT_PC);
this->gen_sync(iss::POST_SYNC); /* call post-sync if needed */
bb = llvm::BasicBlock::Create(this->mod->getContext(), "entry", this->func,
this->leave_blk); /* create next BasicBlock in chain */
return std::make_tuple(vm::CONT, bb);
// instruction FENCE
std::tuple<vm::continuation_e, llvm::BasicBlock *> __fence(virt_addr_t &pc, code_word_t instr,
llvm::BasicBlock *bb) {
uint8_t fld_rd_val = 0 | (bit_sub<7, 5>(instr));
uint8_t fld_rs1_val = 0 | (bit_sub<15, 5>(instr));
uint8_t fld_succ_val = 0 | (bit_sub<20, 4>(instr));
uint8_t fld_pred_val = 0 | (bit_sub<24, 4>(instr));
if (this->disass_enabled) {
/* generate console output when executing the command */
std::string opcode("FENCE");
boost::format fmter("0x%1$016x\t\t%2$-40s\t\t%%v");
fmter % pc.val % opcode;
std::vector<llvm::Value *> args{this->core_ptr, this->builder->CreateGlobalStringPtr(fmter.str())};
this->builder->CreateCall(this->mod->getFunction("print_disass"), args);
pc = pc + 4;
Value *FENCE_fence_val = this->builder->CreateOr(
this->builder->CreateShl(this->gen_const(32U, fld_pred_val), this->gen_const(32U, 4)),
this->gen_const(32U, fld_succ_val));
this->gen_write_mem(traits<ARCH>::FENCE, (uint64_t)0,
this->builder->CreateZExtOrTrunc(FENCE_fence_val, this->get_type(32)));
this->gen_set_pc(pc, traits<ARCH>::NEXT_PC);
this->gen_sync(iss::POST_SYNC); /* call post-sync if needed */
bb = llvm::BasicBlock::Create(this->mod->getContext(), "entry", this->func,
this->leave_blk); /* create next BasicBlock in chain */
return std::make_tuple(vm::CONT, bb);
// instruction FENCE_I
std::tuple<vm::continuation_e, llvm::BasicBlock *> __fence_i(virt_addr_t &pc, code_word_t instr,
llvm::BasicBlock *bb) {
uint8_t fld_rd_val = 0 | (bit_sub<7, 5>(instr));
uint8_t fld_rs1_val = 0 | (bit_sub<15, 5>(instr));
uint16_t fld_imm_val = 0 | (bit_sub<20, 12>(instr));
if (this->disass_enabled) {
/* generate console output when executing the command */
std::string opcode("FENCE_I");
boost::format fmter("0x%1$016x\t\t%2$-40s\t\t%%v");
fmter % pc.val % opcode;
std::vector<llvm::Value *> args{this->core_ptr, this->builder->CreateGlobalStringPtr(fmter.str())};
this->builder->CreateCall(this->mod->getFunction("print_disass"), args);
pc = pc + 4;
Value *FENCE_fencei_val = this->gen_const(32U, fld_imm_val);
this->gen_write_mem(traits<ARCH>::FENCE, (uint64_t)1,
this->builder->CreateZExtOrTrunc(FENCE_fencei_val, this->get_type(32)));
this->gen_set_pc(pc, traits<ARCH>::NEXT_PC);
this->gen_sync(iss::POST_SYNC); /* call post-sync if needed */
return std::make_tuple(iss::vm::FLUSH, nullptr);
// instruction ECALL
std::tuple<vm::continuation_e, llvm::BasicBlock *> __ecall(virt_addr_t &pc, code_word_t instr,
llvm::BasicBlock *bb) {
if (this->disass_enabled) {
/* generate console output when executing the command */
std::string opcode("ECALL");
boost::format fmter("0x%1$016x\t\t%2$-40s\t\t%%v");
fmter % pc.val % opcode;
std::vector<llvm::Value *> args{this->core_ptr, this->builder->CreateGlobalStringPtr(fmter.str())};
this->builder->CreateCall(this->mod->getFunction("print_disass"), args);
pc = pc + 4;
this->gen_raise_trap(0, 11);
this->gen_sync(iss::POST_SYNC); /* call post-sync if needed */
return std::make_tuple(iss::vm::BRANCH, nullptr);
// instruction EBREAK
std::tuple<vm::continuation_e, llvm::BasicBlock *> __ebreak(virt_addr_t &pc, code_word_t instr,
llvm::BasicBlock *bb) {
if (this->disass_enabled) {
/* generate console output when executing the command */
std::string opcode("EBREAK");
boost::format fmter("0x%1$016x\t\t%2$-40s\t\t%%v");
fmter % pc.val % opcode;
std::vector<llvm::Value *> args{this->core_ptr, this->builder->CreateGlobalStringPtr(fmter.str())};
this->builder->CreateCall(this->mod->getFunction("print_disass"), args);
pc = pc + 4;
this->gen_raise_trap(0, 3);
this->gen_sync(iss::POST_SYNC); /* call post-sync if needed */
return std::make_tuple(iss::vm::BRANCH, nullptr);
// instruction URET
std::tuple<vm::continuation_e, llvm::BasicBlock *> __uret(virt_addr_t &pc, code_word_t instr,
llvm::BasicBlock *bb) {
if (this->disass_enabled) {
/* generate console output when executing the command */
std::string opcode("URET");
boost::format fmter("0x%1$016x\t\t%2$-40s\t\t%%v");
fmter % pc.val % opcode;
std::vector<llvm::Value *> args{this->core_ptr, this->builder->CreateGlobalStringPtr(fmter.str())};
this->builder->CreateCall(this->mod->getFunction("print_disass"), args);
pc = pc + 4;
this->gen_sync(iss::POST_SYNC); /* call post-sync if needed */
return std::make_tuple(iss::vm::BRANCH, nullptr);
// instruction SRET
std::tuple<vm::continuation_e, llvm::BasicBlock *> __sret(virt_addr_t &pc, code_word_t instr,
llvm::BasicBlock *bb) {
if (this->disass_enabled) {
/* generate console output when executing the command */
std::string opcode("SRET");
boost::format fmter("0x%1$016x\t\t%2$-40s\t\t%%v");
fmter % pc.val % opcode;
std::vector<llvm::Value *> args{this->core_ptr, this->builder->CreateGlobalStringPtr(fmter.str())};
this->builder->CreateCall(this->mod->getFunction("print_disass"), args);
pc = pc + 4;
this->gen_sync(iss::POST_SYNC); /* call post-sync if needed */
return std::make_tuple(iss::vm::BRANCH, nullptr);
// instruction MRET
std::tuple<vm::continuation_e, llvm::BasicBlock *> __mret(virt_addr_t &pc, code_word_t instr,
llvm::BasicBlock *bb) {
if (this->disass_enabled) {
/* generate console output when executing the command */
std::string opcode("MRET");
boost::format fmter("0x%1$016x\t\t%2$-40s\t\t%%v");
fmter % pc.val % opcode;
std::vector<llvm::Value *> args{this->core_ptr, this->builder->CreateGlobalStringPtr(fmter.str())};
this->builder->CreateCall(this->mod->getFunction("print_disass"), args);
pc = pc + 4;
this->gen_sync(iss::POST_SYNC); /* call post-sync if needed */
return std::make_tuple(iss::vm::BRANCH, nullptr);
// instruction WFI
std::tuple<vm::continuation_e, llvm::BasicBlock *> __wfi(virt_addr_t &pc, code_word_t instr, llvm::BasicBlock *bb) {
if (this->disass_enabled) {
/* generate console output when executing the command */
std::string opcode("WFI");
boost::format fmter("0x%1$016x\t\t%2$-40s\t\t%%v");
fmter % pc.val % opcode;
std::vector<llvm::Value *> args{this->core_ptr, this->builder->CreateGlobalStringPtr(fmter.str())};
this->builder->CreateCall(this->mod->getFunction("print_disass"), args);
pc = pc + 4;
this->gen_set_pc(pc, traits<ARCH>::NEXT_PC);
this->gen_sync(iss::POST_SYNC); /* call post-sync if needed */
bb = llvm::BasicBlock::Create(this->mod->getContext(), "entry", this->func,
this->leave_blk); /* create next BasicBlock in chain */
return std::make_tuple(vm::CONT, bb);
// instruction SFENCE.VMA
std::tuple<vm::continuation_e, llvm::BasicBlock *> __sfence_vma(virt_addr_t &pc, code_word_t instr,
llvm::BasicBlock *bb) {
uint8_t fld_rs1_val = 0 | (bit_sub<15, 5>(instr));
uint8_t fld_rs2_val = 0 | (bit_sub<20, 5>(instr));
if (this->disass_enabled) {
/* generate console output when executing the command */
std::string opcode("SFENCE.VMA");
boost::format fmter("0x%1$016x\t\t%2$-40s\t\t%%v");
fmter % pc.val % opcode;
std::vector<llvm::Value *> args{this->core_ptr, this->builder->CreateGlobalStringPtr(fmter.str())};
this->builder->CreateCall(this->mod->getFunction("print_disass"), args);
pc = pc + 4;
Value *FENCE_fencevmal_val = this->gen_const(32U, fld_rs1_val);
this->gen_write_mem(traits<ARCH>::FENCE, (uint64_t)2,
this->builder->CreateZExtOrTrunc(FENCE_fencevmal_val, this->get_type(32)));
Value *FENCE_fencevmau_val = this->gen_const(32U, fld_rs2_val);
this->gen_write_mem(traits<ARCH>::FENCE, (uint64_t)3,
this->builder->CreateZExtOrTrunc(FENCE_fencevmau_val, this->get_type(32)));
this->gen_set_pc(pc, traits<ARCH>::NEXT_PC);
this->gen_sync(iss::POST_SYNC); /* call post-sync if needed */
bb = llvm::BasicBlock::Create(this->mod->getContext(), "entry", this->func,
this->leave_blk); /* create next BasicBlock in chain */
return std::make_tuple(vm::CONT, bb);
// instruction CSRRW
std::tuple<vm::continuation_e, llvm::BasicBlock *> __csrrw(virt_addr_t &pc, code_word_t instr,
llvm::BasicBlock *bb) {
uint8_t fld_rd_val = 0 | (bit_sub<7, 5>(instr));
uint8_t fld_rs1_val = 0 | (bit_sub<15, 5>(instr));
uint16_t fld_csr_val = 0 | (bit_sub<20, 12>(instr));
if (this->disass_enabled) {
/* generate console output when executing the command */
boost::format ins_fmter("CSRRW x%1$d, %2$d, x%3$d");
ins_fmter % (uint64_t)fld_rd_val % (uint64_t)fld_csr_val % (uint64_t)fld_rs1_val;
boost::format fmter("0x%1$016x\t\t%2$-40s\t\t");
fmter % pc.val % ins_fmter.str();
std::vector<llvm::Value *> args{this->core_ptr, this->builder->CreateGlobalStringPtr(fmter.str())};
this->builder->CreateCall(this->mod->getFunction("print_disass"), args);
pc = pc + 4;
Value *rs_val_val = this->gen_reg_load(fld_rs1_val, 0);
if (fld_rd_val != 0) {
Value *csr_val_val = this->gen_read_mem(traits<ARCH>::CSR, fld_csr_val, 32 / 8);
Value *CSR_csr_val = rs_val_val;
this->gen_write_mem(traits<ARCH>::CSR, fld_csr_val,
this->builder->CreateZExtOrTrunc(CSR_csr_val, this->get_type(32)));
Value *X_rd_val = csr_val_val;
this->builder->CreateStore(X_rd_val, get_reg_ptr(fld_rd_val), false);
} else {
Value *CSR_csr_val = rs_val_val;
this->gen_write_mem(traits<ARCH>::CSR, fld_csr_val,
this->builder->CreateZExtOrTrunc(CSR_csr_val, this->get_type(32)));
this->gen_set_pc(pc, traits<ARCH>::NEXT_PC);
this->gen_sync(iss::POST_SYNC); /* call post-sync if needed */
bb = llvm::BasicBlock::Create(this->mod->getContext(), "entry", this->func,
this->leave_blk); /* create next BasicBlock in chain */
return std::make_tuple(vm::CONT, bb);
// instruction CSRRS
std::tuple<vm::continuation_e, llvm::BasicBlock *> __csrrs(virt_addr_t &pc, code_word_t instr,
llvm::BasicBlock *bb) {
uint8_t fld_rd_val = 0 | (bit_sub<7, 5>(instr));
uint8_t fld_rs1_val = 0 | (bit_sub<15, 5>(instr));
uint16_t fld_csr_val = 0 | (bit_sub<20, 12>(instr));
if (this->disass_enabled) {
/* generate console output when executing the command */
boost::format ins_fmter("CSRRS x%1$d, %2$d, x%3$d");
ins_fmter % (uint64_t)fld_rd_val % (uint64_t)fld_csr_val % (uint64_t)fld_rs1_val;
boost::format fmter("0x%1$016x\t\t%2$-40s\t\t");
fmter % pc.val % ins_fmter.str();
std::vector<llvm::Value *> args{this->core_ptr, this->builder->CreateGlobalStringPtr(fmter.str())};
this->builder->CreateCall(this->mod->getFunction("print_disass"), args);
pc = pc + 4;
Value *xrd_val = this->gen_read_mem(traits<ARCH>::CSR, fld_csr_val, 32 / 8);
Value *xrs1_val = this->gen_reg_load(fld_rs1_val, 0);
if (fld_rd_val != 0) {
Value *X_rd_val = xrd_val;
this->builder->CreateStore(X_rd_val, get_reg_ptr(fld_rd_val), false);
if (fld_rs1_val != 0) {
Value *CSR_csr_val = this->builder->CreateOr(xrd_val, xrs1_val);
this->gen_write_mem(traits<ARCH>::CSR, fld_csr_val,
this->builder->CreateZExtOrTrunc(CSR_csr_val, this->get_type(32)));
this->gen_set_pc(pc, traits<ARCH>::NEXT_PC);
this->gen_sync(iss::POST_SYNC); /* call post-sync if needed */
bb = llvm::BasicBlock::Create(this->mod->getContext(), "entry", this->func,
this->leave_blk); /* create next BasicBlock in chain */
return std::make_tuple(vm::CONT, bb);
// instruction CSRRC
std::tuple<vm::continuation_e, llvm::BasicBlock *> __csrrc(virt_addr_t &pc, code_word_t instr,
llvm::BasicBlock *bb) {
uint8_t fld_rd_val = 0 | (bit_sub<7, 5>(instr));
uint8_t fld_rs1_val = 0 | (bit_sub<15, 5>(instr));
uint16_t fld_csr_val = 0 | (bit_sub<20, 12>(instr));
if (this->disass_enabled) {
/* generate console output when executing the command */
boost::format ins_fmter("CSRRC x%1$d, %2$d, x%3$d");
ins_fmter % (uint64_t)fld_rd_val % (uint64_t)fld_csr_val % (uint64_t)fld_rs1_val;
boost::format fmter("0x%1$016x\t\t%2$-40s\t\t");
fmter % pc.val % ins_fmter.str();
std::vector<llvm::Value *> args{this->core_ptr, this->builder->CreateGlobalStringPtr(fmter.str())};
this->builder->CreateCall(this->mod->getFunction("print_disass"), args);
pc = pc + 4;
Value *xrd_val = this->gen_read_mem(traits<ARCH>::CSR, fld_csr_val, 32 / 8);
Value *xrs1_val = this->gen_reg_load(fld_rs1_val, 0);
if (fld_rd_val != 0) {
Value *X_rd_val = xrd_val;
this->builder->CreateStore(X_rd_val, get_reg_ptr(fld_rd_val), false);
if (fld_rs1_val != 0) {
Value *CSR_csr_val = this->builder->CreateAnd(xrd_val, this->builder->CreateNot(xrs1_val));
this->gen_write_mem(traits<ARCH>::CSR, fld_csr_val,
this->builder->CreateZExtOrTrunc(CSR_csr_val, this->get_type(32)));
this->gen_set_pc(pc, traits<ARCH>::NEXT_PC);
this->gen_sync(iss::POST_SYNC); /* call post-sync if needed */
bb = llvm::BasicBlock::Create(this->mod->getContext(), "entry", this->func,
this->leave_blk); /* create next BasicBlock in chain */
return std::make_tuple(vm::CONT, bb);
// instruction CSRRWI
std::tuple<vm::continuation_e, llvm::BasicBlock *> __csrrwi(virt_addr_t &pc, code_word_t instr,
llvm::BasicBlock *bb) {
uint8_t fld_rd_val = 0 | (bit_sub<7, 5>(instr));
uint8_t fld_zimm_val = 0 | (bit_sub<15, 5>(instr));
uint16_t fld_csr_val = 0 | (bit_sub<20, 12>(instr));
if (this->disass_enabled) {
/* generate console output when executing the command */
boost::format ins_fmter("CSRRWI x%1$d, %2$d, 0x%3$x");
ins_fmter % (uint64_t)fld_rd_val % (uint64_t)fld_csr_val % (uint64_t)fld_zimm_val;
boost::format fmter("0x%1$016x\t\t%2$-40s\t\t");
fmter % pc.val % ins_fmter.str();
std::vector<llvm::Value *> args{this->core_ptr, this->builder->CreateGlobalStringPtr(fmter.str())};
this->builder->CreateCall(this->mod->getFunction("print_disass"), args);
pc = pc + 4;
if (fld_rd_val != 0) {
Value *X_rd_val = this->gen_read_mem(traits<ARCH>::CSR, fld_csr_val, 32 / 8);
this->builder->CreateStore(X_rd_val, get_reg_ptr(fld_rd_val), false);
Value *CSR_csr_val = this->gen_ext(this->gen_const(32U, fld_zimm_val), 32, false);
this->gen_write_mem(traits<ARCH>::CSR, fld_csr_val,
this->builder->CreateZExtOrTrunc(CSR_csr_val, this->get_type(32)));
this->gen_set_pc(pc, traits<ARCH>::NEXT_PC);
this->gen_sync(iss::POST_SYNC); /* call post-sync if needed */
bb = llvm::BasicBlock::Create(this->mod->getContext(), "entry", this->func,
this->leave_blk); /* create next BasicBlock in chain */
return std::make_tuple(vm::CONT, bb);
// instruction CSRRSI
std::tuple<vm::continuation_e, llvm::BasicBlock *> __csrrsi(virt_addr_t &pc, code_word_t instr,
llvm::BasicBlock *bb) {
uint8_t fld_rd_val = 0 | (bit_sub<7, 5>(instr));
uint8_t fld_zimm_val = 0 | (bit_sub<15, 5>(instr));
uint16_t fld_csr_val = 0 | (bit_sub<20, 12>(instr));
if (this->disass_enabled) {
/* generate console output when executing the command */
boost::format ins_fmter("CSRRSI x%1$d, %2$d, 0x%3$x");
ins_fmter % (uint64_t)fld_rd_val % (uint64_t)fld_csr_val % (uint64_t)fld_zimm_val;
boost::format fmter("0x%1$016x\t\t%2$-40s\t\t");
fmter % pc.val % ins_fmter.str();
std::vector<llvm::Value *> args{this->core_ptr, this->builder->CreateGlobalStringPtr(fmter.str())};
this->builder->CreateCall(this->mod->getFunction("print_disass"), args);
pc = pc + 4;
Value *res_val = this->gen_read_mem(traits<ARCH>::CSR, fld_csr_val, 32 / 8);
if (fld_zimm_val != 0) {
Value *CSR_csr_val =
this->builder->CreateOr(res_val, this->gen_ext(this->gen_const(32U, fld_zimm_val), 32, false));
this->gen_write_mem(traits<ARCH>::CSR, fld_csr_val,
this->builder->CreateZExtOrTrunc(CSR_csr_val, this->get_type(32)));
if (fld_rd_val != 0) {
Value *X_rd_val = res_val;
this->builder->CreateStore(X_rd_val, get_reg_ptr(fld_rd_val), false);
this->gen_set_pc(pc, traits<ARCH>::NEXT_PC);
this->gen_sync(iss::POST_SYNC); /* call post-sync if needed */
bb = llvm::BasicBlock::Create(this->mod->getContext(), "entry", this->func,
this->leave_blk); /* create next BasicBlock in chain */
return std::make_tuple(vm::CONT, bb);
// instruction CSRRCI
std::tuple<vm::continuation_e, llvm::BasicBlock *> __csrrci(virt_addr_t &pc, code_word_t instr,
llvm::BasicBlock *bb) {
uint8_t fld_rd_val = 0 | (bit_sub<7, 5>(instr));
uint8_t fld_zimm_val = 0 | (bit_sub<15, 5>(instr));
uint16_t fld_csr_val = 0 | (bit_sub<20, 12>(instr));
if (this->disass_enabled) {
/* generate console output when executing the command */
boost::format ins_fmter("CSRRCI x%1$d, %2$d, 0x%3$x");
ins_fmter % (uint64_t)fld_rd_val % (uint64_t)fld_csr_val % (uint64_t)fld_zimm_val;
boost::format fmter("0x%1$016x\t\t%2$-40s\t\t");
fmter % pc.val % ins_fmter.str();
std::vector<llvm::Value *> args{this->core_ptr, this->builder->CreateGlobalStringPtr(fmter.str())};
this->builder->CreateCall(this->mod->getFunction("print_disass"), args);
pc = pc + 4;
Value *res_val = this->gen_read_mem(traits<ARCH>::CSR, fld_csr_val, 32 / 8);
if (fld_rd_val != 0) {
Value *X_rd_val = res_val;
this->builder->CreateStore(X_rd_val, get_reg_ptr(fld_rd_val), false);
if (fld_zimm_val != 0) {
Value *CSR_csr_val = this->builder->CreateAnd(
res_val, this->builder->CreateNot(this->gen_ext(this->gen_const(32U, fld_zimm_val), 32, false)));
this->gen_write_mem(traits<ARCH>::CSR, fld_csr_val,
this->builder->CreateZExtOrTrunc(CSR_csr_val, this->get_type(32)));
this->gen_set_pc(pc, traits<ARCH>::NEXT_PC);
this->gen_sync(iss::POST_SYNC); /* call post-sync if needed */
bb = llvm::BasicBlock::Create(this->mod->getContext(), "entry", this->func,
this->leave_blk); /* create next BasicBlock in chain */
return std::make_tuple(vm::CONT, bb);
// instruction MUL
std::tuple<vm::continuation_e, llvm::BasicBlock *> __mul(virt_addr_t &pc, code_word_t instr, llvm::BasicBlock *bb) {
uint8_t fld_rd_val = 0 | (bit_sub<7, 5>(instr));
uint8_t fld_rs1_val = 0 | (bit_sub<15, 5>(instr));
uint8_t fld_rs2_val = 0 | (bit_sub<20, 5>(instr));
if (this->disass_enabled) {
/* generate console output when executing the command */
boost::format ins_fmter("MUL x%1$d, x%2$d, x%3$d");
ins_fmter % (uint64_t)fld_rd_val % (uint64_t)fld_rs1_val % (uint64_t)fld_rs2_val;
boost::format fmter("0x%1$016x\t\t%2$-40s\t\t");
fmter % pc.val % ins_fmter.str();
std::vector<llvm::Value *> args{this->core_ptr, this->builder->CreateGlobalStringPtr(fmter.str())};
this->builder->CreateCall(this->mod->getFunction("print_disass"), args);
pc = pc + 4;
if (fld_rd_val != 0) {
Value *res_val = this->builder->CreateMul(this->gen_ext(this->gen_reg_load(fld_rs1_val, 0), 64, false),
this->gen_ext(this->gen_reg_load(fld_rs2_val, 0), 64, false));
Value *X_rd_val = this->gen_ext(res_val, 32, false);
this->builder->CreateStore(X_rd_val, get_reg_ptr(fld_rd_val), false);
this->gen_set_pc(pc, traits<ARCH>::NEXT_PC);
this->gen_sync(iss::POST_SYNC); /* call post-sync if needed */
bb = llvm::BasicBlock::Create(this->mod->getContext(), "entry", this->func,
this->leave_blk); /* create next BasicBlock in chain */
return std::make_tuple(vm::CONT, bb);
// instruction MULH
std::tuple<vm::continuation_e, llvm::BasicBlock *> __mulh(virt_addr_t &pc, code_word_t instr,
llvm::BasicBlock *bb) {
uint8_t fld_rd_val = 0 | (bit_sub<7, 5>(instr));
uint8_t fld_rs1_val = 0 | (bit_sub<15, 5>(instr));
uint8_t fld_rs2_val = 0 | (bit_sub<20, 5>(instr));
if (this->disass_enabled) {
/* generate console output when executing the command */
boost::format ins_fmter("MULH x%1$d, x%2$d, x%3$d");
ins_fmter % (uint64_t)fld_rd_val % (uint64_t)fld_rs1_val % (uint64_t)fld_rs2_val;
boost::format fmter("0x%1$016x\t\t%2$-40s\t\t");
fmter % pc.val % ins_fmter.str();
std::vector<llvm::Value *> args{this->core_ptr, this->builder->CreateGlobalStringPtr(fmter.str())};
this->builder->CreateCall(this->mod->getFunction("print_disass"), args);
pc = pc + 4;
if (fld_rd_val != 0) {
Value *res_val = this->builder->CreateMul(this->gen_ext(this->gen_reg_load(fld_rs1_val, 0), 64, true),
this->gen_ext(this->gen_reg_load(fld_rs2_val, 0), 64, true));
Value *X_rd_val = this->gen_ext(this->builder->CreateLShr(res_val, 32), 32, false);
this->builder->CreateStore(X_rd_val, get_reg_ptr(fld_rd_val), false);
this->gen_set_pc(pc, traits<ARCH>::NEXT_PC);
this->gen_sync(iss::POST_SYNC); /* call post-sync if needed */
bb = llvm::BasicBlock::Create(this->mod->getContext(), "entry", this->func,
this->leave_blk); /* create next BasicBlock in chain */
return std::make_tuple(vm::CONT, bb);
// instruction MULHSU
std::tuple<vm::continuation_e, llvm::BasicBlock *> __mulhsu(virt_addr_t &pc, code_word_t instr,
llvm::BasicBlock *bb) {
uint8_t fld_rd_val = 0 | (bit_sub<7, 5>(instr));
uint8_t fld_rs1_val = 0 | (bit_sub<15, 5>(instr));
uint8_t fld_rs2_val = 0 | (bit_sub<20, 5>(instr));
if (this->disass_enabled) {
/* generate console output when executing the command */
boost::format ins_fmter("MULHSU x%1$d, x%2$d, x%3$d");
ins_fmter % (uint64_t)fld_rd_val % (uint64_t)fld_rs1_val % (uint64_t)fld_rs2_val;
boost::format fmter("0x%1$016x\t\t%2$-40s\t\t");
fmter % pc.val % ins_fmter.str();
std::vector<llvm::Value *> args{this->core_ptr, this->builder->CreateGlobalStringPtr(fmter.str())};
this->builder->CreateCall(this->mod->getFunction("print_disass"), args);
pc = pc + 4;
if (fld_rd_val != 0) {
Value *res_val = this->builder->CreateMul(this->gen_ext(this->gen_reg_load(fld_rs1_val, 0), 64, true),
this->gen_ext(this->gen_reg_load(fld_rs2_val, 0), 64, false));
Value *X_rd_val = this->gen_ext(this->builder->CreateLShr(res_val, 32), 32, false);
this->builder->CreateStore(X_rd_val, get_reg_ptr(fld_rd_val), false);
this->gen_set_pc(pc, traits<ARCH>::NEXT_PC);
this->gen_sync(iss::POST_SYNC); /* call post-sync if needed */
bb = llvm::BasicBlock::Create(this->mod->getContext(), "entry", this->func,
this->leave_blk); /* create next BasicBlock in chain */
return std::make_tuple(vm::CONT, bb);
// instruction MULHU
std::tuple<vm::continuation_e, llvm::BasicBlock *> __mulhu(virt_addr_t &pc, code_word_t instr,
llvm::BasicBlock *bb) {
uint8_t fld_rd_val = 0 | (bit_sub<7, 5>(instr));
uint8_t fld_rs1_val = 0 | (bit_sub<15, 5>(instr));
uint8_t fld_rs2_val = 0 | (bit_sub<20, 5>(instr));
if (this->disass_enabled) {
/* generate console output when executing the command */
boost::format ins_fmter("MULHU x%1$d, x%2$d, x%3$d");
ins_fmter % (uint64_t)fld_rd_val % (uint64_t)fld_rs1_val % (uint64_t)fld_rs2_val;
boost::format fmter("0x%1$016x\t\t%2$-40s\t\t");
fmter % pc.val % ins_fmter.str();
std::vector<llvm::Value *> args{this->core_ptr, this->builder->CreateGlobalStringPtr(fmter.str())};
this->builder->CreateCall(this->mod->getFunction("print_disass"), args);
pc = pc + 4;
if (fld_rd_val != 0) {
Value *res_val = this->builder->CreateMul(this->gen_ext(this->gen_reg_load(fld_rs1_val, 0), 64, false),
this->gen_ext(this->gen_reg_load(fld_rs2_val, 0), 64, false));
Value *X_rd_val = this->gen_ext(this->builder->CreateLShr(res_val, 32), 32, false);
this->builder->CreateStore(X_rd_val, get_reg_ptr(fld_rd_val), false);
this->gen_set_pc(pc, traits<ARCH>::NEXT_PC);
this->gen_sync(iss::POST_SYNC); /* call post-sync if needed */
bb = llvm::BasicBlock::Create(this->mod->getContext(), "entry", this->func,
this->leave_blk); /* create next BasicBlock in chain */
return std::make_tuple(vm::CONT, bb);
// instruction DIV
std::tuple<vm::continuation_e, llvm::BasicBlock *> __div(virt_addr_t &pc, code_word_t instr, llvm::BasicBlock *bb) {
uint8_t fld_rd_val = 0 | (bit_sub<7, 5>(instr));
uint8_t fld_rs1_val = 0 | (bit_sub<15, 5>(instr));
uint8_t fld_rs2_val = 0 | (bit_sub<20, 5>(instr));
if (this->disass_enabled) {
/* generate console output when executing the command */
boost::format ins_fmter("DIV x%1$d, x%2$d, x%3$d");
ins_fmter % (uint64_t)fld_rd_val % (uint64_t)fld_rs1_val % (uint64_t)fld_rs2_val;
boost::format fmter("0x%1$016x\t\t%2$-40s\t\t");
fmter % pc.val % ins_fmter.str();
std::vector<llvm::Value *> args{this->core_ptr, this->builder->CreateGlobalStringPtr(fmter.str())};
this->builder->CreateCall(this->mod->getFunction("print_disass"), args);
pc = pc + 4;
if (fld_rd_val != 0) {
llvm::BasicBlock *bbnext =
llvm::BasicBlock::Create(this->mod->getContext(), "endif", this->func, this->leave_blk);
llvm::BasicBlock *bb_then = llvm::BasicBlock::Create(this->mod->getContext(), "thenbr", this->func, bbnext);
llvm::BasicBlock *bb_else = llvm::BasicBlock::Create(this->mod->getContext(), "elsebr", this->func, bbnext);
// this->builder->SetInsertPoint(bb);
this->gen_cond_branch(this->builder->CreateICmp(ICmpInst::ICMP_NE, this->gen_reg_load(fld_rs2_val, 0),
this->gen_const(32U, 0)),
bb_then, bb_else);
Value *X_rd_val =
this->builder->CreateSDiv(this->gen_ext(this->gen_reg_load(fld_rs1_val, 1), 32, true),
this->gen_ext(this->gen_reg_load(fld_rs2_val, 1), 32, true));
this->builder->CreateStore(X_rd_val, get_reg_ptr(fld_rd_val), false);
Value *X_rd_val = this->builder->CreateNeg(this->gen_const(32U, 1));
this->builder->CreateStore(X_rd_val, get_reg_ptr(fld_rd_val), false);
bb = bbnext;
this->gen_set_pc(pc, traits<ARCH>::NEXT_PC);
this->gen_sync(iss::POST_SYNC); /* call post-sync if needed */
bb = llvm::BasicBlock::Create(this->mod->getContext(), "entry", this->func,
this->leave_blk); /* create next BasicBlock in chain */
return std::make_tuple(vm::CONT, bb);
// instruction DIVU
std::tuple<vm::continuation_e, llvm::BasicBlock *> __divu(virt_addr_t &pc, code_word_t instr,
llvm::BasicBlock *bb) {
uint8_t fld_rd_val = 0 | (bit_sub<7, 5>(instr));
uint8_t fld_rs1_val = 0 | (bit_sub<15, 5>(instr));
uint8_t fld_rs2_val = 0 | (bit_sub<20, 5>(instr));
if (this->disass_enabled) {
/* generate console output when executing the command */
boost::format ins_fmter("DIVU x%1$d, x%2$d, x%3$d");
ins_fmter % (uint64_t)fld_rd_val % (uint64_t)fld_rs1_val % (uint64_t)fld_rs2_val;
boost::format fmter("0x%1$016x\t\t%2$-40s\t\t");
fmter % pc.val % ins_fmter.str();
std::vector<llvm::Value *> args{this->core_ptr, this->builder->CreateGlobalStringPtr(fmter.str())};
this->builder->CreateCall(this->mod->getFunction("print_disass"), args);
pc = pc + 4;
if (fld_rd_val != 0) {
llvm::BasicBlock *bbnext =
llvm::BasicBlock::Create(this->mod->getContext(), "endif", this->func, this->leave_blk);
llvm::BasicBlock *bb_then = llvm::BasicBlock::Create(this->mod->getContext(), "thenbr", this->func, bbnext);
llvm::BasicBlock *bb_else = llvm::BasicBlock::Create(this->mod->getContext(), "elsebr", this->func, bbnext);
// this->builder->SetInsertPoint(bb);
this->gen_cond_branch(this->builder->CreateICmp(ICmpInst::ICMP_NE, this->gen_reg_load(fld_rs2_val, 0),
this->gen_const(32U, 0)),
bb_then, bb_else);
Value *X_rd_val =
this->builder->CreateUDiv(this->gen_ext(this->gen_reg_load(fld_rs1_val, 1), 32, false),
this->gen_ext(this->gen_reg_load(fld_rs2_val, 1), 32, false));
this->builder->CreateStore(X_rd_val, get_reg_ptr(fld_rd_val), false);
Value *X_rd_val = this->builder->CreateNeg(this->gen_const(32U, 1));
this->builder->CreateStore(X_rd_val, get_reg_ptr(fld_rd_val), false);
bb = bbnext;
this->gen_set_pc(pc, traits<ARCH>::NEXT_PC);
this->gen_sync(iss::POST_SYNC); /* call post-sync if needed */
bb = llvm::BasicBlock::Create(this->mod->getContext(), "entry", this->func,
this->leave_blk); /* create next BasicBlock in chain */
return std::make_tuple(vm::CONT, bb);
// instruction REM
std::tuple<vm::continuation_e, llvm::BasicBlock *> __rem(virt_addr_t &pc, code_word_t instr, llvm::BasicBlock *bb) {
uint8_t fld_rd_val = 0 | (bit_sub<7, 5>(instr));
uint8_t fld_rs1_val = 0 | (bit_sub<15, 5>(instr));
uint8_t fld_rs2_val = 0 | (bit_sub<20, 5>(instr));
if (this->disass_enabled) {
/* generate console output when executing the command */
boost::format ins_fmter("REM x%1$d, x%2$d, x%3$d");
ins_fmter % (uint64_t)fld_rd_val % (uint64_t)fld_rs1_val % (uint64_t)fld_rs2_val;
boost::format fmter("0x%1$016x\t\t%2$-40s\t\t");
fmter % pc.val % ins_fmter.str();
std::vector<llvm::Value *> args{this->core_ptr, this->builder->CreateGlobalStringPtr(fmter.str())};
this->builder->CreateCall(this->mod->getFunction("print_disass"), args);
pc = pc + 4;
if (fld_rd_val != 0) {
llvm::BasicBlock *bbnext =
llvm::BasicBlock::Create(this->mod->getContext(), "endif", this->func, this->leave_blk);
llvm::BasicBlock *bb_then = llvm::BasicBlock::Create(this->mod->getContext(), "thenbr", this->func, bbnext);
llvm::BasicBlock *bb_else = llvm::BasicBlock::Create(this->mod->getContext(), "elsebr", this->func, bbnext);
// this->builder->SetInsertPoint(bb);
this->gen_cond_branch(this->builder->CreateICmp(ICmpInst::ICMP_NE, this->gen_reg_load(fld_rs2_val, 0),
this->gen_const(32U, 0)),
bb_then, bb_else);
Value *X_rd_val =
this->builder->CreateSRem(this->gen_ext(this->gen_reg_load(fld_rs1_val, 1), 32, true),
this->gen_ext(this->gen_reg_load(fld_rs2_val, 1), 32, true));
this->builder->CreateStore(X_rd_val, get_reg_ptr(fld_rd_val), false);
Value *X_rd_val = this->gen_reg_load(fld_rs1_val, 1);
this->builder->CreateStore(X_rd_val, get_reg_ptr(fld_rd_val), false);
bb = bbnext;
this->gen_set_pc(pc, traits<ARCH>::NEXT_PC);
this->gen_sync(iss::POST_SYNC); /* call post-sync if needed */
bb = llvm::BasicBlock::Create(this->mod->getContext(), "entry", this->func,
this->leave_blk); /* create next BasicBlock in chain */
return std::make_tuple(vm::CONT, bb);
// instruction REMU
std::tuple<vm::continuation_e, llvm::BasicBlock *> __remu(virt_addr_t &pc, code_word_t instr,
llvm::BasicBlock *bb) {
uint8_t fld_rd_val = 0 | (bit_sub<7, 5>(instr));
uint8_t fld_rs1_val = 0 | (bit_sub<15, 5>(instr));
uint8_t fld_rs2_val = 0 | (bit_sub<20, 5>(instr));
if (this->disass_enabled) {
/* generate console output when executing the command */
boost::format ins_fmter("REMU x%1$d, x%2$d, x%3$d");
ins_fmter % (uint64_t)fld_rd_val % (uint64_t)fld_rs1_val % (uint64_t)fld_rs2_val;
boost::format fmter("0x%1$016x\t\t%2$-40s\t\t");
fmter % pc.val % ins_fmter.str();
std::vector<llvm::Value *> args{this->core_ptr, this->builder->CreateGlobalStringPtr(fmter.str())};
this->builder->CreateCall(this->mod->getFunction("print_disass"), args);
pc = pc + 4;
if (fld_rd_val != 0) {
llvm::BasicBlock *bbnext =
llvm::BasicBlock::Create(this->mod->getContext(), "endif", this->func, this->leave_blk);
llvm::BasicBlock *bb_then = llvm::BasicBlock::Create(this->mod->getContext(), "thenbr", this->func, bbnext);
llvm::BasicBlock *bb_else = llvm::BasicBlock::Create(this->mod->getContext(), "elsebr", this->func, bbnext);
// this->builder->SetInsertPoint(bb);
this->gen_cond_branch(this->builder->CreateICmp(ICmpInst::ICMP_NE, this->gen_reg_load(fld_rs2_val, 0),
this->gen_const(32U, 0)),
bb_then, bb_else);
Value *X_rd_val =
this->builder->CreateURem(this->gen_ext(this->gen_reg_load(fld_rs1_val, 1), 32, false),
this->gen_ext(this->gen_reg_load(fld_rs2_val, 1), 32, false));
this->builder->CreateStore(X_rd_val, get_reg_ptr(fld_rd_val), false);
Value *X_rd_val = this->gen_reg_load(fld_rs1_val, 1);
this->builder->CreateStore(X_rd_val, get_reg_ptr(fld_rd_val), false);
bb = bbnext;
this->gen_set_pc(pc, traits<ARCH>::NEXT_PC);
this->gen_sync(iss::POST_SYNC); /* call post-sync if needed */
bb = llvm::BasicBlock::Create(this->mod->getContext(), "entry", this->func,
this->leave_blk); /* create next BasicBlock in chain */
return std::make_tuple(vm::CONT, bb);
// instruction LR.W
std::tuple<vm::continuation_e, llvm::BasicBlock *> __lr_w(virt_addr_t &pc, code_word_t instr,
llvm::BasicBlock *bb) {
uint8_t fld_rd_val = 0 | (bit_sub<7, 5>(instr));
uint8_t fld_rs1_val = 0 | (bit_sub<15, 5>(instr));
uint8_t fld_rl_val = 0 | (bit_sub<25, 1>(instr));
uint8_t fld_aq_val = 0 | (bit_sub<26, 1>(instr));
if (this->disass_enabled) {
/* generate console output when executing the command */
boost::format ins_fmter("LR.W x%1$d, x%2$d");
ins_fmter % (uint64_t)fld_rd_val % (uint64_t)fld_rs1_val;
boost::format fmter("0x%1$016x\t\t%2$-40s\t\t");
fmter % pc.val % ins_fmter.str();
std::vector<llvm::Value *> args{this->core_ptr, this->builder->CreateGlobalStringPtr(fmter.str())};
this->builder->CreateCall(this->mod->getFunction("print_disass"), args);
pc = pc + 4;
if (fld_rd_val != 0) {
Value *offs_val = this->gen_reg_load(fld_rs1_val, 0);
Value *X_rd_val = this->gen_ext(this->gen_read_mem(traits<ARCH>::MEM, offs_val, 32 / 8), 32, true);
this->builder->CreateStore(X_rd_val, get_reg_ptr(fld_rd_val), false);
Value *RES_offs_val = this->gen_ext(this->builder->CreateNeg(this->gen_const(8U, 1)), 32, true);
this->gen_write_mem(traits<ARCH>::RES, offs_val,
this->builder->CreateZExtOrTrunc(RES_offs_val, this->get_type(32)));
this->gen_set_pc(pc, traits<ARCH>::NEXT_PC);
this->gen_sync(iss::POST_SYNC); /* call post-sync if needed */
bb = llvm::BasicBlock::Create(this->mod->getContext(), "entry", this->func,
this->leave_blk); /* create next BasicBlock in chain */
return std::make_tuple(vm::CONT, bb);
// instruction SC.W
std::tuple<vm::continuation_e, llvm::BasicBlock *> __sc_w(virt_addr_t &pc, code_word_t instr,
llvm::BasicBlock *bb) {
uint8_t fld_rd_val = 0 | (bit_sub<7, 5>(instr));
uint8_t fld_rs1_val = 0 | (bit_sub<15, 5>(instr));
uint8_t fld_rs2_val = 0 | (bit_sub<20, 5>(instr));
uint8_t fld_rl_val = 0 | (bit_sub<25, 1>(instr));
uint8_t fld_aq_val = 0 | (bit_sub<26, 1>(instr));
if (this->disass_enabled) {
/* generate console output when executing the command */
boost::format ins_fmter("SC.W x%1$d, x%2$d, x%3$d");
ins_fmter % (uint64_t)fld_rd_val % (uint64_t)fld_rs1_val % (uint64_t)fld_rs2_val;
boost::format fmter("0x%1$016x\t\t%2$-40s\t\t");
fmter % pc.val % ins_fmter.str();
std::vector<llvm::Value *> args{this->core_ptr, this->builder->CreateGlobalStringPtr(fmter.str())};
this->builder->CreateCall(this->mod->getFunction("print_disass"), args);
pc = pc + 4;
Value *offs_val = this->gen_reg_load(fld_rs1_val, 0);
Value *res1_val = this->gen_read_mem(traits<ARCH>::RES, offs_val, 32 / 8);
llvm::BasicBlock *bbnext =
llvm::BasicBlock::Create(this->mod->getContext(), "endif", this->func, this->leave_blk);
llvm::BasicBlock *bb_then = llvm::BasicBlock::Create(this->mod->getContext(), "thenbr", this->func, bbnext);
// this->builder->SetInsertPoint(bb);
this->gen_cond_branch(this->builder->CreateICmp(ICmpInst::ICMP_NE, res1_val, this->gen_const(32U, 0)), bb_then,
Value *MEM_offs_val = this->gen_reg_load(fld_rs2_val, 1);
this->gen_write_mem(traits<ARCH>::MEM, offs_val,
this->builder->CreateZExtOrTrunc(MEM_offs_val, this->get_type(32)));
bb = bbnext;
if (fld_rd_val != 0) {
Value *X_rd_val =
this->gen_choose(this->builder->CreateICmp(ICmpInst::ICMP_NE, res1_val, this->gen_const(32U, 0)),
this->gen_const(32U, 0), this->gen_const(32U, 1), 32);
this->builder->CreateStore(X_rd_val, get_reg_ptr(fld_rd_val), false);
this->gen_set_pc(pc, traits<ARCH>::NEXT_PC);
this->gen_sync(iss::POST_SYNC); /* call post-sync if needed */
bb = llvm::BasicBlock::Create(this->mod->getContext(), "entry", this->func,
this->leave_blk); /* create next BasicBlock in chain */
return std::make_tuple(vm::CONT, bb);
// instruction AMOSWAP.W
std::tuple<vm::continuation_e, llvm::BasicBlock *> __amoswap_w(virt_addr_t &pc, code_word_t instr,
llvm::BasicBlock *bb) {
uint8_t fld_rd_val = 0 | (bit_sub<7, 5>(instr));
uint8_t fld_rs1_val = 0 | (bit_sub<15, 5>(instr));
uint8_t fld_rs2_val = 0 | (bit_sub<20, 5>(instr));
uint8_t fld_rl_val = 0 | (bit_sub<25, 1>(instr));
uint8_t fld_aq_val = 0 | (bit_sub<26, 1>(instr));
if (this->disass_enabled) {
/* generate console output when executing the command */
boost::format ins_fmter("AMOSWAP.W x%1$d, x%2$d, x%3$d (aqu=%4$d,rel=%5$d)");
ins_fmter % (uint64_t)fld_rd_val % (uint64_t)fld_rs1_val % (uint64_t)fld_rs2_val % (uint64_t)fld_aq_val %
boost::format fmter("0x%1$016x\t\t%2$-40s\t\t");
fmter % pc.val % ins_fmter.str();
std::vector<llvm::Value *> args{this->core_ptr, this->builder->CreateGlobalStringPtr(fmter.str())};
this->builder->CreateCall(this->mod->getFunction("print_disass"), args);
pc = pc + 4;
Value *offs_val = this->gen_reg_load(fld_rs1_val, 0);
if (fld_rd_val != 0) {
Value *X_rd_val = this->gen_ext(this->gen_read_mem(traits<ARCH>::MEM, offs_val, 32 / 8), 32, true);
this->builder->CreateStore(X_rd_val, get_reg_ptr(fld_rd_val), false);
Value *MEM_offs_val = this->gen_reg_load(fld_rs2_val, 0);
this->gen_write_mem(traits<ARCH>::MEM, offs_val,
this->builder->CreateZExtOrTrunc(MEM_offs_val, this->get_type(32)));
this->gen_set_pc(pc, traits<ARCH>::NEXT_PC);
this->gen_sync(iss::POST_SYNC); /* call post-sync if needed */
bb = llvm::BasicBlock::Create(this->mod->getContext(), "entry", this->func,
this->leave_blk); /* create next BasicBlock in chain */
return std::make_tuple(vm::CONT, bb);
// instruction AMOADD.W
std::tuple<vm::continuation_e, llvm::BasicBlock *> __amoadd_w(virt_addr_t &pc, code_word_t instr,
llvm::BasicBlock *bb) {
uint8_t fld_rd_val = 0 | (bit_sub<7, 5>(instr));
uint8_t fld_rs1_val = 0 | (bit_sub<15, 5>(instr));
uint8_t fld_rs2_val = 0 | (bit_sub<20, 5>(instr));
uint8_t fld_rl_val = 0 | (bit_sub<25, 1>(instr));
uint8_t fld_aq_val = 0 | (bit_sub<26, 1>(instr));
if (this->disass_enabled) {
/* generate console output when executing the command */
boost::format ins_fmter("AMOADD.W x%1$d, x%2$d, x%3$d (aqu=%4$d,rel=%5$d)");
ins_fmter % (uint64_t)fld_rd_val % (uint64_t)fld_rs1_val % (uint64_t)fld_rs2_val % (uint64_t)fld_aq_val %
boost::format fmter("0x%1$016x\t\t%2$-40s\t\t");
fmter % pc.val % ins_fmter.str();
std::vector<llvm::Value *> args{this->core_ptr, this->builder->CreateGlobalStringPtr(fmter.str())};
this->builder->CreateCall(this->mod->getFunction("print_disass"), args);
pc = pc + 4;
Value *offs_val = this->gen_reg_load(fld_rs1_val, 0);
Value *res1_val = this->gen_ext(this->gen_read_mem(traits<ARCH>::MEM, offs_val, 32 / 8), 32, true);
if (fld_rd_val != 0) {
Value *X_rd_val = res1_val;
this->builder->CreateStore(X_rd_val, get_reg_ptr(fld_rd_val), false);
Value *res2_val = this->builder->CreateAdd(res1_val, this->gen_reg_load(fld_rs2_val, 0));
Value *MEM_offs_val = res2_val;
this->gen_write_mem(traits<ARCH>::MEM, offs_val,
this->builder->CreateZExtOrTrunc(MEM_offs_val, this->get_type(32)));
this->gen_set_pc(pc, traits<ARCH>::NEXT_PC);
this->gen_sync(iss::POST_SYNC); /* call post-sync if needed */
bb = llvm::BasicBlock::Create(this->mod->getContext(), "entry", this->func,
this->leave_blk); /* create next BasicBlock in chain */
return std::make_tuple(vm::CONT, bb);
// instruction AMOXOR.W
std::tuple<vm::continuation_e, llvm::BasicBlock *> __amoxor_w(virt_addr_t &pc, code_word_t instr,
llvm::BasicBlock *bb) {
uint8_t fld_rd_val = 0 | (bit_sub<7, 5>(instr));
uint8_t fld_rs1_val = 0 | (bit_sub<15, 5>(instr));
uint8_t fld_rs2_val = 0 | (bit_sub<20, 5>(instr));
uint8_t fld_rl_val = 0 | (bit_sub<25, 1>(instr));
uint8_t fld_aq_val = 0 | (bit_sub<26, 1>(instr));
if (this->disass_enabled) {
/* generate console output when executing the command */
boost::format ins_fmter("AMOXOR.W x%1$d, x%2$d, x%3$d (aqu=%4$d,rel=%5$d)");
ins_fmter % (uint64_t)fld_rd_val % (uint64_t)fld_rs1_val % (uint64_t)fld_rs2_val % (uint64_t)fld_aq_val %
boost::format fmter("0x%1$016x\t\t%2$-40s\t\t");
fmter % pc.val % ins_fmter.str();
std::vector<llvm::Value *> args{this->core_ptr, this->builder->CreateGlobalStringPtr(fmter.str())};
this->builder->CreateCall(this->mod->getFunction("print_disass"), args);
pc = pc + 4;
Value *offs_val = this->gen_reg_load(fld_rs1_val, 0);
Value *res1_val = this->gen_ext(this->gen_read_mem(traits<ARCH>::MEM, offs_val, 32 / 8), 32, true);
if (fld_rd_val != 0) {
Value *X_rd_val = res1_val;
this->builder->CreateStore(X_rd_val, get_reg_ptr(fld_rd_val), false);
Value *res2_val = this->builder->CreateXor(res1_val, this->gen_reg_load(fld_rs2_val, 0));
Value *MEM_offs_val = res2_val;
this->gen_write_mem(traits<ARCH>::MEM, offs_val,
this->builder->CreateZExtOrTrunc(MEM_offs_val, this->get_type(32)));
this->gen_set_pc(pc, traits<ARCH>::NEXT_PC);
this->gen_sync(iss::POST_SYNC); /* call post-sync if needed */
bb = llvm::BasicBlock::Create(this->mod->getContext(), "entry", this->func,
this->leave_blk); /* create next BasicBlock in chain */
return std::make_tuple(vm::CONT, bb);
// instruction AMOAND.W
std::tuple<vm::continuation_e, llvm::BasicBlock *> __amoand_w(virt_addr_t &pc, code_word_t instr,
llvm::BasicBlock *bb) {
uint8_t fld_rd_val = 0 | (bit_sub<7, 5>(instr));
uint8_t fld_rs1_val = 0 | (bit_sub<15, 5>(instr));
uint8_t fld_rs2_val = 0 | (bit_sub<20, 5>(instr));
uint8_t fld_rl_val = 0 | (bit_sub<25, 1>(instr));
uint8_t fld_aq_val = 0 | (bit_sub<26, 1>(instr));
if (this->disass_enabled) {
/* generate console output when executing the command */
boost::format ins_fmter("AMOAND.W x%1$d, x%2$d, x%3$d (aqu=%4$d,rel=%5$d)");
ins_fmter % (uint64_t)fld_rd_val % (uint64_t)fld_rs1_val % (uint64_t)fld_rs2_val % (uint64_t)fld_aq_val %
boost::format fmter("0x%1$016x\t\t%2$-40s\t\t");
fmter % pc.val % ins_fmter.str();
std::vector<llvm::Value *> args{this->core_ptr, this->builder->CreateGlobalStringPtr(fmter.str())};
this->builder->CreateCall(this->mod->getFunction("print_disass"), args);
pc = pc + 4;
Value *offs_val = this->gen_reg_load(fld_rs1_val, 0);
Value *res1_val = this->gen_ext(this->gen_read_mem(traits<ARCH>::MEM, offs_val, 32 / 8), 32, true);
if (fld_rd_val != 0) {
Value *X_rd_val = res1_val;
this->builder->CreateStore(X_rd_val, get_reg_ptr(fld_rd_val), false);
Value *res2_val = this->builder->CreateAnd(res1_val, this->gen_reg_load(fld_rs2_val, 0));
Value *MEM_offs_val = res2_val;
this->gen_write_mem(traits<ARCH>::MEM, offs_val,
this->builder->CreateZExtOrTrunc(MEM_offs_val, this->get_type(32)));
this->gen_set_pc(pc, traits<ARCH>::NEXT_PC);
this->gen_sync(iss::POST_SYNC); /* call post-sync if needed */
bb = llvm::BasicBlock::Create(this->mod->getContext(), "entry", this->func,
this->leave_blk); /* create next BasicBlock in chain */
return std::make_tuple(vm::CONT, bb);
// instruction AMOOR.W
std::tuple<vm::continuation_e, llvm::BasicBlock *> __amoor_w(virt_addr_t &pc, code_word_t instr,
llvm::BasicBlock *bb) {
uint8_t fld_rd_val = 0 | (bit_sub<7, 5>(instr));
uint8_t fld_rs1_val = 0 | (bit_sub<15, 5>(instr));
uint8_t fld_rs2_val = 0 | (bit_sub<20, 5>(instr));
uint8_t fld_rl_val = 0 | (bit_sub<25, 1>(instr));
uint8_t fld_aq_val = 0 | (bit_sub<26, 1>(instr));
if (this->disass_enabled) {
/* generate console output when executing the command */
boost::format ins_fmter("AMOOR.W x%1$d, x%2$d, x%3$d (aqu=%4$d,rel=%5$d)");
ins_fmter % (uint64_t)fld_rd_val % (uint64_t)fld_rs1_val % (uint64_t)fld_rs2_val % (uint64_t)fld_aq_val %
boost::format fmter("0x%1$016x\t\t%2$-40s\t\t");
fmter % pc.val % ins_fmter.str();
std::vector<llvm::Value *> args{this->core_ptr, this->builder->CreateGlobalStringPtr(fmter.str())};
this->builder->CreateCall(this->mod->getFunction("print_disass"), args);
pc = pc + 4;
Value *offs_val = this->gen_reg_load(fld_rs1_val, 0);
Value *res1_val = this->gen_ext(this->gen_read_mem(traits<ARCH>::MEM, offs_val, 32 / 8), 32, true);
if (fld_rd_val != 0) {
Value *X_rd_val = res1_val;
this->builder->CreateStore(X_rd_val, get_reg_ptr(fld_rd_val), false);
Value *res2_val = this->builder->CreateOr(res1_val, this->gen_reg_load(fld_rs2_val, 0));
Value *MEM_offs_val = res2_val;
this->gen_write_mem(traits<ARCH>::MEM, offs_val,
this->builder->CreateZExtOrTrunc(MEM_offs_val, this->get_type(32)));
this->gen_set_pc(pc, traits<ARCH>::NEXT_PC);
this->gen_sync(iss::POST_SYNC); /* call post-sync if needed */
bb = llvm::BasicBlock::Create(this->mod->getContext(), "entry", this->func,
this->leave_blk); /* create next BasicBlock in chain */
return std::make_tuple(vm::CONT, bb);
// instruction AMOMIN.W
std::tuple<vm::continuation_e, llvm::BasicBlock *> __amomin_w(virt_addr_t &pc, code_word_t instr,
llvm::BasicBlock *bb) {
uint8_t fld_rd_val = 0 | (bit_sub<7, 5>(instr));
uint8_t fld_rs1_val = 0 | (bit_sub<15, 5>(instr));
uint8_t fld_rs2_val = 0 | (bit_sub<20, 5>(instr));
uint8_t fld_rl_val = 0 | (bit_sub<25, 1>(instr));
uint8_t fld_aq_val = 0 | (bit_sub<26, 1>(instr));
if (this->disass_enabled) {
/* generate console output when executing the command */
boost::format ins_fmter("AMOMIN.W x%1$d, x%2$d, x%3$d (aqu=%4$d,rel=%5$d)");
ins_fmter % (uint64_t)fld_rd_val % (uint64_t)fld_rs1_val % (uint64_t)fld_rs2_val % (uint64_t)fld_aq_val %
boost::format fmter("0x%1$016x\t\t%2$-40s\t\t");
fmter % pc.val % ins_fmter.str();
std::vector<llvm::Value *> args{this->core_ptr, this->builder->CreateGlobalStringPtr(fmter.str())};
this->builder->CreateCall(this->mod->getFunction("print_disass"), args);
pc = pc + 4;
Value *offs_val = this->gen_reg_load(fld_rs1_val, 0);
Value *res1_val = this->gen_ext(this->gen_read_mem(traits<ARCH>::MEM, offs_val, 32 / 8), 32, true);
if (fld_rd_val != 0) {
Value *X_rd_val = res1_val;
this->builder->CreateStore(X_rd_val, get_reg_ptr(fld_rd_val), false);
Value *res2_val =
this->gen_choose(this->builder->CreateICmp(ICmpInst::ICMP_SGT, this->gen_ext(res1_val, 32, true),
this->gen_ext(this->gen_reg_load(fld_rs2_val, 0), 32, true)),
this->gen_reg_load(fld_rs2_val, 0), res1_val, 32);
Value *MEM_offs_val = res2_val;
this->gen_write_mem(traits<ARCH>::MEM, offs_val,
this->builder->CreateZExtOrTrunc(MEM_offs_val, this->get_type(32)));
this->gen_set_pc(pc, traits<ARCH>::NEXT_PC);
this->gen_sync(iss::POST_SYNC); /* call post-sync if needed */
bb = llvm::BasicBlock::Create(this->mod->getContext(), "entry", this->func,
this->leave_blk); /* create next BasicBlock in chain */
return std::make_tuple(vm::CONT, bb);
// instruction AMOMAX.W
std::tuple<vm::continuation_e, llvm::BasicBlock *> __amomax_w(virt_addr_t &pc, code_word_t instr,
llvm::BasicBlock *bb) {
uint8_t fld_rd_val = 0 | (bit_sub<7, 5>(instr));
uint8_t fld_rs1_val = 0 | (bit_sub<15, 5>(instr));
uint8_t fld_rs2_val = 0 | (bit_sub<20, 5>(instr));
uint8_t fld_rl_val = 0 | (bit_sub<25, 1>(instr));
uint8_t fld_aq_val = 0 | (bit_sub<26, 1>(instr));
if (this->disass_enabled) {
/* generate console output when executing the command */
boost::format ins_fmter("AMOMAX.W x%1$d, x%2$d, x%3$d (aqu=%4$d,rel=%5$d)");
ins_fmter % (uint64_t)fld_rd_val % (uint64_t)fld_rs1_val % (uint64_t)fld_rs2_val % (uint64_t)fld_aq_val %
boost::format fmter("0x%1$016x\t\t%2$-40s\t\t");
fmter % pc.val % ins_fmter.str();
std::vector<llvm::Value *> args{this->core_ptr, this->builder->CreateGlobalStringPtr(fmter.str())};
this->builder->CreateCall(this->mod->getFunction("print_disass"), args);
pc = pc + 4;
Value *offs_val = this->gen_reg_load(fld_rs1_val, 0);
Value *res1_val = this->gen_ext(this->gen_read_mem(traits<ARCH>::MEM, offs_val, 32 / 8), 32, true);
if (fld_rd_val != 0) {
Value *X_rd_val = res1_val;
this->builder->CreateStore(X_rd_val, get_reg_ptr(fld_rd_val), false);
Value *res2_val =
this->gen_choose(this->builder->CreateICmp(ICmpInst::ICMP_SLT, this->gen_ext(res1_val, 32, true),
this->gen_ext(this->gen_reg_load(fld_rs2_val, 0), 32, true)),
this->gen_reg_load(fld_rs2_val, 0), res1_val, 32);
Value *MEM_offs_val = res2_val;
this->gen_write_mem(traits<ARCH>::MEM, offs_val,
this->builder->CreateZExtOrTrunc(MEM_offs_val, this->get_type(32)));
this->gen_set_pc(pc, traits<ARCH>::NEXT_PC);
this->gen_sync(iss::POST_SYNC); /* call post-sync if needed */
bb = llvm::BasicBlock::Create(this->mod->getContext(), "entry", this->func,
this->leave_blk); /* create next BasicBlock in chain */
return std::make_tuple(vm::CONT, bb);
// instruction AMOMINU.W
std::tuple<vm::continuation_e, llvm::BasicBlock *> __amominu_w(virt_addr_t &pc, code_word_t instr,
llvm::BasicBlock *bb) {
uint8_t fld_rd_val = 0 | (bit_sub<7, 5>(instr));
uint8_t fld_rs1_val = 0 | (bit_sub<15, 5>(instr));
uint8_t fld_rs2_val = 0 | (bit_sub<20, 5>(instr));
uint8_t fld_rl_val = 0 | (bit_sub<25, 1>(instr));
uint8_t fld_aq_val = 0 | (bit_sub<26, 1>(instr));
if (this->disass_enabled) {
/* generate console output when executing the command */
boost::format ins_fmter("AMOMINU.W x%1$d, x%2$d, x%3$d (aqu=%4$d,rel=%5$d)");
ins_fmter % (uint64_t)fld_rd_val % (uint64_t)fld_rs1_val % (uint64_t)fld_rs2_val % (uint64_t)fld_aq_val %
boost::format fmter("0x%1$016x\t\t%2$-40s\t\t");
fmter % pc.val % ins_fmter.str();
std::vector<llvm::Value *> args{this->core_ptr, this->builder->CreateGlobalStringPtr(fmter.str())};
this->builder->CreateCall(this->mod->getFunction("print_disass"), args);
pc = pc + 4;
Value *offs_val = this->gen_reg_load(fld_rs1_val, 0);
Value *res1_val = this->gen_ext(this->gen_read_mem(traits<ARCH>::MEM, offs_val, 32 / 8), 32, false);
if (fld_rd_val != 0) {
Value *X_rd_val = res1_val;
this->builder->CreateStore(X_rd_val, get_reg_ptr(fld_rd_val), false);
Value *res2_val = this->gen_choose(
this->builder->CreateICmp(ICmpInst::ICMP_UGT, res1_val, this->gen_reg_load(fld_rs2_val, 0)),
this->gen_reg_load(fld_rs2_val, 0), res1_val, 32);
Value *MEM_offs_val = res2_val;
this->gen_write_mem(traits<ARCH>::MEM, offs_val,
this->builder->CreateZExtOrTrunc(MEM_offs_val, this->get_type(32)));
this->gen_set_pc(pc, traits<ARCH>::NEXT_PC);
this->gen_sync(iss::POST_SYNC); /* call post-sync if needed */
bb = llvm::BasicBlock::Create(this->mod->getContext(), "entry", this->func,
this->leave_blk); /* create next BasicBlock in chain */
return std::make_tuple(vm::CONT, bb);
// instruction AMOMAXU.W
std::tuple<vm::continuation_e, llvm::BasicBlock *> __amomaxu_w(virt_addr_t &pc, code_word_t instr,
llvm::BasicBlock *bb) {
uint8_t fld_rd_val = 0 | (bit_sub<7, 5>(instr));
uint8_t fld_rs1_val = 0 | (bit_sub<15, 5>(instr));
uint8_t fld_rs2_val = 0 | (bit_sub<20, 5>(instr));
uint8_t fld_rl_val = 0 | (bit_sub<25, 1>(instr));
uint8_t fld_aq_val = 0 | (bit_sub<26, 1>(instr));
if (this->disass_enabled) {
/* generate console output when executing the command */
boost::format ins_fmter("AMOMAXU.W x%1$d, x%2$d, x%3$d (aqu=%4$d,rel=%5$d)");
ins_fmter % (uint64_t)fld_rd_val % (uint64_t)fld_rs1_val % (uint64_t)fld_rs2_val % (uint64_t)fld_aq_val %
boost::format fmter("0x%1$016x\t\t%2$-40s\t\t");
fmter % pc.val % ins_fmter.str();
std::vector<llvm::Value *> args{this->core_ptr, this->builder->CreateGlobalStringPtr(fmter.str())};
this->builder->CreateCall(this->mod->getFunction("print_disass"), args);
pc = pc + 4;
Value *offs_val = this->gen_reg_load(fld_rs1_val, 0);
Value *res1_val = this->gen_ext(this->gen_read_mem(traits<ARCH>::MEM, offs_val, 32 / 8), 32, false);
if (fld_rd_val != 0) {
Value *X_rd_val = res1_val;
this->builder->CreateStore(X_rd_val, get_reg_ptr(fld_rd_val), false);
Value *res2_val =
this->gen_choose(this->builder->CreateICmp(ICmpInst::ICMP_ULT, this->gen_ext(res1_val, 32, false),
this->gen_ext(this->gen_reg_load(fld_rs2_val, 0), 32, false)),
this->gen_reg_load(fld_rs2_val, 0), res1_val, 32);
Value *MEM_offs_val = res2_val;
this->gen_write_mem(traits<ARCH>::MEM, offs_val,
this->builder->CreateZExtOrTrunc(MEM_offs_val, this->get_type(32)));
this->gen_set_pc(pc, traits<ARCH>::NEXT_PC);
this->gen_sync(iss::POST_SYNC); /* call post-sync if needed */
bb = llvm::BasicBlock::Create(this->mod->getContext(), "entry", this->func,
this->leave_blk); /* create next BasicBlock in chain */
return std::make_tuple(vm::CONT, bb);
// instruction C.ADDI4SPN
std::tuple<vm::continuation_e, llvm::BasicBlock *> __c_addi4spn(virt_addr_t &pc, code_word_t instr,
llvm::BasicBlock *bb) {
uint8_t fld_rd_val = 0 | (bit_sub<2, 3>(instr));
uint16_t fld_nzuimm_val = 0 | (bit_sub<5, 1>(instr) << 3) | (bit_sub<6, 1>(instr) << 2) |
(bit_sub<7, 4>(instr) << 6) | (bit_sub<11, 2>(instr) << 4);
if (this->disass_enabled) {
/* generate console output when executing the command */
boost::format ins_fmter("C.ADDI4SPN x%1$d, 0x%2$05x");
ins_fmter % (uint64_t)fld_rd_val % (uint64_t)fld_nzuimm_val;
boost::format fmter("0x%1$016x\t\t%2$-40s\t\t");
fmter % pc.val % ins_fmter.str();
std::vector<llvm::Value *> args{this->core_ptr, this->builder->CreateGlobalStringPtr(fmter.str())};
this->builder->CreateCall(this->mod->getFunction("print_disass"), args);
pc = pc + 2;
if (fld_nzuimm_val == 0) {
this->gen_raise_trap(0, 2);
uint8_t rd_idx_val = (fld_rd_val + 8);
uint8_t x2_idx_val = 2;
Value *X_rd_idx_val =
this->builder->CreateAdd(this->gen_reg_load(x2_idx_val, 0), this->gen_const(32U, fld_nzuimm_val));
this->builder->CreateStore(X_rd_idx_val, get_reg_ptr(rd_idx_val), false);
this->gen_set_pc(pc, traits<ARCH>::NEXT_PC);
this->gen_sync(iss::POST_SYNC); /* call post-sync if needed */
bb = llvm::BasicBlock::Create(this->mod->getContext(), "entry", this->func,
this->leave_blk); /* create next BasicBlock in chain */
return std::make_tuple(vm::CONT, bb);
// instruction C.LW
std::tuple<vm::continuation_e, llvm::BasicBlock *> __c_lw(virt_addr_t &pc, code_word_t instr,
llvm::BasicBlock *bb) {
uint8_t fld_rd_val = 0 | (bit_sub<2, 3>(instr));
uint8_t fld_uimm_val =
0 | (bit_sub<5, 1>(instr) << 6) | (bit_sub<6, 1>(instr) << 2) | (bit_sub<10, 3>(instr) << 3);
uint8_t fld_rs1_val = 0 | (bit_sub<7, 3>(instr));
if (this->disass_enabled) {
/* generate console output when executing the command */
boost::format ins_fmter("C.LW x(8+%1$d), x(8+%2$d), 0x%3$05x");
ins_fmter % (uint64_t)fld_rd_val % (uint64_t)fld_rs1_val % (uint64_t)fld_uimm_val;
boost::format fmter("0x%1$016x\t\t%2$-40s\t\t");
fmter % pc.val % ins_fmter.str();
std::vector<llvm::Value *> args{this->core_ptr, this->builder->CreateGlobalStringPtr(fmter.str())};
this->builder->CreateCall(this->mod->getFunction("print_disass"), args);
pc = pc + 2;
uint8_t rs1_idx_val = (fld_rs1_val + 8);
Value *adr_val =
this->builder->CreateAdd(this->gen_reg_load(rs1_idx_val, 0), this->gen_const(32U, fld_uimm_val));
uint8_t rd_idx_val = (fld_rd_val + 8);
Value *X_rd_idx_val = this->gen_read_mem(traits<ARCH>::MEM, adr_val, 32 / 8);
this->builder->CreateStore(X_rd_idx_val, get_reg_ptr(rd_idx_val), false);
this->gen_set_pc(pc, traits<ARCH>::NEXT_PC);
this->gen_sync(iss::POST_SYNC); /* call post-sync if needed */
bb = llvm::BasicBlock::Create(this->mod->getContext(), "entry", this->func,
this->leave_blk); /* create next BasicBlock in chain */
return std::make_tuple(vm::CONT, bb);
// instruction C.SW
std::tuple<vm::continuation_e, llvm::BasicBlock *> __c_sw(virt_addr_t &pc, code_word_t instr,
llvm::BasicBlock *bb) {
uint8_t fld_rs2_val = 0 | (bit_sub<2, 3>(instr));
uint8_t fld_uimm_val =
0 | (bit_sub<5, 1>(instr) << 6) | (bit_sub<6, 1>(instr) << 2) | (bit_sub<10, 3>(instr) << 3);
uint8_t fld_rs1_val = 0 | (bit_sub<7, 3>(instr));
if (this->disass_enabled) {
/* generate console output when executing the command */
boost::format ins_fmter("C.SW x(8+%1$d), x(8+%2$d), 0x%3$05x");
ins_fmter % (uint64_t)fld_rs1_val % (uint64_t)fld_rs2_val % (uint64_t)fld_uimm_val;
boost::format fmter("0x%1$016x\t\t%2$-40s\t\t");
fmter % pc.val % ins_fmter.str();
std::vector<llvm::Value *> args{this->core_ptr, this->builder->CreateGlobalStringPtr(fmter.str())};
this->builder->CreateCall(this->mod->getFunction("print_disass"), args);
pc = pc + 2;
uint8_t rs1_idx_val = (fld_rs1_val + 8);
Value *adr_val =
this->builder->CreateAdd(this->gen_reg_load(rs1_idx_val, 0), this->gen_const(32U, fld_uimm_val));
uint8_t rs2_idx_val = (fld_rs2_val + 8);
Value *MEM_adr_val = this->gen_reg_load(rs2_idx_val, 0);
this->gen_write_mem(traits<ARCH>::MEM, adr_val,
this->builder->CreateZExtOrTrunc(MEM_adr_val, this->get_type(32)));
this->gen_set_pc(pc, traits<ARCH>::NEXT_PC);
this->gen_sync(iss::POST_SYNC); /* call post-sync if needed */
bb = llvm::BasicBlock::Create(this->mod->getContext(), "entry", this->func,
this->leave_blk); /* create next BasicBlock in chain */
return std::make_tuple(vm::CONT, bb);
// instruction C.NOP
std::tuple<vm::continuation_e, llvm::BasicBlock *> __c_nop(virt_addr_t &pc, code_word_t instr,
llvm::BasicBlock *bb) {
if (this->disass_enabled) {
/* generate console output when executing the command */
boost::format ins_fmter("C.NOP ");
boost::format fmter("0x%1$016x\t\t%2$-40s\t\t");
fmter % pc.val % ins_fmter.str();
std::vector<llvm::Value *> args{this->core_ptr, this->builder->CreateGlobalStringPtr(fmter.str())};
this->builder->CreateCall(this->mod->getFunction("print_disass"), args);
pc = pc + 2;
/* TODO: describe operations for C.NOP ! */
this->gen_set_pc(pc, traits<ARCH>::NEXT_PC);
this->gen_sync(iss::POST_SYNC); /* call post-sync if needed */
bb = llvm::BasicBlock::Create(this->mod->getContext(), "entry", this->func,
this->leave_blk); /* create next BasicBlock in chain */
return std::make_tuple(vm::CONT, bb);
// instruction C.ADDI
std::tuple<vm::continuation_e, llvm::BasicBlock *> __c_addi(virt_addr_t &pc, code_word_t instr,
llvm::BasicBlock *bb) {
int8_t fld_nzimm_val = 0 | (bit_sub<2, 5>(instr)) | (signed_bit_sub<12, 1>(instr) << 5);
uint8_t fld_rs1_val = 0 | (bit_sub<7, 5>(instr));
if (this->disass_enabled) {
/* generate console output when executing the command */
boost::format ins_fmter("C.ADDI x%1$d, 0x%2$05x");
ins_fmter % (uint64_t)fld_rs1_val % (int64_t)fld_nzimm_val;
boost::format fmter("0x%1$016x\t\t%2$-40s\t\t");
fmter % pc.val % ins_fmter.str();
std::vector<llvm::Value *> args{this->core_ptr, this->builder->CreateGlobalStringPtr(fmter.str())};
this->builder->CreateCall(this->mod->getFunction("print_disass"), args);
pc = pc + 2;
if (fld_nzimm_val == 0) {
this->gen_raise_trap(0, 2);
Value *X_rs1_val =
this->builder->CreateAdd(this->gen_reg_load(fld_rs1_val, 0), this->gen_const(32U, fld_nzimm_val));
this->builder->CreateStore(X_rs1_val, get_reg_ptr(fld_rs1_val), false);
this->gen_set_pc(pc, traits<ARCH>::NEXT_PC);
this->gen_sync(iss::POST_SYNC); /* call post-sync if needed */
bb = llvm::BasicBlock::Create(this->mod->getContext(), "entry", this->func,
this->leave_blk); /* create next BasicBlock in chain */
return std::make_tuple(vm::CONT, bb);
// instruction C.JAL
std::tuple<vm::continuation_e, llvm::BasicBlock *> __c_jal(virt_addr_t &pc, code_word_t instr,
llvm::BasicBlock *bb) {
int16_t fld_imm_val = 0 | (bit_sub<2, 1>(instr) << 5) | (bit_sub<3, 3>(instr) << 1) |
(bit_sub<6, 1>(instr) << 7) | (bit_sub<7, 1>(instr) << 6) | (bit_sub<8, 1>(instr) << 10) |
(bit_sub<9, 2>(instr) << 8) | (bit_sub<11, 1>(instr) << 4) |
(signed_bit_sub<12, 1>(instr) << 11);
if (this->disass_enabled) {
/* generate console output when executing the command */
boost::format ins_fmter("C.JAL 0x%1$05x");
ins_fmter % (int64_t)fld_imm_val;
boost::format fmter("0x%1$016x\t\t%2$-40s\t\t");
fmter % pc.val % ins_fmter.str();
std::vector<llvm::Value *> args{this->core_ptr, this->builder->CreateGlobalStringPtr(fmter.str())};
this->builder->CreateCall(this->mod->getFunction("print_disass"), args);
pc = pc + 2;
uint8_t rd_val = 1;
Value *X_rd_val = this->builder->CreateAdd(this->gen_reg_load(traits<ARCH>::PC, 0), this->gen_const(32U, 2));
this->builder->CreateStore(X_rd_val, get_reg_ptr(rd_val), false);
Value *PC_val =
this->builder->CreateAdd(this->gen_reg_load(traits<ARCH>::PC, 0), this->gen_const(32U, fld_imm_val));
this->builder->CreateStore(PC_val, get_reg_ptr(traits<ARCH>::NEXT_PC), false);
this->gen_sync(iss::POST_SYNC); /* call post-sync if needed */
return std::make_tuple(iss::vm::BRANCH, nullptr);
// instruction C.LI
std::tuple<vm::continuation_e, llvm::BasicBlock *> __c_li(virt_addr_t &pc, code_word_t instr,
llvm::BasicBlock *bb) {
int8_t fld_imm_val = 0 | (bit_sub<2, 5>(instr)) | (signed_bit_sub<12, 1>(instr) << 5);
uint8_t fld_rd_val = 0 | (bit_sub<7, 5>(instr));
if (this->disass_enabled) {
/* generate console output when executing the command */
boost::format ins_fmter("C.LI x%1$d, 0x%2$05x");
ins_fmter % (uint64_t)fld_rd_val % (int64_t)fld_imm_val;
boost::format fmter("0x%1$016x\t\t%2$-40s\t\t");
fmter % pc.val % ins_fmter.str();
std::vector<llvm::Value *> args{this->core_ptr, this->builder->CreateGlobalStringPtr(fmter.str())};
this->builder->CreateCall(this->mod->getFunction("print_disass"), args);
pc = pc + 2;
if (fld_rd_val == 0) {
this->gen_raise_trap(0, 2);
Value *X_rd_val = this->gen_const(32U, fld_imm_val);
this->builder->CreateStore(X_rd_val, get_reg_ptr(fld_rd_val), false);
this->gen_set_pc(pc, traits<ARCH>::NEXT_PC);
this->gen_sync(iss::POST_SYNC); /* call post-sync if needed */
bb = llvm::BasicBlock::Create(this->mod->getContext(), "entry", this->func,
this->leave_blk); /* create next BasicBlock in chain */
return std::make_tuple(vm::CONT, bb);
// instruction C.LUI
std::tuple<vm::continuation_e, llvm::BasicBlock *> __c_lui(virt_addr_t &pc, code_word_t instr,
llvm::BasicBlock *bb) {
int32_t fld_nzimm_val = 0 | (bit_sub<2, 5>(instr) << 12) | (signed_bit_sub<12, 1>(instr) << 17);
uint8_t fld_rd_val = 0 | (bit_sub<7, 5>(instr));
if (this->disass_enabled) {
/* generate console output when executing the command */
boost::format ins_fmter("C.LUI x%1$d, 0x%2$05x");
ins_fmter % (uint64_t)fld_rd_val % (int64_t)fld_nzimm_val;
boost::format fmter("0x%1$016x\t\t%2$-40s\t\t");
fmter % pc.val % ins_fmter.str();
std::vector<llvm::Value *> args{this->core_ptr, this->builder->CreateGlobalStringPtr(fmter.str())};
this->builder->CreateCall(this->mod->getFunction("print_disass"), args);
pc = pc + 2;
if (fld_rd_val == 0) {
this->gen_raise_trap(0, 2);
if (fld_rd_val == 2) {
this->gen_raise_trap(0, 2);
if (fld_nzimm_val == 0) {
this->gen_raise_trap(0, 2);
Value *X_rd_val = this->gen_const(32U, fld_nzimm_val);
this->builder->CreateStore(X_rd_val, get_reg_ptr(fld_rd_val), false);
this->gen_set_pc(pc, traits<ARCH>::NEXT_PC);
this->gen_sync(iss::POST_SYNC); /* call post-sync if needed */
bb = llvm::BasicBlock::Create(this->mod->getContext(), "entry", this->func,
this->leave_blk); /* create next BasicBlock in chain */
return std::make_tuple(vm::CONT, bb);
// instruction C.ADDI16SP
std::tuple<vm::continuation_e, llvm::BasicBlock *> __c_addi16sp(virt_addr_t &pc, code_word_t instr,
llvm::BasicBlock *bb) {
int16_t fld_nzimm_val = 0 | (bit_sub<2, 1>(instr) << 5) | (bit_sub<3, 2>(instr) << 7) |
(bit_sub<5, 1>(instr) << 6) | (bit_sub<6, 1>(instr) << 4) |
(signed_bit_sub<12, 1>(instr) << 9);
if (this->disass_enabled) {
/* generate console output when executing the command */
boost::format ins_fmter("C.ADDI16SP 0x%1$05x");
ins_fmter % (int64_t)fld_nzimm_val;
boost::format fmter("0x%1$016x\t\t%2$-40s\t\t");
fmter % pc.val % ins_fmter.str();
std::vector<llvm::Value *> args{this->core_ptr, this->builder->CreateGlobalStringPtr(fmter.str())};
this->builder->CreateCall(this->mod->getFunction("print_disass"), args);
pc = pc + 2;
uint8_t x2_idx_val = 2;
Value *X_x2_idx_val = this->builder->CreateAdd(this->gen_ext(this->gen_reg_load(x2_idx_val, 0), 32, true),
this->gen_const(32U, fld_nzimm_val));
this->builder->CreateStore(X_x2_idx_val, get_reg_ptr(x2_idx_val), false);
this->gen_set_pc(pc, traits<ARCH>::NEXT_PC);
this->gen_sync(iss::POST_SYNC); /* call post-sync if needed */
bb = llvm::BasicBlock::Create(this->mod->getContext(), "entry", this->func,
this->leave_blk); /* create next BasicBlock in chain */
return std::make_tuple(vm::CONT, bb);
// instruction C.SRLI
std::tuple<vm::continuation_e, llvm::BasicBlock *> __c_srli(virt_addr_t &pc, code_word_t instr,
llvm::BasicBlock *bb) {
uint8_t fld_shamt_val = 0 | (bit_sub<2, 5>(instr)) | (bit_sub<12, 1>(instr) << 5);
uint8_t fld_rs1_val = 0 | (bit_sub<7, 3>(instr));
if (this->disass_enabled) {
/* generate console output when executing the command */
boost::format ins_fmter("C.SRLI x(8+%1$d), %2$d");
ins_fmter % (uint64_t)fld_rs1_val % (uint64_t)fld_shamt_val;
boost::format fmter("0x%1$016x\t\t%2$-40s\t\t");
fmter % pc.val % ins_fmter.str();
std::vector<llvm::Value *> args{this->core_ptr, this->builder->CreateGlobalStringPtr(fmter.str())};
this->builder->CreateCall(this->mod->getFunction("print_disass"), args);
pc = pc + 2;
if (fld_shamt_val > 31) {
this->gen_raise_trap(0, 2);
uint8_t rs1_idx_val = (fld_rs1_val + 8);
Value *X_rs1_idx_val =
this->builder->CreateLShr(this->gen_reg_load(rs1_idx_val, 0), this->gen_const(32U, fld_shamt_val));
this->builder->CreateStore(X_rs1_idx_val, get_reg_ptr(rs1_idx_val), false);
this->gen_set_pc(pc, traits<ARCH>::NEXT_PC);
this->gen_sync(iss::POST_SYNC); /* call post-sync if needed */
bb = llvm::BasicBlock::Create(this->mod->getContext(), "entry", this->func,
this->leave_blk); /* create next BasicBlock in chain */
return std::make_tuple(vm::CONT, bb);
// instruction C.SRAI
std::tuple<vm::continuation_e, llvm::BasicBlock *> __c_srai(virt_addr_t &pc, code_word_t instr,
llvm::BasicBlock *bb) {
uint8_t fld_shamt_val = 0 | (bit_sub<2, 5>(instr)) | (bit_sub<12, 1>(instr) << 5);
uint8_t fld_rs1_val = 0 | (bit_sub<7, 3>(instr));
if (this->disass_enabled) {
/* generate console output when executing the command */
boost::format ins_fmter("C.SRAI x(8+%1$d), %2$d");
ins_fmter % (uint64_t)fld_rs1_val % (uint64_t)fld_shamt_val;
boost::format fmter("0x%1$016x\t\t%2$-40s\t\t");
fmter % pc.val % ins_fmter.str();
std::vector<llvm::Value *> args{this->core_ptr, this->builder->CreateGlobalStringPtr(fmter.str())};
this->builder->CreateCall(this->mod->getFunction("print_disass"), args);
pc = pc + 2;
if (fld_shamt_val > 31) {
this->gen_raise_trap(0, 2);
uint8_t rs1_idx_val = (fld_rs1_val + 8);
Value *X_rs1_idx_val =
this->builder->CreateAShr(this->gen_reg_load(rs1_idx_val, 0), this->gen_const(32U, fld_shamt_val));
this->builder->CreateStore(X_rs1_idx_val, get_reg_ptr(rs1_idx_val), false);
this->gen_set_pc(pc, traits<ARCH>::NEXT_PC);
this->gen_sync(iss::POST_SYNC); /* call post-sync if needed */
bb = llvm::BasicBlock::Create(this->mod->getContext(), "entry", this->func,
this->leave_blk); /* create next BasicBlock in chain */
return std::make_tuple(vm::CONT, bb);
// instruction C.ANDI
std::tuple<vm::continuation_e, llvm::BasicBlock *> __c_andi(virt_addr_t &pc, code_word_t instr,
llvm::BasicBlock *bb) {
int8_t fld_imm_val = 0 | (bit_sub<2, 5>(instr)) | (signed_bit_sub<12, 1>(instr) << 5);
uint8_t fld_rs1_val = 0 | (bit_sub<7, 3>(instr));
if (this->disass_enabled) {
/* generate console output when executing the command */
boost::format ins_fmter("C.ANDI x(8+%1$d), 0x%2$05x");
ins_fmter % (uint64_t)fld_rs1_val % (int64_t)fld_imm_val;
boost::format fmter("0x%1$016x\t\t%2$-40s\t\t");
fmter % pc.val % ins_fmter.str();
std::vector<llvm::Value *> args{this->core_ptr, this->builder->CreateGlobalStringPtr(fmter.str())};
this->builder->CreateCall(this->mod->getFunction("print_disass"), args);
pc = pc + 2;
uint8_t rs1_idx_val = (fld_rs1_val + 8);
Value *X_rs1_idx_val =
this->builder->CreateAnd(this->gen_reg_load(rs1_idx_val, 0), this->gen_const(32U, fld_imm_val));
this->builder->CreateStore(X_rs1_idx_val, get_reg_ptr(rs1_idx_val), false);
this->gen_set_pc(pc, traits<ARCH>::NEXT_PC);
this->gen_sync(iss::POST_SYNC); /* call post-sync if needed */
bb = llvm::BasicBlock::Create(this->mod->getContext(), "entry", this->func,
this->leave_blk); /* create next BasicBlock in chain */
return std::make_tuple(vm::CONT, bb);
// instruction C.SUB
std::tuple<vm::continuation_e, llvm::BasicBlock *> __c_sub(virt_addr_t &pc, code_word_t instr,
llvm::BasicBlock *bb) {
uint8_t fld_rs2_val = 0 | (bit_sub<2, 3>(instr));
uint8_t fld_rd_val = 0 | (bit_sub<7, 3>(instr));
if (this->disass_enabled) {
/* generate console output when executing the command */
boost::format ins_fmter("C.SUB x(8+%1$d), x(8+%2$d)");
ins_fmter % (uint64_t)fld_rd_val % (uint64_t)fld_rs2_val;
boost::format fmter("0x%1$016x\t\t%2$-40s\t\t");
fmter % pc.val % ins_fmter.str();
std::vector<llvm::Value *> args{this->core_ptr, this->builder->CreateGlobalStringPtr(fmter.str())};
this->builder->CreateCall(this->mod->getFunction("print_disass"), args);
pc = pc + 2;
uint8_t rd_idx_val = (fld_rd_val + 8);
uint8_t rs2_idx_val = (fld_rs2_val + 8);
Value *X_rd_idx_val =
this->builder->CreateSub(this->gen_reg_load(rd_idx_val, 0), this->gen_reg_load(rs2_idx_val, 0));
this->builder->CreateStore(X_rd_idx_val, get_reg_ptr(rd_idx_val), false);
this->gen_set_pc(pc, traits<ARCH>::NEXT_PC);
this->gen_sync(iss::POST_SYNC); /* call post-sync if needed */
bb = llvm::BasicBlock::Create(this->mod->getContext(), "entry", this->func,
this->leave_blk); /* create next BasicBlock in chain */
return std::make_tuple(vm::CONT, bb);
// instruction C.XOR
std::tuple<vm::continuation_e, llvm::BasicBlock *> __c_xor(virt_addr_t &pc, code_word_t instr,
llvm::BasicBlock *bb) {
uint8_t fld_rs2_val = 0 | (bit_sub<2, 3>(instr));
uint8_t fld_rd_val = 0 | (bit_sub<7, 3>(instr));
if (this->disass_enabled) {
/* generate console output when executing the command */
boost::format ins_fmter("C.XOR x(8+%1$d), x(8+%2$d)");
ins_fmter % (uint64_t)fld_rd_val % (uint64_t)fld_rs2_val;
boost::format fmter("0x%1$016x\t\t%2$-40s\t\t");
fmter % pc.val % ins_fmter.str();
std::vector<llvm::Value *> args{this->core_ptr, this->builder->CreateGlobalStringPtr(fmter.str())};
this->builder->CreateCall(this->mod->getFunction("print_disass"), args);
pc = pc + 2;
uint8_t rd_idx_val = (fld_rd_val + 8);
uint8_t rs2_idx_val = (fld_rs2_val + 8);
Value *X_rd_idx_val =
this->builder->CreateXor(this->gen_reg_load(rd_idx_val, 0), this->gen_reg_load(rs2_idx_val, 0));
this->builder->CreateStore(X_rd_idx_val, get_reg_ptr(rd_idx_val), false);
this->gen_set_pc(pc, traits<ARCH>::NEXT_PC);
this->gen_sync(iss::POST_SYNC); /* call post-sync if needed */
bb = llvm::BasicBlock::Create(this->mod->getContext(), "entry", this->func,
this->leave_blk); /* create next BasicBlock in chain */
return std::make_tuple(vm::CONT, bb);
// instruction C.OR
std::tuple<vm::continuation_e, llvm::BasicBlock *> __c_or(virt_addr_t &pc, code_word_t instr,
llvm::BasicBlock *bb) {
uint8_t fld_rs2_val = 0 | (bit_sub<2, 3>(instr));
uint8_t fld_rd_val = 0 | (bit_sub<7, 3>(instr));
if (this->disass_enabled) {
/* generate console output when executing the command */
boost::format ins_fmter("C.OR x(8+%1$d), x(8+%2$d)");
ins_fmter % (uint64_t)fld_rd_val % (uint64_t)fld_rs2_val;
boost::format fmter("0x%1$016x\t\t%2$-40s\t\t");
fmter % pc.val % ins_fmter.str();
std::vector<llvm::Value *> args{this->core_ptr, this->builder->CreateGlobalStringPtr(fmter.str())};
this->builder->CreateCall(this->mod->getFunction("print_disass"), args);
pc = pc + 2;
uint8_t rd_idx_val = (fld_rd_val + 8);
uint8_t rs2_idx_val = (fld_rs2_val + 8);
Value *X_rd_idx_val =
this->builder->CreateOr(this->gen_reg_load(rd_idx_val, 0), this->gen_reg_load(rs2_idx_val, 0));
this->builder->CreateStore(X_rd_idx_val, get_reg_ptr(rd_idx_val), false);
this->gen_set_pc(pc, traits<ARCH>::NEXT_PC);
this->gen_sync(iss::POST_SYNC); /* call post-sync if needed */
bb = llvm::BasicBlock::Create(this->mod->getContext(), "entry", this->func,
this->leave_blk); /* create next BasicBlock in chain */
return std::make_tuple(vm::CONT, bb);
// instruction C.AND
std::tuple<vm::continuation_e, llvm::BasicBlock *> __c_and(virt_addr_t &pc, code_word_t instr,
llvm::BasicBlock *bb) {
uint8_t fld_rs2_val = 0 | (bit_sub<2, 3>(instr));
uint8_t fld_rd_val = 0 | (bit_sub<7, 3>(instr));
if (this->disass_enabled) {
/* generate console output when executing the command */
boost::format ins_fmter("C.AND x(8+%1$d), x(8+%2$d)");
ins_fmter % (uint64_t)fld_rd_val % (uint64_t)fld_rs2_val;
boost::format fmter("0x%1$016x\t\t%2$-40s\t\t");
fmter % pc.val % ins_fmter.str();
std::vector<llvm::Value *> args{this->core_ptr, this->builder->CreateGlobalStringPtr(fmter.str())};
this->builder->CreateCall(this->mod->getFunction("print_disass"), args);
pc = pc + 2;
uint8_t rd_idx_val = (fld_rd_val + 8);
uint8_t rs2_idx_val = (fld_rs2_val + 8);
Value *X_rd_idx_val =
this->builder->CreateAnd(this->gen_reg_load(rd_idx_val, 0), this->gen_reg_load(rs2_idx_val, 0));
this->builder->CreateStore(X_rd_idx_val, get_reg_ptr(rd_idx_val), false);
this->gen_set_pc(pc, traits<ARCH>::NEXT_PC);
this->gen_sync(iss::POST_SYNC); /* call post-sync if needed */
bb = llvm::BasicBlock::Create(this->mod->getContext(), "entry", this->func,
this->leave_blk); /* create next BasicBlock in chain */
return std::make_tuple(vm::CONT, bb);
// instruction C.J
std::tuple<vm::continuation_e, llvm::BasicBlock *> __c_j(virt_addr_t &pc, code_word_t instr, llvm::BasicBlock *bb) {
int16_t fld_imm_val = 0 | (bit_sub<2, 1>(instr) << 5) | (bit_sub<3, 3>(instr) << 1) |
(bit_sub<6, 1>(instr) << 7) | (bit_sub<7, 1>(instr) << 6) | (bit_sub<8, 1>(instr) << 10) |
(bit_sub<9, 2>(instr) << 8) | (bit_sub<11, 1>(instr) << 4) |
(signed_bit_sub<12, 1>(instr) << 11);
if (this->disass_enabled) {
/* generate console output when executing the command */
boost::format ins_fmter("C.J 0x%1$05x");
ins_fmter % (int64_t)fld_imm_val;
boost::format fmter("0x%1$016x\t\t%2$-40s\t\t");
fmter % pc.val % ins_fmter.str();
std::vector<llvm::Value *> args{this->core_ptr, this->builder->CreateGlobalStringPtr(fmter.str())};
this->builder->CreateCall(this->mod->getFunction("print_disass"), args);
pc = pc + 2;
Value *PC_val =
this->builder->CreateAdd(this->gen_reg_load(traits<ARCH>::PC, 0), this->gen_const(32U, fld_imm_val));
this->builder->CreateStore(PC_val, get_reg_ptr(traits<ARCH>::NEXT_PC), false);
this->gen_sync(iss::POST_SYNC); /* call post-sync if needed */
return std::make_tuple(iss::vm::BRANCH, nullptr);
// instruction C.BEQZ
std::tuple<vm::continuation_e, llvm::BasicBlock *> __c_beqz(virt_addr_t &pc, code_word_t instr,
llvm::BasicBlock *bb) {
int16_t fld_imm_val = 0 | (bit_sub<2, 1>(instr) << 5) | (bit_sub<3, 2>(instr) << 1) |
(bit_sub<5, 2>(instr) << 6) | (bit_sub<10, 2>(instr) << 3) |
(signed_bit_sub<12, 1>(instr) << 8);
uint8_t fld_rs1d_val = 0 | (bit_sub<7, 3>(instr));
if (this->disass_enabled) {
/* generate console output when executing the command */
boost::format ins_fmter("C.BEQZ x(8+%1$d), 0x%2$05x");
ins_fmter % (uint64_t)fld_rs1d_val % (int64_t)fld_imm_val;
boost::format fmter("0x%1$016x\t\t%2$-40s\t\t");
fmter % pc.val % ins_fmter.str();
std::vector<llvm::Value *> args{this->core_ptr, this->builder->CreateGlobalStringPtr(fmter.str())};
this->builder->CreateCall(this->mod->getFunction("print_disass"), args);
pc = pc + 2;
uint8_t rs1_val = (fld_rs1d_val + 8);
Value *PC_val = this->gen_choose(
this->builder->CreateICmp(ICmpInst::ICMP_EQ, this->gen_reg_load(rs1_val, 0), this->gen_const(32U, 0)),
this->builder->CreateAdd(this->gen_reg_load(traits<ARCH>::PC, 0), this->gen_const(32U, fld_imm_val)),
this->builder->CreateAdd(this->gen_reg_load(traits<ARCH>::PC, 0), this->gen_const(32U, 2)), 32);
this->builder->CreateStore(PC_val, get_reg_ptr(traits<ARCH>::NEXT_PC), false);
this->gen_sync(iss::POST_SYNC); /* call post-sync if needed */
return std::make_tuple(iss::vm::BRANCH, nullptr);
// instruction C.BNEZ
std::tuple<vm::continuation_e, llvm::BasicBlock *> __c_bnez(virt_addr_t &pc, code_word_t instr,
llvm::BasicBlock *bb) {
uint16_t fld_imm_val = 0 | (bit_sub<2, 1>(instr) << 5) | (bit_sub<3, 2>(instr) << 1) |
(bit_sub<5, 2>(instr) << 6) | (bit_sub<10, 2>(instr) << 3) |
(bit_sub<12, 1>(instr) << 8);
uint8_t fld_rs1d_val = 0 | (bit_sub<7, 3>(instr));
if (this->disass_enabled) {
/* generate console output when executing the command */
boost::format ins_fmter("C.BNEZ x(8+%1$d),, 0x%2$05x");
ins_fmter % (uint64_t)fld_rs1d_val % (uint64_t)fld_imm_val;
boost::format fmter("0x%1$016x\t\t%2$-40s\t\t");
fmter % pc.val % ins_fmter.str();
std::vector<llvm::Value *> args{this->core_ptr, this->builder->CreateGlobalStringPtr(fmter.str())};
this->builder->CreateCall(this->mod->getFunction("print_disass"), args);
pc = pc + 2;
uint8_t rs1_val = (fld_rs1d_val + 8);
Value *PC_val = this->gen_choose(
this->builder->CreateICmp(ICmpInst::ICMP_NE, this->gen_reg_load(rs1_val, 0), this->gen_const(32U, 0)),
this->builder->CreateAdd(this->gen_reg_load(traits<ARCH>::PC, 0), this->gen_const(32U, fld_imm_val)),
this->builder->CreateAdd(this->gen_reg_load(traits<ARCH>::PC, 0), this->gen_const(32U, 2)), 32);
this->builder->CreateStore(PC_val, get_reg_ptr(traits<ARCH>::NEXT_PC), false);
this->gen_sync(iss::POST_SYNC); /* call post-sync if needed */
return std::make_tuple(iss::vm::BRANCH, nullptr);
// instruction C.SLLI
std::tuple<vm::continuation_e, llvm::BasicBlock *> __c_slli(virt_addr_t &pc, code_word_t instr,
llvm::BasicBlock *bb) {
uint8_t fld_shamt_val = 0 | (bit_sub<2, 5>(instr)) | (bit_sub<12, 1>(instr) << 5);
uint8_t fld_rs1_val = 0 | (bit_sub<7, 5>(instr));
if (this->disass_enabled) {
/* generate console output when executing the command */
boost::format ins_fmter("C.SLLI x%1$d, %2$d");
ins_fmter % (uint64_t)fld_rs1_val % (uint64_t)fld_shamt_val;
boost::format fmter("0x%1$016x\t\t%2$-40s\t\t");
fmter % pc.val % ins_fmter.str();
std::vector<llvm::Value *> args{this->core_ptr, this->builder->CreateGlobalStringPtr(fmter.str())};
this->builder->CreateCall(this->mod->getFunction("print_disass"), args);
pc = pc + 2;
if (fld_rs1_val == 0) {
this->gen_raise_trap(0, 2);
if (fld_shamt_val > 31) {
this->gen_raise_trap(0, 2);
Value *X_rs1_val =
this->builder->CreateShl(this->gen_reg_load(fld_rs1_val, 0), this->gen_const(32U, fld_shamt_val));
this->builder->CreateStore(X_rs1_val, get_reg_ptr(fld_rs1_val), false);
this->gen_set_pc(pc, traits<ARCH>::NEXT_PC);
this->gen_sync(iss::POST_SYNC); /* call post-sync if needed */
bb = llvm::BasicBlock::Create(this->mod->getContext(), "entry", this->func,
this->leave_blk); /* create next BasicBlock in chain */
return std::make_tuple(vm::CONT, bb);
// instruction C.LQSP
std::tuple<vm::continuation_e, llvm::BasicBlock *> __c_lqsp(virt_addr_t &pc, code_word_t instr,
llvm::BasicBlock *bb) {
uint16_t fld_uimm_val =
0 | (bit_sub<2, 4>(instr) << 6) | (bit_sub<6, 1>(instr) << 4) | (bit_sub<12, 1>(instr) << 5);
uint8_t fld_rd_val = 0 | (bit_sub<7, 5>(instr));
if (this->disass_enabled) {
/* generate console output when executing the command */
std::string opcode("C.LQSP");
boost::format fmter("0x%1$016x\t\t%2$-40s\t\t%%v");
fmter % pc.val % opcode;
std::vector<llvm::Value *> args{this->core_ptr, this->builder->CreateGlobalStringPtr(fmter.str())};
this->builder->CreateCall(this->mod->getFunction("print_disass"), args);
pc = pc + 2;
/* TODO: describe operations for C.LQSP ! */
this->gen_set_pc(pc, traits<ARCH>::NEXT_PC);
this->gen_sync(iss::POST_SYNC); /* call post-sync if needed */
bb = llvm::BasicBlock::Create(this->mod->getContext(), "entry", this->func,
this->leave_blk); /* create next BasicBlock in chain */
return std::make_tuple(vm::CONT, bb);
// instruction C.LWSP
std::tuple<vm::continuation_e, llvm::BasicBlock *> __c_lwsp(virt_addr_t &pc, code_word_t instr,
llvm::BasicBlock *bb) {
uint8_t fld_uimm_val =
0 | (bit_sub<2, 2>(instr) << 6) | (bit_sub<4, 3>(instr) << 2) | (bit_sub<12, 1>(instr) << 5);
uint8_t fld_rd_val = 0 | (bit_sub<7, 5>(instr));
if (this->disass_enabled) {
/* generate console output when executing the command */
boost::format ins_fmter("C.LWSP x%1$d, sp, 0x%2$05x");
ins_fmter % (uint64_t)fld_rd_val % (uint64_t)fld_uimm_val;
boost::format fmter("0x%1$016x\t\t%2$-40s\t\t");
fmter % pc.val % ins_fmter.str();
std::vector<llvm::Value *> args{this->core_ptr, this->builder->CreateGlobalStringPtr(fmter.str())};
this->builder->CreateCall(this->mod->getFunction("print_disass"), args);
pc = pc + 2;
uint8_t x2_idx_val = 2;
Value *offs_val =
this->builder->CreateAdd(this->gen_reg_load(x2_idx_val, 0), this->gen_const(32U, fld_uimm_val));
Value *X_rd_val = this->gen_read_mem(traits<ARCH>::MEM, offs_val, 32 / 8);
this->builder->CreateStore(X_rd_val, get_reg_ptr(fld_rd_val), false);
this->gen_set_pc(pc, traits<ARCH>::NEXT_PC);
this->gen_sync(iss::POST_SYNC); /* call post-sync if needed */
bb = llvm::BasicBlock::Create(this->mod->getContext(), "entry", this->func,
this->leave_blk); /* create next BasicBlock in chain */
return std::make_tuple(vm::CONT, bb);
// instruction C.MV
std::tuple<vm::continuation_e, llvm::BasicBlock *> __c_mv(virt_addr_t &pc, code_word_t instr,
llvm::BasicBlock *bb) {
uint8_t fld_rs2_val = 0 | (bit_sub<2, 5>(instr));
uint8_t fld_rd_val = 0 | (bit_sub<7, 5>(instr));
if (this->disass_enabled) {
/* generate console output when executing the command */
boost::format ins_fmter("C.MV x%1$d, x%2$d");
ins_fmter % (uint64_t)fld_rd_val % (uint64_t)fld_rs2_val;
boost::format fmter("0x%1$016x\t\t%2$-40s\t\t");
fmter % pc.val % ins_fmter.str();
std::vector<llvm::Value *> args{this->core_ptr, this->builder->CreateGlobalStringPtr(fmter.str())};
this->builder->CreateCall(this->mod->getFunction("print_disass"), args);
pc = pc + 2;
Value *X_rd_val = this->gen_reg_load(fld_rs2_val, 0);
this->builder->CreateStore(X_rd_val, get_reg_ptr(fld_rd_val), false);
this->gen_set_pc(pc, traits<ARCH>::NEXT_PC);
this->gen_sync(iss::POST_SYNC); /* call post-sync if needed */
bb = llvm::BasicBlock::Create(this->mod->getContext(), "entry", this->func,
this->leave_blk); /* create next BasicBlock in chain */
return std::make_tuple(vm::CONT, bb);
// instruction C.JR
std::tuple<vm::continuation_e, llvm::BasicBlock *> __c_jr(virt_addr_t &pc, code_word_t instr,
llvm::BasicBlock *bb) {
uint8_t fld_rs1_val = 0 | (bit_sub<7, 5>(instr));
if (this->disass_enabled) {
/* generate console output when executing the command */
boost::format ins_fmter("C.JR x%1$d");
ins_fmter % (uint64_t)fld_rs1_val;
boost::format fmter("0x%1$016x\t\t%2$-40s\t\t");
fmter % pc.val % ins_fmter.str();
std::vector<llvm::Value *> args{this->core_ptr, this->builder->CreateGlobalStringPtr(fmter.str())};
this->builder->CreateCall(this->mod->getFunction("print_disass"), args);
pc = pc + 2;
Value *PC_val = this->gen_reg_load(fld_rs1_val, 0);
this->builder->CreateStore(PC_val, get_reg_ptr(traits<ARCH>::NEXT_PC), false);
this->gen_sync(iss::POST_SYNC); /* call post-sync if needed */
return std::make_tuple(iss::vm::BRANCH, nullptr);
// instruction C.EBREAK
std::tuple<vm::continuation_e, llvm::BasicBlock *> __c_ebreak(virt_addr_t &pc, code_word_t instr,
llvm::BasicBlock *bb) {
if (this->disass_enabled) {
/* generate console output when executing the command */
std::string opcode("C.EBREAK");
boost::format fmter("0x%1$016x\t\t%2$-40s\t\t%%v");
fmter % pc.val % opcode;
std::vector<llvm::Value *> args{this->core_ptr, this->builder->CreateGlobalStringPtr(fmter.str())};
this->builder->CreateCall(this->mod->getFunction("print_disass"), args);
pc = pc + 2;
this->gen_raise_trap(0, 3);
this->gen_sync(iss::POST_SYNC); /* call post-sync if needed */
return std::make_tuple(iss::vm::BRANCH, nullptr);
// instruction C.ADD
std::tuple<vm::continuation_e, llvm::BasicBlock *> __c_add(virt_addr_t &pc, code_word_t instr,
llvm::BasicBlock *bb) {
uint8_t fld_rs2_val = 0 | (bit_sub<2, 5>(instr));
uint8_t fld_rd_val = 0 | (bit_sub<7, 5>(instr));
if (this->disass_enabled) {
/* generate console output when executing the command */
boost::format ins_fmter("C.ADD x%1$d, x%2$d");
ins_fmter % (uint64_t)fld_rd_val % (uint64_t)fld_rs2_val;
boost::format fmter("0x%1$016x\t\t%2$-40s\t\t");
fmter % pc.val % ins_fmter.str();
std::vector<llvm::Value *> args{this->core_ptr, this->builder->CreateGlobalStringPtr(fmter.str())};
this->builder->CreateCall(this->mod->getFunction("print_disass"), args);
pc = pc + 2;
Value *X_rd_val =
this->builder->CreateAdd(this->gen_reg_load(fld_rd_val, 0), this->gen_reg_load(fld_rs2_val, 0));
this->builder->CreateStore(X_rd_val, get_reg_ptr(fld_rd_val), false);
this->gen_set_pc(pc, traits<ARCH>::NEXT_PC);
this->gen_sync(iss::POST_SYNC); /* call post-sync if needed */
bb = llvm::BasicBlock::Create(this->mod->getContext(), "entry", this->func,
this->leave_blk); /* create next BasicBlock in chain */
return std::make_tuple(vm::CONT, bb);
// instruction C.JALR
std::tuple<vm::continuation_e, llvm::BasicBlock *> __c_jalr(virt_addr_t &pc, code_word_t instr,
llvm::BasicBlock *bb) {
uint8_t fld_rs1_val = 0 | (bit_sub<7, 5>(instr));
if (this->disass_enabled) {
/* generate console output when executing the command */
boost::format ins_fmter("C.JALR x%1$d");
ins_fmter % (uint64_t)fld_rs1_val;
boost::format fmter("0x%1$016x\t\t%2$-40s\t\t");
fmter % pc.val % ins_fmter.str();
std::vector<llvm::Value *> args{this->core_ptr, this->builder->CreateGlobalStringPtr(fmter.str())};
this->builder->CreateCall(this->mod->getFunction("print_disass"), args);
pc = pc + 2;
uint8_t rd_val = 1;
Value *X_rd_val = this->builder->CreateAdd(this->gen_reg_load(traits<ARCH>::PC, 0), this->gen_const(32U, 2));
this->builder->CreateStore(X_rd_val, get_reg_ptr(rd_val), false);
Value *PC_val = this->gen_reg_load(fld_rs1_val, 0);
this->builder->CreateStore(PC_val, get_reg_ptr(traits<ARCH>::NEXT_PC), false);
this->gen_sync(iss::POST_SYNC); /* call post-sync if needed */
return std::make_tuple(iss::vm::BRANCH, nullptr);
// instruction C.SWSP
std::tuple<vm::continuation_e, llvm::BasicBlock *> __c_swsp(virt_addr_t &pc, code_word_t instr,
llvm::BasicBlock *bb) {
uint8_t fld_rs2_val = 0 | (bit_sub<2, 5>(instr));
uint8_t fld_uimm_val = 0 | (bit_sub<7, 2>(instr) << 6) | (bit_sub<9, 4>(instr) << 2);
if (this->disass_enabled) {
/* generate console output when executing the command */
boost::format ins_fmter("C.SWSP x2+0x%1$05x, x%2$d");
ins_fmter % (uint64_t)fld_uimm_val % (uint64_t)fld_rs2_val;
boost::format fmter("0x%1$016x\t\t%2$-40s\t\t");
fmter % pc.val % ins_fmter.str();
std::vector<llvm::Value *> args{this->core_ptr, this->builder->CreateGlobalStringPtr(fmter.str())};
this->builder->CreateCall(this->mod->getFunction("print_disass"), args);
pc = pc + 2;
uint8_t x2_idx_val = 2;
Value *offs_val =
this->builder->CreateAdd(this->gen_reg_load(x2_idx_val, 0), this->gen_const(32U, fld_uimm_val));
Value *MEM_offs_val = this->gen_reg_load(fld_rs2_val, 0);
this->gen_write_mem(traits<ARCH>::MEM, offs_val,
this->builder->CreateZExtOrTrunc(MEM_offs_val, this->get_type(32)));
this->gen_set_pc(pc, traits<ARCH>::NEXT_PC);
this->gen_sync(iss::POST_SYNC); /* call post-sync if needed */
bb = llvm::BasicBlock::Create(this->mod->getContext(), "entry", this->func,
this->leave_blk); /* create next BasicBlock in chain */
return std::make_tuple(vm::CONT, bb);
/* end generated code */
* end opcode definitions
std::tuple<vm::continuation_e, llvm::BasicBlock *> illegal_intruction(virt_addr_t &pc, code_word_t instr,
llvm::BasicBlock *bb) {
// this->gen_sync(iss::PRE_SYNC);
this->builder->CreateStore(this->builder->CreateLoad(get_reg_ptr(traits<ARCH>::NEXT_PC), true),
get_reg_ptr(traits<ARCH>::PC), true);
this->builder->CreateAdd(this->builder->CreateLoad(get_reg_ptr(traits<ARCH>::ICOUNT), true),
this->gen_const(64U, 1)),
get_reg_ptr(traits<ARCH>::ICOUNT), true);
if (this->debugging_enabled()) this->gen_sync(iss::PRE_SYNC);
pc = pc + ((instr & 3) == 3 ? 4 : 2);
this->gen_raise_trap(0, 2); // illegal instruction trap
this->gen_sync(iss::POST_SYNC); /* call post-sync if needed */
return std::make_tuple(iss::vm::BRANCH, nullptr);
template <typename CODE_WORD> void debug_fn(CODE_WORD insn) {
volatile CODE_WORD x = insn;
insn = 2 * x;
template <typename ARCH> vm_impl<ARCH>::vm_impl() { this(new ARCH()); }
template <typename ARCH> vm_impl<ARCH>::vm_impl(ARCH &core, bool dump) : vm::vm_base<ARCH>(core, dump) {
qlut[0] = lut_00.data();
qlut[1] = lut_01.data();
qlut[2] = lut_10.data();
qlut[3] = lut_11.data();
for (auto instr : instr_descr) {
auto quantrant = instr.value & 0x3;
expand_bit_mask(29, lutmasks[quantrant], instr.value >> 2, instr.mask >> 2, 0, qlut[quantrant], instr.op);
this->sync_exec = static_cast<sync_type>(this->sync_exec | core.needed_sync());
template <typename ARCH>
std::tuple<vm::continuation_e, llvm::BasicBlock *>
vm_impl<ARCH>::gen_single_inst_behavior(virt_addr_t &pc, unsigned int &inst_cnt, llvm::BasicBlock *this_block) {
// we fetch at max 4 byte, alignment is 2
code_word_t insn = 0;
iss::addr_t paddr;
const typename traits<ARCH>::addr_t upper_bits = ~traits<ARCH>::PGMASK;
try {
uint8_t *const data = (uint8_t *)&insn;
paddr = this->core.v2p(pc);
if ((pc.val & upper_bits) != ((pc.val + 2) & upper_bits)) { // we may cross a page boundary
auto res = this->core.read(paddr, 2, data);
if (res != iss::Ok) throw trap_access(1, pc.val);
if ((insn & 0x3) == 0x3) { // this is a 32bit instruction
res = this->core.read(this->core.v2p(pc + 2), 2, data + 2);
} else {
auto res = this->core.read(paddr, 4, data);
if (res != iss::Ok) throw trap_access(1, pc.val);
} catch (trap_access &ta) {
throw trap_access(ta.id, pc.val);
if (insn == 0x0000006f) throw simulation_stopped(0);
// curr pc on stack
typename vm_impl<ARCH>::processing_pc_entry addr(*this, pc, paddr);
auto lut_val = extract_fields(insn);
auto f = qlut[insn & 0x3][lut_val];
if (f == nullptr) {
f = &this_class::illegal_intruction;
return (this->*f)(pc, insn, this_block);
template <typename ARCH> void vm_impl<ARCH>::gen_leave_behavior(llvm::BasicBlock *leave_blk) {
this->builder->CreateRet(this->builder->CreateLoad(get_reg_ptr(arch::traits<ARCH>::NEXT_PC), false));
template <typename ARCH> void vm_impl<ARCH>::gen_raise_trap(uint16_t trap_id, uint16_t cause) {
auto *TRAP_val = this->gen_const(32, 0x80 << 24 | (cause << 16) | trap_id);
this->builder->CreateStore(TRAP_val, get_reg_ptr(traits<ARCH>::TRAP_STATE), true);
template <typename ARCH> void vm_impl<ARCH>::gen_leave_trap(unsigned lvl) {
std::vector<llvm::Value *> args{
this->core_ptr, llvm::ConstantInt::get(getContext(), llvm::APInt(64, lvl)),
this->builder->CreateCall(this->mod->getFunction("leave_trap"), args);
auto *PC_val = this->gen_read_mem(traits<ARCH>::CSR, (lvl << 8) + 0x41, traits<ARCH>::XLEN / 8);
this->builder->CreateStore(PC_val, get_reg_ptr(traits<ARCH>::NEXT_PC), false);
template <typename ARCH> void vm_impl<ARCH>::gen_wait(unsigned type) {
std::vector<llvm::Value *> args{
this->core_ptr, llvm::ConstantInt::get(getContext(), llvm::APInt(64, type)),
this->builder->CreateCall(this->mod->getFunction("wait"), args);
template <typename ARCH> void vm_impl<ARCH>::gen_trap_behavior(llvm::BasicBlock *trap_blk) {
auto *trap_state_val = this->builder->CreateLoad(get_reg_ptr(traits<ARCH>::TRAP_STATE), true);
std::vector<llvm::Value *> args{this->core_ptr, this->adj_to64(trap_state_val),
this->adj_to64(this->builder->CreateLoad(get_reg_ptr(traits<ARCH>::PC), false))};
this->builder->CreateCall(this->mod->getFunction("enter_trap"), args);
auto *trap_addr_val = this->builder->CreateLoad(get_reg_ptr(traits<ARCH>::NEXT_PC), false);
template <typename ARCH> inline void vm_impl<ARCH>::gen_trap_check(llvm::BasicBlock *bb) {
auto *v = this->builder->CreateLoad(get_reg_ptr(arch::traits<ARCH>::TRAP_STATE), true);
ICmpInst::ICMP_EQ, v,
llvm::ConstantInt::get(getContext(), llvm::APInt(v->getType()->getIntegerBitWidth(), 0))),
bb, this->trap_blk, 1);
} // namespace rv32imac
template <> std::unique_ptr<vm_if> create<ARCH>(ARCH * core, unsigned short port, bool dump) { \
std::unique_ptr<rv32imac::vm_impl<ARCH>> ret = std::make_unique<rv32imac::vm_impl<ARCH>>(*core, dump); \
debugger::server<debugger::gdb_session>::run_server(ret.get(), port); \
return ret; \
} \
template <> std::unique_ptr<vm_if> create<ARCH>(std::string inst_name, unsigned short port, bool dump) { \
return create<ARCH>(new arch::riscv_hart_msu_vp<ARCH>(), port, dump); /* FIXME: memory leak!!!!!!! */ \
} \
template <> std::unique_ptr<vm_if> create<ARCH>(ARCH * core, bool dump) { \
return std::make_unique<rv32imac::vm_impl<ARCH>>(*core, dump); /* FIXME: memory leak!!!!!!! */ \
} \
template <> std::unique_ptr<vm_if> create<ARCH>(std::string inst_name, bool dump) { \
return create<ARCH>(new arch::riscv_hart_msu_vp<ARCH>(), dump); \
namespace rv32imac {
template <typename ARCH> status target_adapter<ARCH>::set_gen_thread(rp_thread_ref &thread) {
thread_idx = thread;
return Ok;
template <typename ARCH> status target_adapter<ARCH>::set_ctrl_thread(rp_thread_ref &thread) {
thread_idx = thread;
return Ok;
template <typename ARCH> status target_adapter<ARCH>::is_thread_alive(rp_thread_ref &thread, bool &alive) {
alive = 1;
return Ok;
/* List threads. If first is non-zero then start from the first thread,
* otherwise start from arg, result points to array of threads to be
* filled out, result size is number of elements in the result,
* num points to the actual number of threads found, done is
* set if all threads are processed.
template <typename ARCH>
status target_adapter<ARCH>::thread_list_query(int first, const rp_thread_ref &arg, std::vector<rp_thread_ref> &result,
size_t max_num, size_t &num, bool &done) {
if (first == 0) {
num = 1;
done = true;
return Ok;
} else
return NotSupported;
template <typename ARCH> status target_adapter<ARCH>::current_thread_query(rp_thread_ref &thread) {
thread = thread_idx;
return Ok;
template <typename ARCH>
status target_adapter<ARCH>::read_registers(std::vector<uint8_t> &data, std::vector<uint8_t> &avail) {
LOG(TRACE) << "reading target registers";
// return idx<0?:;
std::vector<uint8_t> reg_data;
for (size_t reg_no = 0; reg_no < arch::traits<ARCH>::NUM_REGS; ++reg_no) {
auto reg_bit_width = arch::traits<ARCH>::reg_bit_width(static_cast<typename arch::traits<ARCH>::reg_e>(reg_no));
auto reg_width = reg_bit_width / 8;
vm->get_arch()->get_reg(reg_no, reg_data);
for (size_t j = 0; j < reg_data.size(); ++j) {
// work around fill with F type registers
if (arch::traits<ARCH>::NUM_REGS < 65) {
auto reg_width = sizeof(typename arch::traits<ARCH>::reg_t);
for (size_t reg_no = 0; reg_no < 33; ++reg_no) {
for (size_t j = 0; j < reg_width; ++j) {
return Ok;
template <typename ARCH> status target_adapter<ARCH>::write_registers(const std::vector<uint8_t> &data) {
size_t data_index = 0;
auto reg_count = arch::traits<ARCH>::NUM_REGS;
std::vector<uint8_t> reg_data;
for (size_t reg_no = 0; reg_no < reg_count; ++reg_no) {
auto reg_bit_width = arch::traits<ARCH>::reg_bit_width(static_cast<typename arch::traits<ARCH>::reg_e>(reg_no));
auto reg_width = reg_bit_width / 8;
std::vector<uint8_t>(data.begin() + data_index, data.begin() + data_index + reg_width));
data_index += reg_width;
return Ok;
template <typename ARCH>
status target_adapter<ARCH>::read_single_register(unsigned int reg_no, std::vector<uint8_t> &data,
std::vector<uint8_t> &avail) {
if (reg_no < 65) {
// auto reg_size = arch::traits<ARCH>::reg_bit_width(static_cast<typename
// arch::traits<ARCH>::reg_e>(reg_no))/8;
vm->get_arch()->get_reg(reg_no, data);
std::fill(avail.begin(), avail.end(), 0xff);
} else {
typed_addr_t<iss::PHYSICAL> a(iss::DEBUG_READ, traits<ARCH>::CSR, reg_no - 65);
data.resize(sizeof(typename traits<ARCH>::reg_t));
avail.resize(sizeof(typename traits<ARCH>::reg_t));
std::fill(avail.begin(), avail.end(), 0xff);
vm->get_arch()->read(a, data.size(), data.data());
return data.size() > 0 ? Ok : Err;
template <typename ARCH>
status target_adapter<ARCH>::write_single_register(unsigned int reg_no, const std::vector<uint8_t> &data) {
if (reg_no < 65)
vm->get_arch()->set_reg(reg_no, data);
else {
typed_addr_t<iss::PHYSICAL> a(iss::DEBUG_WRITE, traits<ARCH>::CSR, reg_no - 65);
vm->get_arch()->write(a, data.size(), data.data());
return Ok;
template <typename ARCH> status target_adapter<ARCH>::read_mem(uint64_t addr, std::vector<uint8_t> &data) {
auto a = map_addr({iss::DEBUG_READ, iss::VIRTUAL, 0, addr});
auto f = [&]() -> status { return vm->get_arch()->read(a, data.size(), data.data()); };
return srv->execute_syncronized(f);
template <typename ARCH> status target_adapter<ARCH>::write_mem(uint64_t addr, const std::vector<uint8_t> &data) {
auto a = map_addr({iss::DEBUG_READ, iss::VIRTUAL, 0, addr});
return srv->execute_syncronized(&arch_if::write, vm->get_arch(), a, data.size(), data.data());
template <typename ARCH>
status target_adapter<ARCH>::process_query(unsigned int &mask, const rp_thread_ref &arg, rp_thread_info &info) {
return NotSupported;
template <typename ARCH> status target_adapter<ARCH>::offsets_query(uint64_t &text, uint64_t &data, uint64_t &bss) {
text = 0;
data = 0;
bss = 0;
return Ok;
template <typename ARCH> status target_adapter<ARCH>::crc_query(uint64_t addr, size_t len, uint32_t &val) {
return NotSupported;
template <typename ARCH> status target_adapter<ARCH>::raw_query(std::string in_buf, std::string &out_buf) {
return NotSupported;
template <typename ARCH> status target_adapter<ARCH>::threadinfo_query(int first, std::string &out_buf) {
if (first) {
std::stringstream ss;
ss << "m" << std::hex << thread_idx.val;
out_buf = ss.str();
} else {
out_buf = "l";
return Ok;
template <typename ARCH>
status target_adapter<ARCH>::threadextrainfo_query(const rp_thread_ref &thread, std::string &out_buf) {
char buf[20];
memset(buf, 0, 20);
sprintf(buf, "%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x", 'R', 'u', 'n', 'n', 'a', 'b', 'l', 'e', 0);
out_buf = buf;
return Ok;
template <typename ARCH> status target_adapter<ARCH>::packetsize_query(std::string &out_buf) {
out_buf = "PacketSize=1000";
return Ok;
template <typename ARCH> status target_adapter<ARCH>::add_break(int type, uint64_t addr, unsigned int length) {
auto saddr = map_addr({iss::CODE, iss::PHYSICAL, addr});
auto eaddr = map_addr({iss::CODE, iss::PHYSICAL, addr + length});
target_adapter_base::bp_lut.addEntry(++target_adapter_base::bp_count, saddr.val, eaddr.val - saddr.val);
LOG(TRACE) << "Adding breakpoint with handle " << target_adapter_base::bp_count << " for addr 0x" << std::hex
<< saddr.val << std::dec;
LOG(TRACE) << "Now having " << target_adapter_base::bp_lut.size() << " breakpoints";
return Ok;
template <typename ARCH> status target_adapter<ARCH>::remove_break(int type, uint64_t addr, unsigned int length) {
auto saddr = map_addr({iss::CODE, iss::PHYSICAL, addr});
unsigned handle = target_adapter_base::bp_lut.getEntry(saddr.val);
// TODO: check length of addr range
if (handle) {
LOG(TRACE) << "Removing breakpoint with handle " << handle << " for addr 0x" << std::hex << saddr.val
<< std::dec;
LOG(TRACE) << "Now having " << target_adapter_base::bp_lut.size() << " breakpoints";
return Ok;
LOG(TRACE) << "Now having " << target_adapter_base::bp_lut.size() << " breakpoints";
return Err;
template <typename ARCH> status target_adapter<ARCH>::resume_from_addr(bool step, int sig, uint64_t addr) {
unsigned reg_no = arch::traits<ARCH>::PC;
std::vector<uint8_t> data(8);
*(reinterpret_cast<uint64_t *>(&data[0])) = addr;
vm->get_arch()->set_reg(reg_no, data);
return resume_from_current(step, sig);
} // namespace rv32imac
} // namespace iss