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* BLDC.h
* Created on: 26.06.2018
* Author: eyck
#ifndef BLDC_H_
#define BLDC_H_
#include <boost/numeric/odeint.hpp>
namespace odeint = boost::numeric::odeint;
double norm_angle(double alpha){
double alpha_n = fmod(alpha, M_PI * 2);
if (alpha_n < 0.) alpha_n += (M_PI * 2);
return alpha_n;
class BLDC {
struct Config {
double inertia = 0.0005; /* aka 'J' in kg/(m^2) */
double damping = 0.000089; /* aka 'B' in Nm/(rad/s) */
double static_friction = 0.0; /* in Nm */
//double Kv = 0.0042; /* motor constant in RPM/V */
double Ke = 0.0042; /* back emf constant in V/rad/s*/
double L = 0.0027; /* Coil inductance in H */
double M = -0.000069; /* Mutual coil inductance in H */
double R = 2.875; /* Coil resistence in Ohm */
int NbPoles = 2; /* NbPoles / 2 = Number of pole pairs (you count the permanent magnets on the rotor to get NbPoles) */
using StateVector = std::array<double, 5>;
struct State{
double& theta; /* angle of the rotor */
double& omega; /* angular speed of the rotor */
double& ia; /* phase a current */
double& ib; /* phase b current */
double& ic; /* phase c current */
explicit State(StateVector& v):theta(v[0]), omega(v[1]), ia(v[2]), ib(v[3]), ic(v[4]){}
State(State&&) = delete;
State(const State&) = delete;
State& operator=(const State&) = delete; // Copy assignment operator
State& operator=(const State&&) = delete; // Move assignment operator
void init(){
theta = ia = ib = ic = 0;
omega = 0.;
explicit BLDC(const Config config);
virtual ~BLDC();
void set_input(std::array<double, 3> vin){
void run(double dt);
void printToStream(std::ostream&) const;
double get_current_time(){return current_time;}
std::tuple<double, double, double> get_voltages(){
return std::tuple<double, double, double>(
const State& getState(){ return state;}
void setLoad(double torque){torque_load=torque;}
Config config;
StateVector stateVector;
State state;
std::array<double, 3> vin;
double current_time = 0.0;
double torque_load=0.0;
double etorque=0.0, mtorque=0.0;
const double dt = 0.000001;
std::array<double, 7> voltages;
enum VoltageNames {EA=0, EB=1, EC=2, VA=3, VB=4, VC=5, VCENTER=6};
double calc_bemf_factor(const State& state, double theta );
void calc_back_emf(const State& state, double theta_e );
void calc_voltages();
// ODE part
//boost::numeric::odeint::runge_kutta4< StateVector > stepper;
//boost::numeric::odeint::runge_kutta_cash_karp54<StateVector > stepper;
//using stepper_type = odeint::runge_kutta_dopri5<StateVector>;
//using stepper_type = odeint::runge_kutta_cash_karp54< StateVector>;
using stepper_type = odeint::runge_kutta_fehlberg78< StateVector>;
void rotor_dyn( const StateVector& x , StateVector& dxdt , const double t );
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const BLDC& bldc);
#endif /* BLDC_H_ */