Performance Analysis setup
Performance Analysis setup
Mateo Rodrigo Argudo Arrieta edited this page 2021-09-28 16:50:16 +02:00
Performance with Vtune:
Use Vtunes for Hotspot profiling:
With GUI:
From terminal open with vtune-gui and open your project for analysis. At first this will generate a flat profile where you can choose the hotspot options.
In Terminal:
from terminal use the command:
vtunne -collect hotspots ./<source-excecutable>
Performance with Gprof:
Use Gprof for Flat and Function Call Graph profiling:
Compile and build the project in terminal with this line of code before make:
The directory should be where you have the Cmake file for the project.
After running one of the excecutables a gmon.out file is generated:
Go to the directory where gmon.out file is located and analyse with:
gprof -p ./<excecutable> >[outputfilename with directory]
for a flat profiling of times.
And for a call graph:
gprof -q ./<excecutable> >[outputfilename with directory]
For a table with the top 10 lines of code for the script functions:
gprof -A -I -t ./<excecutable> >[outputfilename with directory]
-A is for source code listing and -I for gprof to find the excecutable.
The output files can be opened with any text editor.
Performance with Valgrind:
Use Gprof for Cache and Call Graph analysis:
Build with RelWithDebInfo option so that SIGILL does not appear (illegal opcode)
Go to the build you want to analyse with cd <source-of-build>
Cache Analysis:
valgrind --tool=cachegrind ./bin/<excecutable>
this will generate a cachegrind.out.<id> file in the directory where you analysed, which you can annotate using.
Cache Analysis Presentation:
cg_annotate cachegrind.out.<id>
Function Call Analysis:
valgrind --tool=callgrind ./bin/<excecutable>
this will generate a cachegrind.out.<id> file in the directory where you analysed, which you can annotate using.
The Assembly code is visualized using two more options running:
valgrind --tool=callgrind --dump-instr=yes --collect-jumps=yes ./bin/<excecutable>
Call Analysis Presentation:
callgrind_annotate callgrind.out.<id>
GUI Presentation:
All the .out.<id> files can be presented through KCachegrind. Open it from the GUI. Errors may appear if you want to open them directly from terminal.