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2015-11-21 19:03:50 +01:00
* tlm2_tx_record_extension.h
* Created on: 07.11.2015
* Author: eyck
#include <scv.h>
namespace scv4tlm {
//! transaction relationships
enum tx_rel {
PARENT_CHILD = 0, /*!< indicates parent child relationship */
PREDECESSOR_SUCCESSOR /*!< indicates predecessor successor relationship */
//! the string representation of the tx_rel
static char const* tx_rel_str[] = { "PARENT/CHILD", "PRED/SUCC" };
/*! \brief cast the tx_rel enum to a string
* \param tc_rel is the relationship enum
inline const char* rel_str(tx_rel rel) {
return (tx_rel_str[rel]);
/*! \brief generic payload extension class holding the handle of the last recorded SCV transaction
* This extension is been used in the \ref scv_tlm2_recorder. The recorder stores the handle to the generated SCV transaction and
* forwrds it along with the generic payload. If the recorder finds an extension containing a valid handle it links the generated
* SCV transdaction to the found one using the \ref PREDECESSOR releationship
struct tlm_recording_extension: public tlm::tlm_extension<tlm_recording_extension> {
/*! \brief clone the given extension and duplicate the SCV transaction handle.
virtual tlm_extension_base* clone() const {
tlm_recording_extension* t = new tlm_recording_extension(this->txHandle, this->creator);
return t;
/*! \brief copy data between extensions.
* \param from is the source extension.
virtual void copy_from(tlm_extension_base const& from) {
txHandle = static_cast<tlm_recording_extension const &>(from).txHandle;
creator = static_cast<tlm_recording_extension const &>(from).creator;
/*! \brief constructor storing the handle of the transaction and the owner of this extension
* \param handle is the handle of the created SCV transaction.
* \param creator_ is the pointer to the owner of this extension (usually an instance of scv_tlm2_recorder).
tlm_recording_extension(scv_tr_handle handle, void* creator_) :
txHandle(handle), creator(creator_) {
/*! \brief accessor to the owner, the property is read only.
void* get_creator() {
return creator;
/*! \brief accessor to the SCV transaction handle.
scv_tr_handle txHandle;
//! the owner of this transaction
void* creator;