#include <stdint.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <unistd.h> #include "platform.h" #include "encoding.h" extern int main(int argc, char** argv); extern void trap_entry(); static unsigned long mtime_lo(void) { return *(volatile unsigned long *)(CLINT_BASE_ADDR + CLINT_MTIME); } #ifdef __riscv32 static uint32_t mtime_hi(void) { return *(volatile uint32_t *)(CLINT_BASE_ADDR + CLINT_MTIME + 4); } uint64_t get_timer_value() { while (1) { uint32_t hi = mtime_hi(); uint32_t lo = mtime_lo(); if (hi == mtime_hi()) return ((uint64_t)hi << 32) | lo; } } #else /* __riscv32 */ uint64_t get_timer_value() { return mtime_lo(); } #endif unsigned long get_timer_freq() { return 32768; } static void use_hfrosc(int div, int trim) { // Make sure the HFROSC is running at its default setting PRCI_REG(PRCI_HFROSCCFG) = (ROSC_DIV(div) | ROSC_TRIM(trim) | ROSC_EN(1)); while ((PRCI_REG(PRCI_HFROSCCFG) & ROSC_RDY(1)) == 0) ; PRCI_REG(PRCI_PLLCFG) &= ~PLL_SEL(1); } static void use_pll(int refsel, int bypass, int r, int f, int q) { // Ensure that we aren't running off the PLL before we mess with it. if (PRCI_REG(PRCI_PLLCFG) & PLL_SEL(1)) { // Make sure the HFROSC is running at its default setting use_hfrosc(4, 16); } // Set PLL Source to be HFXOSC if available. uint32_t config_value = 0; config_value |= PLL_REFSEL(refsel); if (bypass) { // Bypass config_value |= PLL_BYPASS(1); PRCI_REG(PRCI_PLLCFG) = config_value; // If we don't have an HFXTAL, this doesn't really matter. // Set our Final output divide to divide-by-1: PRCI_REG(PRCI_PLLDIV) = (PLL_FINAL_DIV_BY_1(1) | PLL_FINAL_DIV(0)); } else { // In case we are executing from QSPI, // (which is quite likely) we need to // set the QSPI clock divider appropriately // before boosting the clock frequency. // Div = f_sck/2 SPI0_REG(SPI_REG_SCKDIV) = 8; // Set DIV Settings for PLL // Both HFROSC and HFXOSC are modeled as ideal // 16MHz sources (assuming dividers are set properly for // HFROSC). // (Legal values of f_REF are 6-48MHz) // Set DIVR to divide-by-2 to get 8MHz frequency // (legal values of f_R are 6-12 MHz) config_value |= PLL_BYPASS(1); config_value |= PLL_R(r); // Set DIVF to get 512Mhz frequncy // There is an implied multiply-by-2, 16Mhz. // So need to write 32-1 // (legal values of f_F are 384-768 MHz) config_value |= PLL_F(f); // Set DIVQ to divide-by-2 to get 256 MHz frequency // (legal values of f_Q are 50-400Mhz) config_value |= PLL_Q(q); // Set our Final output divide to divide-by-1: PRCI_REG(PRCI_PLLDIV) = (PLL_FINAL_DIV_BY_1(1) | PLL_FINAL_DIV(0)); PRCI_REG(PRCI_PLLCFG) = config_value; // Un-Bypass the PLL. PRCI_REG(PRCI_PLLCFG) &= ~PLL_BYPASS(1); // Wait for PLL Lock // Note that the Lock signal can be glitchy. // Need to wait 100 us // RTC is running at 32kHz. // So wait 4 ticks of RTC. uint32_t now = mtime_lo(); while (mtime_lo() - now < 4) ; // Now it is safe to check for PLL Lock while ((PRCI_REG(PRCI_PLLCFG) & PLL_LOCK(1)) == 0) ; } // Switch over to PLL Clock source PRCI_REG(PRCI_PLLCFG) |= PLL_SEL(1); } static void use_default_clocks() { // Turn off the LFROSC AON_REG(AON_LFROSC) &= ~ROSC_EN(1); // Use HFROSC use_hfrosc(4, 16); } static unsigned long __attribute__((noinline)) measure_cpu_freq(size_t n) { unsigned long start_mtime, delta_mtime; unsigned long mtime_freq = get_timer_freq(); // Don't start measuruing until we see an mtime tick unsigned long tmp = mtime_lo(); do { start_mtime = mtime_lo(); } while (start_mtime == tmp); unsigned long start_mcycle = read_csr(mcycle); do { delta_mtime = mtime_lo() - start_mtime; } while (delta_mtime < n); unsigned long delta_mcycle = read_csr(mcycle) - start_mcycle; return (delta_mcycle / delta_mtime) * mtime_freq + ((delta_mcycle % delta_mtime) * mtime_freq) / delta_mtime; } unsigned long get_cpu_freq() { static uint32_t cpu_freq; if (!cpu_freq) { // warm up I$ measure_cpu_freq(1); // measure for real cpu_freq = measure_cpu_freq(10); } return cpu_freq; } static void uart_init(size_t baud_rate) { GPIO_REG(GPIO_IOF_SEL) &= ~IOF0_UART0_MASK; GPIO_REG(GPIO_IOF_EN) |= IOF0_UART0_MASK; UART0_REG(UART_REG_DIV) = get_cpu_freq() / baud_rate - 1; UART0_REG(UART_REG_TXCTRL) |= UART_TXEN; } #ifdef USE_PLIC extern void handle_m_ext_interrupt(); #endif #ifdef USE_M_TIME extern void handle_m_time_interrupt(); #endif uintptr_t handle_trap(uintptr_t mcause, uintptr_t epc) { if (0){ #ifdef USE_PLIC // External Machine-Level interrupt from PLIC } else if ((mcause & MCAUSE_INT) && ((mcause & MCAUSE_CAUSE) == IRQ_M_EXT)) { handle_m_ext_interrupt(); #endif #ifdef USE_M_TIME // External Machine-Level interrupt from PLIC } else if ((mcause & MCAUSE_INT) && ((mcause & MCAUSE_CAUSE) == IRQ_M_TIMER)){ handle_m_time_interrupt(); #endif } else { write(1, "trap\n", 5); _exit(1 + mcause); } return epc; } void _init() { #ifndef NO_INIT use_default_clocks(); use_pll(0, 0, 1, 31, 1); uart_init(115200); printf("core freq at %d Hz\n", get_cpu_freq()); write_csr(mtvec, &trap_entry); if (read_csr(misa) & (1 << ('F' - 'A'))) { // if F extension is present write_csr(mstatus, MSTATUS_FS); // allow FPU instructions without trapping write_csr(fcsr, 0); // initialize rounding mode, undefined at reset } #endif } void _fini() { }