package com.minres.scviewer.database.fst; import com.sun.jna.Native; import com.sun.jna.Pointer; import com.sun.jna.Structure; import com.sun.jna.Structure.FieldOrder; import com.sun.jna.Callback; public class FstLibrary { public static enum ScopeType { MIN(0), VCD_MODULE(0), VCD_TASK(1), VCD_FUNCTION(2), VCD_BEGIN(3), VCD_FORK(4), VCD_GENERATE(5), VCD_STRUCT(6), VCD_UNION(7), VCD_CLASS(8), VCD_INTERFACE(9), VCD_PACKAGE(10), VCD_PROGRAM(11), VHDL_ARCHITECTURE(12), VHDL_PROCEDURE(13), VHDL_FUNCTION(14), VHDL_RECORD(15), VHDL_PROCESS(16), VHDL_BLOCK(17), VHDL_FOR_GENERATE(18), VHDL_IF_GENERATE(19), VHDL_GENERATE(20), VHDL_PACKAGE(21), MAX(21), ST_GEN_ATTRBEGIN(252), ST_GEN_ATTREND(253), ST_VCD_SCOPE(254), ST_VCD_UPSCOPE(255); public final int label; private ScopeType(int label) { this.label = label; } }; public static enum HierType { HT_SCOPE(0), HT_UPSCOPE(1), HT_VAR(2), HT_ATTRBEGIN(3), HT_ATTREND(4), HT_TREEBEGIN(5), HT_TREEEND(6); public final int type; private HierType(int type) { this.type = type; } }; public static enum VarType { FST_VT_VCD_EVENT (0), FST_VT_VCD_INTEGER (1), FST_VT_VCD_PARAMETER (2), FST_VT_VCD_REAL (3), FST_VT_VCD_REAL_PARAMETER (4), FST_VT_VCD_REG (5), FST_VT_VCD_SUPPLY0 (6), FST_VT_VCD_SUPPLY1 (7), FST_VT_VCD_TIME (8), FST_VT_VCD_TRI (9), FST_VT_VCD_TRIAND (10), FST_VT_VCD_TRIOR (11), FST_VT_VCD_TRIREG (12), FST_VT_VCD_TRI0 (13), FST_VT_VCD_TRI1 (14), FST_VT_VCD_WAND (15), FST_VT_VCD_WIRE (16), FST_VT_VCD_WOR (17), FST_VT_VCD_PORT (18), FST_VT_VCD_SPARRAY (19), /* used to define the rownum (index) port for a sparse array */ FST_VT_VCD_REALTIME (20), FST_VT_GEN_STRING (21), /* generic string type (max len is defined dynamically via fstWriterEmitVariableLengthValueChange) */ FST_VT_SV_BIT (22), FST_VT_SV_LOGIC (23), FST_VT_SV_INT (24), /* declare as size = 32 */ FST_VT_SV_SHORTINT (25), /* declare as size = 16 */ FST_VT_SV_LONGINT (26), /* declare as size = 64 */ FST_VT_SV_BYTE (27), /* declare as size = 8 */ FST_VT_SV_ENUM (28), /* declare as appropriate type range */ FST_VT_SV_SHORTREAL (29); /* declare and emit same as FST_VT_VCD_REAL (needs to be emitted as double, not a float) */ public final int varType; private VarType(int varType) { this.varType = varType; } }; public static enum VarDir { FST_VD_IMPLICIT (0), FST_VD_INPUT (1), FST_VD_OUTPUT (2), FST_VD_INOUT (3), FST_VD_BUFFER (4), FST_VD_LINKAGE (5); public final int varDir; private VarDir(int varDir) { this.varDir = varDir; } }; public static enum AttrType { FST_AT_MISC ( 0), /* self-contained: does not need matching FST_HT_ATTREND */ FST_AT_ARRAY ( 1), FST_AT_ENUM ( 2), FST_AT_PACK ( 3); public final int attrType; private AttrType(int attrType) { this.attrType = attrType; } }; @FieldOrder({"type","name","component", "name_length", "component_length"}) public static class HierScope extends Structure { public byte type; /* FST_ST_MIN ... FST_ST_MAX */ public String name; public String component; public int name_length; /* strlen( */ public int component_length; /* strlen(u.scope.component) */ }; @FieldOrder({"type","direction","svt_workspace", "sdt_workspace", "sxt_workspace", "name","length","handle","name_length", "is_alias"}) public static class HierVar extends Structure { public byte type; /* FST_VT_MIN ... FST_VT_MAX */ public byte direction; /* FST_VD_MIN ... FST_VD_MAX */ public byte svt_workspace; /* zeroed out by FST reader, for client code use */ public byte sdt_workspace; /* zeroed out by FST reader, for client code use */ public int sxt_workspace; /* zeroed out by FST reader, for client code use */ public String name; public int length; public int handle; /*fstHandle*/ public int name_length; /* strlen( */ public int is_alias; }; @FieldOrder({"type","subtype","name", "arg", "arg_from_name", "name_length"}) public static class HierAttr extends Structure { public byte type; /* FST_AT_MIN ... FST_AT_MAX */ public byte subtype; /* from fstMiscType, fstArrayType, fstEnumValueType, fstPackType */ public String name; public long arg; /* number of array elements, struct members, or some other payload (possibly ignored) */ public long arg_from_name; /* for when name is overloaded as a variable-length integer (FST_AT_MISC + FST_MT_SOURCESTEM) */ public long name_length; /* strlen( */ }; public static native Pointer fstReaderOpen(String name); public static native Pointer fstReaderOpenForUtilitiesOnly(); public static native void fstReaderClose(Pointer ctx); public static native String fstReaderGetVersionString(Pointer ctx); public static native String fstReaderGetDateString(Pointer ctx); public static native int fstReaderGetFileType(Pointer ctx); public static native long fstReaderGetVarCount(Pointer ctx); public static native long fstReaderGetScopeCount(Pointer ctx); public static native long fstReaderGetAliasCount(Pointer ctx); public static native long fstReaderGetValueChangeSectionCount(Pointer ctx); public static native long fstReaderGetStartTime(Pointer ctx); public static native long fstReaderGetEndTime(Pointer ctx); public static native byte fstReaderGetTimescale(Pointer ctx); public static native long fstReaderGetTimezero(Pointer ctx); public static native int fstReaderGetMaxHandle(Pointer ctx); public static native void fstReaderResetScope(Pointer ctx); public static native String fstReaderPushScope(Pointer ctx, String nam, Pointer user_info); public static native String fstReaderPopScope(Pointer ctx); public static native int fstReaderGetCurrentScopeLen(Pointer ctx); public static native String fstReaderGetCurrentFlatScope(Pointer ctx); public static native int fstReaderGetNumberDumpActivityChanges(Pointer ctx); public static native long fstReaderGetDumpActivityChangeTime(Pointer ctx, int idx); public static native byte fstReaderGetDumpActivityChangeValue(Pointer ctx, int idx); public static native int fstReaderIterateHierRewind(Pointer ctx); public static native Pointer fstReaderIterateHier(Pointer ctx); public static native int getHierType(Pointer hier); public static native void getHierScope(Pointer hier, HierScope scope); public static native void getHierVar(Pointer hier, HierVar scope); public static native void getHierAttr(Pointer hier, HierAttr scope); public static native int fstReaderGetFacProcessMask(Pointer ctx, int facidx); public static native void fstReaderSetFacProcessMask(Pointer ctx, int facidx); public static native void fstReaderClrFacProcessMask(Pointer ctx, int facidx); public static native void fstReaderSetFacProcessMaskAll(Pointer ctx); public static native void fstReaderClrFacProcessMaskAll(Pointer ctx); public interface ValueChangeCallback extends Callback { void callback(long time, int facidx, String value); } public static native void iterateValueChanges(Pointer ctx, ValueChangeCallback vcc); /* untranslated functions: int fstReaderIterBlocks(Pointer ctx, ValueChangeCallback vcc, Pointer user_callback_data_pointer, Pointer vcdhandle); Pointer fstReaderGetCurrentScopeUserInfo(Pointer ctx); int fstReaderGetDoubleEndianMatchState(Pointer ctx); int fstReaderGetFseekFailed(Pointer ctx); long fstReaderGetMemoryUsedByWriter(Pointer ctx); String fstReaderGetValueFromHandleAtTime(Pointer ctx, long tim, fstHandle facidx, Stringbuf); int fstReaderIterBlocks2(Pointer ctx, void (*value_change_callback)(Pointer user_callback_data_pointer, long time, fstHandle facidx, const unsigned Stringvalue), void (*value_change_callback_varlen)(Pointer user_callback_data_pointer, long time, fstHandle facidx, const unsigned Stringvalue, int len), Pointer user_callback_data_pointer, FILE *vcdhandle); void fstReaderIterBlocksSetNativeDoublesOnCallback(Pointer ctx, int enable); int fstReaderProcessHier(Pointer ctx, FILE *vcdhandle); void fstReaderSetLimitTimeRange(Pointer ctx, long start_time, long end_time); void fstReaderSetUnlimitedTimeRange(Pointer ctx); void fstReaderSetVcdExtensions(Pointer ctx, int enable); */ static { // System.setProperty("jna.debug_load", "true"); Native.register("fstapi"); } }