/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2015 MINRES Technologies GmbH and others. * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html * * Contributors: * MINRES Technologies GmbH - initial API and implementation *******************************************************************************/ package com.minres.scviewer.database.swt.internal; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.NavigableMap; import javax.swing.JPanel; import org.eclipse.swt.SWT; import org.eclipse.swt.graphics.Color; import org.eclipse.swt.graphics.FontData; import org.eclipse.swt.graphics.GC; import org.eclipse.swt.graphics.Point; import org.eclipse.swt.graphics.Rectangle; import com.minres.scviewer.database.ISignal; import com.minres.scviewer.database.ISignalChange; import com.minres.scviewer.database.ISignalChangeMulti; import com.minres.scviewer.database.ISignalChangeReal; import com.minres.scviewer.database.ISignalChangeSingle; import com.minres.scviewer.database.ui.TrackEntry; import com.minres.scviewer.database.ui.WaveformColors; public class SignalPainter extends TrackPainter { private class SignalChange { long time; ISignalChange value; boolean fromMap; public SignalChange(Entry entry) { time = entry.getKey(); value = entry.getValue(); fromMap = true; } public void set(Entry entry, Long actTime) { if (entry != null) { time = entry.getKey(); value = entry.getValue(); fromMap = true; } else { time = actTime; fromMap = false; } } public void assign(SignalChange other) { time = other.time; value = other.value; fromMap = other.fromMap; } } /** * */ private static final JPanel DUMMY_PANEL = new JPanel(); private final WaveformCanvas waveCanvas; private ISignal signal; int yOffsetT; int yOffsetM; int yOffsetB; int maxX; public SignalPainter(WaveformCanvas txDisplay, boolean even, TrackEntry trackEntry) { super(trackEntry, even); this.waveCanvas = txDisplay; this.signal = trackEntry.getSignal(); } private int getXEnd(long time) { long ltmp = time / this.waveCanvas.getScaleFactor(); return ltmp > maxX ? maxX : (int) ltmp; } public void paintArea(GC gc, Rectangle area) { if (trackEntry.selected) gc.setBackground(this.waveCanvas.colors[WaveformColors.TRACK_BG_HIGHLITE.ordinal()]); else gc.setBackground(this.waveCanvas.colors[even ? WaveformColors.TRACK_BG_EVEN.ordinal() : WaveformColors.TRACK_BG_ODD.ordinal()]); gc.setFillRule(SWT.FILL_EVEN_ODD); gc.fillRectangle(area); long beginTime = area.x * this.waveCanvas.getScaleFactor(); long endTime = (area.x + area.width) * this.waveCanvas.getScaleFactor(); Entry first = signal.getEvents().floorEntry(beginTime); Entry last = signal.getEvents().floorEntry(endTime); if (first == null) { if (last == null) return; first = signal.getEvents().firstEntry(); } else if (last == null) { last = signal.getEvents().lastEntry(); } gc.setForeground(this.waveCanvas.colors[WaveformColors.LINE.ordinal()]); gc.setLineStyle(SWT.LINE_SOLID); gc.setLineWidth(1); NavigableMap entries = signal.getEvents().subMap(first.getKey(), false, last.getKey(), true); SignalChange left = new SignalChange(first); SignalChange right = new SignalChange(entries.size() > 0 ? entries.firstEntry() : first); SignalStencil stencil = null; if(left.value instanceof ISignalChangeSingle) stencil= new SingleBitStencil(); else if(left.value instanceof ISignalChangeMulti) stencil= new MultiBitStencil(gc); else stencil= new RealStencil(left.value, entries); maxX = area.x + area.width; yOffsetT = this.waveCanvas.getTrackHeight() / 5 + area.y; yOffsetM = this.waveCanvas.getTrackHeight() / 2 + area.y; yOffsetB = 4 * this.waveCanvas.getTrackHeight() / 5 + area.y; int xBegin = Math.max(area.x, (int) (left.time / this.waveCanvas.getScaleFactor())); int xEnd = Math.max(area.x, getXEnd(right.time)); boolean multiple = false; if (xEnd == xBegin) { // this can trigger if // a) left == right // b) left to close to right if (left.time == right.time) { right.time = endTime; } else { multiple = true; long eTime = (xBegin + 1) * this.waveCanvas.getScaleFactor(); right.set(entries.floorEntry(eTime), endTime); right.time = eTime; } xEnd = getXEnd(right.time); } do { stencil.draw(gc, area, left.value, right.value, xBegin, xEnd, multiple); if (right.time >= endTime) break; left.assign(right); xBegin = xEnd; right.set(entries.higherEntry(left.time), endTime); xEnd = getXEnd(right.time); multiple = false; if (xEnd == xBegin) { multiple = true; long eTime = (xBegin + 1) * this.waveCanvas.getScaleFactor(); Entry entry = entries.floorEntry(eTime); if(entry!=null && entry.getKey()> right.time) right.set(entry, endTime); xEnd = getXEnd(eTime); } } while (left.time < endTime); } private interface SignalStencil { public void draw(GC gc, Rectangle area, ISignalChange left, ISignalChange right, int xBegin, int xEnd, boolean multiple); } private class MultiBitStencil implements SignalStencil { private java.awt.Font tmpAwtFont; private int height; public MultiBitStencil(GC gc) { FontData fd = gc.getFont().getFontData()[0]; height = gc.getDevice().getDPI().y * fd.getHeight() / 72; tmpAwtFont = new java.awt.Font(fd.getName(), fd.getStyle(), height); } public void draw(GC gc, Rectangle area, ISignalChange left, ISignalChange right, int xBegin, int xEnd, boolean multiple) { Color colorBorder = waveCanvas.colors[WaveformColors.SIGNAL0.ordinal()]; ISignalChangeMulti last = (ISignalChangeMulti) left; if (last.getValue().toString().contains("X")) { colorBorder = waveCanvas.colors[WaveformColors.SIGNALX.ordinal()]; } else if (last.getValue().toString().contains("Z")) { colorBorder = waveCanvas.colors[WaveformColors.SIGNALZ.ordinal()]; } int width = xEnd - xBegin; if (width > 1) { int[] points = { xBegin, yOffsetM, xBegin + 1, yOffsetT, xEnd - 1, yOffsetT, xEnd, yOffsetM, xEnd - 1, yOffsetB, xBegin + 1, yOffsetB }; gc.setForeground(colorBorder); gc.drawPolygon(points); gc.setForeground(waveCanvas.colors[WaveformColors.SIGNAL_TEXT.ordinal()]); String label = "h'" + last.getValue().toHexString(); Point bb = getBoxWidth(gc, label); if (xBegin < area.x) { xBegin = area.x; width = xEnd - xBegin; } if (width > (bb.x+1)) { Rectangle old = gc.getClipping(); gc.setClipping(xBegin + 3, yOffsetT, xEnd - xBegin - 5, yOffsetB - yOffsetT); gc.drawText(label, xBegin + 3, yOffsetM - bb.y / 2 - 1); gc.setClipping(old); } } else { gc.setForeground(colorBorder); gc.drawLine(xEnd, yOffsetT, xEnd, yOffsetB); } } private Point getBoxWidth(GC gc, String label) { return new Point(DUMMY_PANEL.getFontMetrics(tmpAwtFont).stringWidth(label), height); } } private class SingleBitStencil implements SignalStencil { public void draw(GC gc, Rectangle area, ISignalChange left, ISignalChange right, int xBegin, int xEnd, boolean multiple) { if (multiple) { gc.setForeground(waveCanvas.colors[WaveformColors.SIGNALU.ordinal()]); gc.drawLine(xBegin, yOffsetT, xBegin, yOffsetB); gc.drawLine(xEnd, yOffsetT, xEnd, yOffsetB); } else { Color color = waveCanvas.colors[WaveformColors.SIGNALX.ordinal()]; int yOffset = yOffsetM; switch (((ISignalChangeSingle) left).getValue()) { case '1': color = waveCanvas.colors[WaveformColors.SIGNAL1.ordinal()]; yOffset = yOffsetT; break; case '0': color = waveCanvas.colors[WaveformColors.SIGNAL0.ordinal()]; yOffset = yOffsetB; break; case 'Z': color = waveCanvas.colors[WaveformColors.SIGNALZ.ordinal()]; break; default: } gc.setForeground(color); if (xEnd > maxX) { gc.drawLine(xBegin, yOffset, maxX, yOffset); } else { gc.drawLine(xBegin, yOffset, xEnd, yOffset); int yNext = yOffsetM; switch (((ISignalChangeSingle) right).getValue()) { case '1': yNext = yOffsetT; break; case '0': yNext = yOffsetB; break; default: } if (yOffset != yNext) gc.drawLine(xEnd, yOffset, xEnd, yNext); } } } } private class RealStencil implements SignalStencil { double min; double max; double diff; public RealStencil(ISignalChange value, NavigableMap entries) { min=((ISignalChangeReal) value).getValue(); max=min; for (ISignalChange e : entries.values()) { double v = ((ISignalChangeReal)e).getValue(); max= Double.isNaN(max)? v : Math.max(max, v); min= Double.isNaN(min)? v : Math.min(min, v); } int nans = (Double.isNaN(max)?2:0) + (Double.isNaN(max)?1:0); switch(nans) { case 0: break; case 1: max=min; break; case 2: min=max; case 3: max=min=0; } diff=max-min; if(diff==0.0) { if(max>0) min=0.0; else if(min<0.0) max=0.0; else { max=1.0; min=0.0; } diff=max-min; } } public void draw(GC gc, Rectangle area, ISignalChange left, ISignalChange right, int xBegin, int xEnd, boolean multiple) { double value = ((ISignalChangeReal)left).getValue(); if(Double.isNaN(value)) { Color color = waveCanvas.colors[WaveformColors.SIGNAL_NAN.ordinal()]; int width = xEnd - xBegin; if (width > 1) { int[] points = { xBegin, yOffsetT, xEnd, yOffsetT, xEnd, yOffsetB, xBegin, yOffsetB }; gc.setForeground(color); gc.drawPolygon(points); gc.setBackground(color); gc.fillPolygon(points); } else { gc.setForeground(color); gc.drawLine(xEnd, yOffsetT, xEnd, yOffsetB); } } else { Color color = waveCanvas.colors[WaveformColors.SIGNAL_ANALOG.ordinal()]; int height=yOffsetT-yOffsetB; double offset=value-min; int yOffset=diff>0?(int)(height*(offset/diff)) + yOffsetB:yOffsetM; gc.setForeground(color); if (xEnd > maxX) { gc.drawLine(xBegin, yOffset, maxX, yOffset); } else { gc.drawLine(xBegin, yOffset, xEnd, yOffset); double nextOffset = ((ISignalChangeReal)right).getValue()-min; int yNext = diff>0?(int)(height*(nextOffset/diff)) + yOffsetB:height/2; if (yOffset != yNext) gc.drawLine(xEnd, yOffset, xEnd, yNext); } } } } public ISignal getSignal() { return signal; } }