/******************************************************************************* * Copyright 2010 Cees De Groot, Alex Boisvert, Jan Kotek * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. ******************************************************************************/ package org.apache.jdbm; import javax.crypto.Cipher; import java.io.IOError; import java.io.IOException; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Iterator; /** * This class represents a random access file as a set of fixed size * records. Each record has a physical record number, and records are * cached in order to improve access. *

* The set of dirty records on the in-use list constitutes a transaction. * Later on, we will send these records to some recovery thingy. *

* PageFile is splited between more files, each with max size 1GB. */ final class PageFile { final PageTransactionManager txnMgr; /** * Pages currently locked for read/update ops. When released the page goes * to the dirty or clean list, depending on a flag. The file header page is * normally locked plus the page that is currently being read or modified. * * @see PageIo#isDirty() */ private final LongHashMap inUse = new LongHashMap(); /** * Pages whose state is dirty. */ private final LongHashMap dirty = new LongHashMap(); /** * Pages in a historical transaction(s) that have been written * onto the log but which have not yet been committed to the database. */ private final LongHashMap inTxn = new LongHashMap(); // transactions disabled? final boolean transactionsDisabled; /** * A array of clean data to wipe clean pages. */ static final byte[] CLEAN_DATA = new byte[Storage.PAGE_SIZE]; final Storage storage; private Cipher cipherOut; private Cipher cipherIn; /** * Creates a new object on the indicated filename. The file is * opened in read/write mode. * * @param fileName the name of the file to open or create, without * an extension. * @throws IOException whenever the creation of the underlying * RandomAccessFile throws it. */ PageFile(String fileName, boolean readonly, boolean transactionsDisabled, Cipher cipherIn, Cipher cipherOut, boolean useRandomAccessFile, boolean lockingDisabled) throws IOException { this.cipherIn = cipherIn; this.cipherOut = cipherOut; this.transactionsDisabled = transactionsDisabled; if(fileName == null){ this.storage = new StorageMemory(transactionsDisabled); }else if(DBMaker.isZipFileLocation(fileName)!=null) this.storage = new StorageZip(DBMaker.isZipFileLocation(fileName)); // }else if (fileName.contains("!/")) // this.storage = new StorageZip(fileName); else if(useRandomAccessFile) this.storage = new StorageDisk(fileName,readonly,lockingDisabled); else this.storage = new StorageDiskMapped(fileName,readonly,transactionsDisabled,lockingDisabled); if (this.storage.isReadonly() && !readonly) throw new IllegalArgumentException("This type of storage is readonly, you should call readonly() on DBMaker"); if (!readonly && !transactionsDisabled) { txnMgr = new PageTransactionManager(this, storage, cipherIn, cipherOut); } else { txnMgr = null; } } public PageFile(String filename) throws IOException { this(filename, false, false, null, null,false,false); } /** * Gets a page from the file. The returned byte array is * the in-memory copy of the record, and thus can be written * (and subsequently released with a dirty flag in order to * write the page back). If transactions are disabled, changes * may be written directly * * @param pageId The record number to retrieve. */ PageIo get(long pageId) throws IOException { // try in transaction list, dirty list, free list PageIo node = inTxn.get(pageId); if (node != null) { inTxn.remove(pageId); inUse.put(pageId, node); return node; } node = dirty.get(pageId); if (node != null) { dirty.remove(pageId); inUse.put(pageId, node); return node; } // sanity check: can't be on in use list if (inUse.get(pageId) != null) { throw new Error("double get for page " + pageId); } //read node from file if (cipherOut == null) { node = new PageIo(pageId,storage.read(pageId)); } else { //decrypt if needed ByteBuffer b = storage.read(pageId); byte[] bb; if(b.hasArray()){ bb = b.array(); }else{ bb = new byte[Storage.PAGE_SIZE]; b.position(0); b.get(bb, 0, Storage.PAGE_SIZE); } if (!Utils.allZeros(bb)) try { bb = cipherOut.doFinal(bb); node = new PageIo(pageId, ByteBuffer.wrap(bb)); } catch (Exception e) { throw new IOError(e); }else { node = new PageIo(pageId, ByteBuffer.wrap(PageFile.CLEAN_DATA).asReadOnlyBuffer()); } } inUse.put(pageId, node); node.setClean(); return node; } /** * Releases a page. * * @param pageId The record number to release. * @param isDirty If true, the page was modified since the get(). */ void release(final long pageId, final boolean isDirty) throws IOException { final PageIo page = inUse.remove(pageId); if (!page.isDirty() && isDirty) page.setDirty(); if (page.isDirty()) { dirty.put(pageId, page); } else if (!transactionsDisabled && page.isInTransaction()) { inTxn.put(pageId, page); } } /** * Releases a page. * * @param page The page to release. */ void release(final PageIo page) throws IOException { final long key = page.getPageId(); inUse.remove(key); if (page.isDirty()) { // System.out.println( "Dirty: " + key + page ); dirty.put(key, page); } else if (!transactionsDisabled && page.isInTransaction()) { inTxn.put(key, page); } } /** * Discards a page (will not write the page even if it's dirty) * * @param page The page to discard. */ void discard(PageIo page) { long key = page.getPageId(); inUse.remove(key); } /** * Commits the current transaction by flushing all dirty buffers * to disk. */ void commit() throws IOException { // debugging... if (!inUse.isEmpty() && inUse.size() > 1) { showList(inUse.valuesIterator()); throw new Error("in use list not empty at commit time (" + inUse.size() + ")"); } // System.out.println("committing..."); if (dirty.size() == 0) { // if no dirty pages, skip commit process return; } if (!transactionsDisabled) { txnMgr.start(); } //sort pages by IDs long[] pageIds = new long[dirty.size()]; int c = 0; for (Iterator i = dirty.valuesIterator(); i.hasNext(); ) { pageIds[c] = i.next().getPageId(); c++; } Arrays.sort(pageIds); for (long pageId : pageIds) { PageIo node = dirty.get(pageId); // System.out.println("node " + node + " map size now " + dirty.size()); if (transactionsDisabled) { if(cipherIn !=null) storage.write(node.getPageId(), ByteBuffer.wrap(Utils.encrypt(cipherIn, node.getData()))); else storage.write(node.getPageId(),node.getData()); node.setClean(); } else { txnMgr.add(node); inTxn.put(node.getPageId(), node); } } dirty.clear(); if (!transactionsDisabled) { txnMgr.commit(); } } /** * Rollback the current transaction by discarding all dirty buffers */ void rollback() throws IOException { // debugging... if (!inUse.isEmpty()) { showList(inUse.valuesIterator()); throw new Error("in use list not empty at rollback time (" + inUse.size() + ")"); } // System.out.println("rollback..."); dirty.clear(); txnMgr.synchronizeLogFromDisk(); if (!inTxn.isEmpty()) { showList(inTxn.valuesIterator()); throw new Error("in txn list not empty at rollback time (" + inTxn.size() + ")"); } ; } /** * Commits and closes file. */ void close() throws IOException { if (!dirty.isEmpty()) { commit(); } if(!transactionsDisabled && txnMgr!=null){ txnMgr.shutdown(); } if (!inTxn.isEmpty()) { showList(inTxn.valuesIterator()); throw new Error("In transaction not empty"); } // these actually ain't that bad in a production release if (!dirty.isEmpty()) { System.out.println("ERROR: dirty pages at close time"); showList(dirty.valuesIterator()); throw new Error("Dirty pages at close time"); } if (!inUse.isEmpty()) { System.out.println("ERROR: inUse pages at close time"); showList(inUse.valuesIterator()); throw new Error("inUse pages at close time"); } storage.sync(); storage.forceClose(); } /** * Force closing the file and underlying transaction manager. * Used for testing purposed only. */ void forceClose() throws IOException { if(!transactionsDisabled){ txnMgr.forceClose(); } storage.forceClose(); } /** * Prints contents of a list */ private void showList(Iterator i) { int cnt = 0; while (i.hasNext()) { System.out.println("elem " + cnt + ": " + i.next()); cnt++; } } /** * Synchs a node to disk. This is called by the transaction manager's * synchronization code. */ void synch(PageIo node) throws IOException { ByteBuffer data = node.getData(); if (data != null) { if(cipherIn!=null) storage.write(node.getPageId(), ByteBuffer.wrap(Utils.encrypt(cipherIn, data))); else storage.write(node.getPageId(), data); } } /** * Releases a node from the transaction list, if it was sitting * there. */ void releaseFromTransaction(PageIo node) throws IOException { inTxn.remove(node.getPageId()); } /** * Synchronizes the file. */ void sync() throws IOException { storage.sync(); } public int getDirtyPageCount() { return dirty.size(); } public void deleteAllFiles() throws IOException { storage.deleteAllFiles(); } }