//grammar com.minres.rdl.RDL with org.eclipse.xtext.common.Terminals grammar com.minres.rdl.RDL hidden(WS, ML_COMMENT, SL_COMMENT, ESCAPE_JSP, ESCAPE_ORDL) import "http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore" as ecore generate rdl "http://www.minres.com/rdl/RDL" Root: ( includes+=Include | componentDefinitions+=ComponentDefinition | enumDefinitions+=EnumDefinition | namedInstantiations+=NamedInstantiation | propertyAssignments+=PropertyAssignment | propertyDefinitions+=PropertyDefinition )* ; Include: '`include' importURI=STR ; PropertyDefinition: 'property' name=ID '{' ( "type" '=' type=PropertyTypeName ';' (usage=PropertyUsage default=PropertyDefault? | default=PropertyDefault usage=PropertyUsage) | usage=PropertyUsage ("type" '=' type=PropertyTypeName ';' default=PropertyDefault? | default=PropertyDefault "type" '=' type=PropertyTypeName ';') | default=PropertyDefault ("type" '=' type=PropertyTypeName ';' usage=PropertyUsage | usage=PropertyUsage "type" '=' type=PropertyTypeName ';') ) '}' ';' ; enum PropertyTypeName: STRING="string" | NUMBER="number" | BOOLEAN="boolean" | ADDRMAP="addrmap" | REG="reg" | REGFILE="regfile" | FIELD="field" | REF="ref" ; PropertyDefault: "default" '=' (string=STR | value=NUM | string="true" | string="false") ';' ; PropertyUsage: "component" '=' components+=PropertyComponent ('|' components+=PropertyComponent)* ';' ; enum PropertyComponent: SIGNAL="signal" | ADDRMAP="addrmap" | REG="reg" | REGFILE="regfile" | FIELD="field" | ALL="all" ; ComponentDefinition: type=ComponentDefinitionType name=ID? '{' ( componentDefinitions+=ComponentDefinition | namedInstantiations+=NamedInstantiation | propertyAssignments+=PropertyAssignment | enumDefinitions+=EnumDefinition )* '}' immediateInstantiation=ImmediateInstantiation? ';' ; enum ComponentDefinitionType: SIGNAL="signal" | ADDRMAP="addrmap" | REGFILE="regfile" | REG="reg" | FIELD="field" ; // Instantiation: NamedInstantiation|ImmediateInstantiation; NamedInstantiation: (external?="external")? (internal?="internal")? ("alias" alias=ID)? component=[ComponentDefinition] componentInstances+=ComponentInstance (',' componentInstances+=ComponentInstance)* ';' ; ImmediateInstantiation: (external?="external")? componentInstances+=ComponentInstance (',' componentInstances+=ComponentInstance)* ; ComponentInstance: name=ID (range=Range)? //reset ('=' reset=NUM)? //address ('@' address=NUM)? //addr inc ('+=' addrInc=NUM)? //addr mod ('%=' addrMod=NUM)? ; Range: '[' (start=NUM ':' end=NUM | size=NUM) ']' ; PropertyAssignment: DefaultProperyAssignment | ExplicitPropertyAssignment | PostPropertyAssignment ; DefaultProperyAssignment: "default" ExplicitPropertyAssignment ; ExplicitPropertyAssignment : modifier=PropertyModifier name=Property ';' | name=Property ('=' rhs=PropertyAssignmentRhs)? ';' ; PostPropertyAssignment: (instance=HierInstanceRef '->' (propertyEnum=Property | property=[PropertyDefinition]) | property=[PropertyDefinition] ) ('=' rhs=PropertyAssignmentRhs)? ';' ; InstancePropertyRef: instance=InstanceRef ('->' (propertyEnum=Property | property=[PropertyDefinition]))? ; // unused rules to infer inheritance Entity: ComponentInstance|EnumDefinition|PropertyDefinition ; InstanceRef: instance=[Entity] ( "." tail=HierInstanceRef)? ; HierInstanceRef returns InstanceRef: instance=[ComponentInstance] ( "." tail=HierInstanceRef)? ; PropertyAssignmentRhs: value=PropertyRvalueConstant | instPropRef=InstancePropertyRef | enumRef= [EnumDefinition] "enum" enums=EnumBody | elements=Concat ; Concat: '{' elements+=ConcatElem (',' elements+=ConcatElem)* '}' ; ConcatElem: instPropRef=InstancePropertyRef | value=NUM ; enum PropertyEnum: UNSPECIFIED | NAME="name" | DESC="desc" | ARBITER="arbiter" | RSET="rset" | RCLR="rclr" | WOCLR="woclr" | WOSET="woset" | WE="we" | WEL="wel" | SWWE="swwe" | SWWEL="swwel" | HWSET="hwset" | HWCLR="hwclr" | SWMOD="swmod" | SWACC="swacc" | STICKY="sticky" | STICKYBIT="stickybit" | INTR="intr" | ANDED="anded" | ORED="ored" | XORED="xored" | COUNTER="counter" | OVERFLOW="overflow" | SHAREDEXTBUS="sharedextbus" | ERREXTBUS="errextbus" | RESET="reset" | LITTLEENDIAN="littleendian" | BIGENDIAN="bigendian" | RSVDSET="rsvdset" | RSVDSETX="rsvdsetX" | BRIDGE="bridge" | SHARED="shared" | MSB0="msb0" | LSB0="lsb0" | SYNC="sync" | ASYNC="async" | CPUIF_RESET="cpuif_reset" | FIELD_RESET="field_reset" | ACTIVEHIGH="activehigh" | ACTIVELOW="activelow" | SINGLEPULSE="singlepulse" | UNDERFLOW="underflow" | INCR="incr" | DECR="decr" | INCRWIDTH="incrwidth" | DECRWIDTH="decrwidth" | INCRVALUE="incrvalue" | DECRVALUE="decrvalue" | SATURATE="saturate" | DECRSATURATE="decrsaturate" | THRESHOLD="threshold" | DECRTHRESHOLD="decrthreshold" | DONTCOMPARE="dontcompare" | DONTTEST="donttest" | INTERNAL="internal" | ALIGNMENT="alignment" | REGWIDTH="regwidth" | FIELDWIDTH="fieldwidth" | SIGNALWIDTH="signalwidth" | ACCESSWIDTH="accesswidth" | SW="sw" | HW="hw" | ADDRESSING="addressing" | PRECEDENCE="precedence" | ENCODE="encode" | RESETSIGNAL="resetsignal" | CLOCK="clock" | MASK="mask" | ENABLE="enable" | HWENABLE="hwenable" | HWMASK="hwmask" | HALTMASK="haltmask" | HALTENABLE="haltenable" | HALT="halt" | NEXT="next" ; enum Property returns PropertyEnum: NAME="name" | DESC="desc" | ARBITER="arbiter" | RSET="rset" | RCLR="rclr" | WOCLR="woclr" | WOSET="woset" | WE="we" | WEL="wel" | SWWE="swwe" | SWWEL="swwel" | HWSET="hwset" | HWCLR="hwclr" | SWMOD="swmod" | SWACC="swacc" | STICKY="sticky" | STICKYBIT="stickybit" | INTR="intr" | ANDED="anded" | ORED="ored" | XORED="xored" | COUNTER="counter" | OVERFLOW="overflow" | SHAREDEXTBUS="sharedextbus" | ERREXTBUS="errextbus" | RESET="reset" | LITTLEENDIAN="littleendian" | BIGENDIAN="bigendian" | RSVDSET="rsvdset" | RSVDSETX="rsvdsetX" | BRIDGE="bridge" | SHARED="shared" | MSB0="msb0" | LSB0="lsb0" | SYNC="sync" | ASYNC="async" | CPUIF_RESET="cpuif_reset" | FIELD_RESET="field_reset" | ACTIVEHIGH="activehigh" | ACTIVELOW="activelow" | SINGLEPULSE="singlepulse" | UNDERFLOW="underflow" | INCR="incr" | DECR="decr" | INCRWIDTH="incrwidth" | DECRWIDTH="decrwidth" | INCRVALUE="incrvalue" | DECRVALUE="decrvalue" | SATURATE="saturate" | DECRSATURATE="decrsaturate" | THRESHOLD="threshold" | DECRTHRESHOLD="decrthreshold" | DONTCOMPARE="dontcompare" | DONTTEST="donttest" | INTERNAL="internal" | ALIGNMENT="alignment" | REGWIDTH="regwidth" | FIELDWIDTH="fieldwidth" | SIGNALWIDTH="signalwidth" | ACCESSWIDTH="accesswidth" | SW="sw" | HW="hw" | ADDRESSING="addressing" | PRECEDENCE="precedence" | ENCODE="encode" | RESETSIGNAL="resetsignal" | CLOCK="clock" | MASK="mask" | ENABLE="enable" | HWENABLE="hwenable" | HWMASK="hwmask" | HALTMASK="haltmask" | HALTENABLE="haltenable" | HALT="halt" | NEXT="next" ; PropertyRvalueConstant returns RValue: val=RValueConstant | num=NUM | str=STR ; enum RValueConstant: UNDEFINED | TRUE="true" | FALSE="false" | RW="rw" | WR="wr" | R="r" | W="w" | NA="na" | COMPACT="compact" | REGALIGN="regalign" | FULLALIGN="fullalign" | HW="hw" | SW="sw" ; enum PropertyModifier: UNDEFINED | POSEDGE="posedge" | NEGEDGE="negedge" | BOTHEDGE="bothedge" | LEVEL="level" | NONSTICKY="nonsticky" ; EnumDefinition: "enum" name=ID body=EnumBody ';' ; EnumBody: '{' {EnumBody} entries+=EnumEntry* '}' ; EnumEntry: name=ID '=' index=NUM ('{' properties+=EnumProperty* '}')? ';' ; EnumProperty: ( name='name' '=' value=STR | name='desc' '=' value=STR ) ';' ; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // the terminals /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// terminal ID: '\\'? ('a'..'z'|'A'..'Z' | '_')('a'..'z'|'A'..'Z' | '_' | '0'..'9')*; terminal WS : (' '|'\t'|'\r'|'\n')+; terminal ML_COMMENT : '/*' -> '*/' ; terminal SL_COMMENT : '//' !('\n'|'\r')* ('\r'? '\n')?; terminal ESCAPE_JSP : '<%' -> '%>' ; terminal ESCAPE_ORDL: '(' -> ')' ; terminal NUM returns ecore::EJavaObject: // <= verilog like numbers with size and base (16'123 'h1fff, ...====================================================================================> <= hexa decimal numbers =============> //'0'..'9'* '\'' ( 'b' ('0' | '1' | '_')+ | 'd'? ('0'..'9' | '_')+ | 'o' ('0'..'7' | '_')+ | 'h' ('0'..'9' | 'a'..'f' | 'A'..'F' | '_')+) | "0x" ('0'..'9' | 'a'..'f' | 'A'..'F')+ | '0'..'9'+; '0'..'9'+ '\'b' ('0' | '1' | '_')+ | '0'..'9'+ '\'o' ('0'..'7' | '_')+ | '0'..'9'+ '\'h' ('0'..'9' | 'a'..'f' | 'A'..'F' | '_')+ | '0'..'9'+ '\'d' ('0'..'9' | '_')+ | '0x' ('0'..'9' | 'a'..'f' | 'A'..'F')+ | '0'..'9'+ ; terminal STR: '"' ( '\\' ('b'|'t'|'n'|'f'|'r'|'u'|'"'|"'"|'\\') | !('\\'|'"') )* '"' //| // "'" ( '\\' ('b'|'t'|'n'|'f'|'r'|'u'|'"'|"'"|'\\') | !('\\'|"'") )* "'" ;