from conans import ConanFile, CMake class SystemCConan(ConanFile): name = "SystemC" version = "2.3.3" license = "Apache 2.0 License" url = "" description = "SystemC is a set of C++ classes and macros which provide an event-driven simulation interface (see also discrete event simulation)." settings = "os", "compiler", "build_type", "arch" options = {"shared":[True, False], "stdcxx":[98,11,14], "phase_cb":[True, False]} default_options = "shared=True","stdcxx=11","phase_cb=False" generators = "cmake" source_subfolder = "systemc-2.3.3" exports_sources = "systemc-2.3.3/*" def build(self): cmake = CMake(self, parallel=True) cmake.configure( source_folder=self.source_subfolder, args=[ '-DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS:="-D_GLIBCXX_USE_CXX11_ABI=%d"' % (0 if self.settings.compiler.libcxx == 'libstdc++' else 1), '-DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=%s' % ('ON' if self.options.shared else 'OFF'), '-DCMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR=lib', '-DCMAKE_CXX_STANDARD=%s' % self.options.stdcxx, '-DENABLE_PHASE_CALLBACKS=%s' % ('ON' if self.options.phase_cb else 'OFF'), '-DENABLE_PHASE_CALLBACKS_TRACING=%s' % ('ON' if self.options.phase_cb else 'OFF') ] ) cmake.install() def package(self): pass # Headers #self.copy(pattern="*.h", dst="include", src="package/include", keep_path=True) # Libs #self.copy(pattern="*", dst="lib", src="package/lib", keep_path=False) def package_info(self): self.cpp_info.libs = ["systemc"] if self.settings.os == "Linux": self.cpp_info.libs.append("pthread")