import argparse import os import shutil import subprocess from pathlib import Path def validate_elf_file(filepath: str) -> str: if not os.path.isfile(filepath): raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError(f"{filepath} is not a valid file.") # Use the 'file' command to check if it's an ELF file result = ["file", filepath], capture_output=True, text=True, check=False ) if "ELF" not in result.stdout: raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError(f"{filepath} is not a valid ELF file.") return filepath def run_test_and_move_output(elf_file: str, backend: str, isa: str = "tgc5c") -> None: # Call 'test' with the specified backend mode os.chdir(Path(__file__).parent.parent) sim_path = "build/Debug/dbt-rise-tgc/tgc-sim" run_command = [ sim_path, "-f", elf_file, "--backend", backend, "--isa", isa, "-p", "build/Debug/dbt-rise-plugins/pctrace/", "-i", "10000", ] print(f"Running: \n{' '.join(run_command)}") try:, check=False, timeout=10) except subprocess.TimeoutExpired: print("Execution timed out") # Move the output.trc file if os.path.exists("output.trc"): shutil.move("output.trc", f"Debug/{backend}.trc") else: print( f"output.trc does not exist after running with backend {backend}, so it cannot be renamed." ) def create_shortened_diff_files(backend: str) -> None: file1_path = "Debug/interp.trc" file2_path = f"Debug/{backend}.trc" def validate_file(filepath: str) -> str: if not os.path.isfile(filepath): raise ValueError(f"{filepath} is not a valid file.") return filepath file1_path = validate_file(file1_path) file2_path = validate_file(file2_path) with open(file1_path, "r", encoding="utf8") as file1, open( file2_path, "r", encoding="utf8" ) as file2: lines1 = file1.readlines() lines2 = file2.readlines() diff_index = -1 for index, (line1, line2) in enumerate(zip(lines1, lines2)): if line1 != line2: diff_index = index break if diff_index == -1: print("The files are identical.") return start_index = max(0, diff_index - 5) end_index = min(len(lines1), diff_index + 6) shortened_lines1 = lines1[start_index:end_index] shortened_lines2 = lines2[start_index:end_index] with open("Debug/short_interp.trc", "w", encoding="utf8") as short_file1: short_file1.writelines(shortened_lines1) with open(f"Debug/short_{backend}.trc", "w", encoding="utf8") as short_file2: short_file2.writelines(shortened_lines2) def create_disassembly(elf_file_path: str) -> None: def validate_file(filepath: str) -> str: if not os.path.isfile(filepath): raise ValueError(f"{filepath} is not a valid file.") return filepath elf_file_path = validate_file(elf_file_path) output_file_path = "Debug/dut.dis" with open(output_file_path, "w", encoding="utf8") as output_file: [ "riscv64-unknown-elf-objdump", "-d", "-Mnumeric", "-Mno-aliases", elf_file_path, ], stdout=output_file, check=True, ) def main(args: argparse.Namespace) -> None: elf_file = args.elf_file backend = args.backend isa = args.isa # Set environment variable os.environ["REGDUMP"] = "True" # Run the tests and move the output files run_test_and_move_output(elf_file, "interp", isa) run_test_and_move_output(elf_file, backend, isa) create_shortened_diff_files(backend) create_disassembly(elf_file) if __name__ == "__main__": # sys.exit( # "This script needs to be adapted, it assumed to be in a directory named 'Debug'" # ) parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="Process an ELF file with a specified backend. Generates register traces for interp and the specified backend" ) parser.add_argument( "elf_file", type=validate_elf_file, help="The ELF file to be processed." ) parser.add_argument( "--backend", type=str, default="asmjit", help="The backend to be used. Default is asmjit.", required=False, ) parser.add_argument( "--isa", type=str, default="tgc5c", help="The isa to be used. Default 'tgc5c'", required=False, ) main(args=parser.parse_args())