#!/bin/bash ## # Absolute path to this script, e.g. /home/user/bin/foo.sh SCRIPT=`readlink -f "$0"` # Absolute path this script is in, thus /home/user/bin SCRIPTDIR=`dirname "$SCRIPT"` SCRIPTNAME=`basename "$SCRIPT"` function print_help { echo "Usage: $SCRIPTNAME [-b ] [-s ]}" echo "Run UCB risc-v compliance test suite on backends" echo "Optional cli arguments:" echo " -b backend type, default all" echo " -s simulator arguments" echo " -h print help" echo " -v increase verbosity" } SIM_ARGS="-v1" BACKENDS=("interp" "tcc" "llvm") DEBUG=0 BUILD_TYPE=Debug while getopts 'b:s:hv' c do case $c in b) BACKENDS=($OPTARG);; s) SIM_ARGS=$OPTARG ;; h) print_help; exit 0 ;; v) DEBUG=1 ;; ?) print_help >&2 exit 1 ;; esac done DIR="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" &> /dev/null && pwd )" ROOT_DIR=$DIR RISCV_TEST=$ROOT_DIR/build/riscv-tests # prepare riscv-test binaries if [ ! -d $RISCV_TEST ]; then mkdir -p $ROOT_DIR/build; cd $ROOT_DIR/build git clone --recursive https://github.com/riscv/riscv-tests.git cd $RISCV_TEST autoconf ./configure --with-xlen=32 cd $ROOT_DIR make -C $RISCV_TEST -j -k fi # check that we have an executable RISCV_EXE=$ROOT_DIR/build/${BUILD_TYPE}/dbt-rise-tgc/tgc-sim if [ ! -x $RISCV_EXE ]; then mkdir -p build/${BUILD_TYPE} echo "running cmake -B build/${BUILD_TYPE} -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=${BUILD_TYPE} -DWITH_TCC=ON -DWITH_LLVM=ON " cmake -S . -B build/${BUILD_TYPE} -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=${BUILD_TYPE} -DWITH_TCC=ON -DWITH_LLVM=ON ../.. || exit 1 cmake --build build/${BUILD_TYPE} -j 20 || exit 1 fi test_ui_list=`find ${RISCV_TEST}/isa -type f -name rv32ui-p-\* -executable | grep -v fence | grep -v ma_data |sort` test_uc_list=`find ${RISCV_TEST}/isa -type f -name rv32uc-p-\* -executable | grep -v fence | sort` test_um_list=`find ${RISCV_TEST}/isa -type f -name rv32um-p-\* -executable | grep -v fence | sort` test_list="$test_ui_list $test_uc_list $test_um_list $test_mmode_list" for backend in "${BACKENDS[@]}"; do failed_list=() for elf in $test_list; do [ $DEBUG -eq 0 ] || echo Running "${RISCV_EXE} $SIM_ARGS -f $elf --backend $backend" ${RISCV_EXE} $SIM_ARGS -f $elf --backend $backend if [ $? != 0 ]; then failed_list+="$backend:$elf " fi done tcount=`echo $test_list | wc -w` if [ ! -z "$failed_list" ]; then fcount=`echo $failed_list | wc -w` echo "($backend) $fcount of $tcount test(s) failed:" echo $failed_list | tr ' ' '\n' else echo echo "($backend) $tcount tests passed." if [ $DEBUG -eq 1 ];then echo "List of executed tests:" for t in $test_list; do name=`basename $t` echo " $name" done fi fi done