/***************************************************************************** Licensed to Accellera Systems Initiative Inc. (Accellera) under one or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. Accellera licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. ****************************************************************************/ /** * @file top_module.h * @brief Implementation the TOP_MODULE. * This header contains code related to the top module which decides * the model hierarchy for example#9. * @author P V S Phaneendra, CircuitSutra Technologies * Girish Verma, CircuitSutra Technologies * Parvinder Pal Singh, CircuitSutra Technologies * @date 29th April, 2011 (Friday) */ #ifndef EXAMPLES_EX09_HIERARCHICAL_OVERRIDE_OF_PARAMETER_VALUES_TOP_MODULE_H_ #define EXAMPLES_EX09_HIERARCHICAL_OVERRIDE_OF_PARAMETER_VALUES_TOP_MODULE_H_ #include #include #include #include #include #include "router.h" #include "initiator.h" #include "target.h" /** * @class top_module * @brief This module instantiated a initiator, target, and router and binds them correctly for communication. */ SC_MODULE(top_module) { public: /** * @fn top_module * @brief The class constructor */ SC_CTOR(top_module) : n_initiators("number_of_initiators", 0), n_targets("number_of_targets", 0), m_broker(cci::cci_get_broker()) { std::stringstream ss; SCCINFO(SCMOD) << "[TOP_MODULE C_TOR] -- [TOP MODULE CONSTRUCTOR BEGINS HERE]"; SCCINFO(SCMOD) << "[TOP_MODULE C_TOR] : Number of initiators : " << n_initiators.get_value(); SCCINFO(SCMOD) << "[TOP_MODULE C_TOR] : Number of targets : " << n_targets.get_value(); // Set and lock the number of initiators in Router Table // to value passed from 'sc_main' m_broker.set_preset_cci_value("top_module_inst.RouterInstance.r_initiators", n_initiators.get_cci_value()); m_broker.lock_preset_value("top_module_inst.RouterInstance.r_initiators"); // Set and lock the number of targets in Router Table // to value passed from 'sc_main' m_broker.set_preset_cci_value("top_module_inst.RouterInstance.r_targets", n_targets.get_cci_value()); m_broker.lock_preset_value("top_module_inst.RouterInstance.r_targets"); // Declaring and defining router module char routerName[15] = "RouterInstance"; SCCINFO(SCMOD) << "[TOP_MODULE C_TOR] : Creating Router : " << routerName; routerInstance = new router(routerName); // Top_Module begins construction of the model hierarchy from here // ---------------------------------------------------------------- cci::cci_param_handle r_addr_limit_handle = m_broker.get_param_handle("top_module_inst.RouterInstance.addr_limit"); if (r_addr_limit_handle.is_valid()) { r_addr_max = atoi((r_addr_limit_handle.get_cci_value().to_json()).c_str()); SCCINFO(SCMOD) << "[TOP_MODULE C_TOR] : Router's maximum addressable limit : " << r_addr_max; } /// Creating instances of initiator(s) for (int i = 0; i < n_initiators; i++) { snprintf(initiatorName, sizeof(initiatorName), "initiator_%d", i); SCCINFO(SCMOD) << "[TOP_MODULE C_TOR] : Creating initiator : " << initiatorName; snprintf(stringMisc, sizeof(stringMisc), "%s.%s.initiator_ID", name(), initiatorName); snprintf(initiatorName, sizeof(initiatorName), "\"initiator_%d\"", i); m_broker.set_preset_cci_value(stringMisc, cci::cci_value::from_json(initiatorName)); snprintf(initiatorName, sizeof(initiatorName), "initiator_%d", i); initiatorList.push_back(new initiator(initiatorName)); // Binding of initiator to Router SCCINFO(SCMOD) << "[TOP MODULE C_TOR] : Binding Router_Initiator to " << initiatorName; initiatorList[i]->initiator_socket.bind(routerInstance->Router_target); } // Defining target size targetSize = 128; // Creating instances of target(s) for (int i = 0; i < n_targets; i++) { snprintf(targetName, sizeof(targetName), "target_%d", i); SCCINFO(SCMOD) << "[TOP_MODULE C_TOR] : Creating target : " << targetName; snprintf(stringMisc, sizeof(stringMisc), "%s.%s.target_ID", name(), targetName); snprintf(targetName, sizeof(targetName), "\"target_%d\"", i); m_broker.set_preset_cci_value(stringMisc, cci::cci_value::from_json(targetName)); snprintf(targetName, sizeof(targetName), "target_%d", i); // Set preset value for maximum target size(memory) snprintf(stringMisc, sizeof(stringMisc), "%s.%s.s_size", name(), targetName); ss.clear(); ss.str(""); ss << targetSize; m_broker.set_preset_cci_value(stringMisc, cci::cci_value::from_json(ss.str())); targetList.push_back(new target(targetName)); // Binding Router to target SCCINFO(SCMOD) << "[TOP MODULE C_TOR] : Binding Router_Initiator to " << targetName; routerInstance->Router_initiator.bind(targetList[i]->target_socket); } // Try re-setting locked values for Router Table contents for (int i = 0; i < n_targets; i++) { snprintf(targetName, sizeof(targetName), "%s.RouterInstance.r_index_%d", name(), i); ss.clear(); ss.str(""); ss << i; try { SCCINFO(SCMOD) << "[TOP_MODULE C_TOR] : Re-setting fields of target_" << i; m_broker.set_preset_cci_value(targetName, cci::cci_value::from_json(ss.str())); } catch (sc_core::sc_report const &exception) { SCCINFO(SCMOD) << "[ROUTER : Caught] : " << exception.what(); } snprintf(targetName, sizeof(targetName), "%s.RouterInstance.r_sa_%d", name(), i); ss.clear(); ss.str(""); ss << (i * targetSize); snprintf(targetBaseAddr, sizeof(targetBaseAddr), "%s.target_%d.s_base_addr", name(), i); cci::cci_param_untyped_handle h = m_broker.get_param_handle(targetBaseAddr); h.set_cci_value(cci::cci_value::from_json(ss.str())); try { SCCINFO(SCMOD) << "[TOP_MODULE C_TOR] : Re-setting start addr of target_" << i; m_broker.set_preset_cci_value(targetName, cci::cci_value::from_json(ss.str())); } catch (sc_core::sc_report const &exception) { SCCINFO(SCMOD) << "[ROUTER : Caught] : " << exception.what(); } snprintf(targetName, sizeof(targetName), "%s.RouterInstance.r_ea_%d", name(), i); ss.clear(); ss.str(""); ss << ((i + 1) * targetSize - 1); try { SCCINFO(SCMOD) << "[TOP_MODULE C_TOR] : Re-setting end addr of target_" << i; m_broker.set_preset_cci_value(targetName, cci::cci_value::from_json(ss.str())); } catch (sc_core::sc_report const &exception) { SCCINFO(SCMOD) << "[ROUTER : Caught] : " << exception.what(); } } } /** * @fn ~top_module() * @brief The class destructor * @return void */ ~top_module() { if (!initiatorList.empty()) { for (std::vector::iterator it = initiatorList.begin(); it != initiatorList.end(); ++it) { delete (*it); } initiatorList.clear(); } if (!targetList.empty()) { for (std::vector::iterator it = targetList.begin(); it != targetList.end(); ++it) { delete (*it); } targetList.clear(); } } private: // Immutable type cci-parameters cci::cci_param n_initiators; ///< Number of initiators to be instantiated cci::cci_param n_targets; ///< Number of targets to be instantiated cci::cci_broker_handle m_broker; ///< Configuration broker handle router *routerInstance; ///< Declaration of a router pointer // STD::VECTORs for creating instances of initiator and target std::vector initiatorList; ///< STD::VECTOR for initiators std::vector targetList; ///< STD::VECTOR for targets char initiatorName[50]; ///< initiator_ID char targetName[50]; ///< target_ID char stringMisc[50]; ///< String to be used for misc things char targetBaseAddr[50]; ///< The base address of the target int addrValue { 0 }; ///< Address Value int targetSize; ///< Maximum target Size (preset value) int r_addr_max; ///< Maximum Router Table's memory range }; // top_module #endif // EXAMPLES_EX09_HIERARCHICAL_OVERRIDE_OF_PARAMETER_VALUES_TOP_MODULE_H_