#include "testbench.h" #include #include #undef CHECK #include #include using namespace sc_core; using namespace ahb; factory::add tb; bool is_equal(tlm::tlm_generic_payload const& a, tlm::tlm_generic_payload const& b) { auto ret = true; ret &= a.get_command() == b.get_command(); ret &= a.get_address() == b.get_address(); ret &= a.get_data_length() == b.get_data_length(); for(auto i = 0u; i < a.get_data_length(); ++i) ret &= a.get_data_ptr()[i] == b.get_data_ptr()[i]; // if(a.get_byte_enable_ptr() && b.get_byte_enable_ptr()) { // ret &= a.get_byte_enable_length() == b.get_byte_enable_length(); // for(auto i=0u; i tlm::tlm_generic_payload* prepare_trans(uint64_t start_address, unsigned len, unsigned width) { static unsigned id{0}; auto trans = tlm::scc::tlm_mm<>::get().allocate(len); trans->set_address(start_address); tlm::scc::setId(*trans, ++id); auto ext = trans->get_extension(); trans->set_data_length(len); trans->set_streaming_width(len); ext->set_instruction(); return trans; } inline void randomize(tlm::tlm_generic_payload& gp) { static uint8_t req_cnt{0}; for(size_t i = 0; i < gp.get_data_length(); ++i) { *(gp.get_data_ptr() + i) = i % 2 ? i : req_cnt; } req_cnt++; } template unsigned run_scenario(STATE& state, unsigned wait_states = 0) { auto& dut = factory::get(); dut.register_b_transport([&state, wait_states](tlm::tlm_base_protocol_types::tlm_payload_type& trans, sc_core::sc_time& d) { if(trans.is_read()) { for(size_t i = 0; i < trans.get_data_length(); ++i) { *(trans.get_data_ptr() + i) = i % 2 ? i : (state.resp_cnt + 128); } state.read_tx.second.emplace_back(&trans); } if(trans.is_write()) state.write_tx.second.emplace_back(&trans); SCCDEBUG(__FUNCTION__) << "RX: " << trans; for(unsigned i = 0; i < wait_states; ++i) sc_core::wait(factory::get().clk.posedge_event()); state.resp_cnt++; trans.set_response_status(tlm::TLM_OK_RESPONSE); }); dut.rst_n.write(false); sc_start(state.ResetCycles * dut.clk.period()); dut.rst_n.write(true); sc_start(dut.clk.period()); sc_start(dut.clk.period()); auto run1 = sc_spawn([&dut, &state]() { unsigned int StartAddr{0x0}; for(int i = 0; i < state.NumberOfIterations; ++i) { tlm::scc::tlm_gp_shared_ptr trans = prepare_trans(StartAddr, state.BurstLengthByte, state.BurstSizeBytes); trans->set_command(tlm::TLM_READ_COMMAND); SCCDEBUG(__FUNCTION__) << "task run1, iteration " << i << " TX: " << *trans; sc_core::sc_time d; dut.isck->b_transport(*trans, d); state.read_tx.first.emplace_back(trans); StartAddr += state.BurstSizeBytes; } SCCDEBUG(__FUNCTION__) << "task run1 finished"; }); auto run2 = sc_spawn([&dut, &state]() { unsigned int StartAddr{0x2000}; for(int i = 0; i < state.NumberOfIterations; ++i) { tlm::scc::tlm_gp_shared_ptr trans = prepare_trans(StartAddr, state.BurstLengthByte, state.BurstSizeBytes); trans->set_command(tlm::TLM_WRITE_COMMAND); randomize(*trans); SCCDEBUG(__FUNCTION__) << "task run2, iteration " << i << " TX: " << *trans; sc_core::sc_time d; dut.isck->b_transport(*trans, d); state.write_tx.first.emplace_back(trans); StartAddr += state.BurstSizeBytes; } SCCDEBUG(__FUNCTION__) << "task run2 finished"; }); auto run3 = sc_spawn([&dut, &state]() { unsigned int StartAddr{0x1000}; for(int i = 0; i < state.NumberOfIterations; ++i) { tlm::scc::tlm_gp_shared_ptr trans = prepare_trans(StartAddr, state.BurstLengthByte, state.BurstSizeBytes); trans->set_command(tlm::TLM_READ_COMMAND); SCCDEBUG(__FUNCTION__) << "task run3, iteration " << i << " TX: " << *trans; sc_core::sc_time d; dut.isck->b_transport(*trans, d); state.read_tx.first.emplace_back(trans); StartAddr += state.BurstSizeBytes; } SCCDEBUG(__FUNCTION__) << "task run3 finished"; }); auto run4 = sc_spawn([&dut, &state]() { unsigned int StartAddr{0x3000}; for(int i = 0; i < state.NumberOfIterations; ++i) { tlm::scc::tlm_gp_shared_ptr trans = prepare_trans(StartAddr, state.BurstLengthByte, state.BurstSizeBytes); trans->set_command(tlm::TLM_WRITE_COMMAND); randomize(*trans); SCCDEBUG(__FUNCTION__) << "task run4, iteration " << i << " TX: " << *trans; sc_core::sc_time d; dut.isck->b_transport(*trans, d); state.write_tx.first.emplace_back(trans); StartAddr += state.BurstSizeBytes; } SCCDEBUG(__FUNCTION__) << "task run4 finished"; }); unsigned cycles{0}; while(cycles < 1000 && !(run1.terminated() && run2.terminated() && run3.terminated() && run4.terminated())) { sc_start(10 * dut.clk.period()); cycles += 10; } return cycles; } TEST_CASE("apb_read_write", "[APB][pin-level]") { struct { unsigned int ResetCycles{4}; unsigned int BurstLengthByte{4}; unsigned int BurstSizeBytes{4}; unsigned int NumberOfIterations{1}; std::pair, std::vector> read_tx; std::pair, std::vector> write_tx; unsigned resp_cnt{0}; } state; auto cycles = run_scenario(state); REQUIRE(cycles < 1000); REQUIRE(sc_report_handler::get_count(SC_ERROR) == 0); REQUIRE(sc_report_handler::get_count(SC_WARNING) == 0); REQUIRE(state.resp_cnt == 4 * state.NumberOfIterations); { auto& e = state.write_tx; auto const& send_tx = e.first; auto const& recv_tx = e.second; REQUIRE(send_tx.size() == recv_tx.size()); for(auto i = 0; i < send_tx.size(); ++i) { REQUIRE(send_tx[i]->get_response_status() == tlm::TLM_OK_RESPONSE); CHECK(is_equal(*send_tx[i], *recv_tx[i])); } } { auto& e = state.read_tx; auto const& send_tx = e.first; auto const& recv_tx = e.second; REQUIRE(send_tx.size() == recv_tx.size()); for(auto i = 0; i < send_tx.size(); ++i) { REQUIRE(send_tx[i]->get_response_status() == tlm::TLM_OK_RESPONSE); CHECK(is_equal(*send_tx[i], *recv_tx[i])); } } } TEST_CASE("apb_narrow_read_write", "[APB][pin-level]") { struct { unsigned int ResetCycles{4}; unsigned int BurstLengthByte{1}; unsigned int BurstSizeBytes{1}; unsigned int NumberOfIterations{8}; std::pair, std::vector> read_tx; std::pair, std::vector> write_tx; unsigned resp_cnt{0}; } state; auto cycles = run_scenario(state); REQUIRE(cycles < 1000); REQUIRE(sc_report_handler::get_count(SC_ERROR) == 0); REQUIRE(sc_report_handler::get_count(SC_WARNING) == 0); REQUIRE(state.resp_cnt == 4 * state.NumberOfIterations); { auto& e = state.write_tx; auto const& send_tx = e.first; auto const& recv_tx = e.second; REQUIRE(send_tx.size() == recv_tx.size()); for(auto i = 0; i < send_tx.size(); ++i) CHECK(is_equal(*send_tx[i], *recv_tx[i])); } { auto& e = state.read_tx; auto const& send_tx = e.first; auto const& recv_tx = e.second; REQUIRE(send_tx.size() == recv_tx.size()); // Narrow reads cannot be checked as they arrive a word read at the target // for(auto i = 0; i < send_tx.size(); ++i) // CHECK(is_equal(*send_tx[i], *recv_tx[i])); } } TEST_CASE("apb_delayed_read_write", "[APB][pin-level]") { struct { unsigned int ResetCycles{4}; unsigned int BurstLengthByte{4}; unsigned int BurstSizeBytes{4}; unsigned int NumberOfIterations{2}; std::pair, std::vector> read_tx; std::pair, std::vector> write_tx; unsigned resp_cnt{0}; } state; auto cycles = run_scenario(state, 2); REQUIRE(cycles < 1000); REQUIRE(sc_report_handler::get_count(SC_ERROR) == 0); REQUIRE(sc_report_handler::get_count(SC_WARNING) == 0); REQUIRE(state.resp_cnt == 4 * state.NumberOfIterations); { auto& e = state.write_tx; auto const& send_tx = e.first; auto const& recv_tx = e.second; REQUIRE(send_tx.size() == recv_tx.size()); for(auto i = 0; i < send_tx.size(); ++i) { REQUIRE(send_tx[i]->get_response_status() == tlm::TLM_OK_RESPONSE); CHECK(is_equal(*send_tx[i], *recv_tx[i])); } } { auto& e = state.read_tx; auto const& send_tx = e.first; auto const& recv_tx = e.second; REQUIRE(send_tx.size() == recv_tx.size()); for(auto i = 0; i < send_tx.size(); ++i) { REQUIRE(send_tx[i]->get_response_status() == tlm::TLM_OK_RESPONSE); CHECK(is_equal(*send_tx[i], *recv_tx[i])); } } }