import json import cppyy import os.path import sys import tempfile import conans.client.conan_api as conan from contextlib import (redirect_stdout, redirect_stderr) import io lang_symbols = { 3: '199711L', 11:'201103L', 14:'201402L', 17:'201703L'} lang_level=11 ''' ''' sysIncludeDirs = set() includeDirs = set() class NullLogger(object): def __init__(self): self.terminal = sys.stdout self.buffer="" def __getattr__(self, attr): return getattr(self.terminal, attr) def write(self, message): self.buffer+=message def read_config_from_conan(conanfile): global lang_level sys.stdout = NullLogger() #read conan configuration with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdirname: conan_api, client_cache, user_io = conan.Conan.factory() install_info = conan_api.install(path=conanfile, generators=['json'], settings=['build_type=Debug'], install_folder=tmpdirname) for e in install_info['installed']: name = e['recipe']['name'] for p in e['packages']: if name == 'SystemC' and p['cpp_info']['rootpath']: os.environ['SYSTEMC_HOME']=p['cpp_info']['rootpath'] with open(os.path.join(tmpdirname, "conanbuildinfo.json")) as f: data=json.load(f) # set include pathes and load libraries for d in data['dependencies']: for p in d['include_paths']: add_sys_include_path(p) if d['name'] == 'SystemC': for l in d['lib_paths']: if os.path.exists(l+'/'+''): cppyy.load_library(l+'/'+'') lang_level = int(data['options']['SystemC']['stdcxx']) msg = sys.stdout.buffer sys.stdout=sys.stdout.terminal return msg def load_systemc(): if 'SYSTEMC_HOME' in os.environ: add_sys_include_path(os.path.join(os.environ['SYSTEMC_HOME'], 'include')) for l in ['lib', 'lib64', 'lib-linux', 'lib-linux64']: for f in ['']: if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(os.environ['SYSTEMC_HOME'], l, f)): cppyy.load_library(os.path.join(os.environ['SYSTEMC_HOME'], l, f)) cppyy.cppdef(""" #define SC_CPLUSPLUS %s #include "systemc" #include "tlm" """ % lang_symbols[lang_level]) return True return False def add_library(file, lib): buf = io.StringIO() with redirect_stdout(buf), redirect_stderr(buf): cppyy.load_library(lib) cppyy.include(file) return buf.getvalue() def add_include_path(incl): includeDirs.add(incl) cppyy.add_include_path(incl) def add_sys_include_path(incl): sysIncludeDirs.add(incl) cppyy.add_include_path(incl) # prepare a pythonizor def _pythonizor(klass, name): # A pythonizor receives the freshly prepared bound C++ class, and a name stripped down to # the namespace the pythonizor is applied. Also accessible are klass.__name__ (for the # Python name) and klass.__cppname__ (for the C++ name) if name == 'sc_time': klass.__repr__ = lambda self: repr(self.to_string()) klass.__str__ = lambda self: self.to_string() elif name in ['sc_object', 'sc_module']: klass.__repr__ = lambda self: repr( elif len(name) > 8 and name[:7] == 'sc_port<': klass.__repr__ = lambda self: repr( elif len(name) > 10 and name[:9] == 'sc_export<': klass.__repr__ = lambda self: repr( # else: # print('not pythonizing', name) # install the pythonizor as a callback on namespace 'Math' (default is the global namespace), 'sc_core') # reflection methods def get_members(sc_object): def is_cpp_data_type(name, module): matches = [x for x in ['int', 'char', 'float', 'double'] if name == x] if len(matches) > 0 or module[:10] == "cppyy.gbl.": return True else: return False members = [(e, getattr(sc_object, e)) for e in dir(sc_object)] return [(k,v) for k,v in members if is_cpp_data_type(type(v).__name__, type(v).__module__)] def get_methods(sc_object): members = [(e, getattr(sc_object, e)) for e in dir(sc_object)] return [(k,v) for k,v in members if type(v).__name__=='CPPOverload'] def get_ports(module): res = [] for elem in dir(module): attr=getattr(module, elem) if isinstance(attr, cppyy.gbl.sc_core.sc_port_base) and not isinstance(attr, cppyy.gbl.tlm.tlm_base_socket_if): res.append(attr) return res def get_exports(module): res = [] for elem in dir(module): attr=getattr(module, elem) if isinstance(attr, cppyy.gbl.sc_core.sc_export_base) and not isinstance(attr, cppyy.gbl.tlm.tlm_base_socket_if): res.append(attr) return res def get_inititator_sockets(module): res = [] for elem in dir(module): attr=getattr(module, elem) if isinstance(attr, cppyy.gbl.sc_core.sc_port_base) and isinstance(attr, cppyy.gbl.tlm.tlm_base_socket_if): res.append(attr) return res def get_target_sockets(module): res = [] for elem in dir(module): attr=getattr(module, elem) if isinstance(attr, cppyy.gbl.sc_core.sc_export_base) and isinstance(attr, cppyy.gbl.tlm.tlm_base_socket_if): res.append(attr) return res def get_submodules(module): res = [] for elem in dir(module): attr=getattr(module, elem) if isinstance(attr, cppyy.gbl.sc_core.sc_module): res.append(attr) return res