# PySysC A Python 3 package to use SystemC from Python ## How to setup the environment The installation for PySysC is as follows (using bash shell): ``` # create virtual environment python3 -m venv pysysc-env # and enable it . pysysc-env/bin/activate # install needed packages python3 -m pip install wheel # install cppyy, C++ std version needs to match the version used to build the SystemC library STDCXX=11 python3 -m pip install cppyy # clone of PySysC git clone https://git.minres.com/SystemC/PySysC.git # install PySysC, for development PySysC use 'python3 -m pip install -e` python3 -m pip install -e PySysC ``` ## TODO * pythonize `sc_module` with iteration protocol (`__next__` and `StopIteration` exception)