/* ----> DO NOT REMOVE THE FOLLOWING NOTICE <---- Copyright (c) 2014-2015 Datalight, Inc. All Rights Reserved Worldwide. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; use version 2 of the License. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but "AS-IS," WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ /* Businesses and individuals that for commercial or other reasons cannot comply with the terms of the GPLv2 license may obtain a commercial license before incorporating Reliance Edge into proprietary software for distribution in any form. Visit http://www.datalight.com/reliance-edge for more information. */ /** @file @brief Default implementations of string manipulation functions. These implementations are intended to be small and simple, and thus forego all optimizations. If the C library is available, or if there are better third-party implementations available in the system, those can be used instead by defining the appropriate macros in redconf.h. These functions are not intended to be completely 100% ANSI C compatible implementations, but rather are designed to meet the needs of Reliance Edge. The compatibility is close enough that ANSI C compatible implementations can be "dropped in" as replacements without difficulty. */ #include #ifndef RedStrLenUnchecked static uint32_t RedStrLenUnchecked(const char *pszStr); #endif #ifndef RedStrCmpUnchecked static int32_t RedStrCmpUnchecked(const char *pszStr1, const char *pszStr2); #endif #ifndef RedStrNCmpUnchecked static int32_t RedStrNCmpUnchecked(const char *pszStr1, const char *pszStr2, uint32_t ulLen); #endif #ifndef RedStrNCpyUnchecked static void RedStrNCpyUnchecked(char *pszDst, const char *pszSrc, uint32_t ulLen); #endif /** @brief Determine the length (in bytes) of a null terminated string. The length does not include the null terminator byte. @param pszStr The null terminated string whose length is to be determined. @return The length of the @p pszStr string. */ uint32_t RedStrLen( const char *pszStr) { uint32_t ulLen; if(pszStr == NULL) { REDERROR(); ulLen = 0U; } else { /* Cast the result to uint32_t, since RedStrLenUnchecked() might be strlen(), which returns size_t, which is possibly a 64-bit value. */ ulLen = (uint32_t)RedStrLenUnchecked(pszStr); } return ulLen; } #ifndef RedStrLenUnchecked /** @brief Determine the length (in bytes) of a null terminated string. @param pszStr The null terminated string whose length is to be determined. @return The length of the @p pszStr string. */ static uint32_t RedStrLenUnchecked( const char *pszStr) { uint32_t ulLen = 0U; while(pszStr[ulLen] != '\0') { ulLen++; } return ulLen; } #endif /** @brief Compare two null terminated strings. @param pszStr1 The first string to compare. @param pszStr2 The second string to compare. @return Zero if the two strings are the same, otherwise nonzero. @retval 0 @p pszStr1 and @p pszStr2 are the same. @retval 1 @p pszStr1 is greater than @p pszStr2, as determined by the values of the first differing bytes. @retval -1 @p pszStr2 is greater than @p pszStr1, as determined by the values of the first differing bytes. */ int32_t RedStrCmp( const char *pszStr1, const char *pszStr2) { int32_t lResult; if((pszStr1 == NULL) || (pszStr2 == NULL)) { REDERROR(); lResult = 0; } else { lResult = RedStrCmpUnchecked(pszStr1, pszStr2); } return lResult; } #ifndef RedStrCmpUnchecked /** @brief Compare two null terminated strings. @param pszStr1 The first string to compare. @param pszStr2 The second string to compare. @return Zero if the two strings are the same, otherwise nonzero. */ static int32_t RedStrCmpUnchecked( const char *pszStr1, const char *pszStr2) { int32_t lResult; uint32_t ulIdx = 0U; while((pszStr1[ulIdx] == pszStr2[ulIdx]) && (pszStr1[ulIdx] != '\0')) { ulIdx++; } /* "The sign of a non-zero return value is determined by the sign of the difference between the values of the first pair of bytes (both interpreted as type unsigned char) that differ in the strings being compared." Use uint8_t instead of unsigned char to avoid MISRA C deviations. */ if((uint8_t)pszStr1[ulIdx] > (uint8_t)pszStr2[ulIdx]) { lResult = 1; } else if((uint8_t)pszStr1[ulIdx] < (uint8_t)pszStr2[ulIdx]) { lResult = -1; } else { lResult = 0; } return lResult; } #endif /** @brief Compare the first @p ulLen characters of two null terminated strings. @param pszStr1 The first string to compare. @param pszStr2 The second string to compare. @param ulLen The maximum length to compare. The comparison stops when either of the strings end or when @p ulLen bytes have been compared. @return Zero if the two strings are the same, otherwise nonzero. @retval 0 @p pszStr1 and @p pszStr2 are the same. @retval 1 @p pszStr1 is greater than @p pszStr2, as determined by the values of the first differing bytes. @retval -1 @p pszStr2 is greater than @p pszStr1, as determined by the values of the first differing bytes. */ int32_t RedStrNCmp( const char *pszStr1, const char *pszStr2, uint32_t ulLen) { int32_t lResult; if((pszStr1 == NULL) || (pszStr2 == NULL)) { REDERROR(); lResult = 0; } else { lResult = RedStrNCmpUnchecked(pszStr1, pszStr2, ulLen); } return lResult; } #ifndef RedStrNCmpUnchecked /** @brief Compare the first @p ulLen characters of two null terminated strings. @param pszStr1 The first string to compare. @param pszStr2 The second string to compare. @param ulLen The maximum length to compare. The comparison stops when either of the strings end or when @p ulLen bytes have been compared. @return Zero if the two strings are the same, otherwise nonzero. */ static int32_t RedStrNCmpUnchecked( const char *pszStr1, const char *pszStr2, uint32_t ulLen) { int32_t lResult = 0; uint32_t ulIdx; for(ulIdx = 0U; ulIdx < ulLen; ulIdx++) { if(pszStr1[ulIdx] != pszStr2[ulIdx]) { /* "The sign of a non-zero return value is determined by the sign of the difference between the values of the first pair of bytes (both interpreted as type unsigned char) that differ in the strings being compared." Use uint8_t instead of unsigned char to avoid MISRA C deviations. */ if((uint8_t)pszStr1[ulIdx] > (uint8_t)pszStr2[ulIdx]) { lResult = 1; } else { lResult = -1; } } if((lResult != 0) || (pszStr1[ulIdx] == '\0')) { break; } } return lResult; } #endif /** @brief Copy a string. Copy up to @p ulLen bytes of a null-terminated string (@p pszSrc) to a destination buffer (@p pszDst). The result will not be null-terminated if @p pszSrc is longer than @p ulLen - 1 bytes. If @p pszSrc is shorter than @p ulLen - 1 bytes, the remainder of @p pszDst will be filled with null bytes. @param pszDst The destination buffer, which is at least @p ulLen bytes in size. @param pszSrc The null-terminated string to copy. @param ulLen The maximum number of characters to copy. */ void RedStrNCpy( char *pszDst, const char *pszSrc, uint32_t ulLen) { if((pszDst == NULL) || (pszSrc == NULL)) { REDERROR(); } else { RedStrNCpyUnchecked(pszDst, pszSrc, ulLen); } } #ifndef RedStrNCpyUnchecked /** @brief Copy a string. @param pszDst The destination buffer, which is at least @p ulLen bytes in size. @param pszSrc The null-terminated string to copy. @param ulLen The maximum number of characters to copy. */ static void RedStrNCpyUnchecked( char *pszDst, const char *pszSrc, uint32_t ulLen) { uint32_t ulIdx = 0U; while((ulIdx < ulLen) && (pszSrc[ulIdx] != '\0')) { pszDst[ulIdx] = pszSrc[ulIdx]; ulIdx++; } while(ulIdx < ulLen) { pszDst[ulIdx] = '\0'; ulIdx++; } } #endif