0. Building on *nix from git repository Run the autogen script to generate configure, you'll need the autoconf tools installed, then proceed to step 1. $ ./autogen.sh 1. Building on *nix from a release $ ./configure $ make $ make check # (optional, but highly recommended) $ sudo make install 2. Building on iOS Use on the xcode project in IDE/iOS/wolfssl.xcodeproj There is a README in IDE/iOS with more information 3. Building on Windows Use the 32bit Visual Studio Solution wolfssl.sln For a 64bit solution please use wolfssl64.sln 4. Building with IAR Please see the README in IDE/IAR-EWARM for detailed instructions 5. Building with Keil Please see the Keil Projects in IDE/MDK5-ARM/Projects 6. Building with Microchip tools Please see the README in mplabx 7. Building with Freescale MQX Please see the README in mqx 8. Porting to a new platform Please see section 2.4 in the manual: http://www.wolfssl.com/yaSSL/Docs-cyassl-manual-2-building-cyassl.html