#ifndef SRC_INIT_H_ #define SRC_INIT_H_ #include #include #include "delay.h" #include "bsp.h" #include "plic/plic_driver.h" typedef void (*function_ptr_t) (void); //! Instance data for the PLIC. plic_instance_t g_plic; std::array g_ext_interrupt_handlers; bool hw_interrupt{true}; /*! \brief external interrupt handler * * routes the peripheral interrupts to the the respective handler * */ extern "C" void handle_m_ext_interrupt() { plic_source int_num = PLIC_claim_interrupt(&g_plic); if ((int_num >=1 ) && (int_num < PLIC_NUM_INTERRUPTS)) g_ext_interrupt_handlers[int_num](); else exit(1 + (uintptr_t) int_num); PLIC_complete_interrupt(&g_plic, int_num); } /*! \brief dummy interrupt handler * */ void no_interrupt_handler (void) {}; /*! \brief configure the per-interrupt handler * */ void configure_irq(size_t irq_num, function_ptr_t handler, unsigned char prio=1) { g_ext_interrupt_handlers[irq_num] = handler; // Priority must be set > 0 to trigger the interrupt. PLIC_set_priority(&g_plic, irq_num, prio); // Have to enable the interrupt both at the GPIO level, and at the PLIC level. PLIC_enable_interrupt(&g_plic, irq_num); } static void msi_interrupt_handler(){ hw_interrupt = false; } void wait_for_interrupt() { // wait until HW is done if(hw_interrupt) { do{ asm("wfi"); asm("nop"); }while(hw_interrupt); } hw_interrupt=true; } /*!\brief initializes platform * */ void platform_init(){ // UART init section TODO: clarify how to get the functions from init.c? GPIO_REG(GPIO_IOF_SEL) &= ~IOF0_UART0_MASK; GPIO_REG(GPIO_IOF_EN) |= IOF0_UART0_MASK; UART0_REG(UART_REG_TXCTRL) |= UART_TXEN; F_CPU=PRCI_measure_mcycle_freq(20, RTC_FREQ); printf("core freq at %d Hz\n", F_CPU); // initialie interupt & trap handling write_csr(mtvec, &trap_entry); PLIC_init(&g_plic, PLIC_CTRL_ADDR, PLIC_NUM_INTERRUPTS, PLIC_NUM_PRIORITIES, 0); // Disable the machine & timer interrupts until setup is done. clear_csr(mie, MIP_MEIP); clear_csr(mie, MIP_MTIP); for (auto& h:g_ext_interrupt_handlers) h=no_interrupt_handler; configure_irq(2, msi_interrupt_handler); // Enable interrupts in general. set_csr(mstatus, MSTATUS_MIE); // Enable the Machine-External bit in MIE set_csr(mie, MIP_MEIP); //hw_interrupt = false; } #endif /* SRC_INIT_H_ */