function(PrepareDocTarget) # Configure the doxygen config file with current settings: configure_file( ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/documentation-config.doxygen @ONLY) # Set the name of the target : "doc" if it doesn't already exist and "doc" if it does. # This way we make sure to have a single "doc" target. Either it is the one of the top directory or # it is the one of the subproject that we are compiling alone. set(DOC_TARGET_NAME "doc") if(TARGET doc) set(DOC_TARGET_NAME "doc${PROJECT_NAME}") endif() add_custom_target(${DOC_TARGET_NAME} ${TARGET_ALL} ${DOXYGEN_EXECUTABLE} ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/documentation-config.doxygen WORKING_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR} COMMENT "Generating API documentation using doxygen for ${PROJECT_NAME}" VERBATIM) set(INSTALL_DOC_DIR ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/doc/${PROJECT_NAME}/html) file(MAKE_DIRECTORY ${INSTALL_DOC_DIR}) # needed for install install(DIRECTORY ${INSTALL_DOC_DIR} DESTINATION share/${PROJECT_NAME}-${VERSION_MAJOR} COMPONENT doc) endfunction()