# JIT-ISS A versatile Just-in-time (JIT) compiling instruction set simulator (ISS) **JIT-ISS README** This is currently a proof of concept and work in progress, so use at your own risk. It is currently set-up as an Eclipse CDT project and based on LLVM. To build it you need latest LLVM and Eclipse CDT version 4.6 aka Neon. To build with SystemC the define WITH_SYSTEMC needs to be set. Then a simple proof-of-concept system is created. Mainly missing are platform peripherals and interrupt handling. It reaches about 5 MIPS in lock-step mode on a MacBook Pro (Core i7-4870HQ@2.5GHz) running in a Docker container. JIT-ISS uses libGIS (https://github.com/vsergeev/libGIS) as well as ELFIO (http://elfio.sourceforge.net/), both under MIT license **What's missing** * only AVR instruction set implemented but not verified **Planned features** * add platform peripherals * timers * gpio * ext interrupt registers and functionality * and more **Quick start** * you need to have a decent compiler, make and cmake installed * install LLVM 3.9 or 4.0 according to http://apt.llvm.org/ * download and install SystemC from http://accellera.org/downloads/standards/systemc * optionally download and install SystemC Verification Library (SCV) from Accelera into the same location * checkout source from git * start an out-of-source build like so (e.g. when using LLVM 3.9 and bash) ``` cd JIT-ISS mkdir build cd build LLVM_HOME=/usr/lib/llvm-3.9 cmake .. make ``` * if the SystemC installation is not to be found be cmake you can optionally specify the location by either setting the following environment variables pointing to the installation - SYSTEMC_HOME - SYSTEMC_PREFIX